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I find it hard to be myself     I shed my skin for everybody else        You don’t know me, what the fuck you mean?              You made me sad and you made me mean                   And now I’m mad, I feel unclean                        ‘Cause I’m a bitter fuck
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“ you are hardly worth as much. ” at least he stopped vomitting atrocities for now. “ silence or not. ”
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“but you were talkin about paying me to shut up before weren’t you?” there’s a snort as he rocks back on his heels. “i could sing you a real nice song though, make you take that back. make you willin’ to pay me 5 mil instead. i mean, man, you could buy my silence forever, isn’t that worth it considerin’ i could be sittin’ here singin’ about how much a cunt you are.” “call it eliduh bitchski.”
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“i won’t shut up for any less than a milly, dude.”
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“one million,” uke strum, “up front little man.”
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😍 Heart eyes mothafucka 😍
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There was so much going on in this video I’m
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“I am irate.”
@tumultus | 2 Lazy To Look 4 Meme
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“Y’don’t say?” This is what he got for popping a squat and asking why the chick-droid in front of him was pacing a ditch in the asphalt. “Someone stand you up or somethin’?”Damien snorted, this lady looked ready to pop a goddamn vessel if that were even possible for these things. After a moment, he shoved his hand in the bag at his feet, soon withdrawing a box. Setting his lunch aside, he pushed the box open and held it out. “Here. Take some’a these an toss ‘em hard at the ground -- Or fuck, toss em at the pigeons, that’s pretty funny.” He offered up the box of popping rocks, those always made him feel a bit better when he was getting pissy. Loud, exploding little stones.
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reblog if you have a roleplay account for a detroit: become human character/s.
specify in the tags what character/s you play.
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Official plotting call.
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Damien ‘Dai’ Walker
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Busker / Waiter / Underground Gigs
Lives with his sister
Estranged from his family, moved across the US at 18, took sister with him where they settled down in Detroit.
Little sister attends Simon’s daycare post game.
Has a tense relationship with androids, he’s not quite certain about how he feels about them. He was brought up on the idea that they were going to take everything, overthrow the humans, blablabla. He’s a little bitter about their influence in the music industry.
Believes in an eye for an eye mentality and gets in trouble because he stupidly isn’t afraid to swing sometimes.
Gets into trouble pretty frequently
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random sentence starters of stuff i heard all weekend.
mentions of death/sexual content. change pronouns, names, etc if needed.
ok but if i died would you come to my funeral? i hope so because i reallyyyyyy love you.
my vag hurts sexually… WAIT I MEANT ACTUALLY. 
i don’t know man, maybe she likes that stuff. don’t kink shame.
go fuck yourself gently.
sadly i’m not in the mood for gentle, rip to me.
today am sad, are we surprised.
in this house we support melatonin.
 no romantical for me.
hot, except uGLY.
if anyone says anything i’ll kill everyone, i’ve watched enough forensic files to last a life time.
but BABE.
hm, you think she’d do me?
i feel like i’m waiting for my mom to finish talking to people. i’m so sleepy.
i want someone to rub my back, i’m sad. doing it myself doesn’t cut it.
BET. i mean i bet, i’d never say that.
she’s like ocscar the grouch in her trash can.
don’t insult oscar like that.
i punched her, i think we’re good now.
5. you’re the wind beneath my WINGSSSSSSS.
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strong language. potential dark themes present.
“ i’m jumping, i’ve jumped, i’ve landed. ”
“ garlicky sheen shane. ”
“ this is bologna i’m flip-flopping again. ”
“ well, i mean it’s not a bear. ”
“ it could certainly kill a bear. ”
“ nope, hippopotamus. ”
“ he’s the richard dreyfuss of this jaws story. ”
“ did she have anything on under the trench coat? ”
“ yeah, she had a hippie vibe to her. ”
“ she used to come here every thursday. ”
“ yeah. that shakes a tambourine. ”
“ i really wanna believe in something outside the norm of, you know, physics. ”
“ not when the history fights back! ”
“ do you always have to insult the ghost of the place we’re at? ” 
“ shame on him. ”
“ i don’t like that one bit. ”
“ you’re not a man of your word. ”
“ do you feel like it remembers you? ”
“ you’ll find out. ”
“ yet here i sit, like a freakin idiot. ”
“ that just fucking…. cut through that like a hot butter patty. ”
“ are you just afraid of anything that’s old? ”
“ look at your little stupid face. ”
“ i called it a motherfucker, i called it a coward. ”
“ my heart almost exploded. ”
“ your hard-on exploded? ”
“ i don’t think we’ve ever attempted anything more idiotic than this. ”
“ did you just fart? ”
“ it just slipped right out of your butt cheeks. ”
“ ahaha, gotcha…. ghosts. ”
“ i love your bones. ”
“ i just knew him as the guy who probably killed someone. ”
“ also his name was the juice. ”
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strong language & dark themes present.  change names/pronouns as needed.
“ looks like hogwarts ”
“ what in the fuck is that? ”
“ that’s not a ghost that’s metal. ”
“ just… everybody died from it. ”
“ it’s a g-g-g-g-ghost butt! ”
“ shockingly i’m not hearing anything. ”
“ this is like satan’s cement butthole. ”
“ i’m gonna imagine that place is the closest thing to hell. ”
“ there’s no malice there. it’s just dead people. ”
“ they pushed the dog too!? ”
“ what the fuck is wrong with you? ”
“ you’ve got a thing man. ”
“ oh god, i hated that. ”
“ you wanna fuckin’ play? ”
“ shut up dude, you know this is fucking weird. ”
“ maybe this ghost just loved to blaze it. ”
“ i think…. timmy wants to be your friend. ”
“ you hear that ghosts? ”
“ you fucking wimps. ”
“ there’s the demon hole. ”
“ goodbye body chute. ”
“ i don’t even fuckin’ trust you. ”
“ do i have to put that on my business card now? ”
“ if you’re a fan of airplanes i’ve got news for you. ”
“ to be fair, fuck christopher columbus. ”
“ are they breathing underwater? ”
“ black holes aren’t unicorns. ”
“ somebody really busted out windows movie maker for that one. ”
“ that’s too sad let’s just talk about ghosts. ”
“ i’d love to bury an axe in her face. ”
“ i want to give the ghost significant reason to haunt me. ”
“ we’ve disrespected this room too much. ”
“ spoiler alert: it’s probably aliens. ”
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I work at an all girl’s summer camp, and here’s some real things that the camp counselors have actually said: SENTENCE STARTERS EDITION
feel free to edit for pronouns/tense etc.  strong language, sexual / adult themes, tw: vomit. 
“I don’t function whether I have sleep or not.”
“What is tea?”
“We just need to marinate his personality a little bit.”
“Oh no, there’s no one to hold my hand!”
“Sounds like that’s not my job.”
“Can you automate me a sandwich?”
“I am irate.”
“There are two types of people in this world: counselors and peasants.”
“There’s a serpent in my footwear.”
“Emotional trauma is fun.”
“I have many talents. Most of them are completely useless.”
“Settle down, Satan.”
“Do you feel reduced, reused, and recycled?”
“Well that sounds like a fucking lie.”
“I don’t instigate. I just participate.”
“When I go to craft stores, I blackout.”
“I’m not dead…yet.”
“Flip flops are the bread of the foot.”
“There’s a whole lot of hip and not a lot of hop.”
“Soda is spicy.”
“I’m going to die somehow, and if it’s from salmonella from eating raw cookie dough, then so be it.”
“I have a great Shakira impersonation.” 
“Maybe they’ll learn if they lose a couple of fingers.”
“I care more about the content of their character than the pizazz in their pants.
“My hip is not used to this motion.”
“I can’t believe I put a bra on for that.”
“She has the balance of a newborn deer.”
“I’m literally a fuckboy.”
“Hey look, cute boys! Oh, they’re not cute, but at least they’re still boys.”
“Shit is usually going downhill by now.”
“Two months ago, you did something stupid.”
“I made a difference.”
“You tried.”
“Is this a science camp or a prostitution camp?”
“You scared the juice out of her.”
“I am NEVER having kids!”
“This is my uterus talking.”
“I’m not above throwing hands with a seventh grader.”
“I have a 670 day streak on Snapchat with my Mom.”
“My grandma just screams all the time.”
“We can all starve, and then it’s free!”
“It kind of feels like I’m in purgatory.”
“Are you sure the epi-pen is only as needed?”
“I feel like I’m always living in a vine.”
“There has been nothing born of this womb.”
“I feel like I’m dying.”
“I feel like I’m dying, but someone set me on fire, but like, in a good way.”
“I cry myself to sleep every single night.”
“I aspire to be not poor.”
“There’s no such thing as too cool for school when you’re paying tuition.”
“Surprise! I’m fully clothed.”
“We’re having problems with the girls having sass.”
“Why does my boob keep getting touched this week?”
“I’ll baby bird vomit into your mouth.”
“Did someone touch my butt?”
“Wow, you really are lonely.”
“I don’t care for that.”
“What would Abraham Lincoln think about that?”
“They were boy scouts, not man scouts.”
“Gift wrapping is my shit.”
“I am not caffeinated…that is a lie.”
“I’ve had to pee since 2015.”
“I’m going to pour some cow’s milk into my mouth straight from the teat.”
“I just posted on Instagram; go like it, you bitch.”
“Most people cry when I walk into the room.”
“What if Pop Sockets were for toes?”
“That feedback is not very timely.”
“I don’t even know what World War 2 was.”
“Pics or it didn’t happen.”
“That sounds like a personal problem.”
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