blackbety · 2 years
Hoogvliegers incorrect quote’s #4
Rutger: Some people are like slinkies.  Leyla: What?  Rutger: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.  Leyla: Leyla: Please don't push Guus down the stairs.  Rutger, pushing Guus down the stairs: Too late.
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blackbety · 2 years
Hoogvliegers incorrect quote’s #3
Rutger: Am I going to far?  Guus: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
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blackbety · 2 years
Hoogvliegers incorrect quote’s #2 
Guus: How stupid do you think I am?!  Rutger: You really want an honest answer to that?
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blackbety · 2 years
Hoogvliegers incorrect quote’s #1
Rutger: Watcha got there..?  Guus: *petting a ostrich* A smoothie.
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blackbety · 5 years
You did that!?
Coffee Shop AU
‘You really used to work in a coffee shop?’ Jim was looking trough some old stuff of yours when he came across one of your old resume’s. ‘Yes, why do you sound so suprised?’ You workes as a negotiator at swat and was friends with pretty much everyone. He turned around and said ‘Nothing , it’s just that you’re not really a morning person.’ You chuckeld ‘ There’s still a thing called night shifts dumbass! ‘
‘Hey Y/N wait up!’ You turned around and saw one of your favorite teammates running towards you. ‘ Morning Luca, what’s going on?’ ‘Is it true that you used to work in a coffee shop?’ You shook your head wondering what the big deal was. ‘Yes, I really used to work in a coffee shop. Why is everyone making a big deal about this?’ ‘ Well... your favorite drink is tea and you really don’t seem like someone who likes to work in any kind of shop.’ ‘I didn’t even do the coffee part of the coffee shop, I did the bagels!’ You both laughed at that.
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