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a comic about a worm on a string
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its unreal how all of my favorite characters have exactly the same traits and hobbies and diagnoses as me
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happy Thursday the 20th
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I mean i quite like my brain, i’m really very fond of it i just think it’s a design failure that i can’t pop it out of the ole skull basket every night and plug it in to recharge. travesty really
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its so funny to me that people on twitter n tiktok are like "ok but porns still banned on tumblr so at least we're better then them" as if they dont have to typ3 w0rd$ I1k3 th!$ to get around their censors
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If you’ve never lived in Florida, I don’t know if I can fully explain just how much of a stranglehold the Disney company has on life here. Every single political chess move that Disney makes has ripples that affect Florida’s average citizen.
The current shitshow tying together Disney, Don’t Say Gay, trans kids getting fucked over, and the financial shitshow between DeSantis and Disney World…is making me so goddamn tired. The housing crisis in Florida is horrific, and Disney has a direct hand in it. They have for years and years and years. Disney’s land development scams started the second Walt started buying up land around Kissimmee and they never stopped.
I keep seeing posts saying shit like “omg don’t personify Disney as the Mouse, say the names of the CEOs,” and as someone who was born & raised in Florida, I need y'all to understand that it’s not just a single dude, or even a handful of dudes. The entire fucking company permeates daily life in Florida and seeing that rat’s fucking face everywhere makes me want to burn Mickey in effigy.
The Mouse represents everything about Disney that makes living in Florida increasingly inaccessible to the poor. They could replace the entire Disney board of directors tomorrow and the Mouse would still be a symbol of everything Floridians are suffering under.
Also, personally, associating Mickey Mouse–an international symbol of Disney’s saccharine image–with the violence and brutality of Disney’s corporate greed? I think it’s a great idea. Let’s make it so that nobody can look at Disney’s literal logo without thinking “holy shit, violent crimes committed in the name of capitalism.”
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Hung out with a dude once who when he learned I can identify all the zodiac symbols on sight informed me he normally considered that a red flag, and there was no normal way to be like. Well first of all, you should respect astrology bitches more. But second of all it is a red flag because it indicates I've read Homestuck.
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this whole situation is very funny
credit to @cryptvokeeper for the idea!
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Hey yall, I wanted to make a PSA about this because it'll be useful to many of you in the United States. You might qualify for public assistance now, specifically because of rising food prices.
The federal poverty line, the biggest determining factor for public assistance, has been kept artificially low for decades because it was based on the outdated assumption that food was the primary expense for most American households. For decades now, shelter has been the larger expense, but the federal poverty limit has still been determined based on the prices of food commodities.
Because food prices have recently gone up, the federal poverty line has gone up significantly as well. This means if you were previously slightly over the income limit to qualify for public assistance such as food stamps or medicaid, you likely qualify now. I'd like to encourage everyone who thinks they might qualify to apply for these programs. The qualification cutoffs are still absurdly low, so please be assured that if you qualify for assistance, you're not taking something you don't need or deserve.
Please reblog this if you think your followers will find it useful. I haven't seen anyone talking about this, it's just something I noticed recently, so I want the info to become more public to help people who might be struggling.
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I turned on closed captions for the Swedish Chef and I just started weeping with laughter.
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You actually do need noble lineage to rightfully rule, but since lineage doesn’t dilute, and given the historic sexual tendencies of people in power wrt their servants, eventually noble lineage spread wide enough that everyone had it and that’s why democracy happened.
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my favourite adhd / general executive dysfunction feeling is when you become very consciously aware that you are bored and there is nothing interesting left on the 5 social media apps you’ve been cycling around for the past hour and finally a small logical part of your brain goes “hey! perhaps at this point it might actually be more fun to do one of the productive things you’ve been putting off!” and you’re this close to going oh huh yeah maybe that's true! and getting up to do some housework or read a book or something when a far louder part of your brain goes “NO WAIT!!!! maybe THIS time when we refresh tumblr.... it will be interesting again” and you’re like "ohhhh right sorry for doubting you boss" & promptly get right back to doing fuck all
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concept: a death god that is actually surprisingly supportive and on the side of the good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies that will lead to the kingdom growing and thriving instead of being destroyed, because the more the kingdom grows, the more people there are, and the more people there are the more people will eventually  die, and when you’re an immortal god of death, you know there’s no need to rush. you’ll get them all in the end
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The main thing I get from Dylan Hollis cooking old recipes is this:
Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are great, and I suspect it’s because they were made by someone with limited resources. But they found a way to make something good, maybe even something fantastic with those limited resources, and they wanted to write it down and share with their friends so that they could also make something out of saltines and potatoes. Recipes from the 1910s and the Great Depression are written down and shared in love.
The recipes you should fear come from the 1950s and 1960s, which I’m pretty sure are written down and shared as a form of McCarthyism.
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…………….y’all ready for Pesach?
Because this person certainly is!
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