blackgirlspirit · 3 years
The best crystals for... Part 1 🤍
Part 2
@lovebyluna on instagram
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blackgirlspirit · 3 years
🌎Astral Projection for Beginners🌎
*be aware that this does not involve directions for any precautions you should take, i would recommend grounding, cleansing, and warding yourself before anything!
Find somewhere comfortable and lay down flat on your back with your legs straight and arms by your sides. Make sure it’s dim and quiet, you don’t want any distractions.
Close your eyes, focus into the darkness behind your eyelids and begin to make your breathing equal. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, if that feels uncomfortable then do whatever works for you. Lay here for awhile, whenever a thought or feeling comes upon you, acknowledge it and then move on.
Once you have your mind under control, feel your body relaxing into the bed. As your body begins to fall asleep you may feel tingling or an itch. DO NOT REACT. I know it’s really hard to stay still but it will wake up your body and you’ll have to restart.
As your body falls asleep, focus on the darkness. You will begin to feel a vibration in your body, to some people this is a tingle or to some it feels more like a true vibration. I know it can be scary but do your best to stay focused.
Once you’re here, you can begin to push your energy out of your body. When you do this, the tingling feeling should leave your body and transfer into your energy/astral body. Once you’re here, feel free to ward yourself from the outside and travel wherever you like!
To come back to your body, imagine a silver chain extending from the direction of where you are laying. You can pull your energy back to where it belongs. If you fear that you will get stuck in the astral realm, just remember that your energetic body will always go back into it’s shell so don’t worry about this!
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
HOT TAKE OF THE DAY! The Christian “God” is actually a very powerful evil/chaos demon
Has anyone ever considered that the Christians aren’t worshipping a “God” but a very powerful demon OR deity of evil and chaos???
Think about it like “If you don’t worship me you will be sent to hell and be tortured and burned for all eternity”
“If you don’t spread my word and my message you will burn in hell and be tortured for all eternity.”
If your partner threatened to punish you for your whole life if you didn’t love them you’d run away because they’re toxic and abusive. But when a “god” does it it’s because he “Loves me”?
Where have we heard that before
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In the Bible Satan, the “bad guy” kills like what? 4? 5 people? “God” literally WIPES OUT THE ENTIRE WORLD because they didn’t listen to him.....
And if their “God” is so All Powerful™️ and All Knowing™️ then why doesn’t he stop evil and chaos here on earth? Why allow slavery, the Holocaust, mass genocide of peoples and cultures across the globe? Why?
Because MAYBE just MAYBE he’s a powerful chaos demon who has gained a god-like status and power due to being worshipped by so many people and he THRIVES OFF EVIL AND CHAOS. Think about how his main followers (those of Abrahamic faiths) have spread his message through murder, war, and terrorism!
Why would a “God” create BILLIONS OF SPECIES OF CREATURES but only in HUMANS are women inferior to men??? Why are women valued and loved in other cultures but seen as LESSER and the PROPERTY of males in the human species to this “god”????
Then people had to make the second testiment because even THEY saw how fucked up and unkind, unjust, and unloving their “god” looked in the first testiment!
Anyway the Christian/Muslim/Abrahamic “God” is actually a very powerful cult demon who brings chaos and evil onto earth through his servant/slave worshippers who only worship him and spread his word because they’re afraid of being punished and going to Hell🤷🏾‍♀️
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
Protection from Curses
A Disclaimer: I am one person and my opinions (which I have in abundance) may not reflect the opinions of other witches, in general, or other people who call themselves hearth witches. In fact, they probably won’t, because I’m an asshole. I have a bizarre sense of humor that doesn’t convey well in text and I rant about shit I don’t like. A lot. If you don’t think you can handle that, maybe don’t read anything I write. Ever.
With all this talk of curses (and some actual curses) being hurled around tumblr, it seemed fitting that  my next post ought to be about curses. Unfortunately, I figured out while writing my intro to these posts, curses are a very big subject. And they’re gonna need a lot of posts. 
So, the next three or four posts are going to be about curses—fending off, casting, and removing. If you don’t believe in casting curses, that’s fine. There’s still stuff to be learned in here. And, if you still have questions after this series is done, my inbox is always open. 
How Do You Know If You’ve Been Cursed?
There are a number of ways a curse can manifest. They can show up as bad luck, trouble sleeping, nightmares, sudden illness, little things going missing, unusually amount of spirit traffic, etc. The list is actually quite extensive and overwhelming, and kind of makes everyone seem cursed. 
If you suspect yourself of being cursed, I would advise a tarot or pendulum reading for confirmation. In the meantime, this post will be about things you can do to protect yourself from curses not yet cast.
But Haven’t We Gone Over Something Like That Before?
Why, yes, attentive reader, we have. And it’s all right here, if you want to use that stuff too. 
This is a thing that I talk about a lot, but never explain. Basically, setting up an alarm is setting up a signal to alert you to a specific thing. Curses can be that thing if you like. 
There are lots of ways to set up an alarm, but I’m just going to go over my go-to way. You can use an object like a bell or a stone or something. Or you can just make it up. For this example, we’ll just use a bell. 
Ring the bell to become familiar with the sound. Keep ringing it until you’re able to mentally recreate it after the ringing has stopped. This could be on the first ring or the thirteenth. 
If you’re working on an alarm for curses, you can add a little spoken spell, like:
“When a curse is coming near, let a bell ring in my ear.“ 
“Let this sound be my alarm, when magic seeks to bring me harm.”
OR, if you’re not into rhymes
“I want to hear this sound in the event that someone tries to curse me.”
This can be really handy, because you may be able to get rid of the curse before it takes effect. 
Creating a Scapegoat
Creating a scapegoat is super easy to do. I have to make a lot of them, because they break/go missing/etc whenever they absorb a curse; but it’s better than absorbing it myself.
There is a little figurine on my property that is made to absorb any curses that come my way. He’s made of clay, and I didn’t actually do a spoken spell to make him. But I made him with the intent of attracting curses away from me, gave him a little bit of my energy as sort of a target, and put him in a circle of magnets for a few days before setting him to work. 
They don’t require a whole lot of maintenance, apart from the occasional offering. And, if you never get cursed you never have to make another one. 
Sucking Up Negativity & Bouncing It Back
Sometimes ‘curses’ can be unintentionally thrown off balls of negativity. To deal with this, I literally just keep bowls of lemons around. 
If you’re not big on keeping lemons just sitting around your house (but why would you not be?) you can also keep a small mirror on your windowsill to bounce things back. 
Don’t Neglect Your Protection
If you want to be able to rely on the magic you have in place to protect you, you have to occasionally patch up holes and make offerings. Things need to be kept physically and magically clean to keep working. You can’t really just put up walls and leave them untended, because they’ll weaken over time and fade away.
None of the things I just mentioned will help you with curses already placed—because my friends and I have been cursing a lot lately, so why would I tell you how to get rid of that?—but it will help with curses to come.
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
BLACK SALT (also known as WITCH’S SALT) is used primarily for protection, banishing, and repelling.
Those uses aren’t exclusive—it has also been known to feature in baneful magics, and can be used in uncrossing rituals.
To protect your property from negative spirits, people with ill-intent, unwanted visitors, and negative energy: sprinkle black salt around the perimeter of your property.
To both banish any residual icky energy that a person may have left in your home, and prevent them from returning: sprinkle black salt on the front step and sweep it away. If you’re feeling more traditional (and brave!) you can throw black salt at the back of someone that is leaving your home also.
To prevent nightmares: use in a sachet and keep beneath your pillow.
To repel negativity, unwanted visitors, and rumours/gossip: sprinkle generously across windowsills and doorways.
To cleanse your home and keep nasties from entering: add black salt to a floor wash and go ham on your floor. Focus especially on high traffic areas.
To undo a curse, hex, or other form of malignant magic that has been cast upon you: use in an uncrossing oil or powder. Learn more about uncrossing [here].
To alleviate any negative thoughts and feelings that you are carrying: add a pinch of black salt to your bath, or to an oil with a similar purpose that you anoint yourself with.
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
Uncrossing Masterpost
Uncrossing is when a person removes a curse, hex, jinx, or other spell that was casted against them which brings them negative energy, bad luck, or catastrophic events. Remember to take care of yourself after performing an uncrossing spell by cleansing and protecting yourself and your home.
Hoodoo Floor Wash by @divinemoon “Backfire” Curse-Repelling Enchantment by @mothmaam Uncrossing Powder by @thecandlebearer Cursing 101: How to Break a Curse by @the-traveling-witch Mild & Spicy Cursebreaker Powders by @lazywitchling Curse Removing Wash by @lunaesteria Spider Oil by @witchinthenight Break A Spell Cast Against You by @belladonnaswitchblog Blackthorn Reversing Spell by @thiscrookedcrown Lemon Test (to determine if you are cursed) by @i-am-the-nature-witch A Spell to Counter Another’s Magick by @christowitch An orange, lemon, and lime spell to break a hex or curse by @the-darkest-of-lights Hex and Curse Breaking by @thiscrookedcrown Counter-curses by @breelandwalker Protection from Curses by @cindernook Simple curse-breaking spell by @agnosticanimist The Healing Pool: A Cursebreaker by @hedge-witch-wannabe Curse Removals by @urbanspellcraft Return to Sender by @spiritscraft Counter-curses and Curse Removals by @thesigilwitch Anti-Curse Powder by @urbanwitchery Major Arcana Spells - Lady Justice - Return to Sender by @the-weatherwitch Lemon Uncrossing by @belladonnaswitchblog To Break a Spell You’ve Cast by @natural-magics remove magick done unto another by @the-ram-witch Black salt & white candle curse removals by @visardistofelphame Sigil nullifier (sigil tw) by @allura Engraved Hourglass Nebula Curse Return Spell by @themanicnami Removing Hexes and Curses by @urbanwitchery Charm Bags - to Reverse Bad Luck by @lodgewitch Disenchanting Bath by @kitchenwitchn Break the Curse (sigil tw) by @sigils-r-us A simple “Reverse The Curse” spell by @mothyseawitchery Reversal spells by @sylvaetria To Nullify a Spell by @orriculum Protection and curse removal spells by @belladonnaswitchblog Wards and removals (abuse tw) by @urbanspellcraft Something to Consider before you Curse: Reversals by @wildernesswitchery Hex Breaker Potion by @thewitchystuff Reversal, removal, & breaker by @spellboundwitchcraft Lemon Uncrossing Spell by @witchypun Breaking a curse by @cunningcelt Witchy tip - bay leaves by @whoanellee Huckleberry by @aspelladay Uncrossing powder by @rad-magick
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blackgirlspirit · 4 years
Herbs + Planetary Association
🌞 [The Sun] - 
Acacia, Angelica, Arabic (Gum), Ash, Bay, Benzoin, Bromeliad, Carnation, Cashew, Cedar, Celandine, Centaury, Chamomile, Chicory, Chrysanthemum, Cinnamon (Citron), Copal, Eyebright, Frankincense, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Hazel, Heliotrope, Juniper, Lime, Liquidamber, Lovage, Marigold, Mastic, Mistletoe, Oak, Olive, Orange, Palm, Peony, Pineapple, Rice, Rosemary, Rowan, Rue, Saffron, St. John’s Wort, Sandalwood, Sesame, Sunflower, Tangerine, Tea, Tormentil, Walnut, Witch Hazel
🌕 [The Moon] -
Adder’s Tongue, Aloe, Balm (Lemon), Bladderwrack, Buchu, Cabbage, Calamus, Camellia, Camphor, Chickweed, Club Moss, Coconut, Cotton, Cucumber, Dulse, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Gourd, Grape, Honesty, Passion Flower, Pea, Peach, Pear, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lemon, Lettuce, Lily, Loosestrife, Lotus, Mallow, Mesquite, Moonwort, Myrrh, Papaya, Poppy, Potato, Purslane, Sandalwood, Turnip, Willow, Wintergreen
☿️ [Mercury] -
Agaric, Almond, Aspen, Bean, Bergamot (Orange), Bittersweet, Bracken, Brazil Nut, Caraway, Celery, Clover, Dill, Elecampane, Fennel, Fenugreek, Fern, Filbert, Flax, Goat’s Rue, Horehound, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena, Lily of the Valley, Mace, Male Fern, Mandrake, Marjoram, May Apple, Mint, Mulberry, Papyrus, Parsley, Pecan, Peppermint, Pimpernel, Pistachio, Pomegranate, Savory (Summer), Senna, Southernwood, Wax Plant
♀️ [Venus] -
Adam and Eve, African Violet, Alder, Alfalfa, Aloes (Wood), Apple, Apricot, Aster, Avocado, Bachelor’s Buttons, Balm of Gilead, Banana, Barley, Bedstraw (Fragrant), Birch, Blackberry, Bleeding Heart, Blue Flag, Buckwheat, Burdock, Caper, Cardamom, Catnip, Cherry, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Corn, Cowslip, Crocus, Cuckoo-Flower, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Daisy, Dittany of Crete, Elder, Eryngo, Feverfew, Foxglove, Geranium, Goldenrod, Groundsel, Heather, Hibiscus, Huckleberry, Hyacinth, Indian Paint Brush, Iris, Lady’s Mantle, Larkspur, Licorice, Lilac, Lucky Hand, Magnolia, Willow
♂️ [Mars] -
Allspice, Anemone, Asafoetida, Basil, Black Snakeroot, Blood Root, Briony, Broom, Cactus, Carrot, Chili Pepper, Criander, Cubeb, Cumin, Curry Leaf, Damiana, Deerstongue, Dragon’s Blood, Galangal, Garlic, Gentian, Ginger, Gorse, Grains of Paradise, Hawthorn, High John the Conqueror, Holly, Hops, Horseradish, Houndstongue, Leek, Maguery, Masterwort, Mustard, Nettle, Norfolk Island Pine, Onion, Pennyroyal, Pepper, Peppermint, Pepper Tree, Pimento, Pine, Poke Root, Prickly Ash, Radish, Reed, Shallot, Sloe, Snapdragon, Squill, Thistle, Thistle (Holly), Thistle (Milk), Toadflax, Tobacco, Venus Flytrap, Woodruff, Wormwood, Yucca
♃ [Jupiter] -
Agrimony, Anise, Avens, Banyan, Betony (Wood), Bodhi, Borage, Chestnut, Cinquefoil, Clove, Dandelion, Dock, Endive, Fig, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Houseleek, Hyssop, Linden, Liverwort, Maple, Meadowsweet, Nutmeg, Sage, Sarsparilla, Sassafrass, Star Anise, Ti, Witch Grass
♄ [Saturn] -
Amaranth, Asphodel, Beech, Beet, Belladonna, Bistort, Boneset, Buckthorn, Comfrey, Cypress, Datura, Dodder, Elm, Euphorbia, Fumitory, Hellebore, Hemlock, Hemp, Henbane, Ivy, Kava-Kava, Knot Weed, Lady’s Slipper, Lobelia, Mimosa, Morning Glory, Mullein, Pansy, Poplar, Quince, Scullcap, Skunk Cabbage, Slippery Elm, Solomon’s Seal, Tamarind, Tamarisk, Wolf’s Bane, Yew
- Ref. [An Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs - Scott Cunningham]
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
Intentions and Ingredients
PSA to baby practitioners:
I’ve been hearing people say that it doesn’t matter what you use in your workings as long as you put in the proper intention.
Be careful with that. Yes, Hoodoo calls for using what you have, but herbs and such have certain spiritual associations for a reason. And those associations cannot be completely ignored. For example, putting sulfur in your love powder isn’t a good idea.
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
What I Thought Being a Witch was Like: Rituals every full moon, mad divination powers and seeing the future, communing with crystals, one with the energy of the universe, brewing potions and making mad magic
What Being a Witch is Actually Like: Drawing sigils to pass tests, asking tarot why I'm anxious and it not telling me, research, random spices on random foods, salt everywhere, stuffing leaves into bottles and hoping it works
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
schroedingers vegan is where there are simultaneously enough vegans to be solely responsible for the unethical sourcing of vegetables but not enough vegans to disrupt the animal agriculture industry
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
i miss the era where rapist and pedophile men were rounded up and slaughtered at a festival in honor of the goddess artemis, protector of girls
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
Beyoncé as 'The Hanged Man' tarot card
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
Beyoncé as the 'Wheel of Fortune' tarot card
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Beyoncé // Six Inch Heels (Feat. The Weeknd)
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
Beyoncé as 'The Moon' tarot card
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We’re taking this a little too far…
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blackgirlspirit · 5 years
Beyoncé as the 'Death' tarot card
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Every fear … every nightmare … anyone has ever had.
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