blackenchanting · 1 year
Ravens burrough Remastered episode 1
February first. Year 2016. Location a few miles outside of ravens borough
warning this story is NSFW therefore not made for anyone under the age of 18. Ameila likes to swear
The roaring of engines came as a large airplane flew overhead. The silver and white flying coffin featured a red stripe down the side and four main engines, two on each wing. It flew closer to an airport below inside a detective laid in his seat with a hat over his head snoring silently when he was disturbed by a noise
"Attention passengers we are approaching our destination please be patient while I land this bird. Thank you for flying unnamed american airlines and welcome to ravens burrough" the captain said
"Probably should stop watching movies and reading a book while drunk, that was a weird fuckin dream." Rob said, adjusting his hat.
The plane flew over the airport as a beaten, worn down black 1972 chevy el camino with racing stripes on the hood drove past the front gate greeting the world with a bang from the tailpipe while turning to park alongside the airport. Stoping beside the super modern style airport with a magnet on the bumper that said 'honk if you wanna fuck… no seriously'
After the plane had landed
The detective was wearing a black suit with a beige trench coat over it. That made him look like he'd just stepped out of the 1940's stood outside the airport clearly far more modern than him as a gust of wind blew the hat off his head and away as he stood there without a care.
"Well that's number four. Probably should stop buying hats." The detective said, adjusting his tie. While His eyes gazed upon his surroundings it was good to be home then his eyes landed on the el camino with a pink haired cat girl dressed in a red jacket and daisy dukes with a guitar over her back laying against it and facing the opposite direction and the distant sound of the radio playing from the open window "hey there Delilah what's it like in New York city.. I'ma thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty" a muffled voice sang from the radio.
"New York city sucks ass, and I think I'm part of the mob now, I have no fuckin idea." The detective said walking over to the el camino.
The girls head slowly moved back and forth to the music as she could be heard humming to herself
"Oi! Jailbird!" The detective said. Causing the girl to jump as she admitted a loud cat shreaik. Before turning, revealing a set of aviators on her face and placing a silver and green prosthetic left arm on the hood of the car. In a manner that wasn't thrilled about being scared
"What? Not expecting to be called that?" The detective asked.
"No.. I wasn't expecting you to yell" she said.
"Well sorry, you weren't paying attention." The detective said.
"Thats alright.. I suppose my ears are sensitive" she said rubbing them.
"Sorry Ameila, that's what happens when you don't notice that I was talking." The detective said.
"I'm gonna get you back and you are not gonna like it" Ameila said, opening her car door.
"Oh lord no." The detective said getting in the car
"He ain't got nothing to do with this" Ameila said getting in
"And now I'm even more concerned." The detective said.
The inside of the car was a lot better than the outside with a full leather bench seat. The shifting stick was long and had an 8-ball on top and an air freshener that looked like a snake oil bottle hung from the rear view mirror. With not an ounce of trash to be found.
"Let's get this show on the road already I've had to wear this fuckin outfit for like a week straight." The Detective said. As Ameila laid her guitar behind the seat
"Alright I'm going I'm going no need to be pushy Rob." she said placing her prosthetic hand on the wheel and her right hand on the gear shift and her foot on the brake. And pushing it into drive as they took off. Her movements were a bit restricted but she could still drive fairly well.
"Sorry. Sorry, just excited to be home again." Rob said.
"I understand that, though sometimes you just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride." Ameila said, pulling up to the front gate. She placed her good hand on the radio knob and turned it with a bang from the exhaust the car swerved onto the road.
"I'm gonna enjoy the ride, but I'm more interested in the destination really." Rob said.
"Good ol unknown town USA" Ameila said.
"That's the worst nickname for the town ever." Rob said.
"What would you call it. We can't use weirdest little town in the USA" Ameila said
"Hmm. Good point." Rob said. as they past a rundown gas station called two point gas and go
"Loneliest little town in the USA?" Ameila asked shifting gear
"Definitely not. There's a shit load of couples and families." Rob said.
"No wait I got it" Ameila said
"We should call it unknown town USA!" She added.
"Perfect!" Rob said.
"Anyway so how was it" Ameila asked
"Eh, not much of interest really. Turns out the guy I was looking into joined the mob to support his family here and he doesn't want them mixed up in all that." Rob said.
"Guess it really is a small world huh" Ameila said
"Now he owes me several favors because of things I'm not legally allowed to disclose." Rob said.
"What the hell did you do this time" Ameila said
"Dealt with a human trafficking operation." Rob said
"Involving?" Ameila asked
"Not the mob if that's what you're asking. Chinese triads. Nasty business." Rob said.
"Ah then I guess I don't need to use the toy in the glove box then" Amelia said
"Like I said the mob owes me favors, they were adamant about getting rid of that operation. The guy in charge is actually a lot more level headed and actually has mostly respectable ethics." Rob said. Opening the glove box out of curiosity as a silver Smith and Wesson Model 500 fell in his lap
"OH! I see. I prefer mine though." Rob said
"Dont let it fool you that baby packs a punch. Now please put it back" Ameila said
"It's a model 500, of course it packs a punch. I prefer a 45 though, they also pack a punch but don't result in insane recoil." Rob said, putting the gun back.
"I prefer my Smith and Wesson Model 500. Because I don't even have to shoot it to scare people off" Amelia said
"Fair." Rob said.
"I won that baby at the craps table" Ameila said
"That sounds like a lie Eva used. At least twice. In fact, didn't you tell me you won it in a game of corn hole?" Rob asked.
"Could have sworn I said I won it at a knife throwing game at a fair" Ameila said
"That was another one. Blackjack, poker, backgammon, fuckin trivia. Shit you not fuckin scrabble." Rob said.
"I won it somewhere k? I've forgotten over the years" Ameila said
"Yeah. I know." Rob said. As the truck car hybrid flew down the a small hill and drove next to a large river driving towards a small plaza
"Are you hungry?" Ameila asked
"God yes." Rob said.
"Thrill Grill" it is Ameila said turning into the drive through and pulling around to the menu
"Double bacon cheeseburger." Rob said.
"Good choice" Ameila said
"Hi welcome to thrill burger! How can we serve you today" a voice asked
"One The Road Not Bacon. With extra bacon. And two Cheddar Late Than Nevers with a large fry and. Large coke… you want a drink" Ameila asked
"Make that two large cokes, one with no ice." Rob said.
"And another large coke with no ice" Ameila added
"Alright that's one The road not Bacon. With extra bacon. Two cheddar late than nevers a large fry and two large Cokes one without ice" the voice asked
"That is correct." Ameila replied
"Twenty dollars first window please" the voice said
"Awesomeness." Rob said.
"My wallets in the glove box. Can you get it please and not let my gun come flying out?" Ameila asked
"Here." Rob said, handing her a twenty dollar bill from his wallet.
"Absolutely fucking not" Ameila said rejecting it
"What I'm offering to pay as thanks for picking me up." Rob said, grabbing Ameila's wallet anyway.
Which was long half black half white with a yin yang on it
"Dude I got more money than I know what to do with" Ameila said
"Fair enough." Rob said.
Soon they were back on the road and they passed a sign that said Welcome to Ravens Borough, Oregon. The perfect place to start a family
"Gooood morning Ravens burrough and Ravens claw this is your host Jack mickfinagen bringing you the news. Today's forecast is sunny with a high of 63 an. Later tonight we'll be reviving a visit from our old friend the purple fog. And if you're feeling bored. This weekend is the annual anniversary of our town. Come on down to Raven's burrough national park and learn about your founding mother and receive a speech from local mayors elizabeth morningstar and Athena morningstar. There will be games and free food. And rides " An enthusiastic male voice said over the radio. As the el camino drove through town coming to a stop outside a modest yet still rundown two story detectives office
"I am so gonna need to change jobs at some point because that place could collapse whenever." Rob said.
"Looks fine to me it just has abit of character" Ameila said
"It definitely does." Rob said. Opening the door to get out as a bucket of water fell on his head
"How in the hell did that even happen." Rob said.
"Life is full of many mysteries" Ameila said taking off
"Well at least I have another reason to get out of this outfit." Rob said entering the office to see a five foot two albino woman with shoulder length hair wearing a black sweater, jeans and red and black striped socks that go up behind the jeans sitting on his desk.
"Welcome home, looks like I'm not the only one who's wet." The woman said with a giggle as Rob casually walked over and kissed her.
"Fuck I missed you Eva." Rob said as the woman wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"And I missed you too." Eva said.
"I'm glad to be back. New York was… interesting. Dealt with a human trafficking operation, helped the guy that was worried his wife was cheating on him. That's gonna take a long while to explain to his wife." Rob said.
"Stop talking. I'm already wet." Eva said as Rob picked her up and carried her up the stairs to their apartment.
Ameila's feet slapped through the water under her while she walked away from her car and through an alley way wearing an old barmaid outfit with the color scheme dark red and white. Turning left as she came to a set of stairs that were hidden and didn't stand out against the alleyway and slowly made her way down. Reaching the bottom where she turned her head to the left where a medium sized led sign flickered and buzzed with the words Hearts of Steel on it.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 21 season finale part 2
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The lights buzzed and flickered as Eva walked through the back of the hearts of steel where the walls were painted a boring shade of gray seeing a few old arcade machines with out of order notes on them
"Interesting." Eva said. Looking around at all the games pacman, miss pacman, Tetris, donkey Kong, as she came to a stop in front of an all black arcade machine that was only advertised with the letters P o l y b I u s,
"Not fuckin with that. I've heard the stories." Eva said. Ignoring the note that said offline as she continued through the boring grey hallway until she came to a door
"What have we here?" Eva said. Opening the door where she found Ameila spinning in an office chair
"Huh. So this is where you sneak off to." Eva said.
"Welcome to my office how broke are you" Ameila asked
"Surprisingly, not very, it's nice." Eva said.
"Bills bills bills lawsuit bills bills.." Ameila said as she stopped when the lights above them flickered
"Lawsuit?" Eva asked.
"Huh.. must be a windy night tonight" Ameila said continuing to place her bills in her binder
"My guess, yeah." Eva said when with a clack the lights went out one by one plunging the bar and the rest of the town into darkness with the only lights on being that of a large complex hiding in the woods…
"Well… definitely windy" Ameila said as Eva looked at her glowing green eyes in the dark
"Fuckin normal human eyes." Eva said, getting her phone out and turning the flashlight on.
"Don't worry i'll have the place up and running it a moment" Ameila said smacking into her as she fell on top of her and got back up. Moving to the breaker box across the hall
"Might not just be this place." Eva said.
"No idea I can't see outside" Ameila said opening the breaker and flipping the switches
"Do you have a backup generator or something?" Eva said looking around for a way to see outside.
"I have one for the fridge but I never had one installed for the rest of the building" Ameila said
"Why?" Eva asked
"This building was gutted in the nineteen fifty's and reworked into the hearts of steel. So all the wiring is spaghetti.. I'd pretty much half to be gutted again to get a back up generator in and would cost more then the bar is worth" Ameila explained.
"And yet it probably uses more power than most places around here." Eva said.
"Of course. the bar never closes thats why is so popular" Ameila said
"Exactly. Which is why I'm surprised you don't have one for the whole building." Eva said.
"I just.. but I.. ehhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ameila said
"I know. The wiring. Which absolutely should have been replaced by now." Eva said.
"And presto!' Ameila said flipping a switch as absolutely nothing happened
"Great work boss." Eva said. As Ameila looked up and around
"Well Fuck me right in the ass" Ameila said
"Tempting but sorry, that's reserved for Rob." Eva said.
"Your loss. You won't find another ass quite like this one just prime for the taking" Ameila said giving it a flirtatious little shake
"Ma'am, I can take Rob's ass whenever I please. But let's worry about the power and not sex mmkay?" Eva said.
"Hey I won't tell if you won't" Ameila said closing the breaker and turning around.
"Sorry but I'm reserved by a certain nuisance." Eva said.
"He's my nuisance" Ameila said walking back to her office with a little sway in her step
"Aww that's cute." Eva said, looking for a way back to the bar.
Ameila came back out and clicked a button causing a big flashlight to turn on
"And this is why I keep telling people to always keep an old police flashlight on them" Ameila said
"Useful. I need a headlamp honestly." Eva said.
The two walked through the bar as Eva smacked into a wall and was pulled by Ameila as they made their way up the stairs and through the alley until they came to the block out front which was pitch black
"Looks like the whole town's out." Eva said.
"You mean to tell me..." Ameila said
"The number your trying to reach is unavailable or outside of communication range" the rotary phone said as Amelia unplugged it from the fridges back up generator
"Well I hope they're okay…
Robins snoring became apparent as Rob laid there with bloodshot eyes listening to it
"I don't fuckin remember you snoring." Rob said.
He opened the door moving to the railing to get fresh air as he stared down at the Aston Martin
"Hope they're alright." Rob said. watching cars drive-by in the dark when a person stumbled over to the railing and injected themselves with a syringe of bright liquid "ayy.. give me you.. give me your wallet" they said holding up a gun
"No. I don't think I will." Rob said.
"You think I'm…you think I'm fuckin around buddy.." they said pushing Rob against the railing and grabbing him
"I see you and your friend driving around in that Aston Martin.. you telling me you can spare a few dollars to help a broth.."
The barrel on heavy iron two point o came back and launched forward sending sparks out of the muzzle and launching a bullet through the air. Causing the person's head to blew open killing them instantly as the fell to the ground in a pool of blood.
"Jesus.. christ…" Rob said looking up at heavy iron two point o then to Robin who was holding the gun out..
The two drove in silence as they hit the road again
"Thanks." Rob said.
"Yep" Robin said
They passed a sign as Rob tossed a dirty shovel out the window watching it disappear into the sand.
"At least this time I didn't have to dig my own grave." Rob said.
"I don't think this is an approvement" Robin said
"Not even a little bit. I was just gonna throw him over the railing." Rob said.
"He would have died either way" Robin said changing gear
"Probably." Rob said.
Eva walked up the pathway towards Orion's lodge as she passed the no trespassing sign looking at some of the rusty old cars that sat around the lot
"Grrr!" Orion growled as he stood diagonally on the side of an old rusty chevy Impala as he pulled on the mirror with all of his might
"Is that what I think it is?" Eva asked, adjusting the headlamp she put on.
"Come on you son of a bi- Ah shit." Orion yelled as the mirror snapped off, launching him into the side of his truck.
"Ah fuck!" Eva said, rushing over to Orion. Who stood up and examined the mirror which was perfectly intact.
"Yeah that's what I think it is." Eva said catching the matching mirror to their sixty seven Impala
"How much?" Eva asked, checking the mirror.
"Fifty and it's yours." Orion said
"Sold." Eva said, handing over fifty bucks.
"Alright bring it in next week and i'll install it or you could do it yourself." Orion said limping over to a rusty broken down Chevy belair as he threw up the hood which groaned
"How do you think I got here? Anyway, we kinda need your help with this power outage." Eva said.
"There's a power outage?" Orion asked looking at the lodge which was nicely lit
"Yeah, the whole town's out. We figured out how it happened, and you're the first person I thought of. No idea where Chris is currently so." Eva said.
"That guy couldn't fix a stove if it told him how to." Orion said
"Yeah but he'd probably have an alternative power source or something that could fix the radio tower anyway, can you fix it or not?." Eva asked.
"Come on you know my slogan" Orion said
"How much do you need to fix it?" Eva said.
"Yes" Orion said
"So twelve cases, got it." Eva said as Orion grabbed a hand held toolbox and tossed it in his truck.
"We gotta make sure everyone is safe. So restoring power is a huge priority." Eva said.
"No promises" Orion said
"Let's just get to it." Eva said getting in the Impala.
Eva took off in the impala hitting the dirt road as it kicked up dirt and flew down the trail followed by Orions truck. The lights and siren came to life as it followed the Impala.
"Easy on the gas there woman" Orion said to himself flowing the Impala down the mountain side the Impala turned as it kicked up more rocks and dirt at the tow truck which severed out of the way shaking the truck
"Yep definitely shouldn't have put a v eight in that thing" Orion said swerving again they flew past a turn off as a pair of police lights came on and turned onto the road behind them
"Wonderful" Orion said turning the truck as it swerved
The Impala and the tow truck raced down the mountain as fast as they could with the police car in tow
"Haha! This is not how I was expecting tonight to go!" Eva said. Drifting around the corner throwing more dirt before they both hit the road and took off towards town as a another police car turned onto the road behind her while she swerved out of the way of the chevelle coming towards her
"Come on, just lay off!" Eva said.
"Looks like fun" Ameila said grabbing her hand break and drifting between the Impala and the police car and tailing the Impala
"Holy shit!" Ameila said as they drifted around a corner smashing the chevelle into the back of the Impala taking out all four headlights on the chevelle
"Children.." Orion said, keeping the first police car behind him.
"We got a radio tower to fix." Eva said, calmly. Mowing down a light pool damaging the front end of the Impala.
"Guess i'll be seeing those two tomorrow if we make it out alive" Orion said as Eva watched the chevelle dart off course through an alleyway
The Impala turned the corner again as the chevelle flew out the other end of the alley and smashed into the police car sending them both spinning out and blocking the road just as the tow truck made it through
Sometime later they calmly drove up the dirt path to the radio tower which was nicely lit up.
"Well then." Eva said.
"Uhuh" Orion said looking at the tower that towered over them
"Wasn't expecting it to be lit up. But, most of the main work should be down there in that little shed." Eva said.
"Guess you didn't need me after all" Orion said, looking at the shed.
"Honestly I have no idea what we gotta fix." Eva said.
"And you think I do, I drink beer and blow shit up for a living" Orion said.
"This is a good point. We could probably just wait it out really, I'm just getting antsy haven't heard from Rob in a while..." Eva said.
"Ameila sacrificed herself to get us here im at least gonna take a look" Orion said limping towards the shed with his toolbox
"Fair enough." Eva said.
Orion grabbed the door but it didn't budge..
"Alright hand me a beer" Orion said cracking his knuckles
"Here ya go." Eva said, handing Orion a beer.
Which he cracked open as he examined a large piece of tnt.
"This will work nicely" Orion said, lighting the stick of dynamite and placing it next to the door as he took a sip of his beer and watched it a mere few inches away.
"Well alright then." Eva said.
"Oh right" Orion said moving back away from it
The fuse got smaller and smaller until with a bang the door exploded into shards
"Alright what do we got here" Orion said limping into the shed with his toolbox as he looked around
"Does saffron know about this habit?" Eva asked.
"Absolutely.. Not" Orion said opening the breaker box
"Noted." Eva said.
"And if she does then I know who told her" Orion said turning in Eva's direction as he fixed the green bandana around his head
"Ahhh.. good ol breaker switch number ten" Orion said flipping it causing a low hum as with a clack the light in the shed turned on followed by the town slowly lighting back up
"Perfect." Eva said.
".. that was too easy.." Orion said skeptically looking around.
"Oh thank fuck." A man said to himself from behind a rock. As orion's ear twitched
"Hmmm. We are not alone" Orion said
"Ah shit. Not good. And I'm not prepared to explain anything shit." The man said nervously.
Orion came out with a large pipe wrench
"Welp, looks like they did my job… now I gotta fix the door…" the guy said standing up and adjusting his jumpsuit.
"Alright, who the hell are you?" Eva asked as the guy walked over to the door.
"Mike Oxmaul. The guy whose job you just did." The guy said. As Orion tossed his bag in the truck Ignoring his presence
"Now I'm gonna ignore the unnecessary use of explosives and make sure shits still good, you two go back to town." Mike said as a creature of some kind ran off towards the woods.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 20 season finale part 1
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The humming of an engine came as an Aston Martin Db eleven pulled up beside the now closed detectives office. The door opened as Robin stepped out dressed in a grey crop top blue booty shorts white socks and pink boots as he made his way up towards the door holding a file
"Knock knock bitches I'm here" Robin said closing the door behind him
"Oh good. Whatcha need?" Rob asked from the office space while on his laptop.
"Pack your shit we're going to New York" Robin said placing the file on the desk
"Again? Uh alright here I was looking for a new place because this is definitely… not great." Rob said getting up.
"But it has Chacacter" Robin said pushing a pillar as it collapsed
"It's also liable to collapse on us. I'd rather have a place not do that." Eva said.
"Whats the problem you don't wanna turn your two story into a single story?" Robin asked opening the file
"I'd rather not die due to shoddy building maintenance. Thank you very much." Eva said as Rob went upstairs to grab his stuff.
"I'll keep him safe" Robin said pulling the top of his gun back which was a pastel blue with 'heavy iron two point o' written on the barrel
"I know you will. Though now, I'm probably going to sleep in the car because I don't know if that pillar was important or not. I'll probably have found a place by the time you get back." Eva said as Rob came back down with a suitcase in hand.
"Signs point to yes" robin said quoting the magic eight ball
"Alright what's the job?" Rob asked.
"We're going to get Salein" Robin said as they exited the building passing a sexy looking dodge viper that was silver with two red pinstripes and a single black line between them.
"Well alright then let's get to it." Rob said before kissing Eva.
They continued walking towards the Aston Martin Db eleven waiting at the end of the sidewalk
"Interesting choice. Anyway let's go." Rob said.
"It's as I always say. If you're going to New York you better go in style" Robin said opening the trunk and placing his empty gun in a container next to his suitcase
"Fair enough." Rob said, placing his suitcase in the trunk.
In no time at all the boys hit the road driving in style as Robin sat behind the wheel of the beautiful silver Aston Martin and drove past the now leaving ravens borough sign and sliding on the interstate as they made their way towards the crowded city of New York. Robin grabbed the hand crank on the door and rolled his window down as they drove with the radio on.
"So how'd you find out she was in New York anyway?" Rob asked. As Robin handed him the large yellow envelope
"Alright." Rob said opening the envelope.
"Have fun" Robin said
He pulled out photos of Salein walking with two people her blonde hair and blue eyes setting her apart from the two people she was walking with
"I see." Rob said.
"We're gonna bring her back. Even if I have to shoot a few people to do it" Robin said focused on the road
"Well you're lucky I have some connections in New York. Given that they haven't been killed." Rob said. They drove with the hot beating sun on them as Rob turned in horror to hear Robin singing
"Na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na Bup budupadup ooh" he sang tapping his fingers in the door as he drove with one hand
"Oh dear God.." Rob said
"Going off to save a child.. I've got a cramp.. in my back.. and And another cramp in my right.. rump cheek" he sang to himself
Rob slowly looked away in embarrassment
"Look it's some circling birds.. I bet you they're going to eat our corpses!!" Robin said
As Rob looked at him in horror
Na na na na Na na na na Na na na na na Haa na na na na na" Robin finished as they continued driving as the hawks flew over them in the burning son
"Don't look at me like that" Robin said
"Your… talking to your self in the mirror" Rob said
"Na nah nah nah nah everything gonna end.. in tragedy. Yeah nah nah na na" Robin sang
They felt like they were being backed alive in the silver frying pan as Robin had clearly lost himself
"You and I will have separate grandchildren and we will say to them… oooo look Rob I'm playing the guitar upside down…" Robin said his voice dry from the heat
"Alright. That's it. We're stopping at the next motel and waiting out the heat." Rob said
"Nah… nah… na na na nah.. the Birbs are.. gonna.. eat our… corpses" Robin sang through the heat as the Day would soon become dusk as they pulled into a shitty roadside motel of which they couldn't read what the name was. only words hell's motel was lit up as they pulled into a parking spot. Outside different letters would flicker every few minutes reminding Rob of Lucy's as they both got out and made their way towards the check in seeing a guy running towards them
"Aliens are real…I fucken saw them!. I saw them!" He said
"And I thought Katelyn was on crack" Robin said watching the guy run away
"I'm curious what he was on. And what he actually saw." Rob said.
"you can fuck around and find out if you want just remember we're not here to solve every single problem" Robin said
"Oh no, I'm not gonna go find out. I'm curious but I ain't ending up like the fuckin cat." Rob said.
"Which cat?" Robin asked his mind clearly wondering
"Curiosity killed the cat. You alright?" Rob asked.
"So the nearest bar is two miles down the road.. data's shit and theres a phone booth right there if you need to call Eva" Robin explained
"That doesn't answer the question. But noted." Rob said.
"Single bed to two beds" Robin said looking at the prices on the outside of the check in
"Two. As much as I hate sleeping alone, we're not together anymore." Rob said.
"Fair enough" Robin said the two got their room as they headed up to it finding room one six seven
"I'm starting to see this number everywhere" Robin said
"Eh, that's just pattern recognition being a little fucky." Rob said.
"If you say so" Robin said opening the door as they both went in. And Robin immediately dropped his shorts and slid into bed
"Yeah. Definitely the better option. Otherwise I'd be cheating." Rob said entering the room, closing the door and flopping onto the other bed and taking a nap.
The silence opened up on a communication tower. A large warning sign stated 'ravens burrough cellar communication tower. A large red light flashed on top of it that was swallowed by the fog plunging the communications tower into absolutely zero the and then with a clack the lights went out in the town one by one until it was plunged into darkness
"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable or is outside communication range" a voice said from Rob's phone
"Oh for the love of… goddamn backwater cell tower." Rob said, hanging up. As the Aston Martin hit a bump next to him driving past him as it turned into the parking spot it was in before as yhe door opened and Robin got out
"Every breath you take.. every move you make. Every bond you break. Every step you take… i'll be watching you…" Robin said in a creepy tone as he handed Rob a breakfast sandwich
"Thanks. I think the cell tower might be fucked back home." Rob said as he took a bite of the sandwich.
"I'm sure they'll have it fixed in no time" Robin said looking up at the hawks flying above them
"Look it's some circling birds.. I bet you they're going to eat our corpses!!" Robin said
"No." Rob said lightly bopping robin on the head with his free hand.
"Na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na Bup budupadup ooh" Robin sang walking back towards the room
"Why the FUCK! is there so much SAND!" Robin yelled at the top of his lungs as their Motel was smack dab in the middle of the desert
"Why the fuck are we even in a desert? We're up north!" Rob said.
"Fuck you Idaho!" Robin said
"Fuck you too!" someone yelled
"Kill yourself!" Robin shouted back
The Aston Martin hit the road again driving past a sign for twin falls and turning right.
A"Nah.. nah na na nah going off to see a thing" Robin sang
"I still got a cramp in my ass.. but the one in my back.. has gone away" he added
"What even… I'd be singing no sleep till Brooklyn but alright." Rob said.
"We're being cooked alive in a metal frying pan.. I am sorry if my choice of music isn't working for you" Robin said
"Turn the flipping ac on!" Rob said
"Yeah about that" Robin said
"And this cable goes here.. and this one goes.." Robin was cut off by it exploding in his face
"Oh for the love of fuck." Rob said.
Three hours later.
"Well here it is" Robin said gesturing to a big sign that said 'Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve'
"Interesting." Rob said
"Yep… that was entirely worth the three hour drive" Robin said standing on the edge looking down at all of it
"Foot on the pedal, never ever false metal Engine running hotter than a boiling kettle….. na na nah nah nah.. I'm gonna put a bullet.. through my skull" Robin Sang as they drove back towards the Motel
"You know I'll do whatever I can to make sure we all come back alive, right?" Rob said.
"Idaho fuckin sucks" Robin said smacking his fist down on the dash as the air-conditioning kicked in
"Holy…. Fuck… it's an Idaho miracle" he said
"Yes. It is." Rob said.
"Till death do us part or whatever you wanna call it" Robin said
"Not if I can help it." Rob said..
They later pulled back into the Motel
"Why are we back here?" Rob asked.
"I spent over ten hours in this car I am not ready to hit the road again" Robin said
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 19
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The dodge magnum drove down the interstate with the subwoofers booming in the back as They drove in silence
"Fuck. I really shouldn't have eaten that leftover cake." Rob said. As Robin placed his finger on a button causing Rob's window to go down as Rob promptly vomited out the window.
"It was so good though…" Rob said, wiping his mouth.
"This is why it pays to be human these days" Robin said clipping his cat ears to his head
"You'd think it wouldn't affect me so violently." Rob said.
"You're a werewolf. You may not have ears or a tail. But you have the genes flowing through you." Robin said.
"Yeah I know. Ugh. Why must real chocolate taste so good." Rob said.
"One of the seven deadly sins" Robin replied pied
"And I keep doing it every single time." Rob said.
"The other being sex" Robin said honking at a sexy female walking by the side of the road
"Well yeah. But it looks like you still have that bad habit." Rob said.
"Not all of us have a personal Fuck buddy" Robin said
"This is true. Though I'm sure you can still find someone to take care of it from time to time." Rob said.
"Nah.." Robin said as they drove around the corner passing the now leaving ravens burrough sign" as a large purple truck came up behind them
"So what exactly is the opening you have anyway?" Rob asked.
"Part time detective" Robin said
"Sounds perfect." Rob said. As flames shot out the top of the duel stacks on the truck behind them
"Well that's interesting. Usually flames don't shoot out of those unless it's pushed to the limit or backfires hard." Rob said, noticing the truck out of the rear view. As red smoke came out of the stacks Flowing behind it
"Oh god" Robin said as the train whistle came out of it
"What?" Rob asked.
"Oh.. it's you again" he said
"What are you on about?" Rob asked.
"That's the road princess that was riding Eva's ass the other day" Robin said
"Ah. I see. Well no one rides her ass but me. When she allows it." Rob said. As the purple truck was riding his ass
"Should we let them pass or?" Rob asked.
"No idea you wanna kick their ass?" Robin said
"Eh, I could go either way. Flip a coin." Rob said.
"Flip it" Robin said as Rob flipped a coin and it landed on tails.
"Fuck it, ass kicking o'clock it seems." Rob said.
They pulled off with the big ass truck behind them as the driver side door opened
"Oi! You were digging my girlfriend the other day!" Rob said. Aproching the door as Robin watched from the car
"You think you're tough huh city boy" a small ginger girl who was even shorter then Eva said dropping from the truck
"Well not anymore. Because you're shorter than her and she can kick my ass." Rob said.
"Lets go mother fucker" she said adapting a fighting pose
"Fuckin alright." Rob said doing the same.
"Oh god" Robin said looking away as the small ginger put a sunhat on
"Yeaaaaaaah I'ma make you dig your own damn grave and then put you in the son of a bitch" she said
"I regret everything. Just watch the face." Rob said already prepared to dodge.
Robin looked away as there were many painful sounds and slams as Rob landed next to Robin on his back
"Welp looks like she wins. Ow." Rob said as a shovel landed next to him
"Oi. You made your point." Rob said.
"Fuck no get your ass down their and dig" she said pushing him down the hill.
"Bitch. Who the fuck even are you?" Rob asked.
"The wrong person to fuck with" she said tossing the shovel down
"Now fucking dig!" She said.
"Fuck that, I already got my ass kicked." Rob said picking up the shovel and digging anyway.
"Bullshit i told you id make you dig your own fuckin grave and put you in it" she said
"The consequences of a fuckin coin toss." Rob said digging. As she hit him over the head with a different shovel and buried him alive
With a few digs Robin unburied Rob
"Fuckin hell." Rob said as he dug out of the grave.
"Done playing grave digger yet?" Robin asked
"Yes. Pretty sure that was Ameila's sister." Rob said standing up.
"What gave you that idea?" Robin asked
"The fact that she's essentially a smaller Lucinda." Rob said.
"Or I mean.. there was the license plate on the front that said Madison on it" Robin said
"Didn't get a good look at it while I was getting bodied." Rob said.
"And that's why you don't mess with a girl who's clearly from oregon" Robin said
"Yeah. I get that now yeah." Rob said.
"remember. Just because she has a truck. Dosent mean she wants to fuck" Robin said
"No shit. I think I have a concussion fuck." Rob said.
"Just needed to make sure you understand" Robin said tossing the shovel into the ground next to him
"Fair enough. Let's get going. And get me to a hospital." Rob said
"Mabey" Robin said as Rob glared at him.
Ameila flipped up the counter Revealing the stove
"And this is where the stove is when people want something to eat" Ameila said
"Oh that's cool." Eva said. As Ameila hummed the lyrics to put on your sunday clothes as she tied up the back of Evas outfit which was identical to hers
"Oh did I not do it well enough?" Eva asked. Ameila took her hand
"🎶Put on your Sunday clothes there's lots of world out there!🎶" Ameila sang as she spun Eva in the middle of the bar
"Woah, careful now." Eva said.
"🎶Get out the brillantine and dime cigars🎶"Ameila continued singing
"Alright you can let go of me now." Eva said.
"🎶We're gonna find adventure in the evening air Girls in white, in a perfumed night Where the lights are bright as the stars🎶" Ameila sang letting go of Eva
"So what else do I need to know, boss?" Eva asked.
"Put on your sunday clothes sing it Eva" Ameila said
"I don't even know that song. Most of what I listen to is video game soundtracks or rock music." Eva said. as Ameila stopped spinning in the center of the bar. As everyone clapped for the Tabaxi who bowed to them.
"Impressive." Eva said, clapping as well.
"I will spare you the Irish tap dancing this time around" Ameila said
"Fair enough." Eva said.
They slid over to the bar
"Remember always clean your hands after you make the drinks, you can make them however you want I chose to wing it every single time, there are recipe books under the counter if you're a Psychopath" Ameila explained showing her where everything was
"I'm definitely using the book then." Eva said.
"And no I do not write my recipes down. So people cannot steal them To make the fan favorite scarlet kiss. You need this this this and a little bit of that" she said, placing bottles down for Eva.
"Noted." Eva said.
"Good luck" Ameila said giving her a polite slap on the ass as she made her way into the back.
"Hey! Hands off! I'm liable to remove any appendages." Eva said.
"Already way ahead of you hun" Ameila said as her prosthetic arm landed on the counter Infront her.
"That's not what I meant but you're actually not far off." Eva said.
"Sorry figured you could use.. a hand" Ameila said recollecting it and disappearing into the back.
"Right." Eva said.
The hearts of steel boomed with life flashing colors and loud music as two boots entered connected to a pair of faded ripped jeans and a belt buckle that said 'bamf' on it with a shotgun hanging on the side. Going he was a purple haired green eyed werewolf smoking a cigarette. He was in a black T-shirt with purple sleeves and a long purple tie. he pitched the cigarette into the nearest can as he sauntered through the bar. Taking a seat at the nearest stool as he pulled out a box of strawberry pocky
"What can I getcha?" Eva asked.
"Hmm" he said, putting a stick of pocky in his mouth as she glanced at the logo on his shoulder which was a circle with demon horns, a demon tail, and a big F. A. Inside of it
"Take as long as you'd like sir." Eva said.
"Il have a… star killer" he said
"Coming right up." Eva said quickly ducking down behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of demonbrand whiskey, raspberry juice, and a lemon.
Eva deftly pour both liquids into the mixer evenly before shaking it like it owed her money before tossing it into the air and catching it. She then got a chilled glass out cut the lemon in half, squeezed one half into the glass before cutting a slice of the other half and squeezing that into the glass, then poured the mixer into the glass and put the lemon slice on the rim of the glass and served it to the man.
"One star killer, taste the star because you ain't gonna be seeing em." Eva said.
"Demonbrand huh? Not as good as moonwalker beer.. but it will suffice" he said drinking the glass in one go
"Well shit that's unexpected." Eva said.
"Your talking to the guy who's been drinking for about forty years. What did you really expect?" He asked
"Not you to down a full glass of demonbrand and some raspberry juice in one go." Eva said. As he shrugged sliding the glass over
"Guess I'm just special" he said
"Pfft, that's hubris, want another drink?" Eva asked.
"Uh.. sure" he said
"Alright, same thing or something else?" Eva asked.
"Go for it" he said pulling out a small device
"Alrighty then." Eva said making another star killer.
As he pulled an antenna out of the device and watched it intently
"What's that?" Eva asked serving the drink.
"Oh if it told you. I'd probably have to kill you" he said drinking it all in one go again
"Fair enough." Eva said.
"Mhhhm" he said as Katelyn grabbed his shoulders
"So what brings you to the hearts of steel?" she asked
"Good question." Eva said.
"Ran out of steam on my last hunt so I decided to drop by and say hi" he said
"Hello Ian" Katelyn said
"Hello Katelyn" Ian said
"Oh you know each other?" Eva asked.
"Unfortunately" Ian said
"Ohh come on don't be like that" Katelyn said as Eva remained silent and moved on to make drinks for others.
"He's my twin brother" Katelyn said slapping her hand on his shoulder
"Ah. I see. Interesting." Eva said.
"We're triplets" Katelyn said
"Oh god there's another one?" Eva asked.
"Absolutely" Ian said
"I'm afraid to ask who it is." Eva said.
"You should be" Katelyn said
"Just tell me already." Eva said.
"Orion" they said in sync
"That's… but he's so chill and you're both… not." Eva said.
"We're chill aren't we?" Katelyn asked looking at Ian
"Well I thought we were but what the hell do I know" Ian said
"Not like Orion. Dude will find a way to watch his daughter from his armchair without getting up." Eva said.
"Point is he's very different from you two." Eva explained.
"He's always been the weird fucker of the litter" Katelyn said
"Probably why he built a lodge up close to the mountains and doesn't talk to us very often" Ian said
"Yeah the more and more you say it the more that makes sense" Katelyn replied
"Yeah that tracks." Eva said.
"Well shit" Katelyn said walking away
"Well it's been fun but I gotta get going" Ian said placing a random amount of money on the table as he made his exit
"Well that was interesting." Eva said. As Ameila came out and took an exhausted breath and came over "looks like you had your first customer" she said
"Yeah. What were you even doing?" Eva asked.
"Bills," Ameila said
"Ah. I see. You're lucky he only ordered two of the same drink that I actually know." Eva said. Making eye contact with a tall harpie with brown hair and blue eyes walking by the bar
"Interesting." Eva said. As the harpie stabbed a familiar looking knife into the counter which made Ameila visibly uneasy
"You alright boss?" Eva asked.
"Yeah.. yeah" Ameila said disappearing into the back
"Alrighty then." Eva said.
"And so then that's when I realized he was dead" Robin said as he and Rob walked over
"You what?" Eva asked.
They took a seat at the counter
"Anyway, what can I get for you?" Eva asked.
"Anything. I still have a headache thanks to Ameila's sister." Rob said.
"That one's more on you than her buddy" Robin said
"Yeah I know." Rob said as Eva served him a Star killer.
"Il just have my usual" Robin said
"I see." Eva said.
"Uhuh" Robin said
"You don't know do yha" Robin said as Katelyn came over
"It was a cherry popper, however no one's told me what goes in anything except for the Scarlett kiss." Eva said.
"Its actually the one named after the boss" Katelyn said
"Point still stands." Eva said.
"One full metal alchemist coming up" Katelyn said
I'm convinced most of these are all just made up on the spot as their ordered." Eva said.
"Kinda?" Katelyn asked as she pulled two bottles down, sitting the orange punch and vanilla secret on the counter. As she mixed them together and sliding it towards Robin
"I think this one needs more work" Robin said gesturing to Rob
"Especially after I just had to dig his ass out of his own grave" he added
"Yeah that's kinda just the trouble he gets into." Eva said.
"I'd probably be dead without you two." Rob said.
"Correction without her. Because I was thiiiiiss close to just leaving you in there" Robin said taking a sip
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 18
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
"Welcome to the hearts of steel madam" drex said as Ameila and Ava walked down the steps holding hands. The spot lights moved around the room as vanilla twilight by owl city played. They walked along the bar as Ameila kissed Ava's hand and twirled her onto a bar stool. Before Ameila was behind the counter facing her.
"Alright madam I don't know what can I get you tonight?" She asked
Ava tapped her fingers on the bar
"Mhhh.. I dunno, are you on the menu?" She asked
"Tempting.. but I got someone at home" Ameila said
"Disheartening.. Surprise me I suppose" Ava said as Ameila grabbed a few bottles off the shelf while sliding over the photo that said 'yes I'm still your wife idiot'
"Oooo can you make me a cheese cake?" Ava asked
"I suppose that ain't too much to ask for" Ameila said, sliding her a drink.
"Ooo it's blue" Ava said as Ameila grabbed the counter top and folded it up revealing a stove hiding under it
"Hmm.. actually I think I have some in the fridge" she said crouching down next to the recipe books that were unopened as she moved over to a small fridge
She pulled the handle as the door popped open being met with a sticky note that said rules to live by 'earth is round, the sky's not actually blue but who's asking. Grass is green Ava's your wife and pussy pussy. Salt it salt if you didn't get any. It was your own damn fault, as she grabbed a cheesecake from the fridge and closed the door. "There you go" Ameila said sliding it across the table
"Yay!" Ava said starting to chow down on it
"What" Ava said looking at Ameila
"Oh god what are you thinking" Ava said
"You eat dick the way you eat that cheesecake?" Ameila asked
"Fuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooou!" Ava said looking away
"You can try but I'm the dominant one" Ameila said
"Shut!" Ava said finishing her cheese cake and taking a sip of her drink
"If I wanted to eat your dick like cheesecake I'd do it" Ava said
"Fair enough" Amelia said refilling her drink with a different amounts
"Hmmm I see. You don't follow a recipes" Ava said
"Not really I just wing making them" Ameila said
"On the bright side at least you feel special. No too drinks are ever the same" Amelia said
"Don't quit your day job" Ava said standing up
"Wasn't planning on it" Amelia said.
The interstate was quiet asides from a sign with a singler flickering light that said 'ravens claw next four miles'. And next to it was a sign for 'ravens borough next two miles'. But the silence was broken as a two thousand eight dodge Magnum flew by the signs it was red with a black hood. Eva shifted gears as Robin held onto the oh shit bar for dear life
"Easy easy easy!" Robin yelled
"This was your fault. You know how I am." Eva said. Speeding up as they flew towards the detectives office
"And I also told you if you're not careful the Half shaft will disengage from the wheel hub. Due to the recall on the two thousand eight dodge Magnums!!!!" Robin said
"That's a fixable problem." Eva said.
"Oh… christ.." Robin said as they flew off the exit for ravens borough
"Plus I wanted to see its limits." Eva said slowing down considerably.
"Its got a top speed of one hundred twenty mph. And can go zero to sixty in six seconds" Robin said
"Huh, good to know." Eva said. Throwing the hand break as it drifted perfectly around the bend and straightened back out.
"Dammit this isn't Tokyo drift!" Robin said, fixing his aviators.. he looked in the rear view mirror as a big jacked purple twenty thirteen ford svt raptor slowly came up behind them. It had a massive light bar On Top and one across the bumper
"Of course it's not. But I can drift most things. Probably even a tank." Eva said.
"Thankfully you'll never get your hands on one" Robin said as a hand in the truck behind them pulled a string hanging from the roof as a loud train horn came out of the truck
"Gah, who the fuck?" Eva asked, turning to see the truck.
"Fuckin alright." Eva said, speeding up.
"For the love of.. Irene" Robin said as the truck sped up as well staying right behind them as she hit max speed. The horn blew as the turn signal activated
"Wow, that thing is quick." Eva said
It came up beside them being fat taller than them it has a toolbox over the back as it pulled in front of them it had a sticker over the back window that said this country girl ain't no princess with a back rack In front of it
"Who even…" Eva said, looking down. At a magnet on the back that said gas grass or ass no one rides for free
"At least they got their priorities in check" Robin said.
"That's true." Eva said.
It's horn blew again as it took a different exit.
"Good now we can get back without any more hassle." Eva said.
Some time later they arrived back at the detectives office.
Robin Opened the trunk where a birthday cake was sitting.
"Look at that, it's perfectly fine." Eva said.
"Surprisingly with your track record" Robin said
"I mean I've done similar stunts before." Eva said.
"My poor car" Robin said
"It'll be fine now that I'm not driving. Might need Orion to look at it. He might be able to fix the recall issue." Eva said.
"But for now let's get this cake to its place." She added picking up the cake as Robin shut the hatch hiding the massive subwoofers that were in the back of the seats.
"Nice car regardless. Sorry if I over did it." Eva said.
"She'll live" Robin said
"Fair enough." Eva said.
"Maybe anyway" Robin said
"It should be fine. Wonder if anyone else is gonna show up." Eva said.
"No idea." Robin said as the magnum tweeted like a bird.
"Fair enough, let's head in." Eva said heading inside with the cake.
Night fell over the detectives office as two shoes walked through a puddle outside. As a red jacket pulled over which had a cool lime green symbol on the back that lit up a small feminine hand flickered open an old square lighter as they lit a cigarette in their mouth
Inside the three where enjoying cake as their was four knocks at the door and then two double handed knocks
"What in the…" Rob said, opening the door.
"How's it going" Ameila said talking the cigarette out of her mouth as her eyes gave a slight glow in the dark
"Alright. Wasn't expecting to see you tonight considering." Rob said
"Well here I am" Ameila said
"Fair. Come on in." Rob said letting her in. She walked in putting her cigarette out as her jacket glowed behind her
"Looks like a pretty killer party over here" Amelia said
"I mean we already kinda finished but there's still plenty of cake left." Rob said.
"I have a great recipe for cake in my dictionary of a brain. My mom's house famous chocolate lava cake with crushed up peanut butter and brownie topping that's slathered in a nice melted peanut butter top" Amelia said
"That does sound pretty nice. even if I don't care for peanut butter too much." Rob said.
"Wa.. whaaaat!" Ameila replied
"What? Yeah, I don't do peanut butter that much. Maybe every once in a while but overall it's just not my favorite or most liked thing." Rob said.
"Are.. you like.. sick or something?" Ameila asked
"Nope. Might have something to do with dogs and peanut butter. And probably my dislike of stereotypes." Rob said.
"What you mean dogs and peanut butter!" Ameila said
"Dogs love peanut butter. I don't. Because I'm part werewolf." Rob said.
"That makes no fucking sence!" She said
"I mean yeah. Though I'm willing to give that cake a try." Rob said.
"Fuck it wanna know the truth?" Rob said.
"No you might make enimes here tonight" Ameila said
"Yeah im with her on this. First time ever hearing you don't like peanut butter" Robin said
"I liked peanut butter. Until I had my own money. Then I bought like twenty jars of it and devoured them in one sitting." Rob said.
"Alright now that's just retarded even for you" Robin said
"It's true. Cleaned those jars completely." Rob said.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Ameila asked
"Because I could. My dad used those jars to store screws and shit." Rob said.
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should" Robin said
"I know. But I was young and dumb man, we all do stupid shit." Rob said.
"Not that stupid." Eva said.
"Et tu Eva?" Rob said.
"Hey it's my job to knock you back into place every once in a while." Eva said.
"But he never learns" Robin said
"Nope. Not even a little bit. But that's why he has us." Eva said.
"Been trying to get him to move on from cryptids for years" Ameila and Robin said in sync
"That's because there's fuck all to do with my skill set outside of this job." Rob said.
"Join the military, Join the police force, Join the swat team, Sell guns. There's so much shit to do with your skill set, run a bar" Robin said
"Yeah no that's my thing" Ameila said
"True but with this job I have a bit more freedom." Rob said.
"The government breathes down your neck the same as mine. the only difference is they'll kill you if you see something your not meant to" Robin said
"Fair point." Rob said.
"And I'm just here to make sure he comes back in relatively the same shape he left in." Eva said.
"That's what I think happened to Ralph" Robin said
"Poor Ralph.." Ameila said
"Yeah. Yeah that's a good point. I'd probably be better off as a police detective." Rob said.
"I hear defeat in your tone" Robin said
"Probably because I feel kinda… trapped in this job sometimes and that's why I go hunting for cryptids to at least keep it interesting outside of the… intimate stuff." Rob said.
"Almost like the entire plot of this story revolves around you being in this job?" Ameila asked
"Oi. This building is barely holding together at this point." Eva said.
"Just saying" Ameila said placing a bottle of rose whisper on the table
"I know. But still. This job lets me operate a bit more freely and actually help people from time to time." Rob said.
"If you really wanna help people. To actually make a difference then become a cop. I have an opening in foggy rock" Robin said
"I'll think about it. But I kinda just wanna stay here in Raven's Borough for the time being." Rob said.
"It's an hour drive at most" Robin said.
"Good point." Rob said.
"Hey what am I supposed to do then hm? Pulling your ass out of the fire is most of my job here." Eva said.
"You'd make more money get more benefits and get out of this shit hole you pretend is some sort of castle" Robin said
"Yeah. Those all sound pretty good points." Rob said.
"This place is pretty much one bad day from toppling over." Eva said.
"Alright it ain't that bad" Ameila said
"It gets pretty close in some storms." Rob said.
"But that doesn't really answer my question. What about me? I don't do this for the money or anything if I'm being honest." Eva said.
"Don't know what to tell you. Get a day job or be a stay at home wife" Ameila said
"I'd offer you a position at the heart of steel but he'd kill me" Ameila added gesturing to Rob
"I mean she can if she wants. I'm just worried she might get hurt or worse." Rob said.
"Yeah cuz you're gonna let her work at an underground bar for criminals. And not just criminals dangerous criminals" Ameila said
"That's a very good point." Rob said.
"Stay at home w-wife…" Eva said blushing.
"Aaaand you broke her good job." Rob said.
"Oh shut the hell up y'all been dating for at least 3 years now this is Basic bitch shit at this point" Ameila said
"Oh I know. She's just a romantic at heart and you kind of said a code word that's sent her into overdrive." Rob said.
"Hate to say it but I agree with your friend here. You should at least be engaged by now" Robin said
"As long as you make sure you come home safe I can find ways to occupy my time." Eva said.
"I mean i'll let you try out the hearts of steel if you want. Just remember that I'm not always gonna be around to save your ass if you get into a situation" Ameila said.
"I mean… I'm not opposed to the idea." Eva said.
"She can handle herself well enough." Rob said.
"But at the same time… I could definitely do with being able to relax for a while instead of having to pull his ass out of the fire." Eva said.
"I haven't proposed because I haven't had the money." Rob admitted.
"O-oh!" Eva said in surprise.
"Neither did I but I made a ring and slapped it on your finger" Robin testified
"Which is now who knows where" he added
"Oh that. That's currently attached to my dad's dog tags." Rob said, pulling a set of dog tags which read Valentine Dexter from under his shirt which had the ring on the chain.
"Well i'll be damned. You kept it. Little weird you kept it.. but i'll be damned you kept it" Robin said
"Well yeah. It's still sentimental. A sort of important moment." Rob said.
"Wait, why is it weird that he kept it?" Eva asked.
"Because it represents us as a couple which we no longer are" Robin said
"I kept it because I still care about you. So I can't throw it away and we weren't on speaking terms for a bit to give it back." Rob said.
"Fair enough" Robin said
"Did you want it back or?" Rob asked.
"I mean if it makes you happy keep it I guess" Robin said
"If you insist." Rob said, putting the dog tags back under his shirt.
"Kinda sweet." Eva said.
"Il show you sweet when I put my size nine foot up your ass" Robin said taking his aviators down with his finger
"Hey, no need for that." Eva said.
As Robin put his aviators back up
"You three are like the pathetic dirty threesome" Ameila said
"Heh, yeah that's not gonna happen." Rob said.
"Id kill myself Long before that started" Robin said
"Exactly. I don't know how to feel about that comment." Rob said.
"Good" Robin replied
"Neither do I…" Eva said.
"Also good" Robin said taking his feet off the table
"Anyway what'd you get up to today Ameila?" Rob asked.
"Woke up had breakfast Took Ava to the bar for dinner and then showed up here because the narrator had other ideas for how he wanted this episode to go" Ameila said
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"We really gotta fix that hole." Eva said, looking at the wall behind Ameila.
Ameila cracked her fingers as she grabbed a random poster and put it over the hole
"Done" she said.
"Where did you even… fuck it that works." Rob said.
"Well it's been fun but I should probably get back on patrol" Robin said standing up as his entire lower half popped
"Yeah, it was. Take care and I'll seriously think about what you said." Rob said getting up and hugging Robin.
"You know you can take a break any time right?" Eva said again
"Blah blah been called blah blah will answer always" Robin said leaving
"Fair enough. I respect that." Rob said.
"Just try not to spread yourself too thin alright?" Eva said.
"Well you know what they say I've been begging to Di-" Robin said cutting himself off by closing the door
"You heading out too Ameila?" Rob asked.
"Eh what the hell it's been ninety seconds" Ameila said also heading for the door
"Want some cake before you go, maybe bring some back to Ava?" Eva asked.
"Ehhhhhhhhhh sure" Ameila said
"Awesome. It's a pretty good cake." Rob said as Eva cut Ameila a couple slices of chocolate cake and wrapped one in cling wrap on a styrofoam plate while handling her the other slice on a styrofoam plate.
"Thank you" Ameila said leaving with it
"Have a nice drive!" Eva said.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 17
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens B̸̯̹̲̑́̈́̽̀̈͗͗͗̚͝͠ͅo̸̡̞̳͙̺̟̱̦̤̾̊͆̍͜͝ͅr̵͕̉̆͛͌̒̀͂͋ö̴̳͌̎ṷ̷̞̝̩̱̙͉̥͙̬̲̏͘͜͝g̴̡̩̞̯̲̰͓͍͚͆̌̇͜ͅh̵͛̓̉ roughly thirteen years ago…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
A long time ago in the town of Ravens Borough
In Silverleaf Elementary School. a young Rob and a young angel were walking down the hallway Robin was making jokes and puns that made Rob groan something fierce as they turned the corner to see a young Eva was being picked on by a couple of boys.
"What're you an alien or something?" One boy asked.
" Some kind of freak more like. Look at her eyes." The other one said as Eva was on the verge of tears.
"She's so small!" The first boy said.
"Hey, buttheads, pick on someone your own size." A young Rob said, walking over.
"What is she to you bro, your girlfriend?" One of the boys asked.
"Does it matter?" Rob asked as one of the boys went to hit him. but Angel's fist quickly made contact with their face, shattering their teeth and sending them against the floor. as he shook his hand from the pain
"Well that's not what I was expecting." Rob said looking at Angel then to the boy as he got back up only for his buddy to have run off.
"You might wanna go find your friend before you end up on the floor again." Rob said as the boy ran off in a random direction.
"Hey, you alright?" Rob asked getting down to check on Eva.
"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine. T-thanks." Eva said.
"No prob, couldn't let someone cool looking be picked on like that." Rob said.
"Y-you think I look cool?!" Eva asked with stars in her eyes and a blush on her face.
"Absolutely." Rob said, helping Eva to her feet.
"W-What's your name?" Eva asked.
"Rob, what's yours?" Rob asked.
"E-Eva." Eva said.
"It's nice to meet you Eva." Rob said.
"Nice to meet you too." Eva said with a smile.
She looked at the two boys as she opened her eyes seeing Rob looking at things on the wall and Robin on the phone in his casual gray crop top and booty shorts
"Weird how I met you guys being heroes essentially." Eva said.
"Hmmm?" Robin said hanging up the phone
"Heh, yeah we did kind of meet because of some annoying boys." Rob said
"I have no idea what you two are talking about" Robin said
"Really angel?" Eva said
"Don't call me that.." Robin said
"You don't remember back in elementary School?" Eva asked.
"Your talking to the guy who can't even remember what he had for lunch an hour ago" Robin said.
"Good point. You were definitely much different when we were younger though." Eva said.
"Doubt it" Robin said
"You knocked a kids teeth out. You were lucky they were already loose." Rob said.
"And id fuckin do it again" Robin replied.
"I mean I would have too but you stepped in." Rob said.
"I have no recollection of this" Robin said.
"Fair enough. But that's how Rob and I met." Eva said.
"Heh, you still look cool." Rob said as Eva became crimson.
Robin held up a finger as he vomited into a trashcan
"Cringe…" he replied. Taking his sleeve over his mouth
"Fuck you, it's cute." Rob said.
"It's fine." Eva said.
"You good though? Or was that just a flare up?" Rob asked.
"All of the above." Robin replied.
"Fair enough. Just making sure. Cause I still care about you and all that." Rob said.
"Mhhmhm you say this every time we hang out" Robin said.
"That's a good point. I'm just trying to make sure there's no bad blood between us." Rob said.
"I moved on a long time ago" Robin said
"Heh. That's fair." Rob said.
"I'm just an unopened can of single pringles" Robin replied
"I'm sure someone will open that can eventually. Given that you let them." Rob said.
"Nah" Robin said
"Once a Pringle always a Pringle" he added.
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"What about that bartender lady? Katelyn?" Eva asked.
Robin stayed quiet
"That's fair." Rob said.
"So what now" Robin asked
"No idea. We were gonna go to my parents place for a bit actually. They found something that I probably should keep here." Rob said.
"He's been very secretive about what. So it's either embarrassing or something cool." Eva said.
"Ehhh.. your parents hate me" Robin said
"I know..you can tag along if you really want to." Rob said.
"I got my important stuff to do then play ass kisser to your parents. No offense" Robin said
"Not like that'd help much." Rob said.
"There are people out there who need my help" Robin said putting his badge on
"You know you can take a break every once and a while right?" Eva said
"I took an oath to serve and protect. So I will answer always" Robin said making his way out the door
"Heh fair enough, see you around." Rob said.
"Anyway we should head out too." Eva said as the couple left the office and got in their car.
A little while and a decent amount of driving later the Impala's engine rumbled as it pulled into the driveway of a well maintained two story brick house with a mailbox that read Valentine.
"So what is it that you forgot?" Eva asked.
"Fuck if I know, I honestly have no idea, most of my stuff was already in the office anything else is in a storage locker." Rob said as the couple got out of the car and entered the house to see a man in his late forties sitting in a recliner in cargo pants and a Batman T-Shirt reading a well worn copy of the Batman under the Red Hood graphic novel.
"He totally killed Jason." Rob said.
"There's no way he didn't." The man said, closing the book and getting up from the chair and hugging Rob.
"Good to see you're doing well son." The man said.
"Good to see you too, dad." Rob said.
"Good to see you Dex." Eva said.
"Eva!" Dex said, hugging Eva tightly.
"Please don't break my girlfriend." Rob said as Dex let go of Eva.
"Good point." Dex said.
"So what even is this thing you had for me?" Rob asked.
"No idea, we haven't opened it, not our mail." Dex said.
"Well now I'm even more intrigued." Rob said.
"As am I." Eva said as an older woman with big breasts and wolf ears on the top of her head wearing pantyhose, shorts and a long sleeve shirt entered the room.
"Eva!" The woman said, hugging Eva tightly.
"Rosie. You're smothering the girl." Dex said as Rosie let Eva go.
"Oh right, sorry." Rosie said letting go of Eva.
"I'll go get the package." Dex said.
"That's what you said the other night." Rosie said with a sexy tone as Rob and Eva groaned in disgust.
"Oi! Get a room or wait till we leave." Rob said.
"You two probably fucked on the way here." Rosie snipped back.
"How the hell." Eva said.
"A mother knows dear, a mother knows." Rosie said.
"Anyway here's the thing." Dex said, setting a long wide box on the coffee table.
"Let's open this sucker up." Rob said pulling a pocket knife from his jacket and flicking it open before cutting the tape on the box to reveal a chest shaped box that Rob opened to reveal a large keyblade.
"Well I'll be damned. It took that guy seven years to perfect this replica." Rob said.
"It's a key." Rosie said.
"The Keyblade. You saved up like seven hundred and fifty bucks for it, commissioned a guy and he said it'd take a while and you eventually forgot but he didn't. Because if you remembered you'd have told him you changed addresses." Dex said.
"Oh right I keep forgetting the two most important men in my life are massive fuckin nerds." Rosie said.
"You wish you could forget. There's at least two bookshelves of graphic novels around here. Several of them happen to be yours dear." Dex said.
"So that's what you'll be like in what? Twenty four years?" Eva asked Rob.
"Most likely." Rob said as he was holding the Keyblade.
"We should go. They get… touchy when they get like this." Rob said as Rosie jumped onto Dex wrapping her arms and legs around him.
"Alright yup let's get going." Eva said as Rob grabbed the chest.
The couple returned to their car and drove off.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 16
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Ravens Borough …
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
In the detective's apartment Rob was lying in bed while Eva was completely naked with a towel on her head and looking through a dresser drawer with nothing but various thigh high socks in various colors and patterns.
"Hmm…" Eva said, grabbing a pair of black thigh highs with a rainbow pattern around the top and matching toes and heels.
"Haven't worn these yet." Eva said sitting on the bed and putting the thigh highs on, resulting in her thighs having a significant squish.
"Perfect." Eva said, taking the towel off her head.
"Huh…" Rob said, stirring awake.
"Good morning sleepy head." Eva said, making sure Rob had a full view of everything.
"Mmm, that's a good view to wake up to." Rob said pulling Eva into a kiss.
"Gah! Morning breath!" Eva said as Rob squeezed her thigh.
"So soft… and pillowy…" Rob said, moving to put his head in Eva's lap.
"Really? Using me as a pillow?" Eva asked blushingly profusely.
"You're soft, I can't resist. Plus you're wearing one of the pairs of thigh highs I've bought you." Rob said as Eva stroked his hair.
"You're lucky you're cute." Eva said.
"I love you too." Rob said as Eva kissed him.
"So, I was thinking maybe we could do something special. Our anniversary is coming up." Eva said as Rob sat up with his hard cock clearly visible.
"Oh? Do tell." Rob said as Eva moved onto his lap and pushed him into his back.
"I'll tell you when you cum all over my thighs." Eva said as she laid on top of Rob, putting his cock between her thick, pillowy thighs and pressing it against her fat puffy pussy before moving her hips up and down Rob's shaft.
"Ah! So… soft…" Rob started moaning as Eva interlocked fingers with him and pinned his hands to the bed.
"I know. Less talking. You're gonna cum for me." Eva said in a dominant tone as her movements picked up a quick rhythm.
Soon enough Rob was only able to moan in unison with Eva who knew exactly how much pressure to apply to her lover.
"Good boy." Eva whispered into Rob's ear as the back of her thigh highs and her butt were quickly covered in cum.
"Hah… that felt so good…" Rob said in between breaths as Eva squirted hard.
"Yeah, it was amazing… love taking control of you." Eva said.
"So… that idea… you were talking about." Rob said.
"A date… it's been so long since we've been on an actual date." Eva said.
"Sounds perfect." Rob said as Eva nuzzled his chest.
"Good. Because I love you. With all my heart." Eva said.
"Did you just say what I think you did?* Rob said.
"Yes I did. I love you Rob, and I hope… I hope we get married one day." Eva said.
"I love you too Eva. And I promise you the second I'm ready… I'll propose." Rob said as Eva kissed him.
"So, the date. A night on the town. You and me." Eva said.
"Sounds like a plan." Rob said.
"Good. I'm finally gonna get a chance to wear a dress." Eva said.
"I-i just realized I've never seen you in a dress." Rob said blushing.
"Exactly, I don't wear a dress for just anyone." Eva said.
"You're treating me better than I deserve." Rob said.
"Nah, you deserve this." Eva said, kissing Rob again.
"And this." Eva said, biting Rob's neck hard enough to leave a mark.
"Ow, what was that for?" Rob asked.
"Just want to make sure people know you're mi-Ow!" Eva said as Rob bit her neck just as hard.
"Now we're both marked." Rob said
"Fair enough." Eva said, smacking Rob's shoulder as she got up and took off her thigh highs and put them in the laundry hamper.
"Now I have to shower again." Eva said with a smirk as she sauntered to the bathroom.
"And I have to shower." Rob said getting up and following her to the bathroom.
Later that night Eva adjusted her dress, it was a short tailored cherry red open back sundress with a black floral pattern.
"Perfect." Eva said looking in the mirror as Rob came up next to her as he put on a red t-shirt.
"Your freckles are so cute." To. Said admiring the freckles all over Eva's back, along her arms and down her legs.
"You always say that." Eva said, grabbing a pair of black full fashioned pantyhose with red seams from her dresser drawer.
"Doesn't make it any less true." Rob said as Eva put on the pantyhose.
"It's definitely a bit weird considering you're an albino but it just makes you more unique." Rob added as Eva grabbed a pair of black knee high socks with red lines around the top with red heels and toes.
"Yeah, it is weird isn't it." Eva said as she put on the socks while Rob grabbed his boots.
"That dress looks so good on you." Rob said as Eva grabbed her boots.
"Heh, we both know you're thinking about taking it off me later." Eva teased as the couple put their boots on together.
"Actually I'm wondering if those pantyhose are crotchless or not." Rob said.
"You'll have to wait and see." Eva said with a smirk.
"Oh you tease." Rob said as the couple went to the Impala.
"So where to first, my love?" Rob asked as Eva started the Impala.
"Arcade. Gotta see if I can beat my high score." Eva said as the Impala took off.
A bit later the couple ended up at the local arcade and went inside with about forty dollars in quarters.
"Now let's see." Eva said going to her usual machine to see her high score had been beaten by a RBY.
"Oh you've gotta be kidding me." Eva said.
"Welp, I know what you're doing for the next half hour." Rob said as Eva immediately put a quarter into the machine.
"I'm either getting a kill screen or maxing out that score." Eva said, determined as she pressed start.
"That's my girl. I'm gonna go see if one of mine is still there." Rob said going to another machine nearby.
A little bit later Rob stepped away from his driving game machine with a screen that said Rob followed by nine nines.
"Haha! I got it." Eva said as the game she was playing was showing the same score as Rob's.
"Ha, there ya go." Rob said as Eva kissed him.
"Now let's go see a movie." Eva said.
"Ha, fair choice." Rob said as the pair left.
A bit later the Impala's engine rumbled as it pulled into a mall parking lot.
"Now let's go see what we got. Maybe after we can see what shops are still open." Eva said as the pair got out of the car and went into the mall and straight to the movie theater, a bit later the couple were seated in the theater as the movie started playing.
A young blue haired woman rode a horse through a beautiful and bright forest of silver trees with golden particles floating off of them. As she weaved through any obstacles In front of her as she broke through a clearing to a large ravine.
where a castle stood on the behind it as she rode past a sign that said falcon claw she rode across the bridge as the gate started slowly closing. she stood up on her horse as a million arrows rained down upon her lighting up the night sky with their red tips. She wasted no time leaping off the horse as it was killed behind her as she slid across the railing of the bridge pulling a long katana from her belt
"VACANT LIGHT!!" she yelled as the balde glowed as she leaped into the air
"HOWLING AVALANCHE!" she yelled as she spun summoning a wolf made of ice that flew around breathing ice as she slid across the ground pulling out a bow as she pulled back the string and shooting an arrow into the gate jamming it and keeping it from closing. She leaped into the air
"VERTICAL SQUARE!" she yelled as she cut a square in the air as it turned into a magic portal and launched her through at light speed. She gave the blade a swing as it sliced through guards on the bridge
"HAMMER TIME!" one yelled slamming their hammer down as it shook the bridge throwing her off balance as she grabbed the hammer spun it around and shoved her katana through their head killing them. And tactical rolling towards another gaurd who readied their shield
"ICED LIGHTNING!" She yelled again sending lightning bolts of ice crashing on the bridge as she created another magic portal and launched herself doing a tactical roll into a slide at supersonic speeds slicing through hundreds of guards as she made it under the gate as the arrow snapped causing the gate to slam down. She ran through the middle of town as she leaped onto the roof of a house and jumped from roof to roof as she had the castle set in her sights pulling the bow out again and shooting the arrows into a staircase as she ran up the side of the castle and swinging up onto the balcony and kicking the guard on it off as he fell to his death as she dashes across the purple carpet on the floor of the castle. Charging towards the guard on heavy armor holding a glaive as she held ashe straight In front of her
"VERTICAL SQUARE!" She yelled, summoning yet another magic portal as she launched through it, slicing the guy in half. As a mechanical golem came to life and grabbed her before throwing her through a bookshelf through a wall and into an office. As she came back to her feet a bit dazed as she looked at the mechanical golem which roared as it charged at her
"RAAAAH!" She fake roared back and charged at it as well. She locked her katana with the arm of the golem as it swung at her causing her to tactical roll out of its way while it punched through another wall. It spun around as its chest opened and looked to charge up as her eyes widened as it blasted her through wall after wall after wall till she smashed into the brick wall of the castle.
"Ow frick" she said standing up as the golems fist missed her by an inch and smashed through the castle wall as she climbed up on its back "this looks important" she said tearing the wires out of the golem as it reached up and grabbed her throwing her through the door as it collapsed she rolled into a room with a staff. As she got back up and walked up to it and went to grab it
"Hands off my staff." The king said appearing out of nowhere
"your staff aww how adorable" she said "Someone's gotta safeguard it. Might as well be the absolute most chaotic person." he said
"right leave you to safeguard the only thing in any universe that can.. never mind" the woman replied
"Well it was left here, guarded by my ancestors' creations which seemed to have worked but that's probably because he knew he wouldn't be able to do it personally." Thinking said replied
"right Maxwell i believe was your name you have no idea who your messing with here" she said "What exactly do you want the staff for?" he asked
"oh there are reasons" she said "you know how it is"
"Fair enough." he said as the golem came crashing into the room behind Maxwell
"well that's my que" she said grabbing the staff "Oi get back here you thief." Maxwell said as a magical hand went to grab the woman as the golem pushed passed him. she slid out on the balcony
"Well shit." Maxwell said going after her she jumped across the balcony as she came to a dead end high above the revine
"Did you forget i made sure the only safe way in and out was the front door?" He said
"dang that's smart guess there's only one option huh?"
"if you aren't suicidal." Maxwell said
"pretty much" She climbed up on the balcony and jumped off "That's not exactly what I meant. But what I was expecting."
"VERTICAL SQUARE!" she yelled as she opened a magic portal and disappeared.
A bit later the couple left the theater and we're walking around the mall when they found a sec shop that opened late.
"Well that was a very interesting way to adapt a history book." Eva said.
"Yeah it was still pretty good." Rob said.
"You can tell they had to fill in a bunch of blanks though." Eva said as the couple entered the sex shop.
"True. Now let's see what we can find here." Rob said as Eva immediately went off on her own.
"Heh, fair enough." Rob said, ending up with about twenty feet of red bondage rope. While Eva got a purple six inch strap on.
"Well then. I see we both had ideas." Eva said with a grin.
"And I'm interested to see how we incorporate both." Rob said as the couple paid for their items and left the mall and drove to a bar called the Paranormal Occult.
It was a shanty bar constructed from wood with a rather fancy look to it.
"That's quite a name." Eva said as she parked the car.
"Very fitting around here." Rob said as the couple got out of the car. And began walking towards it. Rob saw something which made him back up a few turning to the plate barely illuminated that said Mad1son on the back
"Ho-lee shit." Rob said upon realizing the car the plate was attached to.
"What?" Eva asked as Rob's eyes were now green.
"Chris is here. Or his wife. Or both." Rob said as he and Eva entered the bar. Unexpectedly for a bar about demons and hell… smooth jazz was the choice of music for this bar. A major contrast to the hearts of steel which played metal and modern songs.
"Now that's more chill, I like it." Eva said
"Certainly a lot less intense than Ameila's place." Rob said as his eyes returned to normal.
"Welcome to the paranormal occult. My name's Rachel's how many tonight" she asked her personality seemingly that of bitchy worker however wasn't showing it
"Just two. Unless you meant drinks." Rob said.
"Booth or table?" Rachel asked d
"Booth." Eva said.
"Right this way please" Rachel said, leading them through the bar as they saw advertisements of meals, songs and drinks including the Demon steak sub. Until they reached their booth
"Very lovely place." Rob said.
"Alright if you take your seats one of our lovely waiters will be with you shortly" Rachel said leaving as Rob and Eva sat down across from each other.
"I like this place." Eva said.
"Very chill atmosphere, yeah." Rob said.
"Wonder what the drinks are like." Eva said, quietly taking her boots off.
"We'll have to wait and see. I didn't really get a good look at the drinks list." Rob said.
"Well I hope they have something less potent than what Ameila serves." Eva said.
"I mean I'm not the one driving, so." Rob said.
"Well I am so I'm not going overboard but if you do, I will use that strap on tonight." Eva said with a smirk.
"Oh that's gonna be interesting. Alright, let's do that even if I don't go overboard." Rob said.
"R-really? I wasn't expecting you to actually be okay with that." Eva said, a bit flustered.
"Sure, it could be fun. Besides, you'd be the first person in my ass." Rob said as Eva's face became crimson.
"I-i s-see." Eva said with hearts in her eyes.
"Haven't seen you that shade of red like, ever." Rob said as Eva just made a gleeful noise
"Thank you for choosing a more personal experience at the paranormal occult. Athena's home for romance and horny rituals." A male voice said placing two menus on the table.
"Thank you." Rob said as Eva quickly grabbed a menu and buried her face in it while she regained her composure.
"Let's see." Rob said, grabbing a menu and looking over it.
"Chicken tenders and mozzarella sticks." Rob said.
"D-demon steak sub and mozzarella sticks." Eva said much less flustered as she sat up properly.
"And how would you like your meat?" The waiter asked
"Medium rare." Eva said.
"And what will your drinks be tonight" they asked
"Demonbrand whiskey." Rob and Eva said in unison.
"Alright and that'll be twenty minutes feel free to check the place out" the waiter said walking off With their order
"I am a bit curious." Rob said looking around the bar.
There were a few things to see. A sign hanging behind them that said Cylis and her amazing Project Roseda Online a room in the distance which they could see a pool table barely visible a sign above the door that said ravens claw oregon the greatest little town in the USA
"Ooh that's interesting." Eva said.
"What in the hell is Project Roseda Online." Rob asked.
"Probably something similar to Sword Art Online, but dungeons and dragons." Eva said.
"I fucking heard that!" A random voice called out
"How?" Rob said.
"Who even was that?" Eva asked.
"No idea. Let's go check out the pool table." Rob said as Eva quietly put her boots back on.
"Alright." Eva said as the couple got up and walked over to the pool table.
"and so that's why the old car shop I used to run is closed" Chris said twirling his pool stick which was Blackish purple with a wolf head on the bottom that appeared to have glowing Purple eyes
"Yeah.. I know.. I was there" a short female with pink hair tied up in pigtails said trying to make her shot
"Sup nerd." Rob said as he and Eva walked over.
"You're the gamer" Chris said making a shot as it bounced off the side and kicked every ball into the hole in one go
"This game ain't even fair anymore" she said
"And you build robots." Rob said.
"That's because he actually lost there. The eight ball went in before a few others." Eva said.
"No… it didn't" she said setting the balls back up she twirled her pool stick which was red with a long Golden top with ruby's and emerald down it
"Eh, fair enough." Eva said.
"Alright what's with the fancy pool cues." Rob asked.
"Limited edition one of a kinds" Amy said
"Man, now I want one even if I don't play pool enough to justify it." Eva said.
"They were made by a French artist and were about three hundred a piece" the female said
"Anyway how've you guys been?" Rob asked.
"Living with this asshole… meh." the female said.
"I like it when you call me an asshole" Chris said.
"I honestly forgot if you've met Eva, Amy." Rob said.
"Hmmm..? Oh nice to meet you Hun" Amy said shaking her hand
"Nice to meet you too." Eva said.
"You're looking kinda red today, everything alright?" Amy asked
"Fine. Fine. I'm just still blushing because of something he did a couple minutes ago." Eva said.
"Or more promised to do." Rob said.
"Yeah, that." Eva said.
"God you're adorable when you're blushing." Rob said, noticing it.
"Oh stahp." Eva said, lightly smacking Rob's arm.
"And pass up the opportunity to compliment my wonderful girlfriend? Never." Rob said.
"You gotta hit harder to get the point across like this" Amy said punching Chris in the arm screwing up his shot
"Ow" Chris replied rubbing his arm
"Oh don't worry he's getting what he's getting later." Eva said.
"Fair enough" Amy said going for her shot as Chris smacked her pool stick screwing her shot up
"And no you're not allowed to know what we have planned." Eva said.
"I could probably figure it out if I used enough brain cells" Chris said
"Probably. But we ain't telling you. Anyway, what've you guys been up to, it's been a while since we've talked." Rob said.
"Not much" Chris said
"Still kinda hungry" Amy said
"Hmmmm" Chris said pulling out his phone and typing on it
"I don't get it.." Chris said
"Get what?" Amy replied while turning
"Why does your profile show up every time I type best place to eat out" Chris asked
"Guess taste is subjective." Rob said.
"Oh god." Eva said.
"We should probably get back to our table if you guys are about to leave." Rob said.
"Ooo am I driving?" Amy asked
"no" Chris replied
"Heh, cute. I let Eva do the driving most days." Rob said.
"Which surprises me still given how much love went into your car." Eva said as Rob gave her a kiss.
"Too much.. too much.. love went into that car" Chris said taking his shot
"Yeah, I know. And it's been our primary car." Rob said.
"Yada yada warned you yada yada your fault" Chris said
"I'm very well aware it's my fault. That's just what happens." Rob said as he put his arm around Eva.
"It was nice meeting you Amy, love the hair." Eva said.
Amy took her fingers through her hair in response
"It still looks nice, yeah." Rob said.
"She's my strawberry" Chris said as she straightened out the red jacket she was wearing and took her shot
"Nice one." Rob said.
"We really should get back to our table." Eva said.
"Yeah, we should, it's been good seeing you guys again." Rob said.
"So major billionaire company Okami kinetic solutions becomes a run down steakhouse that lies about being newly opened hmmm" Chris said taking his shot
"Yeah whoever's in charge of the optics at that place probably ain't doing a great job." Rob said.
"Oh I know who's in charge but yeah nice seeing you" Chris said.
"Well that's interesting, we'll have to talk about that later but we're not legally allowed to investigate anything related to that place anymore." Rob said.
A little while later Rob and Eva were back home on their bed.
"Last chance to back out." Eva said, no longer wearing her dress or boots while stroking a six inch purple strap-on that squeezed her ass.
"I'm not backing out love, you get to take me and dominate me in a whole new way." Rob said as Eva pressed the lubed up strap-on against his asshole.
"Alright then. Here goes." Eva said with a warm smile as she thrusted her hips, sending the dildo all the way into Rob's virgin ass.
"Fuck okay that… mmf." Rob said as Eva just let him adjust before she started moving back and forth slowly resulting in Rob moaning as the dildo hit his g-spot over and over while Eva gradually picked up speed and intensity.
"F-fuck. This feels way better than ah!" Rob said in between moans as Eva just kept thrusting faster and harder, enjoying this side of her boyfriend.
"Good. You're truly mine then huh?" Eva teased as Rob was now essentially a puddle of a man as Eva stroked his hard cock, matching the speed with her thrusts.
"Fuck… I love you…" Rob said as his cock twitched in her hand.
"Hmm… beg to cum." Eva said.
"Please my love, I need to cum. All over us." Rob begged as Eva had considerably sped up both her thrusting and stroking, causing Rob to squirm in pleasure.
"Hmm… good enough." Eva said as she practically took the dildo out before thrusting it as deep as it could go causing cum to erupt from Rob's cock like a volcano landing on both his and Eva's chest and stomachs.
"Fuck. That's a lot… I think we might have to do this again. Seems like you love being dominated by someone half your size." Eva said, pulling out and taking the strap-on off.
"Only with you my love." Rob said as Eva cleaned the dildo off and put it away before cleaning herself off and licking the cum off of Rob.
"Good. No matter what happens, no matter how things are, I'll always be with you." Eva said, kissing Rob as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm glad, I couldn't do this without you." Rob said, pulling a blanket over them.
"I know you couldn't. Which is why I'm here to keep your dumbass from getting hurt." Eva said as she snuggled into Rob's chest before the couple drifted off to sleep.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to V̷̓̽a̴͑͆n̶̄͂c̴̍̊a̵̒͒n̷͋͝n̷͂̎y̵̽́ ̴̍̆f̶̄͆i̸͒̚l̴̓̍è̵͂s̷̑͠ ̵͋̆ episode 15
Somewhere in the unheard of town of V̷̓̽a̴͑͆n̶̄͂c̴̍̊a̵̒͒n̷͋͝n̷͂̎y̵̽́ ̴̍̆f̶̄͆i̸͒̚l̴̓̍è̵͂s̷̑͠ ̵͋̆…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
Tick tock the grandfather clock ticked. The pendulum swayed back and forth in the worn purple clock with a crack across its face. Reflecting in the red eyes of Veronica as they followed it back and forth back and forth. Until she became tired of doing it and looked around there was a sign on the wall that said welcome to Raven's Burrough. As it glitched out changing to welcome to V̷̓̽a̴͑͆n̶̄͂c̴̍̊a̵̒͒n̷͋͝n̷͂̎y̵̽́ ̴̍̆f̶̄͆i̸͒̚l̴̓̍è̵͂s̷̑͠ ̵͋̆ the perfect place to start a family. Besides her on the stand was a vase of flowers and medicine along with a button that said do not press unless it's an emergency P̷̎̏r̷̋͐ė̶͝s̷̒̋s̴̈́̑ ̸̄͑i̵̓̇t̸̅̉.̴̀̂ ̵̐͝Ì̷̀t̸͋̈́'̵̐͌s̷̓͋ ̸́͘ả̶̍n̴̊͠ ̵͌͝ė̴̿m̵̡͌e̸̎̽r̸̎̽g̵̝̔è̵͛ṅ̵̛c̵̓̀y̸̓͠ ̴̃̀V̴̫́ē̵̏r̶̺̀ȯ̸͘n̸̾͛i̶͐͂c̵̤͠a̸͒̑ it glitched out. However she didn't press it because she wasn't dumb. Their was a knock at the door as the nurse peered in
"Hey there's people here to see you" she said as Rob walked over in his over the top detective's outfit. Followed by Robin with his iconic black aviators and his green police uniform with white sleeves and his badge proudly displaying Foggy Rock police department
"Hello again." Rob said.
"Oh I see you brought your friend.. he's definitely a looker" Veronica said looking at the black aviators
"Sthaap it" Robin said waving his hand
"I should feel hurt but you got a point." Rob said.
"So what brings you today detective" Veronica asked
"Hello Veronica my name is Robin I'm a police officer. I just have a few questions" Robin said getting down on his knees to be at her level and pulling out a note book
"Hmmmmmmmm" Veronica groaned
"Do you recognize any of these places?" Robin asked flipping the page to a picture of the twin point gas and go
"Hmmm vaguely" Veronica said
"How about this one" Robin said flipping to a picture of a mall called the twin point mall
"Never seen it" Veronica said
"Alright tricky tricky how about this one" Robin said flipping the page to a school named starlight high
".. I remember going there when I was younger" Veronica said
"Alright alright we're getting somewhere" Robin said
"How about this one" Robin said flipping to the next photo of a run down arcade
"Nope" Veronica said
"And this one?" Robin asked showing a picture of the outside alley the hearts of steel was hiding under
"Never seen it" Veronica said
"And how about this?" Robin asked flipping the page as her eyes widened
"That's a sign. Not sure if it's good or bad though." Rob said.
"Oh that's bad" Robin said
"How so?" Rob asked.
"Let's just say I know where to start looking" Robin said closing the notebook
"Well alright then. Lead the way." Rob said.
"I think you'll sleep better at night if I do this one alone" Robin said adjusting the messenger bag he was wearing.
"Next on the list" Robin said taking his aviators off and putting them in the uniform pocket
"Can you tell me what you remember before you ended up here?" Robin asked putting a pencil to a notepad
"..remember… I remember sitting at a table in a beautiful white house. Across from my wife Kat" Veronica said
"What is your wife's name?" Robin asked
"Katsumi.. Louise.. Madison" Veronica replied
"And what does she look like?" Robin asked
Veronica turned her head to katsumi as her eyes glitched
"She's a uh.. a tabaxi with dark skin blue eyes and ginger hair" Veronica said
"She sounds very pretty" Robin said.
"Can I have you draw her for me?" Robin said passing her the notepad and pencil
"I uh.. can try" Veronica said taking the notepad as it glitched putting an image for her to trace on it.
"Here you go" Veronica said passing it back having drawn a farily detailed portrait of katsumi
"As I said she's definitely pretty" Robin said
"Do you remember who your parents are?" Robin asked
"...." Veronica said nothing trying to remember back
"No.. i know I have a brother named aaron but all I remember is sitting at that table" Veronica said
"Alright that'll be all today Veronica" Robin said standing up
"Oh alright.." Veronica said as the two left
"Alright so it appears this vancanny files is basically a totally rewritten life where she sees and remembers a life she never had" Robin said
"That's not great. And sounds… both peaceful yet disturbing." Rob said. As Robin grabbed his glasses from his pocket and put them back on
"That was a good game of one good cop" Robin said
"It did yield useful information." Rob said
"Yeah that's because I did it" Robin said patting his shoulder as he started walking down the hall
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"Sorry buddy that's why we didn't work out. I'm nice to everyone I meet regardless of what you say or what you've done. However you hear one mean comment that usually ain't that bad and you turn into a dick" Robin said mment and you turn into a dick." Robin said.
"It's why I let Eva do the talking, I just analyze the responses. Plus it's fun watching her work." Rob said.
"What that ass?" Robin asked
"I can see that whenever I want." Rob said.
"Jokes aside.. you should drop the cryptids while you can. Their not toys they are dangerous entities. you are just lucky that the only cryptid you've had didn't amount to anything but a broken mirror and a scratched door." Robin said
"Probably. Don't wanna put Eva in more danger than necessary." Rob said.
"You ain't gonna stop though are you" Robin said
"Not for a bit anyway, I'll run it by her to see what she thinks, probably something along the lines of 'I'm a big girl I can handle myself.' or something to that effect." Rob said.
"Pfff" Robin said as they walked out to his police interceptor
"It's cause of how short she is isn't it?" Rob asked.
"Nope I'm all for optimism" Robin said pushing a button on his key fob as his car started by itself
"However optimism can only get you so far" Robin added while walking around to the driver side
"True." Rob said
"You coming? Or am I leaving you stranded" Robin asked
"I'm coming." Rob said getting in.
The inside was for the most part clean with a little bit of dirt and debri here and there seats where made of black leather and the console had wood on it and in the center was large computer that has police stuff on it. As they drove off
Veronicas eyes glitched as she watched them from the window
"Don't worry about them" katsumi said appearing as a bunch of blocks combined together
"I'm not worried," Veronica said, turning to Katsumi who was leaning against the window seal.
"You don't need to change. Your perfect" kat said taking her hand over veronicas chin
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to Ravens Borough episode 14
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The shot glass landed on the counter with a clack. As Katelyn twirled a bottle of Pineapple flavored tequila.
"So what brings you to the hearts of steel tonight handsome" Katelyn asked, popping the cap as it foamed up.
"Needed to stretch my legs a bit." Rob said.
"Heard that one before" Katelyn replied pouring it into the shot glass.
"Well it's the truth. Can't stay cooped up in the apartment all the time as nice as that is." Rob said.
"Is that the real reason or the reason you keep telling yourself?" Katelyn asked while putting a blue umbrella in his drink and pushing it towards him.
"That and I need information." Rob said.
"Cryptids, missing people, ailens, ghosts, freaky crawleys?" She asked
"Pretty much yeah, and maybe something about the Vancanny files." Rob said.
"Never heard of it" Katelyn said
"Fair. It does sound very made up." Rob said.
"Probably is" she said pouring herself a shot glass of a random bottle
"Sounds intriguing though. Vancanny files" Katelyn said gesturing her hands as if she was spelling it out Infront of her
"It's something Veronica Madison has. Not sure what it's about exactly but she's sort of stuck in it." Rob said.
"I would refrain from using full and or real names around here" Katelyn said looking around
"Fair enough, the point still stands." Rob said.
"I got no information for you. You had to talk to the queen bee about that. But she might not be able to help either" Katelyn said
"Yeah that's fair. In the meantime, whatcha know about aliens?" Rob asked.
"I think they should go back to their country where they belong" Katelyn said bluntly
"I meant actual extraterrestrials not immigrants." Rob said with disdain in his tone.
"Ah… they don't exist. I've seen some wacky shit working here but I've never seen an alien" Katelyn said
"Fair enough, cryptids and ghosts it is. Unless there's a meteor that hits carrying some sort of symbiotic goo that is." Rob said.
"Never gonna happen" Katelyn replied
"Exactly my point." Rob said.
"The only cryptid going around at the moment is a creature called the lurker" Katelyn said
"The lurker?" Rob asked.
"Massive spider woman creature that inhabits the tunnels north of her by the woods
"Is she's real no idea this is the only evidence." Katelyn said, sliding him a dark picture with the giant outline of a massive creature with red glowing eyes.
"What the fuuuck. Welp, that's gonna be interesting to look for." Rob said.
"You gonna try the pineapple tequila? Or stare at it all night babes " Katelyn asked gesturing to his drink
"Might as well." Rob said drinking the tequila.
"Its a fan favorite" Katelyn said
"I can see why." Rob said.
"Welp if you're tired of my shit. You might find some interest over there" Katelyn said gesturing
"Over where?" Rob said looking at where she gestured. In the corner sitting alone was a ginger girl with her hair tied up in a pony tail. Who was silently drinking as her wolf ears twitched
"Oh that's definitely interesting." Rob said getting up and walking over to the girl after leaving money on the bar and downing his drink. before Katelyn pulled him close
"Just so you can't say I didn't warn you.. your in for a hell of an interesting night" she said
"What the hell does that mean?" Rob asked.
"You'll find out" Katelyn said walking off down the bar towards other people. With her shirt that said 'all hail the prom queen' on the back
"Fair enough." Rob said, continuing back to the girl. He sat down In front of the girl as she sipped her drink. as Her stunning red eyes slowly moved upward till she was staring at him
"Well that's interesting." Rob said.
"Hmmm..?" She asked
"Your eyes, they remind me of my girlfriends. But besides the point, the bartender pointed me to see you about something interesting and because you seemed quite interesting yourself." Rob said.
"Nope I got no information to offer you" she said taking a sip of her drink
"Really now? Then how come you're drinking alone?" Rob asked.
"I'm just a patron enjoying my drink. I've got no information on cryptids aliens ghosts ghouls or that giant man eating spider you were talking about" she said placing her drink down with a thud
"Fair enough, but you are still definitely interesting. Sitting here alone. So What's your name?" Rob asked.
"My parents named me Ivory so there you go." Ivory said.
"Very nice name. Doesn't answer why the prom queen over there would suggest I talk to you though."
"No idea as for why I'm alone.. well they say that loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind. So do with that information as you will" Ivory said
"Well you definitely have my intrigue." Rob said.
"As do you" she said placing her drink down again
"What exactly do you find intriguing?" Rob asked.
"there is nothing interesting nor unique about your appearance nor personality.. yet something sets you apart from the millions of other people who look and act exactly like you.. hmmmm" Ivory said puzzled by this as she traced the brim of her glass
"Oh? That is intriguing." Rob said. Abit intrigued by her use of bigger and fancier words
"Indeed" Ivory said
"Do let me know if you figure it out. I'm mostly just a dude." Rob said.
"Doubt it I lose motivation easily" she said
"Fair enough. So what brings you here?" Rob asked.
"Could ask the same question.. however i know the answer. so I'n reality we're here for the same reason" Ivory said
"Fair enough. You definitely seem to be well attuned to everything." Rob said.
"Quite" Ivory said
"That's definitely uncommon to run across." Rob said.
"Maybe to those who don't look for it" Ivory said
"Fair enough." Rob said
"Indeed" Ivory said finishing her drink as she slid the glass into a few others..
"You've been here a while huh?" Rob asked as a metal arm sat another glass down In front of her
"She has" Amelia said taking her empty glasses and putting them on a tray
"And what pray tell, have you been drinking anyway?" Rob asked.
"Mango Fruit cocktails" Ivory said
"Ah, fair enough." Rob said.
Ameila walked around behind him to grab another glass and left
"As I was saying, loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind." Ivory said. Rob thought about this statement.. trying to figure out how true this really was as something dawned on him. His buddy's Chris Madison and Orion Sinclair. Both of them were fairly lonely even back in school. They sat alone, worked alone.. now look at them Chris went on to open a robotic company that made some of the most futuristic machines imaginable… though later tanked. And Orion is a master car mechanic who can tell what your problem is just by listening.. two lonely children who became very gifted adults. So he decided that her statement was true at least to an extent.
"Heh, true enough. I've seen enough examples of that, Chris for example. Hell Eva was also a bit of a loner." Rob said.
"And I'm a witch like my mother before me and like her mother before her" Ivory said.
"Ooo, I've been meaning to look more into magic." Rob said.
"There's many different forms. Though many are useless to you as a detective
"Eh, I'm sure I can find a way to make use of magic regardless." Rob said.
"With your track record you'd kill someone and not realize it" Ameila said, placing a glass down In front of him as she walked to the table down the row. She dropped off more drinks at that table as she walked back over to the bar where she froze in place for a minute.
"You good there queen bee?" Rob asked. As Ivory snapped, creating a small flame on the end of her finger
"smoke?" She asked
"Oh man, that's so cool. But no I don't smoke, even if I keep a lighter on me." Rob said, pulling a zippo lighter out of his coat pocket.
"Makes sense" Ivory said shaking her finger as the flame went out
"I'd so love to be able to do that." Rob said.
"It hurts like hell… due to your fire being literally on fire but it can be useful" Ivory explained
"Yeah that's fair." Rob said.
"Magic can take many months to many years to master. " Ivory said waving her hand as a book appeared from thin air and flipped through the pages by itself
"Oh that's definitely neat, I've been meaning to actually look more into learning magic." Rob said. She waved her hand as the book turned to face him
"Oh my." Rob said, looking at the book.
'Devils kiss conjure a bawbling flame upon thy finger for all your utility needs. Show the child show the wife strike a flame under her derriere and make her yours..' and then beneath it said how to do it
"Well that's definitely a description alright." Rob said.
"Not the craziest one in the book but ye" Ivory said
"It definitely seems useful." Rob said reading the instructions and doing them. To no avail
"As I said it's not something you pick up in ten seconds, it takes a while. Ivory said
"Fair point." Rob said he stopped snapping.
"Magic is annoying. I would know I can do a hand full of tricks but even I can't learn some things" Ivory said
"Fair enough. Currently wondering where I can get a book like yours." Rob said.
"Mine is made from magic" Ivory explained as Ameilas ear twitched and she started moving again
"Fair enough. It seems pretty handy." Rob said.
"Would you kindly place your empty cup on the tray" Cylis asked
"Sure" Rob said placing his newly emptied glass onto the tray
"Will I be bringing you a refill?" Cylis asked
"Might as well" Rob said as she walked off
"Hola amiga" Orion's distant voice said as he turned around to see the mechanic with a slight limp coming over
"Oh hey bro!" Rob said.
"Hey hey" Orion said placing two right mirrors on the table
"I won't take up too much of your time here" he said.
"Well at least I can replace the mirror now. Thanks." Rob said.
"Unfortunately that's why I'm here. If you didn't notice I brought two of them" Orion said as Rob realized one was rounder and one was more square.
"Ah I see." Rob said.
"So here's the deal: the square one matches your car's paint. However your left mirror is round. The round mirror matches the left mirror but it's chromaflair. Which means it turns blue under different light" Orion said while gesturing between the two
"That right mirror occasionally being blue is actually kinda cool. And like my eyes." Rob said.
"I'll be taking the round one. It's more interesting." Rob said.
"Round one it is. I'll keep the square one Incase" Orion said taking them both and heading towards the door
"Was gonna suggest that you do anyway." Rob said.
"Your refill good sir" Cylis said holding her tray downward
"Thank you." Rob said, taking his drink.
"And for the lovely lady. One cherry popper" Cylis said as Ivory took the glass
"Well someone's looking for something at least." Rob said.
"Everyone's searching for something. Love.. friends.. parents.. work.. money.. children. Were all looking for something we don't have" Ivory said
"Fair enough. Though I meant you and that cherry popper." Rob said.
"What about it." Ivory said taking a drink
"If I remember correctly, that one's guaranteed to get you laid or something along those lines." Rob said.
"That's what they say. I drink it because it's a good fruit cocktail" Ivory said.
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"I think the question is what are you looking for" Ivory asked tracing the brim of her glass
"Mostly information during the downtime between cases but more friends never hurts." Rob said. Making eye contact with a female staring at him across the room. Her left eye was green and her right eye was black with a blue heart shaped pupil in it. Moving his eye down he found her red flannel opened and a white shirt with a medical symbol on it. She raised her fingers gesturing between her eyes and his.
"I wish you luck on your journey" Ivory said getting up and leaving"
"Fair enough, and I wish you luck on yours." Rob looking back to the female who was now gone said getting up and stretching. He left the hearts of steel walking up the stairs and towards a large parking lot a mile away from the bar where he saw the large vendor truck parked next to the Impala.
"Well the walk sobered my ass up at least." Rob said, walking over to the truck. He gave the secret knock on the doors as it opened
"Good because I don't have the capabilities to tow you and your glorified sedan home" Orion said
"Fair enough. Eva's probably waiting for me anyway, so how've you been?" Rob asked.
"Good good. Finally got my traveling cart running after a few cases of rolling rock and a few slurs" Orion said
"I see that. Looks good. If you could hook up a tow hook it'd be the ultimate vehicle for you." Rob said. Stepping up inside
"Yeah that's unfortunately not how that works" Orion said as Rob looked at all the car parts, and lightbulbs, hoses, and other stuff neatly organized on the shelves
"Never said it would work, I'm just saying it's pretty fitting for you." Rob said.
"Nah It'd probably be illegal because this is a glorified box truck with a door on the side" Orion said
"Hmmm… what about a towing trailer? Nah, that's also probably illegal." Rob said.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 13
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The rain fell over the road as sparks shot out from under the barreling el camino, the echoes of it scraping against the road as its infante roll came to a stop.
Three weeks earlier April first 2016
Rob awoke to the smell of bacon.
"Well then. The birth month's off to a good start." Rob said getting out of bed and looking towards the kitchen to see Eva wearing red thigh highs with black stripes around the top and black heels and toes, short shorts, a red t-shirt and an apron that said 'here's the deal buddy as long as it's not a monday or there's a blue moon in the sky I cook about as good as I look but pancakes are my specialty'. As he could see the faint outline of a newspaper being read
"That's new." Rob said.
"Well unfortunately we have a visitor so I can't get rid of half of what I'm wearing." Eva said putting a few pancakes with bacon inside the. onto a plate next to two identical stacks of bacon pancakes.
"I've seen worse" Ameila said turning the page on the newspaper
"Yes but as much as I like showing off my moves, a few things are for his eyes only." Eva said, placing a plate in front of Ameila.
"Well at least your better than katie" Ameila said turning the newspaper again
"Fair, whatcha doing here anyway?" Rob asked, sitting at the table as Eva placed a plate of bacon pancakes in front of him.
"Happy early birthday dick head" Ameila said
"You're a whole month early but I appreciate it." Rob said as Eva sat in front of him with the last plate of pancakes already digging in.
"Eh you know i always bail on important days" Ameila said
"Alright why are you paying ten bucks a month for this boring ass paper… don't even have fuckin coupons in em" Ameila said tossing the paper. Revealing her new hairstyle which was tied up in a ponytail.
"We don't have a newspaper subscription, we have Netflix. I actually forgot why they keep getting delivered." Rob said putting syrup on his pancakes before cutting down the entire stack and eating a bite of each pancake.
"I see you stuck with the ponytail." Eva said.
"Ava said it made me look more mature" Ameila said taking her finger through her hair
"It does. Though you can achieve the same effect with a few other hair styles." Rob said.
"My hair is fine as is." Eva said with her signature short bob.
"Change is good every now and then.. " Ameila said
"True, that's why my usual outfit is not exactly the same anymore." Rob said.
"Wouldn't hurt to grow out your hair like Ava's is.. sure we won't be able to tell you apart from a distance but that's just us being bad pa" Ameila said
"And that's precisely why I'm keeping it as is." Eva said.
"Good idea wouldn't want us dipshits getting confused over who's who" Ameila said
"Exactly." Eva said as Rob was halfway done with his pancakes while Eva had eaten two whole pancakes
"Starting to think you two are either lying about being related or were separated at birth because you look almost identical" Ameila said comparing Eva to a photo of ava she carried with her
"It's possible, I never really knew my father so." Eva said.
"I mean i tried to abandon my family Sooo.. I can't exactly talk" Ameila said
"He died when I was young, mom remarried when I was like, seven." Eva said.
"I don't think you two are related. Because Ava looks like her mother who is also a white haired demon" Ameila
"Exactly, my white hair is definitely from my father, my moms a red head." Eva said.
"Yeah, we just have a weird resemblance and similar names." Eva said.
"Yeah it's almost like some outer force was inspired by Ava's design" Ameila said
"Oi, quit trying to break walls." Eva said.
"I ain't breaking no walls see" Ameila said gesturing to the perfectly intact walls
"But my parents have always been together I was conceived at an age younger than you'd expect.. and since then they've always been married actually I think me and lizzy's conception was the reason they got married so young" Ameila said
"Yeah that makes sense." Rob said.
"Married at seventeen imagine that" Ameila said
"Oh wow, that is young goddamn." Eva said, having emptied her plate.
"Yeah those where different times so it probably wasn't as weird back then as our pussy generation makes it today" Ameila said looking down from the window to make sure her chevelle was still there
"Ah.. i should probably go to the car wash after this" Ameila said looking at the car which appeared to have been driven down a dirt road a few times
"Probably." Rob said.
"Alright you too I'ma head off.. you two have fun now" Ameila said, grabbing the pancakes and heading out.
"Alright, see you later!" Rob and Eva said.
The tvs channel switched to black. As a cartoon version of Ameila popped up In Front of it waving to Rob as the words help wanted appeared under her. 'lucy's outlaw steakhouse needs a night time maintenance worker to work the nightshift twelve to seven. To apply call the number below'
"I don't even remember turning that in." Eva said.
"That place needs to burn at this point, hella creepy." Rob said.
"Well, I certainly can think of a way to move past the creepy." Eva said standing up and stretching before removing her apron.
"Oh do tell." Rob said as Eva dropped her shorts and took off her shirt revealing her body, with a medium amount of pubic hair.
"Oh I see. Well then, let's go put the new mattress to use." Rob said walking over to Eva, gripping her hips and lifting her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"Mmm, it was soft to sleep on… let's see how good it feels to be pinned against." Eva said kissing Rob all the way to the bedroom and to the bed kissing him until he falls back onto the bed.
"You're mine now. I am gonna make sure whoever we meet knows it." Eva said quickly kissing Rob's neck, biting it hard enough to leave a mark causing the man to moan.
"As long as I can return the favor later." Rob said as Eva shifted her spot to remove Rob's boxers revealing his hard cock which Eva quickly pressed her wet pussy against, grinding along all six inches until precum came out of his cock then taking it deep.
"Fuck… you're so tight… so soft…" Rob moaned as he squeezed Eva's thighs as she started riding him at a slow pace but almost taking his cock out of her.
"I know… mmm hearing you moan… mmmf." Eva moaned as she slammed her hips down at the highest point of her riding, causing Rob to moan loudly as Eva picked up speed each time she slams down, kissing Rob as she did, moaning into Rob's mouth.
Rob squeezed Eva's hips as he soon climaxed as she took him all the way inside her pussy, filling her womb.
"Fuck… you came hard huh?" Eva asked as Rob moved them into a doggy style position as Eva was on her knees up straight as Rob kissed her neck and bit her hard enough to leave a visible mark while Rob was thrusting into her pussy harder and harder each thrust, Rob started rubbing Eva's clit with his right ring and middle fingers, using his left hand to massage her small chest, pinching her erect nipples.
"Fuck… so close… fuuuck." Eva moaned as she was nearing her climax, her pussy tightened around Rob's cock causing him to slow down a bit until he came a second time filling her womb even more as she reached climax with her true love.
"Fuck… so good…" Rob said in between breaths as he laid down with Eva who was now facing him again with his cock still deep inside her.
"I know… cuddle time…" Eva said as she kissed Rob and wrapped her arms around him lovingly.
"Yeah, mmm I could stay like this forever." Rob said, putting his arms around Eva.
"Yeah but then we couldn't bicker over breakfast foods." Eva said with a giggle as Rob put the blanket over the couple.
******** Some time later **********
The bell jingled as the pink haired girl from before walked in.
"Hello again." Eva said.
"You never gave us names so we really didn't have any progress with your friend." Rob said.
"That's alright I found her" the girl said fixing her hat
"Whatcha need then?" Eva asked.
"No idea I kinda just wondered in" the girl said as her eyes physically glitched
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"katsumi liked the shanty worn down falling apart appearance so we came to check it out"
"I beg your pardon?" Rob asked.
"Hmmm?" She asked her eyes glitching like a computer again
"This office is well maintained." Eva said.
"Yeah.. it's about as maintained as my mom. she's dead by the way" the girl said
"Okay now that's insulting, we're doing the best we can with what we have." Rob said.
"Someone changes sides quickly ain't that right katsumi" she said staring off into space
"You alright? There's nothing there." Eva said. As the girl continued staring off into space
"Yeah what she said" the girl said coming out of it as her eyes glitched
"Uhhh alright." Eva said.
"My name's Veronica.. I think.. and this is my wife katsumi" Veronica said gesturing to thin air
"We're looking for my friend" Veronica added contradicting what she said previously
"Didn't you already find them or?* Rob asked.
"No that's why I am here" Veronica said
"Uhhh alright. What's their name?" Eva asked.
"Ummmhhhhhhmmm… Ameila Madison I think" Veronica said
"It ends with Madison. I know this much.." Veronica added very clearly on drugs of some kind
"Alright then. We can take you to her if you wish." Rob said.
"Take me where?" Veronica asked
"To Ameila." Rob said.
"Whos that?" Veronica asked
"Is there someone we can call to come get you or?" Eva asked.
"Who's you?" Veronica asked
"Do I know this person?" She added
"Alright, come with us, you're not under arrest but we are taking you to the police so they can handle you." Rob said.
"Oh alright sounds lovely" Veronica said
—At the Ravens Borough police department—-
"Nope she's definitely not on drugs" a pink haired cat lady said turning off her d upflashlight as
"Of course not she is definitely not all there though and we brought her to you because you're more equipped to actually find out who she is." Rob said. As she pulled out a paper
"Veronica Lee Madison. age twenty one. Sex female daughter of Chris James Madison and Amy Lee Madison she is an only child who suffers from charles bonnet syndrome and schizophrenia. Her mind is stuck iin something doctors call.. the vancanny files" the cat lady said
"Ah I see. Well then. Not sure what to do with her now." Rob said.
"Doctors say that she can be cured of her vancanny files but the means to do so are.. unknown" she said
"Fair enough. We'll have to look into that, thanks for your help Misuki, think you can take care of her from here?" Eva said.
"You're asking for a lot but I suppose I can put her somewhere" Misuki said
"Thanks I was more asking if you could get her home but fair enough." Eva and.
"Are all of Ameila's relatives mentally fucked up?" Rob asked.
"Don't be an dick valentine not everyone can be perfect like you" Misuki said
"Oh I am far from perfect. I'm just more concerned about the entire family being of unsound mind." Rob said.
"It's a reasonable concern, and yeah he's definitely not perfect. He begs me to cuddle." Eva said.
"Who" Miuski said
"What?" Eva asked.
"Asked" Miuski said cutting her off
"Sure it's reasonable to worry about someone but do you really think it's reasonable to ask if an entire family is fucked up in the head. It's like asking a Cancer patient if all his family members have cancer" Miuski said
"Fair point. Though it was mostly a joke because they all seem to be troubled one way or another." Rob said.
"Do you think mental illness is a joke valentine?" Misuki asked
"Nope. Neither is Autism. Or my ADHD." Rob said.
"Then I think we have an understanding" Miuski said.
"We do." Rob said.
"You constantly joke about the A standing for arson though." Eva said.
"And now you know why I always have a lighter on me even though I have night vision and don't smoke " Rob said as Veronica's eyes glitched.
"Anyway, we gotta go check some stuff." Eva said.
"And I have to make a phone call to the hospital," Miuski said.
"Alright then. We'll see you later." Rob said as he and Eva left.
Her eyes glitched as she looked at Miuski the pink haired cat girl in a police uniform she turned to the tabaxi with dark skin and ginger hair standing next to herself as it waved to her
"Hi honey.." Veronica said waving to katsumi
"How are you today" she asked as the tabaxi glitched sitting next to her
"Oh I'm doing fine" kat said taking her hand over veronicas chin
To be continued…
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blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 12
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The Chevelle drove down the interstate going slowly with Eva and Rob in the back and a twelve pack of jack in the passenger seat. While Ameilas air freshener shaped like a bee that said I'ma beeatch! slowly rocked back and forth
"How did we get roped into a road trip?" Rob asked.
"No idea." Eva replied as they cuddled in the back.
"Motion detected in the kitchen" a voice says from Ameilas phone.
"That's one of three things." Eva said.
"It's Murrrph" Ameila said
"Motion detected in the dining room" the voice says Ameila taps her phone pulling up a video as she taps her finger on the microphone button.
"Murrrph Murrrph baby come to mom" Amelia says. A few seconds later they here a jingle as a Bengal cat jumps up on the counter and climbs up to the camera
"Haai Murrrph!" Ameila says as Murrrph rubs their face against the camera making a noise that could only be described as the reason Ameila probably named it Murrrph
"Adorable." Rob said.
They drove as a pair of yellow and red service lights came into view behind him
"Oh lordy." Rob said.
"Rules of the road and what not" Ameila said moving over. as a gmc c5500 vendor truck drove past them that said Orion's twenty four hour roadside assistance and repairs. Featuring the blonde hippie duel wielding a pair of wrenches on the side
"Oh look, he's mobile." Eva said.
"Oh darling Ava, My sexy , My brave , The perfect companion. Sunsets are red, Violets are blue, I like good looking girls, But not as much as I love swinging with you!" The radio sang
"..oh the horrible horrible irony" Amelia said as they could hear the rumbling of the Chevelles engine and feel it beneath them. it clearly had some power but Amelia refused to use it.
"You're way more cautious than me." Eva said.
"Well I'm older wiser and drunk" Ameila said
"And we let you fuckin drive." Rob said.
"Yes you did" Ameila said keeping the car perfectly straight despite being drunk there wasn't a slight hiccup in her driving
"I'm concerned you always drive drunk now." Rob said.
"You're just now coming to this conclusion?" Ameila asked
"That explains way too much." Rob said.
"I was drunk when I dropped you off. I'm drunk every time we talk at the bar." Ameila explained while rambling on and on
"You just can't tell" she added the wheels of the Chevelle rotated as they drove past the sign that said welcome to foggy rock usa population seventy
Thudnk the sound of the chevelle rolling over a rock as they drove towards the small town fog now covering them as Ameila slowed down to drive even safer. soon they were in foggy rock as they drove through the fairly empty streets turning onto a street called school drive as they drove into an empty area and stopped In front of a abandoned bus station named silver oak university bus station
"Interesting." Rob said.
"Not interesting.." Ameila said getting out as she pulled the seat forward. They stepped out into the empty lot as they stood in the middle watching papers get blown around the area.
"So what're we here for?" Rob asked.
"You wanted to know my past, you wanted to know what I'm hiding.. why I'm all fucked up in the head. Well here you go" Ameilas said looking around
"Ah. Silver Oak… doesn't ring a bell." Rob said.
getting smacked in the face by a paper
"You don't want to know" Ameila said as Rob looked at the paper which said have you seen me Kai Merron
"Well that's… definitely not great." Rob said grabbing and looking at the paper. He soon realized every paper blowing in the lot was a missing person poster
".. i came here to start a new life. To leave you and everyone else behind and live a more fulfilling life where i was happy i think i wanted to be a doctor.. i don't remember" Ameila said respectfully putting kais missing person poster back on a pole
"Ah. Yeah that's understandable I suppose." Rob said.
"Everyone that went to this school that year is dead.. besides from me my friend and the killer " Amelia said sitting on the hood of the chevelle
"I… holy shit." Eva said.
"That's… that's definitely a lot to live with." Rob said.
"And the worst part of it.. is it's my fault. They were killing everyone to be close to me and instead of saying something to authorizes i played the silent game and watched Rob.. Kai.. all those other students and teachers be killed off one by one.. until at the time i just thought it was me and them" Ameila said
"Ah, yeah… that's… that's definitely not great." Rob said.
"And explains a couple of things." Eva said.
"Yep and if you open the glove box in the chevelle you'll find a revolver that i was gonna kill them with. But i let the killer live for reasons i still don't understand.. i let them live.. and yes you've met them i won't say where and i won't say when but you've met them" Ameila said
"Fair enough… why exactly haven't you done anything now, after all that?" Rob said.
"Do you remember what i told you that night in the bar. That's your answer" Amelia said
"Ah. Fair enough." Rob said.
"You wouldn't understand. Because you weren't there. This is all the information you need to stop prying into it" Ameila replied
"Yeah that makes sense." Eva said.
"Now if we can just drop the questions That'd be great" Ameila addedat." Ameila said.
"We appreciate that you told us, and we'll quit digging. You're a strong woman Amy." Rob said.
"That's my aunt's name… I'm not ready for that arc that's ones gonna be chaotic" Ameila said standing up from the chevelles hood
"Fir enough" Rob said
"Alright I'm drunk it's late let's get flapjack's" Ameila said cracking her neck, and opening the door to her car
"Ooo pancakes sound good." Eva said.
"I can go for some waffles right now." Rob said.
"You heretic, pancakes are superior." Eva said.
"Yeah sure, but have you ever heard of pancakes being able to be cooked in a toaster, or a pancake iron?" Rob asked.
"Bitch, pancakes are way more versatile, I'm absolutely gonna make you bacon pancakes later and I will change your mind." Eva said.
"You can try my love, you can try." Rob said.
"For Sapphire sake get in the car before i force you both in there" Ameila said as they quickly got in, allowing her to follow. the Chevelle engine turned over and rumbled as it took off down the street disappearing into the distance
End of act 1
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 11
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The Impala flew past Lucy's outlaw steakhouse turning right as they drove down an empty road until they reached a lovely two story brick house. They pulled into the driveway behind a big purple twenty thirteen ford raptor that was raised and parked in the gravel driveway next to a jeep renegade.
"Let's see if they're more forthcoming than their daughter." Rob said getting out of the car.
"Hopefully." Eva said doing the same.
"Been a while." Rob said heading for the house.
"Yeah." Eva said as they got on the porch.
Rob knocked on the door as Eva hit the doorbell. Which made a pretty sound. Before the door opened as they came face to face with a replica of Ameila
"Hey Nana." Rob said, waving as Nana held up her arm and swayed her hand to the left.
"Where's Lucinda?" Rob asked.
Nana held her left hand in a cuffed way and slid her right hand in
"Yeah I still have no idea how to read sign language ma'am." Rob said.
"Can we come in?" Eva asked as Nana gestured them in.
"Thank you." Rob said as he and Eva entered the house.
They entered the cozy little home immediately running into baby pictures of Ameila before she lost her arm.
"Man, it's actually weird to me that Ameila had two human arms at one point." Eva said.
Nana closed her right hand and put up her pinkie index and thumb as she slowly moved it back and forth
"Could you get Lucinda? No offense but I barely understand you still and I hate myself for not learning to." Rob said.
"She said she loves Ameila" Lucinda said coming around the corner
"Ah, yeah. We're actually here to talk about her." Rob said.
"She's fine. Just distant and it's worrying us." Eva said.
"Das meh baby for you" Lucinda said gesturing to a picture of Ameila and another child who looked like a combination of the two
"Who's the other one?" Eva asked.
Nana made a few gestures
"She said our oldest" Lucinda said as nana took her hand and moved it across her face
"Nah you baby" Lucinda said as nana blushed
"Where is she now?" Eva asked.
"Around" Lucinda said
"I sense a trope that all our children run off to towns in the middle of nowhere" Lucinda said
As nana quickly moved her fist back and forth
"Yeah that's fair. Has Ameila talked with you guys lately? She's been a bit more distant than usual." Rob said.
"She's a mini replica of me. So if you know me you know her.. though I used to be the biggest narcissist back in school… thankfully she didn't get that" Lucinda said
"Yeah, that's about right. She's I think going through something and we were wondering if you knew anything about that." Rob said.
"Hmm… when did it start? any details?" Lucinda asked as Nana did the first gesture again
"Hard to say exactly. But I wanna say a few days ago. She also went on a trip to Foggy Rock." Rob said.
"Ahhh… yeah That'd do it" Lucinda said.
"Something we should know?" Rob asked
"Well about eight years ago before she disappeared to Ravens Borough she moved to foggy rock to" Lucinda began explaining as nana stopped her
"Hmmm.?" Lucinda said Nana made a few signs to her
"Ameila is.. an adult now and what happened is her business. If she hasn't told you there's probably a fairly good reason why" Lucinda said.
"Fair enough. Something happened during college then huh." Rob said.
"That's pretty much all we'll be able to know for now I guess." Eva said.
"How've you two been?" Rob asked.
Nana put her left hand on her chin and put it down cuffing her hands together
"How about you come join us in the living room.. after all it's been fourteen years since we've seen you Robert" Lucinda said
"I haven't used that name in… so many years." Rob said.
"Despite every document saying otherwise." Eva said.
"Hmm mabey we'll pull out the chairs instead it's a nice day to chill on the porch." Lucinda said thinking about it.
"Up to you. We're good at settling. It's a speciality." Rob said.
"Porch it is" Lucinda said
In no time at all they were chilling on the enclosed back porch in folding chairs.
"Ahhh. This is nice." Eva said looking at the hand made garden in front of them
"Wonder if mom's garden still exists." Rob said. As Lucinda placed her hand on a beer next to her
"Your mom gardened?" Eva asked.
"Nope. She just had a bed of flowers she let do their thing." Rob said.
"Nana puts a lot of work into this garden" Lucinda said taking a sip of moonwalker beer
"Fair. Gardening is a lot like gun repair. Takes a steady hand to make sure it's done with absolute precision." Rob said.
"Uh huh, and who do you get your snarky from?" Eva asked.
"His mom." Lucinda said
"Yup. Among other things." Rob said.
"Such as?" Eva asked as Lucinda took another sip. Hmm
"Well, she's a werewolf." Rob said.
"That… explains a lot more than it should." Eva said.
"I only get a few of the traits, nothing affecting my appearance besides my eyes." Rob said.
"Good ol' night vision, so handy." Rob said.
"So that's why your eyes turn green sometimes." Eva said.
"Nana dear, would you mind getting our guests some of your family's famous lemonade?" Lucinda asked as Nana moved her fist back and forth as she got up.
"Ooo lemonade ." Eva said.
Nana walked towards the kitchen as Lucinda slapped her ass.. she then turned around and gave her the bird as she disappeared into the kitchen
"Ahhh.. I'ma fuck that ass later." Lucinda said relaxing in her chair and taking a sip of her beer as nana came back out with three tall glasses filled with ice. And a large pitcher of delicious looking lemonade.
"I know that feeling." Rob said.
"I'm sure you do." Eva said with a smirk.
"Oh the difference between you and I. Is that I'm forty four years old and there's no more running for me. You two however are still young, you have all the time in the world to experiment. But I cannot mess up. Nana is truly a gem she's not like everyone out there completely unique there's no one like her and thus I refuse to screw this up" Lucinda said
"I also know that feeling." Ro. Said.
"Rob I love that you are trying to be sweet. But you're only twenty four.. you're still learning what love is.. love isn't about sex or doing everything every single day together. Love is about two completely different people. A deaf tabaxi and a normal Kuni who bullied her mercilessly back in school because she was different. two people you'd never expect to be together who are. Because they make it work despite their flaws, that is what love is" Lucinda said.
"Heh, that's fair I suppose. But, at the same time I think… I think I found it." Rob said, looking at Eva.
"Or do you mean it found you after many years?" Eva asked.
"We'll see." Rob said. As nana poured three glasses of juicy lemonade
"Thank you." Rob said.
Nana placed her hand on her mouth and then lowered it down Infront of her with her palm out as she sat back down next to Lucinda
"Looks like I'll have to learn sign language." Eva said with a sigh.
"She said thank you" Lucinda replied
"Fair." Rob said.
"She can talk, she has a voice. But after Lizzie and Ameila became adults and no longer needed us she went back to using sign" Lucinda explained
"Makes sense." Rob said, taking a glass of lemonade. It was a juicy mouth watering taste filled him with happiness
"When ame and Liz were younger.. They couldn't sleep well at night and so Nana would talk to them to help them to sleep. It was adorable and thus she just kinda used the voice because it was easier for them until they were of the age where she didn't need to anymore. And I mean her voice is adorable. I don't understand why she doesn't use it. But she doesn't and It doesn't really affect me because I can understand her" Lucinda explained
"Fair enough. Still can't imagine being deaf." Rob said.
"She may be deaf. And she may be different but I love her all the same" Lucinda said taking her hand through Nana's hair
"So when it comes to Ameila the only advice I can give you. Is stop prying into her life. I'm glad you worry about my baby and I'm so very glad she has friends. But if you pry too much into her life you'll just drive her further from you.. maybe even worse" Lucinda said.
"Fair enough. Guess we'll let her tell us when she's ready." Rob said.
"Exactly" Lucinda said
"So how've you guys been?" Rob asked.
"Every day is a new adventure," Lucinda said.
"Fair enough." Rob said.
They continued chilling on the porch as another car that looked like her el camino but without the bed pulled in beside the Impala.
"Looks like you have another visitor." Eva said. Watching Ameila get out of the car and walk towards them holding a twelve pack of jack
"the Fuck is that!" Rob said looking at the black car behind Ameila with a large double SS badge on the front. As she gestured towards it with a bottle of jack
"It's a Chevy...burp…Chevelle" Ameila said burping mid sentence
"Oh damn. Look at that thing." Eva said.
It was a beautiful black car with chrome rims and grill and white stripes on the hood
"Yes please do look at it" Ameila said sitting down her twelve pack of jack
"Fair it is very pretty." Rob said.
"Yeah it is" Ameila replied sitting down next to them putting her feet up on the arm rest of the chair with a bottle of jack in her right hand in an almost identical pose to Lucinda
"Like mother, like daughter." Rob said.
"If I was a raging alcoholic" Lucinda said
"Call me what you want I have thick skin" Ameila said as they could almost Imagine the smell of jack on her breath
"You're insane" Lucinda said
"Damn right I'm insane I bought a Chevy Chevelle for almost a hundred grand" Ameila said
"And that's why I built my Impala." Rob said.
"Not without help you didn't." Eva said.
"Guarantee building that car alone set you back a few.. burp…thousand" Ameila said
"Well yeah, but nowhere near a hundred thousand." Rob said.
"I call bullshit" Ameila said
"You're right it is bullshit, it was more a hundred fifty, though it's definitely nowhere near stock aside from the seats and body." Rob said.
"Well that one's kinda on you it was stock before you met this pretty lady" Ameila said
"No it really wasn't." Eva said.
"Woman, I think I'd know what was in the car. Especially since Me and Orion had to go find parts because half of them don't exist. so we went the extra mile to have them built by chevy so he could say it was stock to an extent" Ameila replied.
"I appreciate that." Rob said.
"And then I started driving it… I see." Eva said.
"Eh, as long as I have it, that's all that matters to me." Rob said.
"Now I kinda feel bad about it…" Eva said.
"Don't me and Orion warned him a thousand times over not to turn it into a work car because it's a collectors item. but as you can see" Ameila said gesturing to the Impala which was still missing it's mirror
"That mirror is haunting me I swear." Rob said.
"Again me and Orion warned you this would happen however you don't listen till it swims around and bites you on the ass" Ameila replied
"Yeah… I don't even know what the hell happened to it." Rob said.
"You left a valuable collectors item unattended outside a bar for criminals. And before you say anything. My note said at the bottom not to bring it" Ameila said abruptly
"Ah. Yeah. That's fair…" Rob said.
"But a fuckin mirror?" Eva said.
"They also scratched your door" Ameila added.
"See, that's more understandable than taking my fuckin mirror." Rob said.
"You have no reason to be pissed because again I warned you something like this would happen" Ameila said.
"I'm pissed at myself more than anything really." Rob said.
"So hows my baby" Lucinda said taking a sip of her beer
"Baby's sucking at lifey atm" Ameila replied
"How come" Lucinda asked
"Baby may have done a few things recently that she probably shouldn't have" Ameila said
"Like buying a Chevelle?" Eva asked
"Naaaaah mate.. id do that again" Ameila quickly replied
"I uhhmm.. met an old friend. One thing kinda lead to another and I kinda cheated on Ava twice" Ameila said with abit of regret in her voice
"Oh my" Lucinda said
"How you gonna tell her?" Rob asked
"... I'm not I don't wanna lose her so I'm not gonna tell her and just stop doing that" Ameila said
"Your logic is flawed my child you should tell her. if she loves you she'll forgive you this time. She may not view you the same way but if you keep it from her.. you better be a very good liar" Lucinda said as nana gestured
"Even your mom agrees" Lucinda added
"I'm not gonna tell her, that's a death sentence" Amelia said
"Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to keep it bottled up but your choice." Rob said.
"Well let's look at the pros and cons. I tell her I possibly end up single sleeping on a couch or I get the silent treatment for several days" Ameila said
"yeah..I get the silent treatment every day of my life" Lucinda said as nana punched her in the arm
"Hey not her fault, I'd make the same joke." Eva said.
"I mean it is kinda fucked up. Mom can't speak very well" Ameila said as nana crossed her arms
"But If I don't tell her and never screw up. I sleep easy I don't potentially lose her. She talks to me I get to see her smile. And not many people can say their married to the mayor's daughter" Amelia said
"That's fair. Though I'm just happy being with Eva." Rob said, causing Eva to smile and blush.
"Ahh young love there's nothing sweeter than young love." Lucinda said
"Where gonna be eating popcorn when they hit stage two where they realize the little ticks that annoy each other.. causing them to snap at each other over the smallest details" Amelia said
"Yes we are" Lucinda said
"Bruh I should start a disgruntled partner hotline at the bar for people who need to talk about their relationship issues" Amelia said as if a light bulb had gone off in her head
"Yeah, probably." Rob said.
"Twenty eight bucks a call il be fuckin rich" Ameila said
"You know the rules we birthed you so we get a cut of the pay" Lucinda said
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 10
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The Impala flew down the interstate on the way back from a job as the car rattled from the speed.
"God I love when the roads are empty." Eva said.
"It is pretty nice." Rob said.
"You're worried about Ameila aren't you?" Eva asked.
"Of course I'm worried. She's obviously hurt by something and I can't even figure out what." Rob said.
"And your principles refuse to let you dig up the answer yourself." Eva said.
"Exactly. But, we'll know something soon enough." Rob said.
"Fair enough. For now though let's get back home and relax for a bit." Eva said as the Impala slowed a bit coming off the interstate.
A pair of red tail lights illuminated the word charger on the back of a shadowy vehicle. As a car went around the Impala. Allowing the lights of it to illuminate up the word dodge charger rt on the back
"Well that's something you don't see every day." Eva said.
"You should have seen what Orion's got in his garage that he's afraid to touch." Rob said.
"Heh, fair enough. Though right now I'm focused on getting home. Getting undressed and snuggling up into bed with my favorite person." Eva said.
"Aww, that's sweet Eve." Rob said.
"Mmhm. We'll see if anything else happens." Eva said.
The charger pulled forward as their headlights showed the license plate that said mad1son on the back
"Alright that's gotta be Ava right?" Rob said.
"That's my guess." Eva said as they came to an intersection pulling up beside the charger
"Here we go again." Rob said, adjusting his posture.
"What?" Eva asked, looking at the charger.
The window rolled down as an arm attachment to a red jacket sat on the door. As they heard them fiddling with the radio
"Well alright then." Rob said looking over. He could see the outline of a werewolf behind the wheel.
"Well that's not Ava." Rob said.
"Then that leaves…" Eva said.
"Huh, never thought Chris would be back." Rob said.
The radio turned over as bad to the bone started playing. While the charger reved
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Rob said, rolling his window down as Eva revved the Impala.
The figure turned his head, noticing that they were there.
"Sup." Rob said casually as Eva waved.
"Sup" a male voice said as the chargers engine revved fully putting theirs to shame
"Nice ride." Rob said.
"It was better when I have my wife in the seat next to me but alas" he said
"Heh, yeah I can understand that. It's nicer driving with a loved one." Rob said.
"Guess her mom's nickname of widow maker makes sense now" Chris said
"It's not all too bad. You still got family." Rob said
"Makes sense" Chris said
"Good seeing you back in town Chris, we'll catch up later, though I'm gonna get some sleep and cuddle first." Rob said.
"Yep" Chris said as the light turned green. Causing the charger to take off like a rocket
"And off he goes." Eva said taking off for home.
"Yup. Let's get home and relax." Rob said.
Ameila picked up her rag looking through one eye as the other was bandaged up as she slowly took it over the counter in a sloppy manner her vision began to fade again as she heard a prosthetic arm
"nah mate go fuck your self! I'm tired of paying for hospital bills.." Ameila said as her vision came back while she continued to clean the top of her bar counter in a sloppy manner.
"Man i need some entertainment ascides from music" Ameila said
As Amelia was cleaning, the doors to the bar were swung open but not with too much force that it would damage anything. A tall girl with long flowing blonde hair stepped through though her face was obscured by her biking helmet. After surveying the location with a quick look to her left and right, she took a seat at the bar.
"Oh… welcome to the hearts of steel. I'm the one armed cyclops how tough are y-" Ameila said.
The girl removed her helmet.
“Heya, me again.” The girl said, seeming highly confident in herself.
"Fuc… welcome to my establishment, how can I help you today ma'am" Ameila asked the girl.
“Yes you can, I feel we got off on the wrong foot the other day when you jumped out the window, Rubes told me how to find here so we could have a better intro. the names Xiao, pleased to meet’cha.” Xiao replied, holding out her hand to shake Amelia’s.
"My name's the full metal alchemist I own the place" Ameila said shaking her hand
“Suuuure it is.” Xiao said sarcastically.
"Yeah…. It's the queen bee…" Ameila said, accepting her nickname.
“Sweet! oh, while I’m here, mind if I have a drink? “I’ve had my eye on trying the scarlet kiss.” Xiao said.
"Throw in a blowjob and it's on the house" Ameila said
“Tempting offer but I gotta decline.” Xiao said
"Figured as much," Amelia said.
“Maybe another time though.” Xiao replied, winking at Amelia.
"Maybe so scarlet kiss hmm that's.. Lime… you seem like a no ice kinda gal.. two shots of vodka... For you.. a dash of lemon and rose whisper… and that's one scarlet kiss with a dash of.. love" Ameila said kissing her finger and taking it around the brim of the glass.
“For me? You made it unique based on how you predict what I like? Risky move, I like ya style Queen Bee.” Xiao said.
"..I'm all about the risk factor.." Ameila said in her matured sexy tone.
“Flirty too, if you weren't taken, I’d be sliding over that surface and doing ya right here and now.” Xiao said admittedly.
"You seem to know alot about your bartender for someone who knows nothing about your bartender" Ameila said keeping the tone.
“That ones on Rubes, she’s told me quite a bit… flirty, taken, prosthetic arm, both of ya traumatized by some half bird bitch… ya know, the important junk.” Xiao said, taking sips of her drink in between.
"I.. wouldn't call her.. that" Ameila said
“She tried to kill you… how is that not the correct term for it?” Xiao asked.
"Not me.. she killed everyone because of me" Ameila said, correcting her information.
“Huh… guess I was only half listening again while she was explaining.” Xiao said.
"Happens.. at least you got the looks to make up for it." Ameila said.
“Damn, you’re a flirty one, it’s kinda turnin’ me on a little.” Xiao replied.
"Good, that's very good." Ameila said.
“Is that blowjob offer still on the table?” Xiao asked.
"I mean, possibly why?" Ameila asked, twiddling her fingers.
“I’m considering taking up the offer.” Xiao answered.
"Well I'd suppose it's better than paying fifteen pounds" Ameila said.
“I have the money but this seems much more fun.” Xiao said.
"Go for it I ain't gonna stop you" Ameila said holding her tongue out to the side.
“Right, show me the fella I’m puttin’ in my mouth.” Xiao said, licking her lips.
"Come get it" the one eyed cyclops said.
Xiao wasted no time climbing over the counter and tackling her.
The door to the detective's office opened as Robin stumbled in. He was still in his uniform but his badge was missing.
"Woah, you alright?" Rob asked while Eve was sitting on his desk.
"Yuah is fie" Robin said, clearly drunk .
"Did you walk here?" Eva asked, turning around on the desk revealing her black toe socks with red toes and heels.
"You're drunk. What happened?" Rob asked.
"Isa ned tacan" Robin said
"What?" Rob said.
"I need ta can" Robin said holding his fist over this mouth
"Ta can?" Rob asked.
"There's a trash can right there." Eva said pointing right next to Robin. Who vomited something fierce into it.
"You good there buddy?" Rob asked.
"NU" Robin said whipping the vomit off on his sleeve
"Alright. Whatcha need now?" Eva asked.
"You really shouldn't have gotten drunk man, you know how it makes your CVS act up." Rob said getting up and walking over to Robin.
"Drink make feel good" Robin said pulling a file folder from inside his uniform and tossing it on their desk
"Buddy…" Rob said, hugging Robin as Eva picked up and opened the file folder.
"Ugh..Fuck" Robin said snapping out of it as he pulled off his uniform top underneath he was wearing a gray crop top making his tattoos visible flowers a butterfly and the phrase till death do us part
"You good?" Rob asked.
"Yeah" Robin said as their was the faint outline of what appeared to be a bullet hole hiding under his tank top. As he walked over to the desk
"Alright. Whatcha need?" Rob asked.
"Got another wacky one here for you" Robin said gesturing to the file"Coming all the way from lyn town believe it or not" Robin said
"Something about a bed and breakfast… we'll look into it." Eva said.
"Are you doing alright?" Rob asked.
"They say people have been going missing without a trace of life at the black diamond bedside manor. It's one or two people every few months. And so far it's been six people" Robin said placing his hand upon his gun
"Alright. We'll check it out tomorrow." Rob said.
"No rush." Robin said
"Fair enough." Eva said.
"What happened to your badge?" Rob asked.
"I think I left it at the bar… so Katelyns probably wearing it right now." Robin said.
"...uh hi… am I interrupting anything?" a pink haired girl in a black dress and hat asked looking at Eva
"Whatcha need?" Eva asked.
"Need a ride home Robin?" Rob asked.
"..not uh entirely sure. I'm looking for something.. closure I suppose?" The lady said
"Alright. Tell us about it and we'll see what we can do." Eva said.
"I'm looking for an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time. I heard they had moved here but.." the lady said
"What's their name?" Eva asked as the lady explained the situation to her.
"And I stopped keeping up with them after they moved here." The lady ended
"Alright we'll see what we can do ma'am." Eva said.
"Thank you" she said as she headed out
"Alright I think that's everything for the day." Eva said.
"You… uh" Robin said turning towards the door
"What?" Rob asked.
"You didn't get her name or phone number…" Robin said
"Shit. You're right." Rob said heading after the lady. Who was mysteriously gone
"Well that's weird. She's gone." Rob said coming back in.
"Right Imma go get krunk again you two have fun" Robin said
"Oi, try not to get too fucked up please." Rob said.
"Yeah you're too precious." Eva said.
"Watch me bitch!" Robin said leaving.
"Let's take a look into that first case… in bed." Rob said picking up Eva like the princess she is.
"Ooo, forward huh?" Eva said, grabbing the folder off the desk and kissing Rob.
"It's been a long day, my love." Rob said closing the office while still carrying the white haired minx and carrying her up to their apartment.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 9
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
In Foggy Rock
A tag sat that said police chief Robin on it. As a feminine hand flipped it over to not be viewed as
Robin sat sleep deprived with his head on his desk surrounded by missing reports for Salein as the bell to the building rang singling some had entered.
".. welcome to foggy rock police department. Our job is to make sure everyone goes home safely at night. How can I help you?" Robin said
"We hit a snag while investigating Lucy's. Need a warrant." Rob said.
"..cool just put it on the file over there." Robin said gesturing his head to it.
"I'll read it eventually" Robin added
"Hey, we'll get whatever closure we can provide." Eva said, noticing Robin's demeanor.
"What's the point?" Robin asked.
"Hey, something happened didn't it?" Rob asked, putting the file where it was supposed to go.
"...probably.." Robin replied.
"Tell us. We're here to help. We took the investigation because it's what we do."" Eva said.
"I guess.. I just thought things would be different this time.. that maybe I could actually find one…. But nope I'm a failure as always" Robin said
"Well, you're not. You're Robin, the light in the dark. Now, tell me what happened." Rob said, putting his hands on the desk.
"I just wanna find her dammit." Robin said
"Who?" Rob asked.
"How long?"Eva asked.
"Any leads on where?" Eva asked.
"She doesn't deserve this.. she's mute and deaf… she has the whole world against her… if anyone deserves to be found.. it's her..." Robin said
"Then we should get looking huh? We'll find her. Or at least, get some leads that you can have others look into." Rob said.
"Gah.." Robin grunted standing up from his desk, his eyes were bloodshot and he clearly hadn't slept in days.
"Hey, let us help look for her. We'll do what we can to make sure she gets home." Rob said. As Robin walked over to the door and turned
"..I have been called. And I will ..answer always.." Robin said leaving them behind
"Not alone you won't." Rob said as he and Eva went after him.
On the other side of town
Ameila slowly walked through the foggy town, a thing she hadn't done since she left. She came to a familiar bus stop as she stopped
"Been awhile.. how have you been? '' she said walking up to the gate for silver oak university which was shut with a sign on the front that said condemned. Climbing over the fence she made her way through the courtyard which had majorly fallen into disrepair in the last few years. The brick pathways have cracked and fallen apart and the lanterns were smashed to bits as she came to a stop at the place she'd met yuko. She looked up remembering back a young Ameila did a little satisfactory twirl in the street when with a thud she fell back against the pavement..
"Yeah.. first impressions and what not" Ameila said moving on through the streets of silver oak as the empty and abandoned place brought her chills out of a whole university of students only two survived.. or so she believed.
"I guess through all the darkness and stuff I kinda forgot how beautiful this school used to be," Ameila said, looking around as her thoughts flashed before her eyes pictureing Ruby standing alone at the end of the road in front of her.
".. I'm sorry I don't know why I didn't say anything" Ameila said as her vision flashed red remembering all the memories she had here as she continued walking along Yuko flashed across her mind the bird girl who had an obsession with her. She walked over to the old convenience store as the doors opened allowing her entrance, surprisingly it was still open despite the school closing. She remembered how it was said to have everything you needed. But she quickly moved along passing the rundown theater as she made her way up the stairs and around the bed to a door With a creak she opened the door to her old apartment. The couch and bed were still there but the room was empty. As she sat down on the bed and took a sigh.
"My first day in this room I said this would be home for the next few years… never felt so wrong in my life." Amelia said to herself.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the ajar door.
“Hello? knock knock?” A familiar voice called out.
"Huh? Come in." Amelia said.
“It’s only me.” Ruby said with a sorrowful chirp in her voice.
"Ah.. hi." Amelia said, staring up at the ceiling.
“I saw you earlier and… I thought maybe we could hang out.” Ruby said.
"Cool," Amelia said, holding a thumbs up.
“I… also have my sister waiting outside, she… um, she refused to let me walk alone in the fog.” Ruby said, slightly embarrassed.
"I can't say I blame her considering." Amelia said.
“I’m not fifteen anymore though and even if I was, we both know I can handle it.” Ruby said.
"I know you're not fifteen your twenty three and you have a nice ass but still I'm glad that there are people who care about you" Amelia said sitting up.
“And I’m the less rounded one of the two of us.” Ruby said before laughing.
"I'd eat you for a snack however I'm taken by the vice mayor's daughter.. and I'd rather not screw that one up so I guess I'm just the tease today" Ameila said.
“While we’re in the university grounds, would you like to go into the main building itself? Maybe even find our old classrooms.” Ruby suggested.
“Yo Rubes, you’ve been in there a while, everything alright?” A voice called from downstairs.
“I’m fine! Don’t worry!” Ruby called back.
"Heh Rubes, that's cute but honestly kid.. I can barely stomach being in this room.. I can't imagine the pain of going through the school…" Ameila said.
“If we’re together, we can stomach it… it’s nothing we haven’t managed before and this time there won’t be a crazy person hunting us .” Ruby assured, placing her hand on Amelia’s shoulder as a sign of comfort.
"If I weren't taken I'd grab that hand and cuff it behind your back. And fuck your ass dry.." Ameila said, licking her lips like a cat.
“D-Don’t say things like that, my sister is downstairs and can probably hear you!” Ruby replied embarrassed.
"What's the matter, Yah , scared?" Ameila said, taking her hand up Ruby's ass and putting her on the bed.
"Don't be the kitty, don't bite.. well she does but only if you ask" Amelia said licking her lips.
“A-A little. But mostly about being caught and that you’re already taken. Ruby said.
"Fair enough." Amelia said,
“I’m not sure if I could live with myself if I ruined your relationship.” Ruby said. While Amelia rubbed her behind.
"Mate i wouldn't portray a soul even in the event that we did fuck." Amelia said.
“Is it alright if I let my sister come in? She’s probably getting bored out there on her own.” Ruby said.
"Maybe" Ameila said, continuing to mess with Ruby's booty, taking her fingers up and down her gluteal cleft of her panties.
“A-Are you sure you want to do it here? With the bad memories of the past. Ruby said, starting to get wet from the teasing.
"How cute she's wet. you up for a quickie? Or do you really wanna get into it hehe?" Ameila asked.
“Quick. So we aren’t walked in on.” Ruby said, her breaths getting heavier.
"As you wish ma'am" Ameila said, flipping her over on her back and throwing her legs up over head.
“Please be gentle though… it’s my first.” Ruby replied.
"I was just gonna eat you out but if you wanna go that far." Ameila said, smoothly sliding her panties up around her feet.
“If we’re doing this, we might as well go all the way.” Ruby said.
"Oooh I like you already," Ameila said, spreading Ruby.
“I-I’m a little nervous… but I know I’m in good hands.” Ruby said to reassure herself.
"I'd have been funnier if you said you're in good hand… because you know" Ameila said lifting up her prosthetic limb.
“I know… but it just didn’t slip my mind at the time.” Ruby replied.
"Understandable" Ameila said licking her ass
Ruby let out a gasp and her body tensed as Amelia made the first move on her.
"Mhhhh." Ameila moaned as she continued licking.
“I-I didn’t expect you… to lick there!” Ruby exclaimed between moans.
"What can I say, I'm an ass person" Ameila said, continuing to lick l.
“I can tell you… have done this a lot.” Ruby said while trying to find something to muffle herself.
"Only about six years." Ameila said, giving it a sloppy kiss.
“Mffh!” Ruby moaned, choosing to use her hand to quiet herself.
"Tasty." Ameila said.
“Yknow, if you told me this is what ya were gonna be be doing sis, I would’ve left and gone solo explorin’ while ya have fun.” an unfamiliar voice said to the two.
Ameila made a scared cat sound and leaped out the window
The sign for the hearts of steel flickered and buzzed as Rob, Eva and Robin walked down the stairs and entered. The bar was packed with people as the music shook the room and lights spun. They made their way over to the bar not expecting to find Katelyn behind the counter.
"Well that's unexpected." Rob said.
"Where's Ameila? Is she alright?" Eva asked.
"Boss said she was going to foggy rock earlier but hasn't come back yet. But as the hearts of steels sleazy manger it's my duty to pour the drinks when she's gone" Katelyn said
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"Hope she's alright. We're here to take a short break." Eva said.
"Welcome to the hearts of steel, your one stop shop for all the paranormal and unexplainable shenanigans." Katleyn said.
"Well that's at least fitting considering our jobs and occasional pass time." Rob said.
"What will it be.. a beer mug of our finest. Or one of our specialties" Katelyn asked.
"Mug." Eva said.
"Same." Rob said.
"Two beer mugs and a full metal alchemist" Katelyn said looking at Robin as she walked away.
"Interesting. So whatcha thinking so far Robin?" Rob asked.
"She already told you." Robin said sitting down on his usual stool
"Not about the drinks. Kinda figured that last one was yours." Rob said.
"I'm thinking I'ma drink the night away and try and fail to pick up a chick for company" Robin said
"Fair. I mean I could be your wingman if you need me to." Rob said.
"Last time that happened you two ended up dating." Eva joked.
"I don't need a wingman. I never did I just need to find someone who likes my style" Robin said
"I'm sure you will sooner or later." Rob said.
With a clack two beer mugs were placed on the bar as foam slid down the side both of which were vintage looking with a chevy belair stamped on the front.
"Of course she has vintage cars on her mugs." Rob said grabbing one as Eva grabbed the other.
"And for my favorite perverted asshat a full metal alchemist" Katelyn said sitting in down In front of Robin
"Heh… you always did have a way with words" Robin said picking it up
"Cute." Eva said, taking a sip from her mug.
The contents where strong
"I know I'm cute you don't have to tell me" Katelyn said as the phone rang.
"If it's another fuckin haunted call I'm shooting that fuckin phone." Rob said.
Katelyn walked over and picked it up
"Katelyn's house of horror you grab em we stab em" she said
"I like it. If only we were allowed to answer the phone like that…" Eva said.
"It's for you" Katelyn said handing the phone to them
"Huh?" Rob said, taking the phone and putting it to his ear. Only the sound of clicking could be heard
"Hello." A familiar ai voice said
"What do you need?" Rob said.
"I am calling in regards to seven fifty eight darkwatterton road one nine seven four code named Lucy's Outlaw SteakHouse" it said
"Right, what about it?" Rob asked.
"For your own safety.. Losh inc has requested you never step foot here again" it said.
"Well that was quick. Understood." Rob said.
"We mean you no harm however you have no idea what you're getting involved with" it said
"Yeah, that sounds about right. Guess that's it then huh?" Rob said.
"Failure to comply will result in the suing of a multi million dollar company.. that we know you won't survive" it said
"I get the point." Rob said.
"You may still drop by for steak. But if you're caught trespassing on an investigation you know what will happen" it said
"Yeah. I get the fuckin point. No need to keep the threats going." Rob said, handing the phone back to Katelyn.
"Thank you and remember to smile. You.. are the face of northwest's best western desternation in america" it's muffled voice said hanging up
"Well. In short. We're not allowed to investigate Lucy's anymore under threat of being sued. And I need to talk to someone about that place anyway." Rob said.
"I called in about a warrant. but they said it was unimportant so the earliest you can except it is december" Robin said
"Understandable. So until then this investigation is shelved. Or if the place gets nuked or something, whichever happens first." Eva said.
"Don't look at me I'm just a police officer" Robin said
"Yeah, guess we'll wait for other cases. Though they're clearly hiding something. But that's not our concern for the time being." Rob said.
"Yeah! Let's unwind and try not to think about the corporate bullshit that just happened." Eva said, raising her mug as a short brown haired woman in a suit walked past katelyn.
"Aye. Let's have some fun." Rob said.
"Oh! Drink idea, a chocolate milkshake with chocolate liqueur and coco puffs blended with the milkshake." Eva said.
"Yeah that makes sense that you'd come up with it you chocolate fiend." Rob said with a chuckle.
"We have something like that. But I can't make it" Katelyn said
"Well then, I'll have to get Ameila to make it later." Eva said.
"Sure" Katelyn said as the brown haired girl walked over with a rag over her shoulder like a traditional bartender
"Got a premium customer over here." She said as her beautiful blue eyes glanced at the two detectives
"I see" Katelyn said crouching down behind the counter
"They ordered the scarlet overkill" the matured business like bartender said
"Someone's compensating" Katelyn said pulling up a fancy spiral shot glass up and handing it to her who then walked away with it
"Scarlet overkill?" Rob asked.
Outside the El Camino smashed through a set of trash cans coming to a stop behind the Impala. As Ameila laid back in her seat, making a sigh, placing her hand on the door and opening it as she got out. Pushing the door closed as she walked through the alley towards the staircase she quickly changed into her barmaid outfit and made her way down the stairs and into the bar
"Ah my favorite lady's" Ameila said slapping both Katelyn and the other bar maids asses as she made her way down the bar
"Ah! There's my favorite cat girl." Rob said.
"Ameila! You just missed my drink idea." Eva said.
"I'm sure it was glorious" Ameila said
"Chocolate. Lots of chocolate." Eva said.
"Ah…." Ameila said
"Chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream,coco puffs and vodka. Blended together." Eva said.
"I see.." Ameila said grabbing a few Ingredients from the fridge below her as she whipped something up in a few minutes
"Behold my mom's secret signature chocolate liquor" she said pouring some in a triangular wine glass
"Oooo." Eva said.
"And there's your Marshmallows" Ameila said dropping them in
"I love it." Eva said.
"So what'd you get up to?" Rob asked as Eva eagerly drank her drink.
"Went back to foggy rock to find the part of me I lost back in silver oak university" Ameila said
"Did you find it?" Eva asked.
"I don't think I'd be here if I had…" Ameila said
"Fair enough. Well, if it's any consolation, glad you're back. And I'm sure you'll find something better than what you lost in time." Rob said.
"Doubt it but anyway I'ma go so you guys have fun" Ameila said walking off as the brown haired woman came over she threw her rag over her shoulder and planted herself In front of them with her hand on the side of her face.
"And you are?" Rob asked.
"I'm the real sleazy manager" her very mature voice said
"Name. The writers have trouble describing strangers for long." Rob said, sipping his drink.
"You can call me Cylis" she said
"That's a very unique name." Eva said.
"I also go by Cy." Cylis said
"So how'd you end up working here?" Rob asked.
"Honestly I didn't know there were other bartenders given Ameila's love of drink making." Eva said.
"We're on rotation. I'm always around your just early" Cylis explained
"Ah. Makes sense." Rob said as Cylis placed her rag over her shoulder like a traditional bartender
"I pour the drinks and listen to your tale of woe Basically, I’m for anything that gets you through the night be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bottle of Jack Daniel’s…" Cylis said taking her hand over the shaved side of her head
"Makes sense." Eva said.
"Can I get you two a refill?" Cylis asked as Ameila walked past her stopping. As she slowly backed up to look at the photo of Ava on the shelf.
"... Yeah I'm a horrible person" Ameila said walking away
"Definitely could use one." Eva said.
"No. You're not." A voice said to Ameila.
"Oh you're too kind" Ameila said.
"Hard not to be, eh full metal." The voice said followed by the sounds of a metal arm moving around.
Ameila came to a stop recognizing the sound as she froze in place
"You look like you've seen a ghost." A chubby partly see through bearded man with a robotic right arm said, stepping into her view.
"Too many of late" Ameila said getting woozy
"Well, I wish I could catch you but as you can see, I can't touch shit. But, I'm here to tell you that you gotta stop blaming yourself. Things happen. Love is a weird thing." The ghost said.
"I'll never stop blaming myself" Ameila said
"You can. You just gotta learn to love yourself." The ghost said.
"You misunderstand the fact that I don't blame myself for your death. I couldn't have known Yuko was gonna kill you. I blame myself for kai's death because I did know had I said something then at least id have the satisfaction of being able to say I tried. But you wouldn't understand that because you're my subconscious!" Ameila said
"And yet. You still can do something about. There's two detectives over there and theor friends with the fuckin police Chief, you tell them everything you'll probably get off relatively free. Maybe a long night of questions but otherwise you'll probably be fine." The ghost said with a reassuring smile.
"Mate I just cheated on my future wife I've got more important things on my mind then a Psycho bird with a knife" Ameila saidb
"Then focus on staying faithful." The ghost said.
".. ah god dammit not again.." Ameila said as her vision went black
"Welp. Looks like I gotta get back to haunting a psycho bitch bird." The ghost vanished while Ameilas body cracked against the floor as she bled out to Mary on a cross played in the background and Rob and Eva rushed over to Ameila.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 8
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
Ameila's hand landed on the counter of her empty bar as she shook her hips and sang to herself "🎶I'm only happy when I'm on the run.. I break a million hearts just for fu uh uh un.. I don't belong to anyyyy..one🎶" she took her red rag over the counter cleaning it and making it shine
"🎶I guess you could say that my life's a mess🎶" she sang doing a twirl
"🎶But I'm still looking pretty in this dre eh eh ss🎶"
'ring ring' the rotary phone rang beside her.
"Dammit I thought I changed the line." Ameila said.
"You did. That's not me. Probably Ava checking in on you." Rob said, walking over to the bar.
"Can't be never told her the new number." Ameila said picking up the phone "Thank you for calling the hearts of steel blah blah your one stop shop for all the paranormal and unexplainable shenanigans. This is Ameila speaking." She said into the phone.
"Then I have no idea. I guess I'll just tell her whatever pertinent information she needs to hear." Rob said.
She looked into the phone a little confused as she pulled it away all that could be heard was a creepy buzzer noise that repeated over and over.
"...interesting" she said.
"Concerning more like." Rob said
"Sounds like morse but I don't have that on me sooo.." Ameila said, slamming the phone down without a care.
"Well that's definitely interesting. But we'll worry about that later. So how ya been jailbird?" Rob said with a warm smile.
"You and your damn nicknames you and Katelyn are perfect for each other." Ameila said.
"Heh, I'd politely disagree. I just call you that cause it's just been that for quite some time." Rob said.
"One day you're the jailbird. Then you call yourself the full metal alchemist.. now you're the queen bee" Ameila said tapping her fingers on the counter to the beat of the music.
"Jailbird and full metal alchemist fit you the best. Drink mixing is basically a type of alchemy." Rob said.
"I know that's why I gave it to myself." Ameila said, reaching under the counter and pulling out the drink mixer.
"Anyway, back to the question. How're things?" Rob said.
"Well." Ameila said, sliding over a glass.
"I took Ava on a field trip the other day to see the property my parents left for me over in Ravenclaw." she said, grabbing mixers off the wall.
"It's a three bedroom two bathroom house, up on six twenty eight darkwatterton road." she added.
"Ooh, sounds like you got plans for that property." Rob said.
"The property needs a lot of work done to it. After Lucinda died Nana kinda let the place go." Ameila said, grabbing the photo off the shelf behind her which depicted her mom's standing In front of a beautiful white house and sat it down in front of him.
"Yeah that definitely doesn't sound great. If you need help with it, or anything really, you can count on me. And Eva too of course." Rob said.
"Ava wants kids. She's always wanted kids and I don't really wanna deny the woman kids. considering I would also like to have at least one child in life so the bloodline doesn't end with me. So I think that house is the best option" Ameila said
"Yeah, that's understandable. This place, despite the slogan, isn't exactly too family friendly as of late." Rob said.
"One point five oz. CÎROC Passion. she said pouring some in one oz. … hmm point seventy five oz Hibiscus syrup seventy five oz Lemon juice. And topped off with..." Ameila said, finishing his drink and sliding it towards him.
"One the house but No place is truly family friendly" Ameila said.
"True. True. Might have to actually see about a place in raven's claw when Eva and I are ready to properly settle down and start a family." Rob said.
"Don't know about that one Ravens claw is worse than a Ravens borough especially after the events at starlight high and Starlight university." Ameila said
"Good point. Though this place ain't great either. Weird fog, whatever that fuckin buzzer was a minute ago, the amount of criminals." Rob said.
"At least no one goes around saying the schools were attacked by quote on quote mechanical aliens from another planet." Ameila said.
"Good point. Though Raven's Claw has that steakhouse
"Which is now it's number one attraction it's got the weird gas station called the twin point gas the ranger station up in the mountains.. anything else?" Ameila thought.
"I know because it mysteriously caught on fire and was destroyed asides from a few pieces which they bulldozed back in twenty fifteen." Ameila said.
"It is a good idea. Though, I'm sure you could come up with even better. You always did have great ideas growing up." Rob said.
"Alright ass kisser, I already told you the drink was on the house." Ameila said.
"Not exactly why I said that. I mean it." Rob said sipping his drink.
"Then you don't truly remember our childhood because ninety percent of my 'ideas' ended horribly with someone getting hurt or breaking a bone." Amelia said.
"Ah. But that last ten percent, the ones that worked out, were great. Not to mention you got this place, which is a great idea. The fact that you're here about eighty percent of the time is definitely not great but who am I to judge. My office and home are like twenty feet a part." Rob said
"Mate.. I bought the hearts of steel for shits and giggles. And if you knew how much I bought this place for you'd have a heart attack in your stool. Because I could have put that money into a savings account and retired really early." Ameila said.
"Fair. Still, it's a nice enough place." Rob said.
"It's a nice place. You haven't even gone downstairs yet. But it's a very nice place, definitely not worth what I paid for it though." Ameila said.
"Probably not." Rob said.
"Yup." Ameila said as the phone rang again.
"Should definitely just remove the phone entirely." Amelia said
"I don't even know why you have a phone older than this building." Rob said, taking a sip from his drink.
"It's a long story but.. I told you before that it was owned by a crime boss. Well that was back in the forties. Before it was passed to his only daughter Mary Kurr, under the name the enchanted seductress; she owned it for about eighty years after that and it was passed down through the family going by a few different names.. until nineteen ninty. Where it was gutted and renovated with a second floor added under it. And the neon look of the eighties re named to the empire of crime. It stayed that way till it was dubbed the hearts of steel by Markus kurr and I bought it. Which leads us till now. In conclusion that's why there's a rotary phone next to me
" Amelia said, gesturing to it.
"All that to simply say the building is old as fuck. No wonder we're friends." Rob said with a smile.
"It's also just because it's more Interesting to know the lore behind the bar. Then to just tell you the bar is around seventy years old and the phone is like sixty." Ameila explained.
"The fact that you have a phone that old is odd, but you've seen my car so I can't judge." Rob said.
"Look buddy it looks cool alright sure it may clash with the whole eighties neon aesthetic but it looks cool dammit." Ameila said, gesturing to it.
"That's exactly what I needed to hear. All that matters is that you like it and you don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Rob said.
"Plus from my understanding it's made from a one hundred year old redwood tree. So like.. sue me for thinking it's irreplaceable." Ameila said.
"It definitely is unique." Rob said.
"Damn straight" Ameila said
"Anyway, what the hell are you doing at this bar at four am alone?" She added
"Couldn't sleep again. Wanted to check on you." Rob said.
"We both know that last one is a lie." Ameila said.
"It's really not. I've been thinking about you lately and worried about you." Rob said.
"I went to prison. I think I can protect myself." Ameila said
"Not exactly what I meant. You might be able to handle problems yourself but I meant more mental stuff. You don't need to shut others out." Rob said.
"What are you on about now?" Ameila said
"I'm just saying you don't just have to always lean on Ava for support. I'm here for you. And Eva too." Rob said as Ameila raised her eyebrow.
"I just wanna close this distance that's been between us alright." Rob admitted.
"Ah… Rob, it's not that simple." Ameila said
"Do tell." Rob said.
"It's.. not something I can just explain to you because there are things you won't understand because you're not me.. you haven't been through what I've been through.. you haven't seen what I've seen. What I saw.. what I went through before I came back.. changed me" Ameila said.
"I see. Well, that's kinda what I figured. And why I keep pestering you from time to time. Just want to reinforce that we're here for you, whatever you need. Always." Rob said.
"I will be fine." Ameila said as the phone rang again.
".. excuse me for a second." Ameila said picking it up.
"This should be interesting." Rob said. As Ameila picked up the phone
"Thank you for calling the hearts of steel your one stop shop for all the paranormal and unexplainable shenanigans. This is Ameila speaking." She said into the phone as the neon lights flashed around her
"🎶When the sun goes down and the lights burn out. Then it's time for you to shine.. brighter than a shooting star…. So shine no matter where you are. Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light because it's time for you to shine brighter than a shooting star.. so shine no matter where you are 🎶" a voice sang from the speakers blocking out her voice.
"What in the hell?" Rob said, sipping his drink.
"Enjoying your jailbirds nuisance?" Ameila said coming back over.
"It's interesting to say the least." Rob said.
"🎶A thousand heartbeats beating time, and makes this dark planet come alive. So when the lights flicker out tonight.. you gotta shine 🎶" the song sang over the speaker as bright neon lights filled the room.
"I'm either gonna go blind.. or I'ma know every single song in this bar by age thirty. Neither of which are good." Ameila said as the lights flickered above them.
"Huh.. that's new" she said.
"Pretty sure we're haunted." Rob said.
"Can't be while fights and shootouts have happened in this bar no one ever actually died.. I'ma go check the breaker." Ameila said walking off.
"Fair enough." Rob said, taking a sip from his drink as he heard an all too familiar whistle.
"Oh good." Rob said.
"γεια γεια" a female voice said
"What?" Rob said.
"I said hello hello" the voice said
"Hello." Rob said, looking around. He saw the fabled white haired assistant mayor chilling in a booth at the back of the bar.
"Oh hey Athena, what're you doing here?" Rob asked.
"I just wanted to scare you into thinking I was Samera, we both know you based her off me." Athena said.
"What on earth are you talking about?" Rob asked, confused.
"Death.." Athena said
"And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically." she said with a massive eye roll.
"or poetically or theoretically.. I am legitimately death." she said.
"Well alright then." Rob said immediately going back to looking at the bar.
"Yeah you ain't escaping that easily." Athena said walking around the front of the bar
"I told you we'd meet again and we'll here I am" she said.
"Oh good." Rob said.
"Wow not even a nice to see you again. I see how it is" Athena said
"Well I'm freaked out right now. Cause I have no idea what the hell you're on about." Rob said.
"Think back to your days in Archdale." Athena said grabbing a drink from the back of the bar
"Ah a hallucination. The fuck is in this drink, that shouldn't happen." Rob said.
"Hah hallucination.. funny guy right here." Athena said.
"Well that's the only explanation I got about you knowing things about a dream I hate while drunk on a plane." Rob said.
"I'm the devil, I know everything." Athena said as the bar's power went out leaving only her glowing red eyes.
"What do you want?" Rob asked.
"To remind you that there is nowhere you can hide that I won't find" Athena said pouring him another glass.
"Right." Rob said.
With a clack the lights came back on as she was gone. But his drink was full.
"What." Rob said as Ameila came back out now that the lights had stopped flickering.
"See told you it was the braker this bar isn't haunted." she said.
"Yeah, old building I guess, wiring might need checking." Rob said.
"Wiring hasn't been touched since the ninety's when they overhauled it so I wouldn't be surprised." Amelia said.
"Exactly." Rob said.
"However that'd cost a lot of money around about four, five grand so I'ma just let it go till I absolutely need to." Amelia said.
"Makes sense." Rob said.
"Yep." Amelia said
"Had an idea. Automatic, mobile, bartender." Rob said.
"Huh I think my uncle had one of them. He called it the automatic mobility bar or something like that. However I enjoy making drinks" Ameila said
"What about a robot chef?" Rob said.
"Actually I have one of them in the kitchen, it is one of the only OKS products I have." Amelia sai
"Interesting." Rob said
"I was gonna buy one of them giant replicas of myself for nefarious purposes but I could never save up the scratch" Amelia said with a sigh
"Of course you did." Rob said.
"Yep…" Amelia said
"Robo you. That's a thought." Rob said.
"Not really a thought because they existed at one point." Ameila said
"True, if you had one you could have her run the bar when you're not here and have more time off." Rob said.
"But I like running the bar" Ameila said
"Yeah I know. But, at the same time you'd be able to take days off, and have it be 24 hours." Rob said.
"Not really robo me was limited to what she could do. She was better at lifting then making drinks and cooking" Ameila said
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"Uhuh though I'd custom order it to have a pussy and an ass for.. nefarious reasons" Ameila said
"You'd wanna fuck yourself huh? Yeah, Eva would probably want to do the same with a clone of herself too. Which would be fun." Rob said.
"Among other things" Ameila said
"Though I'd probably get tired of hearing the preset telemarketer voice lines after a month." Ameila added
"Fair." Rob said.
"Thank you for contacting okami kinetic solutions we are currently unavailable. please try again later" Ameila said in a derpy voice
"Yeah, that'd get annoying quickly." Rob said.
"Actually I think the twin point gas and go is run by them I could be wrong though" Ameila said
"Interesting." Rob said.
"Daaaamn now you got me missing my other half" Ameila said placing a picture of Ava next to her on the counter as she glanced at the phone
"Well it is getting to the point where we both should get home." Rob said.
"Yeah probably." Ameila said
"Then it's probably best we head out." Rob said.
"I think i'll stay a little longer just Incase." Ameila said
"Alright then, I'll see you later. Stay safe. Actually…" Rob said standing up.
"Hmmm?" Ameila said turning away from the phone
"Gimme a hug." Rob said.
"A.. Hug?" Ameila asked clearly forgetting those existed
"A hug!" Rob said moving around the bar and wrapping his arms around her.
"You clearly needed one." Rob said.
"Thank you." Ameila said waving him off
"Does Ava not hug you?" Rob asked, letting go.
"Of course" Ameila said
"Just from behind" Ameila said with a grin
"Eva does that too. Though usually in bed. With all her limbs around me." Rob said.
"Anyway you should probably get back" Ameila said.
"Yeah, I should. I'll see you later. It's good to be able to talk with you again." Rob said.
"Yeah." Ameila said waving him off
"So dismissive." Rob said.
"Come on scatt." Ameila said with a laugh
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 8
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
"Wait up jailbird!" a cute boys voice said as a young Ameila came to a stop waiting up for him
"Sorry, I guess it's just hard to keep up with today." she said
"It's okay just wait up for me." Rob said looking at the Tabaxi with wonder and love having developed maybe something of a crush for her.
"I'll try." Ameila said running up ahead as he chased after her.
"Ugh jailbird..." Rob said running after her as watched her run chasing after her. As he began to slow down, however, she continued running until he came to a stop. Watching her disappear. He slowly sat up in bed unable to sleep as he went down stairs and left.
With a clack and a flicker a sign with Orion on it that said Orion's twenty four hour roadside assistance and repairs on it. moved gesturing a giant wrench. As the Impala turned the corner by the large white twelve bay garage.
"Goddamn insomnia." Rob said. Pulling into the garage where Orion's truck was sitting as his dash said it was four am
"Couldn't let me get another two hours of sleep could you fuckin memories." Rob said parking the car. He got out approaching the garage as he stepped into bay two where Orion's truck was sitting as the radio sang
"🎶 Oh I used to say.. I would never fall in love again until I found her.. I said I would never fall unless it's you🎶" Orion sang to it while fiddling with a welding torch.
"You have a weird taste in music, man." Rob said.
"Yes I am aware" Orion said as fire sprayed from the welding torch as he shut it off setting it down on his massive toolbox
"Whatcha working on?" Rob said.
"I was putting more decals on the truck." Orion said, gesturing to it.
"Oh?" Rob asked, looking at the truck. Which now had red and yellow caution tape on the back. The phone number was now bigger and it said we work on auto repairs, truck repairs and motorcycle repairs on the doors. And across the side of the back it said I work twenty four hours so you don't have too.
"Very nice. Why'd you need a welding torch though? Thought that was all part of the paint job." Rob said.
"I was gonna finally weld the winch onto the front of the truck while I was waiting for phone calls." Orion said.
"Makes sense." Rob said.
"🎶Georgia, pulled me in I asked to love her once again You fell, I caught you I'll never let you go again like I did🎶... So let me guess couldn't sleep?" Orion asked
"Nope. Thought a night drive would help and nope, wide awake." Rob said.
"Well I guess I'm honored you drove all the way out here." Orion said.
"I just kinda guessed you'd be awake really." Rob said.
"It ain't called Orion's twenty four hour roadside assistance and repairs for nothing." he said ending it with a yawn.
"Fair. Surprised you actually mean that. Though you really gotta get more people to work a graveyard shift." Rob said.
"Meh… the extra sleep would be nice. But then nothing would get done how I'd like. Was angry earlier… woke up from this weird dream and it was perfect. Had Saffron wrapped around me and rose between us. And then I couldn't get back to sleep so now I am here." Orion said.
"Yeah, I feel that. Woke up with Eva wrapped around me… couldn't get back to sleep despite how perfect it was." Rob said.
Without warning the fog crept into the bay covering the ground as Orion continued talking unfazed by it.
"Still weird to me how this fog doesn't operate like regular fog." Rob said.
"Just one of those things that you gotta accept. It's an unstoppable force of nature that can't be explained" Orion said
"Like for example me and romantic love songs. I don't know why it happens, it just does." Orion added.
"Fair enough." Rob said.
"So how was your vacation to the best western desternation in america brah?" Orion asked
"In short. Moon's haunted." Rob said.
"I don't get it.. unless you're referring to the moon hanging from the ceiling." Orion said.
"That was also probably haunted too, yes. There's some shady shit going on there. On top of the ghosts, place might have been besieged by demons an hour ago." Rob said.
"You lost me at demons brah" Orion replied.
"Yeah, it's fuckin weird. Place is definitely fuckin haunted by Veronica Madison." Rob said.
"Didn't know her." Orion said applying a decal to the truck.
"Neither did I, I knew Chris and Ameila, and that's it. Shits fuckin weird and I ain't going back without a warrant. But, after what I've learned, I think there's a good guess at what made people disappear." Rob said.
"Shoot for it" Orion said
"Either the company has been silencing people who talk about the okami kinetics salvage operation they're running behind the restaurant or ghosts." Rob said.
"I don't think ghosts.. can make people vanish without a trace" Orion said applying another decal
"True. Though the woman in charge warned us to not go out at three am. Which is highly fuckin suspicious." Rob said.
"Oh.. that's just a town rule in general appointed by the vice mayor. Did you not know this?" Orion said.
"Nope. Which is even more concerning but that's a problem for another day." Rob said.
"Athena put the rule in place because the fog is the worst at three am. You can't see the roads so the town rule is leave before three am. Or leave at four." Orion said.
"Ah, right. Makes sense." Rob said.
"Huh I guess I do pay attention at those talks" Orion said.
"Yes. I usually don't." Rob said.
"Huh salvage shed.. actually I probably shouldn't be talking about it good idea Orion" Orion said to himself
"Yeah probably not. That place gives me the creeps." Rob said.
"Worst you've ever seen?" Orion asked.
"Not quite." Rob said.
"Uh huh." Orion said.
"What? I've seen some shit that should give me nightmares if I regularly had dreams." Rob said.
"Uhuh" Orion said again
"So what was the dream you had about yesterday." he asked
"The one that woke me up? It was more of a memory. About Ameila. Heh, I used to have a crush on her as a kid but I just couldn't keep up." Rob said.
"Not trying to sound like a therapist here. But maybe there's a reason you had the dream" Orion said
"Probably. Not sure why but I'll figure it out in time. Probably just cause I still care about her." Rob said.
"Last time I had a dream about anyone one it was Ralph.. and we both know what happened to them." Orion said
"Oh god." Rob said.
"Poor bastard.. completely unrecognizable.. had to be identified through dna." Orion said.
"Yeah, I know. Bad way to go." Rob said.
"If I were you I'd keep an eye on her. Now don't pester her twenty four seven but keep an eye on her." Orion said.
"Yeah I will. She's a good friend. Even if she's become… distant lately." Rob said.
"That is okay, friends grow distant sometimes. But that doesn't mean they don't care about you." Orion said.
"Yeah. It just kinda hurts." Rob said.. hearing a tire squeal and the sound of a crash in his mind while thinking about Ameila.
"The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead." Orion said.
"Yeah, that sounds about right." Rob said.
"Alright I'm losing my sanity, how about you pull America's golden girl in here so I can inspect it." Orion said.
"Alright." Rob said getting back in the Impala.
With a wurr Orion raised it up on the lift and grabbed an airline, gun, and socket. And quickly took the lug nuts off before pulling the wheel off. then shining a small flashlight at the brake pads
"I see." Orion said.
"I'll just let you do your thing really." Rob said.
"Gotta take it easy on the brakes man." Orion said, walking over to a parts room.
"I'm not the one driving usually. Though I don't know why you insist on using stock brakes on her." Rob said.
"I don't.. I use metallic brake pads that's why it shocks me." Orion's slightly distance voice said.
"I don't think there's an ounce of the word 'stock' on this car, not anymore at least." he said, returning with new brake pads.
"The paint, seats and probably the body itself." Rob said.
"Paints not stock I've repainted it several times due Eva's excessive scratching." Orion said.
"Yeah that's fair." Rob said.
"But it's your car man tell her to let off the brakes because you know the brakes give out after some time. And this pedal isn't always gonna save your butt you feel me?" Orion said pushing the brakes in as it barely did anything.
"Yeah, I'll tell her when she's lucid enough." Rob said.
0 notes
blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 7 all is not well at the steakhouse
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
"I just can't help it you know" Robin said
"Can’t help it huh?" Katelyn asked
"I've just become an asshole of late" Robin explained
"Have you ever considered that maybe you're being so rude because you're lonely and jealous?" Katelyn asked
"I mean I considered it as a possibility… but doubt it" Robin said
"Jealous of her nah" Robin added
"No one is jealous of her. I just mean jealous of the fact you’re alone and everyone else but you is taken" Katelyn said taking a drink
"A little more feasible but still doubt it" Robin said taking a drink as well
"Well what do you think it is" Katelyn asked
"Stress of work feeling the pain of the family's who have lost someone close to them" Robin said
"Yeah that could be a cause" Katelyn said
"Told them about events yesterday.. father of three disappeared not even a how's the family doing just glossed over it… it's like they didn't even care.. that now those kids might have to grow up without a father" Robin said picking up his drink and swirling it
"I wouldn't say that. I'd say it was more like they had their priority set on something besides the family" Katelyn said
"I suppose that's understandable.. it'll get them one day all their cases so far have had happy endings or open ended ones… You know how many times I've had to tell parents their children are dead… too many... seeing the color drain from their face as they become engulfed in tears.'' Robin said as Katelyn put her hand on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Not even them." Robin said, pulling up his sleeve where he had a tattoo that said till death do us part. And above it was a butterfly as he scratched them before pulling his sleeve back down.
"I.. think that's the most respectable thing you've ever said" Katelyn said as Robin finished his drink
"I.. I uh.. need to get back to searching" he said standing up from the bar
"You don't have to push yourself to find her" Katelyn said as Robin stopped turning his head
"Her name is Salein. She's eight years old and suffers from mutism. She loves puppies, coloring, stuffed animals and her friends… If anyone needs a chance at life. It's her" Robin said, walking up the stairs to his interceptor.
With a clack the red letters flickered on spelling out Lucy's Outlaw SteakHouse. And under was reflective red paint that said the best western desternation in america.
"🎶I wondered if I could hold it.. and fall in love with it too🎶" a voice sang as the detectives stood up and stretched.
"Whatever is behind these disappearances is thorough. Haven't found shit." Rob said.
"And we don't have access to the camera footage so we can't check that for anything either." Eva said. Staring at the ginger behind the desk through the front windows.
"Yup. Annoying." Rob said.
The letters flickered off except for the word Out.
"Aaaand now the building is telling us to leave." Eva said.
"Let's go and actually ask her ya scaredy cat." Rob said heading straight to the door.
"Oh fine." Eva said following Rob. They entered onto the mahogany floor is the word out slowly flickered off outside
"Hello." Rob said.
The ginger jumped as she looked up from her computer with two large bags under her eyes. As she gave a slightly awkward wave
"..hi.. welcome to Lucy's Outlaw SteakHouse northwests best western desternation in america.. if it ain't western it ain't steak. How can I help you" she asked.
"We're investigating disappearing workers here. Families want closure or their loved ones returned." Rob said.
"Shame really... They were good employees... It's hard to find employees that's don't ask questions but they just stopped showing up one day." The ginger said.
"Huh, interesting." Eva said.
"They were last seen entering the building." Rob said, placing the four pictures on the counter.
The ginger picked them up holding them up to the light
"Ah.. these were taken on day one. As you can see they're not in uniform." the ginger replied handing them back
"Right. We need whatever information you can give us about them and probably camera access." Rob said.
"Sorry it is against corporate policy to let you view any of the cameras on the property of Losh inc." the ginger siad.
"Of course it is." Rob said.
"And why is that?" Eva asked.
"Lets just say... things tend to go bump here at night… things that would turn you white... and Losh inc would not like those things getting out." the ginger said.
"You do realize that there could very well be why people go missing around here right?" Rob said, placing his hands on the counter.
"Oh absolutely the things that go bump in the night around here... Aren't ghosts… or are they I'm not exactly sure... they aint human that's for sure." the ginger said
"Then you see why we need to see the footage. We're here to potentially put a stop to the disappearances." Eva said.
"And Losh inc prohibits anyone who's not super management or a security guard to view the cameras on this property." the ginger said.
"Ma'am, you are impeding an official investigation." Eva said.
"Do you have a warrant?" The ginger asked
"Shit. I knew we skipped a step." Rob said.
"Then as previously stated explore the property as much as you'd like. But you may not review the footage" the ginger said.
"Well then. Guess we'll have a look around." Rob said as he and Eva went further in.
"One more thing..." the ginger said
"Lemme guess, if we get hurt we can't sue." Eva said.
"Losh inc would like me to tell you that if you get hurt or killed on the property of Lucy's Outlaw SteakHouse.. AFTER daytime hours.. you can't sue." the ginger said, turning around to look at her computer.
"Why is that a warning? That's awfully suspicious." Eva said.
"Whatever. We'll get what we need one way or another." Rob said.
"Name's the mistress, by the way leave before three am or if you don't. don't go outside till four am" she said as the two detectives entered the dining room which was very fancy with wagon wheel chandeliers hanging from the ceiling above the booths.
"Noted." Rob said.
"Yup. Definitely suspicious." Eva said.
"Not much we can do about now." Rob said, looking around. As the mistress slowly walked up behind them
"This is the dining room we can sit about a hundred people at our very soft and comfortable booths with our very eye pleasing black with red confetti table clothes" the Mistress said, gesturing to them.
"It is very eye pleasing." Eva said.
"Feel free to examine.. mabey activate the spirit box if you think you're feeling brave." the Mistress said
"Couldn't hurt." Eva said, pulling out the spirit box. As the Mistress stepped back abit.
"Hello, is anyone here with us today? We mean you no harm, we just have a few questions." Eva asked, as a door slammed shut in the distance causing the lights to flicker.
"Yup. Haunted." Rob said.
"That's a big a sign as any." Eva said.
"I told you things go bump in the night" the Mistresses said
"...if I may ask how did you die?" Eva asked as static came from the box. While Rob looked around
".....murder" a synthesized voice replied
"Any idea who?" Eva asked.
"Him…" the synthesized voice replied.
"Who's him?" Rob asked. They looked around as a large mechanical tail snaked out of the Mistresses white panties. As it snaked around rising up behind Eva causing the tip to split open revealing a large needle as it spun ready to stab. But disappeared back inside of her ass as Rob turned towards her
"Any idea who that's referring to?" Eva asked. As the mistresses wiped a black stream from her eye
"They never seem to clarify who 'him' is.." she replied
"You.." the synthesized voice replied
"And then they tend to just start blaming you for their deaths.. quite depressing really." the Mistress added
"Quite." Eva said.
"Moving on." Rob said. As they heard another door slam followed by a girl's laugh.
"Interesting." Eva said.
They walked along until they entered a room filled with arcade machines and claw machines
"This is our arcade room because losh inc is committed to family fun and above all safety." the Mistress said
"Don't forget Lucy's Outlaw SteakHouse official merch perfect for birthday parties." she added In a really fast and quiet tone.
"You say safety yet there's been murders on the premises." Rob said.
"You can thank our founding fathers Chris madison and Jordan allen for that" the Mistress said
"Fun fact back in twenty twelve their used to be a factory named okami kinetic solutions on this land " she added
"We know." Rob and Eva said in unison.
"Then good you know why the place is haunted. it has nothing to do with our friendly little business." the Mistress said, seeming a bit agitated by them.
"Nope. That was the little girl. This is different." Rob said.
"Anyway, moving on." Eva said.
"Loads of people died in that factory or have you forgotten" the Mistress said in a annoyed tone as they moved across the hall to the kitchen.
"We remember." Rob said.
"This is our kitchen.. you can figure out what we do here." the mistress said standing next to a door at the back of the kitchen.
"Make some pretty good steaks, so I'm told." Rob said.
"Doesn't look any different than the restaurant I worked at." Eva said.
"This door would go out back to the salvage shed... However, we're not going out there." The Mistress said, seeming more like a threat than a request.
"Understandable." Rob said.
"And last on our tour is the party room" the Mistresses said walking into the hall and taking a left as they walked through a fence gate into a replica of an old western town equipped with a sheriff's department, a saloon, a place to sit and eat, church, stables, mechanical bull, and a large moon that hung from the ceiling above them.
"Oh this is quite thematic at least." Rob said.
"Cozy." Eva said.
"We usually do 'live action shoot outs' here" the Mistresses said as the lights flickered above them causing a few to bust.
"Another spirit." Rob said.
"Yeah yeah totally." the Mistresses said as they heard a bathroom stall slam shut in the dining room.
"That was loud." Eva said. As her spirit box switched on by itself and only played static causing Rob's EMF meter to activate as it beeped uncontrollably.
"Oh that's not great." Rob said, hearing an ominous slightly older but still familiar female laugh.
"Veronica." Eva said
"And that concludes our tour of Lucy's Outlaw K̷̯̻͍͔̝̯̒̎i̴̧͗̿̀͌͂͘ĺ̶̤l̶̫̥͇̪̯̝̏̅̽̇͠͝ͅ ̵̧͍̲͙̭͇̤̏̐̊͜ͅỷ̸̙̖̣͔̈́̐ō̶͇̠͐̇̚ư̷̢͉̗̠̞̗̂͊̋̈́̉͝ȑ̶̥̾̿͂̿̾̌̚s̸̳̰͔̭̱̹̾̔͌͋͋͆̄̾͘e̴̜̣͓͖͋̋̈́̓͑̏͆̋ĺ̸̛̘̻̣̮̥̳̖͇̇͂̇ṽ̸̟̲̾͐͗̓̿e̸̡̠̜͖͉̔̋s̵̥̹͊̽̓͐ SteakHouse" the mistresses said.
"Yup. That's definitely a cue." Rob said, pulling a colt 1911 out of his coat.
"Anywhooo I'm going back to my office. Feel free to look around the property." the Mistress said, walking away.
"Not even gonna question what just happened?" Eva said.
"Whatever. Let's go to the salvage shed screw her." Rob said as the pair went.
They opened the back door in the kitchen as they stepped into the fog only a few lit lamps were visible.
"Ah that night air." Eva said as the pair went towards a shed.
They walked through the fog looking for anything. The musty wind made them feel uneasy as the wind whistled through the trees. They followed the lanterns until there were none.
"Now what?" Rob said.
They walked around in a random direction till they came to a shanty overgrown brick shed that said jobsite b in spray painted white above the door.
"Well that's promising." Eva said, opening the shed.
"Hello Sam Aryan, welcome back to another night in the salvage shed." a female robotic ai said.
"Not Sam." Eva said Rob said in unison as they looked around.
"Unfortunately Sam, there is nothing to savage tonight." the female ai said as they looked at the desk In front of them with a cassette player on top
"Noted." Rob said as Eva looked at the cassette player.
"Under paragraph six of Losh Incorporated you agree that anything you see and or salvage in this shed will never be spoken of. And in the event that you go rogue you agree to the terms of being put to sleep." the ai said.
"There's nothing in here." Rob said.
"Guess that's everything. We should probably just get back to the office and work on that warrant. We ain't got shit." Eva said.
"Well at least we can go back to watching our show in the meantime. But this was all kind of pointless outside of the spirits." Rob said.
"Yup. Let's get going." Eva said as the pair went back the way they came. Reentering the steakhouse they felt at least some kind of safety as Eva made a quick trip to the bathroom first.
"Surprisingly clean." Eva said washing her hands after using the bathroom. She looked in the mirror as the bathroom stall behind her slowly creaked open, turning around to look at it. As she felt a change in atmosphere.
"And out I am going." Eva said, turning towards the door. As the two detectives booked it to their car never wanting to see this place again. They jumped in their car as the fog crawled over the parking lot covering the Impala leaving only the letters of the steakhouse visible as they sped off
0 notes