black-flag-if · 3 days
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What kind of story is it?
A motorsports IF. You're a formula driver. It's romance-focused and deals with drama and angst while going after what's really important to you.
Can I romance more than one RO?
Absolutely. Be as messy as you want or as loyal as you want. There will be a choice to lock in who you want to pursue, but for the start, it's up to you what you do.
Will there be consequences?
Yes! Some ROs will deal with it better than others.
If I choose to be friends with the ROs, can I get on their romance route later?
As of now, no. It would be nice to explore, but it's not a priority yet unless I see a good opening for it in the story.
Is there an enemy to lovers route?
I was thinking of doing one for Ryder's route but I haven't decided yet. It fits the character the best, but it's a WIP and I will just have to see how it presents itself later on. So maybe? Not sure yet. If there's a good opening, I would like to add it but it'll just depend on how much I have on my plate.
Is Lane canon?
I don't think any of the LIs are canon. This story works just fine with trying to improve MC and focus on themselves and their career. Take out all the ROs and it's still simply about MC finding their place. It is a romance story though so if you're simply here for the plot and don't want to deal with romance, it might not be as fun but do with your time what you will. I try not to push any of the ROs onto the player, so I hope Lane doesn't feel canon. The story makes sense with any branch. Lane comes up a lot, yes, but they're a big part of MC's past. You should not have any scenes with Lane nor should your MC think good of them unless you choose such options. If you simply want to be friends - they're friendly interactions. If you don't want anything to do with Lane, they should hardly make an appearance in the story except when needed and it won't be anything romantic. So, if you feel like you have too much of Lane, then maybe reconsider your choices. The most important one is if you say you still have feelings. That's telling the game you want to explore that part more so it'll offer romantic choices and a way to reconcile but you will still get a chance to choose what to do with it all.
Will there be jealousy/break-ups?
I get this one a lot. Not sure if that's a good thing or something you all want or are just afraid to explore, but yes, this game has all of that. It'll depend on the RO because not everyone is jealous, but expect some angst, arguments, breakups, etc.
Why is there no back or save button?
So, another one of those questions that I get a lot and I understand why. I had it for a while in the beginning but a lot of official games don't have them and there's a reason. We spend so much time coding and giving multiple variations for paths only for people, instead of re-playing, just go back to see other choices and dialogues. It's handy as a player to see all scenes/dialogue but it sucks as a writer to have put in all the work only for it to be so easily accessible by a back button. One of the reasons is personal, the other is coding issues.
The point of IFs is to interact and see what choices open different scenes and change or open different dialogue. If I just let you see them all, you'll be fine with playing it only once because you'll know what each choice might bring. An IF is supposed to be played more than once and combine choices to see how you like it best. So go crazy and don't be afraid to try something new. You might not like it but you'll see some parts I put a lot of time into creating. I don't agree with making everything easy.
The other reason is coding. There's a bigger chance for errors if I let you go back to fix something because some codes use a variable that tracks choices. An example is I sometimes use "history macro" and if you visited the passage more than once, the code won't work so you'll end up with missing information and it will fail to properly connect you to other passages.
I do offer a chance to save at the end of every chapter just to make it a tad bit easier and easier access for replay, but that's as far as I'll go.
When are updates?
I don't have a schedule. It's a WIP, it's a side project, so whenever I have time or energy to write, I do, and update at the end of every chapter.
Why am I not answering you?
I don't purposely avoid comments unless the messages are rude. If I don't answer, but you want an answer, please try again. I could have simply missed it. Send in with a username instead of anon so I can actually get back to you. If I have something to say or add to your comment, I usually do unless it's repetitive. If it's already answered in FAQ's, it's also another reason I might not answer from now on.
Find spelling, errors, or mistakes in general?
I appreciate people letting me know and yes, send them in, but PLEASE let me know WHERE. The sentence or screenshot will work fine just so I know where to look. If you just say there are mistakes, I have no idea where to look and will most likely stay that way until it comes up again. If you want a reply but not make it public, please give a note stating so and I won't post it publicly. Instead, I can just reply to you personally if you don't write as an anon. Thank you to everyone that sends the mistakes in, especially to some anons that take their time to write out every sentence where they saw a spelling mistake. I appreciate it and you make things loads easier.
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black-flag-if · 30 days
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Just came to give some news to anyone who's following and asking about the story. I know I don't write here a lot, but I am working on the story. Me not writing here for weeks is not a abnormal occurrence. I am almost done with Ch 2. I am currently working on the last scenes for the ROs. The problem?
I have been working on that for 3 weeks now? 🥴
I started with Lane. Didn't have anything. Moved on to Phoenix...I wrote quite a lot but I got frustrated with the coding and trying to diverge their path and it was just too much. Left it alone, and started working on Riley over the weekend and no issues for now. Will probably try to do all of them in similar style. After Riley, I'll probably work on Ryder's and they are usually easy to write so hopefully there won't be any issues.
Lane and Phoenix will have to wait for now but I finally see why people sometimes update route after route. Because of 1-2 characters, everybody has to wait. Let's hope I get some inspiration and magic fingers to type up the coding really fast. That's basically what takes so long and I am probably making this harder than it has to be because of the variations. 😬
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black-flag-if · 2 months
While we're talking about the ROs who would you pick if you were just a player?
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Good enough answer? 😅
I don't know! It's difficult to put myself as a player when I created them, and even writing them, I constantly jump back and forth between my favourite so if you're just confused , run a playthrough for all of them in different slots. 😅
That's the only way you'll find who you like most.
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black-flag-if · 2 months
hey, do you have some name suggestions for the mc?
Here's some I like, from feminine and masculine, to neutral, and won't come up in story so you should be safe at least. 😅
Ava, Isla, Maya, Rosie, Amelia
Oliver, Noa, Jacob, Archie, Luca
Harper, Saige, Blake, Avery, Charlie
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black-flag-if · 2 months
Can the ROs reject MC any time?
I don't know about any time but they definitely can if MC isn't loyal, for example. I've mentioned before that some characters are not okay with getting into a relationship with someone who is simply not sure in what they want or who they want. They'll definitely let you know.
Again, besides flavour texts, there won't be consequences this early on...just jealousy, side eyes, and scenes where they question something, but you'll still be on their route and be able to romance them until either you decide to cut it off or they do. 😉
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black-flag-if · 2 months
do you have birthdays for the ro's or even just zodiac signs?
I do have the birthdays!
Lane: March 25
Phoenix: September 17
Riley: May 2
Ryder: December 6
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black-flag-if · 2 months
There's so much potential in Ryder's rivalry route, it would be fun to see how they go from that to actually liking each other since Ryder is so flirty even when you don't romance him
I know, I know.
I feel it even more in chap 2. They simply don't lose sleep over anyone's opinion. And I do love them a lot on the rivalry route but knowing Ryder, on that route I feel like they'd never truly fall for MC and it would end up in a one night stand if anything, like a love-hate kinda relationship. I don't think the story will be long enough to give them a proper character redemption but I am playing along with it, just can't promise that it'll be there.
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black-flag-if · 2 months
are you interested in hearing our headcanons?
Of course! I get lots of them along with people's feelings in my inbox. Fun to read and I do enjoy them! If I have something to add, I always do put it as a message. If I don't, please don't take it to heart. Sometimes I have no idea what to say to something and I hate people thinking they're being ignored, but they're not!! I read everything I get!
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black-flag-if · 2 months
as a rileymancer, I swear we exist guys. They're just so adorable 🥰
Riley is adorable and they'd be very happy you said that. I'm glad Riley has a fan base, you're just so quiet.
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black-flag-if · 2 months
In a world of Lanes and Phoenixes my MC over here with Ryder like 💅
Rileymancers somewhere:
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black-flag-if · 2 months
helloooo!!! how would the ro's react if mc confessed they do illegal street racing sometimes?
Good question!
All in all, none of them would like it or support it. Ryder especially. Riley thinks they're cool but not something they support. If it's one thing they are against is putting people in danger unwillingly. Riley would try to understand and change your mind. Ryder wouldn't even know where to begin to understand your reasoning. I think they'd have the toughest time. Would not support you or even back you up if you needed it.
Lane & MC attended them and watched them before, but they were organised in secret locations, and even with the organised racing, it still puts other people in danger so Lane doesn't support or attend anymore especially once they were both able to get the rush on the track professionally.
And Phoenix actually participated in illegal motorcycle street racing a couple times before university. They were always organised in secret locations but after getting in trouble and getting hurt, they no longer participated. Based on their past, they'd be a bit more understanding but think it'd be a stupid move being that MC is a professional Formula driver now, especially because the risks never outweigh the benefits.
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black-flag-if · 2 months
And who was the familiar face??? a rival????
You caught that, didn't you? Good for you! 🤭
You'll find out in Chapter 2. 🤐
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black-flag-if · 2 months
Will we still be on Lane's route if we don't choose to go home alone? I like Phoenix too but if nothing happens in that scene I don't want to take it.
If you're going for Phoenix, I'd advise taking Phoenix scenes. It'll offer more and exclusive scenes because of the choice.
The Lane scene is simply a variation of your choices, nothing more. Some choices will be important, and I think those will be evident, and others are simply to shape MCs personality and be directed to different scenes.
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black-flag-if · 2 months
I get Lane's popularity I do but like Phoenix????? Are people sleeping on that man????? 👀
I think Phoenixmancers are just less vocal but they got a fair share of their fans according to an old poll. 🥰
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black-flag-if · 2 months
i want to romance Lane but in my game I chose that I haven't decided in that scene with Lane, so I said to give me time, but I feel like I'm missing out on a lot or are ppl just in love with Lane that much
If you choose that you haven't decided, you won't meet Lane again in Ch 1 at all but will open a scene in Ch 2 (choice) that the others won't get. 😉
So you might be missing some scenes that the Lanemancers get in Chapter 1, but you'll still have a choice to open up a scene if you choose to do so and decide how to move forward.
And yeah, Lane is pretty much 80% my inbox asks and the most romanced character. People like angst. 🥴
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black-flag-if · 2 months
on the ryder scene after i chose the "i trust ryder" option it just went on to the lane scene? is that a bug? pls i want ryder so bad
No, no bug.
That's the end of Ryder scene. They don't answer anything after that but kind of left it as an open interpretation. You get the Lane scene if you opened their romance path at the end.
Glad you're enjoying Ryder, though! 😉
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black-flag-if · 2 months
I'm screaming??? I didn't knew we had a Lance scene if we pick to leave alone???? even if is tiny I need to replay the game rn
Yes. 😅
But, I forgot to mention that's if you got drunk. So, you have to drink, continue, and then stop. Don't drink again, or you won't get it.
Maybe I should have a scene for the sober route, too. 🥴 I'll have to see. It doesn't seem fair, otherwise. And I thought I was done with chapter one. Maybe once I'm done with chapter two, I'll add a few more scenes to chapter one.
Maybe I'm making the scenes too difficult to achieve, but I think that's what makes it fun. Seeing a scene you didn't get before because of different choices. 🤔
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