bishop-files · 4 years
CASE FILE 01 - Victor McKracken
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Cause of Death: Harpoon to the chest
Place of Death: Eastern docks
Date of Death: June 13th, 1952
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
SSN: Unknown
ID: Unknown
Occupation: Boat captain/politician
Suspect found dead at eastern docks with harpoon lodged in chest cavity. 
Pixie-made drugs found on person, possibly planted. 
No weapons on body
Wallet still in pocket. 
Clear signs of personal motive.
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Name: Klaw Guild
Location: Central San Francisco
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Notable events/ jobs:
Mishandling/losing a $12,000 shipment of angel dust
The misplacement of the lindbergh baby
Accidental exposing of Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
Used to own a laundromat that was put out of business after ruining cal harpoons favorite suit
Selling of cigars and fake rolex watches
Selling Vic McKracken a faulty gun
Hired during the Dark Fang Disciples vs. Cold Blood war to fight against DFD (Were never paid by Cold Bloods)
Brutally decimated during the Massacre at Golden Gate Park during war
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Name: Mountain King Industries
Location: Mountain King District, east coast of San Francisco
Leader: Grumple Brucke
Rivalries: None
Alliances: sporadic and changing alliances, none fully confirmed, interpreted as neutral
Primary Activities: Illegal trade, money laundering, cover up jobs.
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Name: The Pixies
Leader Name: Aengel Dust
Details: Drug gang
The Pixies was created by Aebrum Atticus Dust in the 1880s. It began as a small drug business in South San Fran, Mission to be exact. Aebrum was married to Agatha Lotus, step sister to a member of the Steeds of Hell. They had a child Atticus Jr. In the 1900’s, Aebrum decided to hand down his business to Atticus Jr. but he refused it. He told his father that neither him or his family will be part of it. Fast forwarding to 1920 when twins Aengel and Aegus were born. Though being twins, Aengal was very different from her brother. She was ahead of him each time. On her 18th birthday, she received her mythical abilities and her grandfather’s journals where he spoke of the Pixies. Aengel anxious about the gang, decided to keep the legacy going. Now 30 years old, she is the leader of Pixies, she used her mother’s family connection to build an alliance with the Steeds of Hell and build up the drug business. She took over her grandfather’s jazz club - The Lotus Café and used it as a front for her business. Her brother is in charge of product movement. Today, it is populated by hundreds of pixies in South Fran and Steeds of Hell members, amount of drug supply increase by the day.
Drug manufacturing (Pixie dust, wolfsbane, potions, garlic, silver, & more)
Alliances: Steeds of Hell
Brother/In charge of product movement - Aengus Dust
Right hand - Nissie Lir
Jazz Club front-man - Aoife Ritalin
Bodyguard - Morphinét Rune (Trained assassin)
Dark Fang Disciples (DFD)
DFD forbid drug deals/sales in specific territories, led to Blood Dust December - a month long war between gangs
War ended in Compromise of Cataclysms, allowing DFD to take territory from Corona Heights to Twin Peaks
Cold Bloods
Pixies proposed a business deal with Cold Bloods but they declined.
Pixies wanted to use C.B. prostitutes to move and sell drugs for them but deal fell through when declined and ended in bloodshed rivalry between gangs
Locations: South San Francisco
Showplace Square
Civic Center
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Name: Cold Bloods
Primary Location: 22 Fort Mason Drive
Other Locations: 
Alta plaza (Border house, deals with other gangs occur here)
Octagon House (Brothel HQ)
Fort Mason (HQ of Astor)
Union Street Shops (Sewertown)
Marina Green (Docks/Storage)
Aquatic Park (Premier Jazz club)
Gang Leader: Astor Crumpton III
Primary Activities: 
Runs the Sewertown, which is the local flea market acting as a cover for the underground black market
The go-to group that traffics human/monster resources across the city.
Their brutish exterior, cold blood and built-in night vision allow them ease of access for traveling through dark tunnels, cold and damp places and through the water with ease.
Leads the city in prostitution rings, they are best known for driving escorts to their destination in dark-colored cars with tinted windows and to wait there for the prostitute to come back out. If they’re not done in the allotted time, the driver will enter the apartment/house and demand more cash, if cash is not given they are beaten up and the prostitute is returned to the car for the next destination. Surprisingly they treat the prostitutes very nicely and protect them from harm. If a customer even bruises the girl, the payer is in for a beating.
Known to be in alliance with the Klaw Gang, both guilds have the shorter end of the stick land wise and have been forced to work with each other. They hired Klaw Gang to help capture the humans since their human forms allowed them to easily be among human to abduct.
Rivalry with Pixies began when they requested to use Cold Blood escorts to sell drugs under their network, C.B.’s declined not wanting to get involved until a skirmish broke out on Crow Hollow starting a bloody gang war.
General Dislike of Dark Fang Disciples, when asked about them, Jazk replies, “Yeah we just dont really like them.”
In reality, C.B. kidnapped a girl who some of the henchmen thought were a prospective prostitute, turns out the girl’s father was high in the ranks of D.F.D
Astor Crumpton III:
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bishop-files · 4 years
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NAME: Steeds of Hell
LOCATION: the Northeast section of San Francisco
GANG LEADER: Jacamo Demandis
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES: Selling/transportation of drugs, excessive drinking & driving, always looking for a good time.
The Pixies
Smuggler’s Den, a bar on the upper Eastside of San Francisco. A few of the gang members (including Jacamo) perform at Smuggler’s in a jazz cover band on weeknights.
The Pixies
The Steeds work undercover with the Pixies in their distribution of drugs. The Pixies are the manufacturers, and the Steeds are the distribution.
In their alliance, the two collectively occupy ⅓ of the city, as well as making daily rounds throughout the entire city for distribution. They know everyone around town, making them your classic townies.
DETAILS: Centaur biker gang (half man, half motorcycle)
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Name: Dark Fang Disciples (DFD)
Location: East Side of San Francisco from Corona Heights to the Pacific coast all the way to North of Presidio
Gang Leader: Cal Harpoon (image above)
Primary Activities: Whaling, procuring illicit goods, murder, extortion
Notable Associates: 
Nom Took (Mayoral nominee)* see personal file below
Ditzy Glammor (under-boss from Golden Gate Park to Sunset)
3 caporegimes 
Gabbo Lester (under-boss from Sea Cliff to Laurel Heights)
3 caporegimes
Nino “Slurpee” Cambria (under-boss from Presidio to Presidio Heights)
2 caporegimes
Infestus “Bugsy” Santorio (under-boss from Richmond to Jordan Park)
2 caporegimes
Rivalries and Alliances: 
Mt. King Industries
Money laundering and covering up illegal activities
Location of their respective territories surround the other gangs
Restricting further conflicts from other gangs
Cold Bloods
Overall prejudice against each other
Kidnapping of Gabbo Lester’s daughter led to all out war
Klaw Guild
Hired during the DFD vs. CB war to fight against DFD
Brutally decimated during the Massacre at Golden Gate Park (reinforcements never came & KG were never paid for their contributions)
Forbidden drug deals and sales in specific territories
Led to Blood Dust December (month long war)
Ended up in the Compromise of Cataclysms
Allowing DFD to take territory from Corona Heights to Twin Peaks
Steeds of Hell
Imposed strict restrictions on trafficking after Blood Dust December
Control gas prices for motorcycles
The Fiddling Fang is one of the DFD’s most popular venues run by Bugsy
Jazz Club in Richmond
Also known as one of the main money laundering and fronts for illegal activities
In contradiction to popular belief, sunlight does not instantaneously kill vampires
Instead, it highly ages and dehydrates them and over exposure can cause long term health damage
Garlic proves to be an effective way to kill the seemingly immortal beings
Wooden stakes through the neck, severing the jugular
Pixie blood is also proven to be lethal to the DFD
The reasons are still unknown
Due to laws against killing humans for food the DFD uses whale blubber as it’s primary source of food
There are still cases of vampires killing other beings for blood but there are few and far removed cases
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bishop-files · 4 years
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Map of the City
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