bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ NSFW Friday–Trope: Forbidden Love; Dialogue: “That’s open for discussion.” – Whomp whomp a whole week late but who is surprised. All my other fic were on time lol.
Forbidden love! Vampires, werewolves, and witches have natural distrust of each other. So obviously Steve, Bucky, and Tony ignore this so they can fuck. Tony has been using his magic to keep up with his secret boyfriends and they are delighted by the fact that he’s actually way more sensitive when he isn’t hiding behind his magic. Look out for under the cut! – It was a full moon—the worst type of night to be out unless one was a werewolf. Too bright for the sun-sensitive eyes of vampires, too dark for witches to use spells without being seen. A werewolf’s best night, golden eyes wide and watching, wet nose twitching, sensitive ears catching rabbit-fast pulses.
“You know, if you two weren’t such a pretty picture, I’d get irritated about you comin’ into my territory when I’m at my meanest,” Bucky drawled.
Steve hummed from where he was lying on a checkered blanket, pulling one hand from behind his head to reach down and slap Tony’s bare ass. “You sure it isn’t this keeping you from getting irritated?”
“Maybe,” Bucky allowed as Tony grunted in offense. His nose twitched as he sniffed the air. It smelled fruity. Strawberries, maybe? The scent was concentrated in both the picnic basket beside the blanket and between Tony’s legs. He licked his lips. Perhaps he could lick that flavored lube out of him.
They really were an unexpectedly pretty picture. Steve, all pale skin and red lips, carefully coiled power and a hint of sharp teeth when his lips curled up into a smirk. Tony, tan and compact, smelling of magic that could only at best be described as electric. Both of them lying out relaxed and satisfied in his territory, as if they knew they were safe there, despite Bucky having scared off or hunted down more dangerous foes.
“Is this for me?” Bucky finally asked, outright, because witches and vampires were known for being clever and turning things back on people, so all he had to his advantage was earnestness and the full moon. He reached out and squeezed Tony’s right cheek, just barely digging his claws in, just so they couldn’t tease him by pretending they didn’t know what he was talking about.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
It's Bucky's own fault, he knows this. He's the one who took a step back from whatever was happening between him and Tony. Cited all the reasons it would be terrible for them to go down that lane. And when Tony, sweet, genius Tony had countered all his reasons with perfectly sensible arguments—he'd chosen to be cold, harsh, and unyielding like the streets he'd been raised in.
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest I kind of picked whatever prompts I liked for one of the free days and smashed them together like a sandwich. Enjoy this dystopian world AU, where Omega Tony is making Alpha Bucky jealous!
SFW Sunday Trope: Omegaverse Kink: Dancing Dialogue:“It’s important that I listen to this.” Pairing: Winteriron
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​
NSFW Thursday–Kink: Fuck-or-die/Sex Pollen
I’ve always wanted to write this kink/trope but always felt a little weird about it. This time I decided to throw that unsureness out the window and just write! It’s omega/omega stony. One day when they’re not in peril, I’ll get to write Tony taking care of Steve properly. Unfortunately it just didn’t seem to fit for this plot. Anyway the Avengers’ mail gets mixed up a lot and most people just assume medicine is for Tony as the squishiest member of the team. Look out for under the cut!
Captain America being an omega had been one of the military’s best kept secrets. Even Howard had never mentioned it, though whether that was keep Steve’s privacy or to hold Tony to impossibly high standards was anyone’s guess. Tony had been shocked when he’d found a prescription for heat suppressants in his mail that had Steve’s name on it. Steve had shrugged it off with a slightly embarrassed ‘at this point, it just seems like a hassle to come out.’ Tony had said he’d always be willing to help if Steve ever wanted to set the record straight and then promptly forgotten about it, because it wasn’t his business.
He hadn’t thought about what would happen if one of their enemies decided they wanted a super soldier, genius baby, though. On one hand, they weren’t going to have an infant to steal from anyone’s womb. On the other, Steve looked like he was about to tear his hair out with stress and anxiety. ‘I haven’t had an unmedicated heat since the war,’ he’d said, frantic, nails biting into his own skin, and Tony knew that an unmedicated heat wouldn’t kill him, but he might seriously hurt himself from terror. He just had to get to him before Hydra came back with ‘suitable’ alphas, because apparently if their combined kid wasn’t in the cards, a baby from each of them was a good backup.
“It’s okay, Steve,” Tony promised, fingers shaking where he was desperately trying to rewire the lock on the door separating them. “I’ll come in and we can work this aphrodisiac off together.”
“Okay,” Steve said, voice shaking. He swallowed thickly. “Okay. Hurry? I feel like I’m gonna crawl out of my skin.”
Tony sucked in a shuddering breath, trying to force his hands to cooperate. “I’m trying.”
“I know,” Steve said quickly, apologetic. “I know you are.”
Tony dropped the makeshift screwdriver he’d cobbled together and sucked in another breath, taking a moment to press his palms to his eyes to try and calm down. He needed to concentrate. He needed to get to Steve. He needed—
“I’ve got it,” Steve suddenly said, voice firm, and Tony pulled his hands away from his eyes just in time to watch Steve simply grab the bars of the door and yank it from its hinges.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ NSFW Wednesday–Kink: Mental/Psychic Sex – I struggled so long with these prompts and this is what I finally came up with. Not necessarily pleased with it, but it’s what we’ve got, smut fam. Look out for under the cut! – Tony could feel phantom hands on his hips and sighed quietly. Not sure how I feel about this when this happened against our will.
I just think, if this is how things are going to be until we land, we should take advantage of it, Bucky said from where he was, locked in his own room on the alien vessel they’d been boarded to be taken to an ambassador’s meeting.
Or he
 thought from where he was. Tony was studiously not thinking about that aspect. He was already upset to have had a sort of mating spell cast on them (it wasn’t magic, it was alien, but it was biological and not technological, and Bucky had immediately distracted him so he couldn’t really give it his full attention anyway). Now they were stuck, quarantining until they arrived on-planet and could have it reversed by alien doctors.
Bucky was only upset that this meant they were separated. Hell, that was what had started all of this—he’d been making noises about them being partners and so needed their own room(he’d had grand plans for their ‘vacation’), and their hosts had seen they hadn’t had ‘the right bond’ for such a thing, so had simply performed a ritual to give it to them. Now they were separated because it had been hinted that if they actually consummated the bond, it would simply never go away, and no one on the team really trusted them to keep their hands to themselves in close quarters. They really shouldn’t have worried, though, because neither of them had wanted the other in their heads permanently, for reasons that everyone agreed on.
It didn’t stop Bucky from using it to his full advantage in the meantime, though, making Tony’s body quake and shiver under the thought of what he wanted to do to him.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ NSFW Tuesday–Kink: Bruising; Dialogue: “He’s spoiled rotten.” – You guys remember that idea with mob bosses Steve and Bucky and twink Tony? Well, guess who’s back. These assholes. Rest assured that Tony deserves this and more. Look out for under the cut! – Bucky hummed quietly, toeing his boots off. “How’s our boy?”
“He called me a lout and told me where to shove my sketchbook,” Steve replied, not looking up from said sketchbook.
“A lout?” Bucky repeated in disbelief, then couldn’t help a chuckle. “Well, at least we can say he’s creative.” He walked over to the bed, where Tony lay trembling on his side, back to him. His hands were tied behind his back with Steve’s tie, and his ankles were bound by leather cuffs, hooked together with a carabiner that gave him just enough slack to squirm. There was also a vibrator cheerfully buzzing in his wet hole. He leaned down to give a little nip to each cheek, just to watch Tony’s hips jerk uselessly to try and escape, before he stood back up. “Have you learned anything, naughty boy?” He reached out to curl his fingers over Tony’s hip, placing them along the bruises that Steve had apparently left earlier, and pulled him onto his back.
“Buck,” Tony gasped, breath shaky, eyes big and wet.
“Uh oh,” Bucky said, amused. “How long has our mean old boss kept you like this?”
Steve lifted head to glare at him, offended. “Mean old boss? He’s spoiled rotten. If he wasn’t our boy, he’d have a worse punishment.”
Bucky hummed again, hand drifting up from Tony’s hip to thumb at his right nipple, making him shudder and gasp. “Yeah,” he agreed after some thought. “Can I fuck him? Still a little mad about him deepthroating that popsicle at the club.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
Hi! When I uploaded my fic “Delectable” to AO3 yesterday, I put that I wanted it added to the AO3 collection. Is there anything else that needs to be done on my end? Thank you for putting on such a fun event! 🍑🧡
Hello! Nope, all that was left was for me to approve the request, which I have done this morning. Thank you for participating!
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ NSFW Monday–Trope: Omegaverse; Dialogue: “That’s a whole-ass meal.” – This is so dumb. I didn’t do this pairing justice, except that they’re all sassy little shits. Someday I’ll give them the raunchy, filthy sex they deserve. It’s only six hundred words so not under the cut, but will be tagged long post. – Steve couldn’t help a growl as soon as he walked into the penthouse. It smelled like slick, and sweat, and maybe a little lube. It smelled like heat.
“Did you guys sync up?” he called out, dropping his pack just inside the door. He heard nothing but faint giggling from the bedroom, so he continued, “Am I gonna see my sweet omegas pawing each other when I walk in?”
“‘Pawing,’” he heard someone repeat in amusement as he approached the door.
Steve pushed it open, stopping only to take in the view, Sam pinned under Tony, hips rocking together as Tony fucked into him with soft, wet sounds. Tony had his mouth on Sam’s bonding gland, and Sam had bitten Tony’s ear lobe and was tugging on it the way Tony liked. He also had three fingers buried in Tony’s ass, fucking them in and out in time with Tony’s thrusting hips. “Thought your heat wasn’t for a few more days, or I wouldn’t have left for that mission,” he added belatedly.
“It struck a little early,” Tony replied, amused. “It usually fluctuates as two omegas’ heats sync up.”
“’sides,” Sam added, reaching his other hand around to give Tony’s ass a slap. “We’ve got it covered.”
“I see,” Steve agreed, crossing his arms and leaning his shoulder against the door jamb. “So neither of you would like a nice fat knot to sit on.”
Tony jerked his head up. “Now let’s not be hasty—”
“You’re so predictable,” Sam laughed, reaching back to grab Tony’s ass and pull his cheeks apart, so Steve got a great view of how slick and open he was. They must have been taking turns fucking each other. “As if Steve would be able to walk away from this.”
“That’s a whole-ass meal. I’d be an idiot to walk away,” Steve said.
Tony somehow managed to wiggle his hips in a way that did wonderful things for his ass and thighs and make Sam let out a squeaky noise of surprise as he clenched his thighs tighter around Tony’s waist. “Get to it, soldier.”
“I can’t believe you made me come while you were being sassy,” Sam hissed, glaring at him, even though he also looked somewhat impressed. “I am going to make your fucking eyes cross when it’s my turn to fuck you again.”
Steve rolled his eyes, unable to help the fond smile that came to his lips as he approached the bickering omegas. “Should I just leave you two to it?”
“No, you’re here now. Do something,” Sam ordered. “I’m going to enjoy my afterglow.”
Tony preened, looking mighty proud of himself. Steve leaned down to sink his teeth into Tony’s ass where Sam had slapped it earlier, before he could crow with glee at getting him off.
“OW FUCK,” Tony shouted, jerking his hips forward to get away from him. Sam made a choked off noise, hands coming up to dig his fingers into Tony’s shoulders as he shuddered with oversensitivity.
Steve knew they’d both attempt to murder him for it, so he said, “I’m gonna wash the battle grime off and then I’ll be right back,” and then he booked it for the bathroom as Sam and Tony howled after him in fury.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
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Delectable by purpleicedteas. Rated E. 1.1k.
Tony had known Steve’s rut was likely coming soon. Last night, Steve had started to have that slightly musky tilt to his smell, but nothing overtly obvious. Tony figured he had at least forty-eight hours.
That was, until moments ago, when Steve had barged into Tony’s office, locked the door behind him, picked Tony up from where he had been standing by the bookcase, and threw him on the old mahogany desk, items flying everywhere.
Prompt: Monday (January 23rd) · Trope: Omegaverse · Kink: Dirty Talk · Dialogue: “That’s a whole-ass meal.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
I'm on an omegaverse kick right now so when I saw one for @bitetonysassfest I had to do it. I'm still relativley new to writing NSFW so that part probably isn't the best but thankfully it's only a small part.
NSFW(ish) 1/23:
Trope: omegaverse
Kink: Dirty talk (I'm still debating if this one actually fits in)
Dialouge: "That's a whole-ass meal."
To be fair, Bucky hasn't seen Tony in those tight-fitting slacks he likes to wear during important business negotiations until today. Their omega claims he has better luck when wearing them. (Steve thinks what really happens is those perverted businessmen and women get distracted by Tony's ass and Pepper likes when those distractions lead to better deals for Stark Industries.) Steve also knows the other alpha is only one who understands Steve's appreciation for Tony's delicious booty.
So when Bucky got his first look of said ass in those slacks you really couldn't blame Steve for his reaction. I mean honestly why was Bucky even drinking water when their omega looked like a snack.
"Steve that ass is no snack," Bucky said in the loudest whisper Steve has ever heard in his life. "It's a whole-ass meal!"
Steve smiled that perverted smile only his mates got to see. "I say we go feast then."
"Okay," Tony muttered to himself. His AI glasses on, going over important notes before the meeting. "If we can get the board to agree then that would open the gates for Stark In- what the fuck!"
Tony looked down to see his two mates on either side of him, both of them had one cheek in their mouths. Whatever was not in their mouths their hands held.
"You heathens!" Tony exclaimed. Grabbing the first thing he could reach, Steve's mission reports, he began to wack them both. "I have a meeting!"
"Oh, come on Doll, you can be a few minutes late," Bucky said, breaking out the Brooklyn accent.
Steve nodded, his eyes never going up above Tony's belt. "Yeah, why don't we have breakfast first. You'll need it to keep up your strength."
Tony felt slick start to leak and damn super soliders and their damn Brooklyn accents they know Tony is weak for! Pepper will kill all three of them if he's late again. Wacking them wasn't doing anything as they both still reached for him, so he'll have to distract them. Fine then let's see how they like it. Snatching both of their wrists, Steve's left and Bucky's right, Tony shoved their fingers in as far as they would go and bit.
They pulled but Tony bit harder, making sure he's gonna leave a mark even with their stupid healing factor.
Once satisfied Tony raced out the door, jacket in hand.
What did you two do to him?! He smells like pheromones!
Pepper sent that text along with a picture of Tony's ass, which now sported two wet spots from where Steve and Bucky bit.
Bucky moaned looking at the picture. "Stevie it's not fair! How come those old lechers get to ogle our omega while we get wacked with your stupidly detailed mission reports!"
Steve ignored him while he stared down at the hand Tony bit. Half a bite mark was displayed. Half of Tony's mark was on him. Steve glanced down at Bucky's right hand, where the other half was. An idea half forming in his head.
"Friday can you enlarge this picture on the ceiling?" Steve asked the AI.
"Yes Captian Rodgers," the AI responded.
Bucky looked confused as Steve laid him back and then himself. "Steve not that I don't appreciate the view but what are we doing?"
"Tony bit both of us."
Bucky only raised an eyebrow. "Yeah cause he's our feral gremlin disguised as an omega."
"His mouth is imprinted on both of us from that bite," Steve continued, laying the the bite marked hand on Bucky's crotch. Taking Bucky's hand Steve laid on his own. "His mouth can take both of us."
Steve squeezed and Bucky moaned at the thought. Double filling Tony has been a fantasy for both alphas knowing Tony would be a drooling mess, but neither could ever get the courage to ask him about it.
"He start by kissing the tips."
Bucky began to picture it. Tony, the tease that he is, would give them both butterfly kisses before licking them like a popsicle.
"Slowly he'll take us in his mouth, but we won't fit all the way. Not with both of us."
Despite being a size queen even Tony wouldn't be able to fit both his mates huge dicks fully in his mouth. That's okay though, his talented hands can take over where his mouth can't.
"Bobbing his head up and down, maybe he'll graze us with his teeth."
Bucky moaned. He always did like friction a light touch of teeth gave.
"Sucking and squeezing. He doesn't notice our knots. Should we knot his sassy little mouth."
"Yes, fuck!" Bucky cursed as he felt his release. His hand was covered with Steve's cum.
Steve chuckled from his side of the bed. His own hand perfectly clean.
That's when Bucky noticed how sticky he was.
"What the fuck Steve!" Bucky cursed.
At some point Steve had taken off his pants but denied Bucky to do the same. Now it was like Bucky was a teenager again.
Steve laughed at Bucky's threats, checking his phone for the notification that just came through.
Actually, whatever you did today do it again on the 15th. We have a meeting with those stubborn fools from the Departments of Energy and Human Services that day.
For today's payment I got Tony to change into his red lace thong under his pants. He will be there soon.
"Bucky we're getting dinner and dessert when Tony gets home."
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ NSFW Sunday–Kink: BDSM; Dialogue: “Don’t talk with your mouth full.” – I usually make Steve the Dom so this time I thought I’d make Tony the Dom. Steve has been especially good so he gets a treat, but rest assured, Tony is still in charge. <3 Watch out for under the cut! – Steve had earned a treat.
Steve tried not to squirm too much, even though all he really wanted was to jump up and cheer. Tony was fast and loose with his praise, and he rewarded Steve for good behavior plenty.
But treats? They were handed out rarely.
Steve took a deep breath and closed his eyes, smoothing his hands from fists to flat palms on his thighs. He was going to be good. He was going to show Tony that he deserved this treat and be calm and quiet as he waited for him to finish getting dolled up. He would be good for Tony.
Steve heard Tony’s feet padding toward the door to their walk-in closet and couldn’t help the way his eyes snapped open in response, wanting to see as much as possible so he could sketch it later.
“Oh,” Tony said, coming to a surprised stop in the doorway, and then rolled his eyes fondly. “I don’t know why I’m always shocked you’re watching for me to come out. Well? What do you think?” He stepped out of the closet the rest of the way and spread his arms, turning in a slow circle to show off the piece he’d chosen.
Steve felt saliva flood his mouth immediately. Tony was wearing one of his favorites, an opaque black bodystocking with long sleeves, a scooping neckline, and halter straps that drew his eyes from the neckline up to his vulnerable throat. There were straps crisscrossing over his torso. The best part, though, was the open crotch and strappy open back forming a heart around his cheeks. He wouldn’t have to worry about snagging lace or snapping clasps. Belatedly, he remembered that Tony had asked him a question, and he blurted out, “Beautiful.”
“So beautiful you’re itching to get your hands on your sketchbook?” Tony teased, apparently more amused than upset by his silence as he greedily took in his outfit. “Or itching to get your hands on me?”
“Yeah,” Steve said, eyes roving over him hungrily.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ SFW Saturday–Trope: Magical/Fantasy; Dialogue: “I can’t stay long.” – Steve hears rumors that Obadiah is going to kill Tony for his power and he knows Tony won’t believe him without proof, but he’s afraid he’ll be killed in the meantime. So he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. Look out for under the cut! – “You’re late,” Tony said as soon as he felt the boundaries he’d set up begin to send tingles up and down his spine, voice accusing. “I’ve been waiting for hours.”
There was no answer for a long moment, so long that Tony considered lighting the clearing with a ball of magic. Finally, though, a pair of red eyes blinked at him from between the shadows of the trees. “Invite me in, sweetheart.”
Tony bit his bottom lip, hand coming up to grasp the glowing blue pendant hanging from his neck. He stroked his thumb over the gem, considering making him wait as long as he himself had had to wait, but in the end, he was always impatient. “Come to me, Steve.”
Steve appeared in front of him between one breath and the next, and Tony bit back the unease it always set in him. Steve lifted a hand to cup his cheek, thought better of it, and simply ran the backs of his cool fingers over his cheek instead. “As beautiful as ever.”
Tony turned his head away, even though he missed the feeling of his touch as soon as it was gone. “I’ve been waiting for hours,” he grumbled, instead of ‘thank you’ or ‘you too.’
Steve took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “And I can’t stay long.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ SFW Friday–Trope: Accidental Marriage; Dialogue: “You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.” – Steve isn’t a virgin but he does think there should be more of a connection than “accidentally proposed.” I like to believe that Tony only pretends he isn’t a virgin to Steve even though he totally is because his parents have been watching like hawks to get him married and he didn’t want them to think he liked anyone enough to get married. Watch out for under the cut! – “What do you mean your people expect evidence of our consummation?” Steve hissed, appalled. “That’s gross. Your people are gross.”
Tony huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at him. “It’s just for royalty, so there’s proof that there will eventually be an heir.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open in outrage. He couldn’t speak for a moment. Tony had said it so matter-of-factly, as if it was normal. Finally, he said, “That’s worse. You can see how that’s worse, right?”
“It’s not like anyone’s coming into the room to watch us,” Tony reasoned.
Steve clasped his hands in front of his face, staring at him, then let them drop back to his sides with a sigh. “You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.”
“You’re the one who flared his wings at me,” Tony began, glare growing more venomous.
Steve sucked in a sharp breath to bite back telling him it was a threat display. His mother had sent him to make allies of the Starks. ‘Do everything you can to get them on our side so that we can be a united front against Hydra,’ she’d said. ‘Do not threaten them in any way. They’re pettier than we are, and we need them, Steven.’ Steve was a hothead, but even he could recognize that Maria and Howard Stark chattering excitedly (about someone finally being brave enough to expose the inside of their wings to their unpredictable son, Steve had learned later on) was a bubble he shouldn’t burst to explain ‘actually I was threatening him.’
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ SFW Thursday–Trope: Fake Dating; Kink: Lingerie/Panties; Dialogue: “I’m proving you wrong.” – Omega/Omega lingerie model Stony! They’re fake dating to keep alphas off Tony’s back but rest assured, that unresolved sexual tension that’s been simmering over the months is gonna get resolved so athletically that both Steve and Tony are going to be staring up at the ceiling, absolutely stunned, and then start dating for real. Look out for under the cut! – “I just think, if you really wanted Hammer and Killian off your back,” Steve began, lounging in his chair and fiddling with a brow pencil.
Tony sighed, not turning away from delicately placing a set of fake eyelashes on. “Steve, I don’t want to fight about this again.”
“Well maybe they’d leave you alone if I just punched them,” Steve grumbled.
“I doubt they’d leave me alone if an alpha punched a bonding knot into me right in front of them,” Tony groused. “Shut up. I’m trying to concentrate.”
Steve sighed and sat up so he could lean his elbow on the makeup table and put his chin on his hand, frowning at him. “Do you really need all that stuff?”
Tony slanted him a disapproving frown. “You can get away with not dolling yourself up. You’re supposed to appeal to the more masculine omegas who want to get dolled up. So unfair,” he added to himself as he looked back into the mirror. “With tits like that, you’d think they’d lean into bra and panty sets for you.”
“I hate when you call them that,” Steve reminded without heat, reaching out to grab one of the pots of eyeshadow to look in it. “And people like seeing me in longer lingerie. Something about how it accentuates my torso.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​ SFW Wednesday–Trope: Wing Fic; Kink: Dancing (Dirty or otherwise) – Wing fic! Winteriron! Not mentioned because Tony is exhausted, but Bucky’s a blue jay and Tony is obsessed with his feathers. Bucky takes shameless advantage of it. Look out for under the cut! – Tony was still wearing his makeup when he finally dragged himself home.
“Long day?” Bucky asked sympathetically as Tony dropped his heels just inside the door, not even bothering to try to put them in the shoe stand. He looked so exhausted that Bucky was already taking out his phone to text Steve not to give Tony a hard time about his things still being packed and glitter around the sink.
Tony limped over to him, dropping his bag on the coffee table. He started to slide onto Bucky’s lap and gave up halfway, falling the rest of the distance with a quiet ‘whumph.’ “Bachelorette,” he sighed. He lifted a hand to rub at the corner of his right eye, smearing the gold eye shadow to scratch around the sparkling green gems glued onto his skin. “They liked my pretty fan,” he added, in a way that he was obviously quoting someone.
Bucky could read between the lines. He’d obviously been kept on his feet all night by a punch of tittering birds. Great for his wallet, not so great for his body. “You’ve gotta eat something if you wanna go to bed,” he warned. “You’re not taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach again.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​​ SFW Tuesday–Trope: First Responders; Dialogue: “I thought you were nice.” – I went with some ironwidowshield! Steve and Natasha know they’re all dating and Tony is their boyfriend, if only someone would please tell Tony that lmao. Look out for under the cut! – Tony rolled over onto his back, then let out a hiss and rolled back over onto his side. “Ow.”
“Not sorry,” Natasha said, radiating smugness even as she leaned toward the mirror and gently touched the bruise that had swollen purple and blue under her left eye. “Damn, you really got me yesterday.”
“Sorry,” Tony mumbled, wincing as he remembered accidentally elbowing her in his panic the day before. He sucked in a few deep breaths, then clenched his hands into fists. “I’m trying again.”
Natasha turned, putting a hand on her hip. “I don’t know why. You look good like that. Wish Steve was here to sketch you.”
“Stop being mean to me,” Tony huffed, then rolled over onto his back again. He let out a wounded noise in the back of his throat, but he stayed where he was. “Ow.”
“Not sorry,” Natasha repeated, this time sternness hardening her tone. “Getting kind of tired being called out to our own address.”
Tony winced again. In his defense, it hadn’t been his fault this time, but that probably didn’t make it any easier for anyone at the firehouse, especially his maybe-girlfriend and maybe-boyfriend. “Sorry,” he said again, then braced his elbows against the bed. “Okay I’m sitting up. I might cry.”
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest SFW Monday–Kink: Outdoors
Today I did winteriron! Look out for under the cut!
“This really is unfair,” Bucky groused, hefting Tony further up his back.
Tony curled his arms tighter around his neck in lieu of the benefit of Bucky seeing his scowl. “Listen, I said if I got too heavy, you could put me down.”
Bucky tipped his head to glance at him in confusion, then scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m not saying you’re heavy.”
“I am,” Tony muttered, just a little petulantly.
“You’re not,” Bucky told him, stern. He let out a puff of breath as he backtracked up the path he’d taken when he found he’d come to a steep drop-off. “I mean, it’s not fair that we’re finally alone, and we can’t even do anything about it!”
“We’re only alone because we were kidnapped by Hydra,” Tony reminded him, more waspishly than he’d originally intended. He immediately felt guilty, because he hadn’t really meant it. He was injured, and Bucky was doing a very kind thing, carrying him with him instead of leaving him behind to scout around. He pressed his face into the back of Bucky’s neck at the reminder that he could be out here alone, cold and jumping at any sound because it could be Hydra, but instead Bucky had insisted on carrying him along with him, even if it did mean twice as much work. “I’m sorry. I know you know that.”
Bucky said nothing, instead focusing all of his attention on putting one foot in front of the other. The snow had melted at one point and frozen again, so it was slick and slippery, and he wasn’t taking a chance that they’d fall down the cliff he’d barely missed walking off of. He could smell the crispness of oncoming snow in the air, the tang of iron that meant Tony wasn’t quite as okay as he’d insisted, the scent of burning jet fuel on the wind still. They hadn’t made it very far from the wreckage, despite him having carefully trekked for hours. Tony was leeching all of his precious warmth. He could feel him shivering. He needed to get Tony out of the cold.
“I’m sorry,” Tony said again, under his breath, when Bucky didn’t answer.
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bitetonysassfest · 2 years
This is a fill for @bitetonysassfest​
SFW Sunday–Kink: Food
Welcome to the first day of Bite Tony’s 🍑 Fest! đŸ„ł For this day, I chose Steve/Tony for the pairing. Look out for under the cut!
Steve had taken to sketching a lot of fruit lately.
Tony didn’t think about it too much, other than ‘Steve usually likes to vary his art studies.’ It wasn’t too uncommon, really. Sometimes Steve got into moods where he wanted to be perfect at something. Personally, Tony thought all of Steve’s works were perfect already, but he could admit he wasn’t an artist, at least not in the same way Steve was. Clearly, Steve saw something that he needed to improve on.
There were a lot of peaches. Tony wondered if it was the fuzz, or how easily they bruised that got him so interested, the way their shapes were so easily changed with just the press of a finger. He’d never really thought that Steve
 liked fruit that much. He’d eat them sometimes, but mostly he went for stuff dense with protein and carbs, things that would fill him up and keep him full. Not that he’d ever met an ‘empty’ calorie in his life, of course.
“These are going to go bad if you won’t let anyone eat them,” Tony finally warned him. Steve had bought the peaches for his latest still life a week ago. He could smell them as soon as he walked off the elevator, before he even got to the kitchen. He walked over to pour himself a cup of coffee. “Soon they’ll be mushy.”
“I’ll freeze them and put them in my protein smoothies,” Steve said with a shrug, not looking up from his sketchbook.
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