blackhehecat · 3 months
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some ✨practice✨ in the forest
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blackhehecat · 4 months
The coolest 👀
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His little helpers
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blackhehecat · 4 months
Protect this boy for all cost... Come here my sweet 🤗
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blackhehecat · 4 months
Thank you for this ❤️ and cant wait for next part 👀❤️
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Well folks, here it is. Over a year’s worth of work, 115 chapters, almost 500k words, and Hogwarts Legacy, the Price of Power, is officially finished.
I can’t thank you all enough for joining me in this journey and sticking with me when I occasionally rambled, missed my appointed upload dates and had to force out some sub-par content to keep up with my self-imposed schedule. It’s been a delight to read your comments, to hear your thoughts, to see you all get captivated and invested in this little puddle of nonsense I created.
So thank you once again to everyone who’s been with me from the beginning, thank you to those who’ve joined me partway through, and thank you to those new readers that have just begun. I’m going to have to go back and try to reply to every comment I’ve had as I’m sure I’ve missed plenty along the way.
I’ll be taking a small break from writing to give myself time to decompress before I begin anew, because for those of you who’ve stuck with me and made it this far, I’m delighted to announce that a sequel is in the works.
Stay tuned, subscribe and follow, because Hogwarts Legacy: The Cost of Love will be coming soon.
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blackhehecat · 4 months
Look at Cassie in @lorrainmorgan style, I cant shes so cute 😭❤️
Go to Lorrains tumblr and show her some love coz she deserved it! ❤️
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Another MC's Sheet! 3/5 ✨🫶 Girl Power on this one for sure!
🦅 Momoko - Belongs to Momoka on Twitter 🦅Aurora - Belongs to Glimmerofpink on Twitter
🦁 Karina - Belongs to RaaraaF6 on Twitter
🦅 Sally - NOW THIS ONE IS so dear to my heart! She's thinking on the plans to re build Lorra's childhood toy, and since is Mermay... everything aligns! 🤣 She's such a joyful personality, can't wait to see what toy she builds up next! - She belongs to the talented @siboom777
🦅 Calypso - I know I already told you this in private, but I just adore her aesthetic and personality! I feel she's so easy to be around with, and has a soft & kind vibes. I also recommend you this song: Calypso by Luis Fonsi y Stefflon Don. I got really inspired from it to draw her <3 - She belongs to the sweet @dwightschrute11
🦡 Last but not least is Cassy! She belongs @blackhehecat Their drawings are so pretty and can't wait to see more of Cassiopeia's character development! . Personal fun fact: you were I think my 3rd follower when I just created my Tumblr account, and have been supporting my work ever since, so you really have a special place in my heart for it 🫶🥹
👉Thank you so much for your patience!. Also I've gotten more messages to see if I could include some more MC's in the slots. I'll be opening more sloths in the future, but for now I'll finish this one and focus on the projects that are waiting still 😓I wish I was faster so I could draw all of the new MC's request!! 😭, but worry not, I read all your messages ( but due to my limited free time, I cannot answer each one ) and they'll be included in the next "opening?" I guess u could call it that?
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blackhehecat · 5 months
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Evolving. My Sebastian
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blackhehecat · 5 months
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The price of trust
(First scene inspired by TV series Outlander)
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blackhehecat · 5 months
I'm just writing random smut this month I guess?
Anyway, here's the completed fic from the preview I posted the other day.
Tagging @sallowsswan by request 💖
Summary: Sebastian endures an uncomfortable facet of living with a girl - getting caught with his pants down.
Word count: ~5700
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A headache - that was Sebastian's story, and he was sticking to it.
While he was eternally grateful his ever-present friend elected to reside with him in Feldcroft since fifth year passed to help combat his loneliness, Sebastian was, at times, less than appreciative of her steadfast loyalty.
Times like earlier that morning while they'd been fishing in the nearby stream to catch something for lunch, and the water splashed up onto her modest white blouse, revealing a fair bit more than she typically chose to show. When his slacks grew too tight for comfort, he'd made the feeble excuse of heading back home to sleep off a sudden headache.
A head was certainly aching, but she didn't need to be privy to which one he was referring to.
As such, he'd left her on the riverbank in a hurry, chucked his muddy boots outside the front door, and draped one filthy sock over the door handle - just in case.
With a relieved sigh, Sebastian finally eased the strain on his groin by unfastening his pants, dropping a trail of clothing all the way to his bed where he sank down into it, hand already wrapped securely around the base of his shaft before the back of his head even hit the pillow.
A few firm pumps, and he'd successfully taken himself from pitifully half-mast to throbbing while he pictured the scene responsible for his erotic shame.
Disregarding the fact that she was his friend, Sebastian let his imagination wander to filthy fantasy - she didn't need to know where his private thoughts strayed, and he sure as hell wasn't going to volunteer that information to his prim housemate even under threat of crucio.
Steering away from the incredibly un-sensual knowledge that he was rubbing one out to the very same witch he'd have to look in the eye later, Sebastian did what any young man in his position would do - he let the blood flow promptly out of his brain to his nethers, forsaking thought and morality in favor of more pleasurable exploits.
Messily braided hair, already frizzy and disasterous from the summer humidity. Her bright, almond eyes staring straight at him, and those teasing lips, plush and curved upward with a laugh while she splashed water at him.
She was just so pretty.
"Fuck..." He groaned out, hips rutting upward to meet his hand, a thumb swiping over the tip of his erection to smear the leaking precum down the rest of him for better lubrication.
And Merlin, it continued beading up from him, providing him better ability to glide his palm over himself, squeezing more insistently each time his steadily paced hand neared the tip, glossing over the top to coat himself further as he brought his hand back down.
So wet, just like her neck and chest when she'd splashed around so carefree with him moments earlier. She'd worn nothing but a simple skirt and plain white blouse for their excursion - and truly nothing else. He'd never been so grateful in his life - the fabric was thick but still not wholly opaque.
Sebastian inwardly rejoiced when the peaks of her nipples showed, only partially obscured, through the cotton, and the fabric clung to the soft outline of her breasts. The stream water and clear, sunny day offered him far more than just a hint of precisely what intriguing assets were hidden under her usual array of long sleeves and high collars.
And she'd been none the wiser of what was on display.
While he normally considered himself more suited to cooler seasons, Sebastian had to admit summer grew on him exponentially thanks to the bountiful gift nature provided him that morning - even moreso as the stifling heat of the cottage helped him better conjure an especially tantalizing daydream of how it might feel to press her slight frame into the mattress beneath him, slick with sweat from their combined efforts and the delicious heat of their bodies competing with the suffocating air.
To better put himself in that inspiring little scenario, Sebastian, with great effort, turned himself onto his stomach to mindlessly rut into the soft, damp sheets, his hand aiding the way to sweet euphoria.
Now this was bliss - the only thing that could have possibly improved the mouthwatering sensations he now felt was if he'd have used his final remaining half a brain cell before he started frantically groping himself to snatch her pillow so he could breathe in her scent while he fucked himself senseless.
Imagining the silky bedding where his cock left a sinful trail of viscous pleasure was instead her plump thighs only made matters better, and before he knew it, Sebastian was biting the corner of the pillow, whimpering her name and doubling his efforts to reach a state of oblivion.
Gods, he'd make any promise to any deity who'd listen if he could simply have her in this bed, fuck her into the creaking mattress, bite her neck bruised and lovely, make her scream until everyone from here to Marunweem knew who she belonged to.
That had done it - the mere thought of his name on those cherry lips was his undoing, and as his stomach tightened, just as swiftly did it unravel, the mess of his release coming out in spurts, soiling the covers and smearing sloppily over his hand, still furiously jerking himself through the orgasm.
The grunts and whines, crawling pathetically from his throat while he rode out the tail end of his perfect little vision of planting that same sticky seed deep in her womb instead of making yet another load of laundry for himself, were impossible to stifle.
But all at once, the blissful state he'd entered shattered and dropped out from under him as Sebastian realized, with sickening, blood-chilling dread that he was, in fact, not alone. His name on her lips had not been a lovely hallucination brought on by his self-induced fucking.
Reluctantly, he turned his head on the drool-spot of his pillow to see the very worst sight imaginable in all his years -
There in the entry, dirty sock in-hand and a small bottle in the other, door still wide open, stood the star of his dirty daydreams.
Her shocked expression was a far cry from the look of unbridled passion he'd just been conjuring, however. Lips parted in silent surprise, eyes wide, and pale face rapidly darkening, she remained rooted to the spot.
Neither one of them made a peep for what very well could have been an eternity, instead choosing to fix each other with twinned horrified silence.
She was first to break it.
"T-the neighbor had a h-headache tonic -" She choked out, pitifully jostling the small, yellow vial in the hand that did not hold his -
"S-sock! Did you not see the damn sock?!" He asked, weakly indignant and wanting and failing to muster any sort of true anger in the face of what he'd been caught up in.
Sebastian attempted to adjust himself on the bed to provide better coverage and hopefully leave something to the imagination - not that she'd ever imagine such a thing - he visibly grimaced when the come-coated sheet actually clung to his abdomen.
And for all the galleons in the world, he wanted nothing more than for the ancient floorboards to swallow him whole when she gagged at the sight.
At least she finally found the good sense to avert her gaze, glaring petulantly at the far wall and yelling indirectly at him.
"What the bloody hell do you mean the sock? What's your dirty laundry have to do with your... er, other dirty laundry?" She asked harshly, face burning as hot as his own.
He balked at her, aghast, finally tugging the ruined sheet over him like he was the one to have just been scandalized, which he had!
"The universal symbol for do not disturb as the occupant is likely...?" He made a crude jerking gesture with his hand in his lap.
She'd chosen that unfortunate moment to let her eyes flicker back over to him, only to shriek and turn to fully face the opposite wall, covering her ears with her hands.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
There'd been no salvaging the situation after that catastrophic mime show, and thus the pair remained on opposite sides of Feldcroft for the remainder of the day - Sebastian took to fishing on the bank behind the cottage with the dim hope that a nice catch might mend things by way of satisfying her stomach.
Unfortunately, he'd fumbled his first several bites, zoning out as his thoughts drifted back to the look on her face. They'd witnessed all manner of things over the years, but he'd never seen her look quite like that.
The rest of his now-miserable afternoon was spent sitting on the grassy knoll alternating between groaning so loudly it startled the fish, and swearing at said fish when they'd pilfer his bait rather than offering themselves as a meal.
With the sun high enough in the sky that he could no longer delay his inevitable return home, Sebastian reluctantly stood and brushed off his hands on his pants and hoisted his pitiful stringer of a whopping two small trout before trudging back to the cottage.
Fortunately, they still had more than enough food to tide them over until dinner, but it was the principle of the matter - he couldn't stand the humiliation of being seen as pathetic twice in one day.
His feet felt like they were wading through ankle-deep mud the whole brief walk to his inevitable death by shame.
Once more, Sebastian cringed and nearly threw up right there in the front yard when he saw both their bedding freshly washed and hung on the line to dry.
Why hadn't he thought to clean that before he sulked off? She'd touched it! Either she would hex him into oblivion, or he would simply need to chuck himself off the side of a cliff at this point because there was no coming back from such ungodly mortification.
Dwelling on how her face must have scrunched in revulsion while she peeled away his soiled sheets to clean, he mirrored the action by dropping off his boots on the porch and shedding his socks.
For the longest time, Sebastian let his hand uselessly rest on the doorknob, knowing he'd have to face the proverbial music on the other side at some point, though he briefly considered just hurling the fish inside and bolting for the next continent.
With a sigh, he shut his eyes and forced his body to move, entering as his feet padded onto the wooden interior, a death knell to his ears.
"Polishing your broom handle, milking your flobberworm, burping the basilisk..." Her voice rang out painfully clear.
Sebastian winced at the crude terminology she rattled off, looking up at her in speechless horror while she carried on with an unexpected air of humor. This was not the cold shoulder or screaming match he'd anticipated.
She continued ticking off her fingers while carrying on with her recitation of euphemisms. "Charming the one-eyed ashwinder, choking the diricawl -"
Such vulgarity spilled from her normally overly-polite lips.
"Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" He cried out, scandalized.
She simply chuckled and shrugged, unfolding a piece of parchment from her pocket and waving it at him - Sebastian took a few rapid steps forward and snatched it from her to see dozens of lewd phrases.
"There's so many, though. It's incredible how many are related to Quidditch, though I'm not surprised." Her smirk growing as his cheeks blazed. "Fumbling your quaffles is most apt for what I caught you doing, though. It was quite the fumble - oh, are those your catch for the day?"
Her eyes trailed to the two fish limply dangling from his belt, and he was painfully reminded of what else she'd seen dangling by his legs earlier.
"Y-you can't just spout all that filth and then casually discuss lunch!" He choked out, clutching the now crumpled list in his sweaty palm.
A small part of him, however, struggled valiantly to contain a laugh - hearing such atrocious phrases spill from those innocent lips was ludicrous.
"Well, it is lunchtime, Sebastian. But if you'd rather discuss the fact that you were too busy sodomizing your poor mattress to help catch us a proper meal, I'm all ears." She replied, voice chiding but with an unmistakable mirth to it. "But don't worry, I had a more productive morning - fetching your unnecessary medicine, catching and cleaning an actual haul of fish, preparing this rather charming list with which to mock you..."
"You... you're actually enjoying this, aren't you?" He asked slowly, taking a step back.
"Enjoying scrubbing your crusty old bedding so that the cottage doesn't reek of your sordid secretions in this summer heat? Bold claim, Sallow. Let's try again." She replied, cocking her head to the side.
There were a million and one thoughts swarming his mind for how best to proceed - apologizing was the obvious next step, followed by groveling, and likely finished with an offer to sleep outside in the sheep pen.
None of those were what tumbled out of him, though.
"You know all those nasty phrases, but you don't know about the sock?!" He sputtered.
She snorted.
"Well, I'm not exactly aware of boy dorm etiquette - the fairer sex tends to be more reserved with such hobbies rather than boldly declaring to the world we've got a hand stuffed up our skirts." She explained with a nonchalance not-at-all befitting the situation. "I am, however, familiar with chit-chat outside the Quidditch locker rooms. Garreth uses the most colorful phrases - I tried to recall the best ones for you."
The thought of her, exiting the locker rooms chatting with her teammates only to overhear Weasley and whoever else prattle on about their genitals sent him into a spiral - she was delicate and polite and innocent. Subjecting her to the kind of filth he and the others discussed was akin to defiling something sacred. She was a hero and a pure girl. Wasn't she?
"Why exactly are you repeating the vile things you've heard from your teammates?" He asked, dumbfounded.
Surely, he was missing a motive here.
"Well, because it's funny." She replied simply.
Sebastian blinked a few times.
He croaked out, "Funny?"
Again, she chortled softly, a far too demure sound for the lewd things she'd been spewing a moment ago.
"Well, sure. Once I overcame the indignity of catching you with your pants down, I took some time to consider our predicament."
Again, Sebastian choked. The thought of her reflecting on his private moment was possibly worse than the initial revelation.
She continued speaking, to his horror.
"And I realized I have no business scolding you for enjoying the same damn thing the rest of us do. I... may have overreacted a tad." She grew a bit sheepish and rubbed the back of her head. "Sometimes I forget you're a boy, and it doesn't cross my mind that you do these sorts of things just like the others."
That stopped him in his tracks.
Sebastian finally groaned out a sigh and took a seat opposite her at the table, crumbling the list and pelting her in the forehead with it as he spoke. "You forget I'm a boy? What the hell's that supposed to mean?"
A large part of him bristled that this lovely girl who he thought of quite frequently did not view him as anything more than a piece of furniture in her life.
"I didn't mean to offend you - I only meant that you're... well, Sebastian Sallow. My friend, my walking encyclopedia, my companion. You're basically just an extension of myself at this point." She explained, growing more embarrassed as she fumbled her words. "Today, while shocking, was a much-needed reminder that you are, in fact, a man my age, and that needs to be... considered."
Defensiveness melted away slowly. She was handling this disaster with far more grace and humor than he'd expected.
"You're right. It should be taken into consideration." He agreed hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There was simply no way she wasn't going to chop his manhood off while he slept to avoid another incident.
So, he said as much. "You know, you're handling this remarkably well... you even cleaned the sheets? That was generous."
"Well, I'm partially responsible for the mess, so I may as well help clean up." She shrugged simply.
"P-pardon?" He croaked out, once again thrown for a loop.
Finally, that smug grin slid off her face, and in its place, a more appropriate blush and matching bashful smile appeared.
"Well, you were, um, saying my name while you were..."
She mirrored the hand gesture he'd shown her before, and Sebastian wanted to laugh, scream, and burst into hellfire all at once.
Fuck's sake - she'd heard.
"Thus, I am responsible for some of the mess." She finished, ignoring his horror. She glanced up sharply, though, and his slack jaw snapped back into place. "Some of the mess, let me emphasize. I expect you to be a bit more honest about disappearing for your... urges in the future. No more headaches. And I'll mind the sock."
"Oh, you'll mind the sock? How fortunate for me." He said weakly, all will to live having left his body entirely.
She'd caught him red-handed, masturbating to a fantasy of her and whimpering out her name. And now she was just casually discussing it at the kitchen table.
"I guess I'm not the only one who got complacent with our living arrangement. I need to keep in mind that I have a lady here as well. That wasn't right of me to lie." He said dumbly, but something she'd mentioned earlier came back to him, and as always, curiousity won out over common sense, and he simply blurted it out. "Hang on, you said you won't scold me for something everyone does. You're included in that statement?"
After all, he'd already dug his gave, why not keep going?
Now it was her turn to turn beet red and narrow her eyes. "Why? Are you going to fantasize about that during your next headache?"
Fuck it.
"Yeah, maybe I will." He retorted defensively, and she looked like she'd been struck.
She floundered a moment, grasping for words and finding absolutely none.
"Well, at least pick a more suitable time than the middle of the day to do it!" She snapped back. "I'm at least courteous enough to wait until my bath -"
"Your bath? Is that why it takes you an entire bloody hour to take your turn in there each night?" Sebastian barked out a laugh, disbelieving, but growing more amused by the second as she did not refute his statement.
He was also growing a bit warmer as his thoughts strayed from his own humiliation to the image of her in the tub, head thrown back against the edge she she worked herself into a frenzy while he read just on the other side of the wall -
"I can practically see you thinking up something filthy!" She scolded him, throwing the crumpled list back for good measure.
"Hardly." Sebastian grinned, leaning forward on the table. "If it's in the bath, it's clean."
Was he still mortified? Absolutely. In fact, he still considered throwing himself into the deepest part of the river later on. The fact that she was equally guilty of enjoying her fair share of carnal pleasure in their communal space was far more entertaining to dwell on, though.
"Maybe I'll ask to join you in the tub?" He offered helpfully.
She shut it down in an instant. "Oh, Sebastian, I didn't realize you favored death by drowning."
"Oh, come on, it's not like I'm suggesting something outlandish here." He decided to press the issue, coax her out of her shell a bit and maybe find out what made her tick - clearly it was something from the day if she was needing to pleasure herself nightly.
Wishful thinking that he was the common denominator? Perhaps. But he'd staked it all on slimmer odds, and her blush right now was particularly telling.
"You think of me while you're in there, don't you?"
She nearly fell out of her chair for how quickly she scooted back, the legs scraping the floor before toppling to the ground as she stood, startled, and flushed.
"N-no, of course not." She stuttered out, looking anywhere but him.
So uncharacteristically shy.
It was adorable.
Sebastian stood as well, more smoothly, and took a step toward her. "Admit it - you've just found out my dirty little secret. There's nothing you need to hide now. You can't tell me there's not a part of you that doesn't wish I'd have been the one to stumble in on you some evening while you were in there."
They'd endured their fair share of awkward flirtation over the course of their friendship and consequent living arrangement - things innocent enough of their own, but when compiled, added up to make this gamble worth it.
A few evenings falling asleep on each other while reading, a shared, chaste kiss under the mistletoe in the castle over winter, those increasingly frequent, comfortable touches, and affectionate words.
He didn't take another step, not wanting her to combust entirely, but didn't back off either even after she'd backed herself into the wall.
"It... might have crossed my mind once or twice." She begrudgingly admitted.
"Only once or twice?" He pressed with an increasingly smug grin.
"...each night." She grumbled, still refusing to look at him.
There it was.
"Ah, you little deviant." Sebastian smiled wolfishly before crossing the room until he was close enough to feel the body heat he'd wanted under him earlier, before this surprisingly-fortuitous debacle. He grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to look at him.
Cheeks as flaming red as her house colors, she forced herself to hold his stare, challenging him to say or do something else, and he was reminded all at once of just who he was playing with.
The witch was a walking contradiction.
Prim and delicate, yet still capable of incredible feats in combat and bravery. Polite and shy, but fiercely holding his gaze even amidst such a heinous discussion. Woefully inexperienced, yet able to admit she touches herself to thoughts of him each night.
While he was still unsure how to navigate this entire unholy situation, he knew no better approach to life than simply barreling ahead.
So, he leaned down and kissed her.
Far different from their obligatory Christmas kiss under that heaven-sent sprig at Hogwarts, this one he delivered with intent.
Hand still commanding her attention under her chin, he held her still and pressed his lips firmly against hers, earning a startled squeak and a moment of pause as he briefly wondered whether or not this would earn him an, admittedly deserved, slap to the face.
But then her own hands trailed up to pull him closer, one resting on the wrist he was using to steer her further back against the wall, and the other snaking up his shoulder and behind his head, tugging him tighter.
As if her reciprocation wasn't enough, she opted to be the one to deepen things when her tongue slid across the crease of his lips, pushing past insistently and lathing across his own.
He moaned shamelessly at her taste.
His hand dropped from her chin, caressing her slender throat all the way to her collarbone where his fingers delved down under the top of her blouse - that damn white blouse still - and he let his fingers ghost across the rise of her breasts, testing the waters.
When she let out an airy little gasp into his mouth, leaning up and pressing into his touch, all bets were off.
Without another moment of hesitation, Sebastian's other hand flew to tangle in her hair, tilting her head roughly to better access every possible inch of her mouth, the kiss certainly bruising those pretty lips, before he moved on to trail a series of searing kisses down her throat.
His other hand continued its increasingly bold exploration of her chest, haphazardly tugging at the fabric and not caring whether the buttons came undone by force or by luck. As alluring as the top was, it would look far better on the floor.
The gasps and little mewls he drew from her while working countless bites and bruises into her neck only spurred Sebastian on, memorizing each and every sound his efforts earned like her body was the most fascinating book he'd ever laid eyes on.
Moving by instinct alone in a frantic bid to ensure she never spent another night alone in that bath, he pressed his body firmly against hers, his knee sliding between her legs, their height difference providing the most delectable angle for him to find precisely where he wanted to be.
She moaned his name the moment he made contact with her core, and his thoughts went blank when she shamelessly ground against his leg. He could feel how wet she already was through the thin fabric separating them, providing both a frustrating barrier as well as tantalizing friction. Merlin help him, if she actually got off just from riding his leg, he'd never recover.
But she was just so hot when she moaned like that, dripping over him before they'd even done anything.
"So responsive." He purred, bringing his knee up further to give her better purchase. "I'm barely touching you. Are you going to come already? Just from this?"
She wanted to yell at him for the sheer impudence of the comment, he could practically feel it, but arousal won out over pride and she simply whined out a pathetic response, wrapping both her arms around his shoulders to keep her balance while she rutted against him like a goddamn cat in heat.
"Y-yes." She barely managed, gasping when he reached a hand down and pushed her further by the hip.
"Then come."
A simple command, encouraging.
And she obeyed.
"S-shit!" She cried out, and he guided her hip with his hand rested against it, keeping her pace as her mind emptied, holding her up and in place while he aided her to help her ride it out.
A small part of Sebastian wanted to tease that shit didn't sound very much like his name, and she ought to be calling out for the one who gave her pleasure, but he refrained.
Her teeth sank into his neck, stifling her continued chorus of audible lust. Not that he minded, of course, considering the sting of delicious pain she left at the nape of his neck was as much a gift as her sounds.
He held her there against the wall, kissing her neck and head and muttering praise for being so good while she regained her breath. Slowly, he removed his knee and braced her hip as she wavered slightly, still clinging to him to keep upright.
Flushed, skirt hiked up revealing glistening thighs, blouse wrinkled and partly torn halfway to her stomach, and a lovely reminder of what he'd just helped her accomplish right there on his pantleg, the vision truly was a work of art.
And proving, once again, that she loved nothing more than to contradict everything he thought he knew about her, his sensual witch reminded him that she also could be incredibly prickly.
Her pleased features turned to a slight scowl as she glanced down between them, and at first Sebastian expected her to complain about his rather obvious erection, to which he would have pointed out that even a eunuch wouldn't be immune to watching her get off like that.
But then she spoke.
"You've still got a pair of dead fish dangling from your trousers, you know."
Fish now long-since discarded along with his pants and the rest of their intrusive clothing, Sebastian idly wondered if he ought to remove anything else distracting from the cottage so that she kept focus in the days to come during the remainder of their summer together.
"Come for me again, love." He coaxed breathlessly, wanting nothing more than to feel those tight walls clenching around him once more.
He'd fucked her against the wall already, thoroughly screwing any thoughts of fish and lunch right out of her. Then, of course, the kitchen table, where he'd pressed her sweat-slick shoulderblades with a broad hand, pushing her further against the wood while he enjoyed a perfect view of her raised ass.
Now, cock sliding between those slick folds at a lazy, deep pace, he wasn't through with her yet. Not when she was so fucking incredible.
Her undoing had been when she got sidetracked once more and mentioned those fucking fish.
"If you're so keen to talk about the local river dwellers with my cock inside you, shall I take you to them?"
Which was why he was now presently railing her on the bank of the stream with one hand on her throat to keep her blissfully lightheaded enough to no longer even think of trout, and the other roughly pulling her hips down to meet his own, spearing her deeply onto him with each thrust.
She'd shrieked indignantly when he slung her over his shoulder and proudly carried her, bare ass still bright with the distinct print of his hand, out in broad daylight and all but tossed her into the water behind the cottage.
This was so much better than his spittle-covered hand and recalling a few peeks of cleavage in a river. Now, she was on full display for him, soaked in every way, practically screaming his name while her greedy cunt tightened around him once more.
"You're so fucking easy -" He grunted out, fucking her through her orgasm, eagerly chasing his own. "I'm hardly trying. You think I'm ever letting you have another moment's peace in this house when you fall apart on my cock like this? Fuck!"
"Sebastian, fuck, please! I can't!"
He eased his grip on her throat, and she gasped in air through the nonsense whimpered words, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes from the sheer pleasure. Never in his wildest dreams would Sebastian have guessed his spitfire companion would get off by being manhandled in such a way, but every time he'd back off, she demanded he go harder.
So, he did.
And Merlin that was just what he needed - pulling her hair to feel her clench around him even tighter with the slight pain, slapping her ass when he took her from behind, and the throat - fuck, when she'd placed his hand there and eased his fingers to squeeze just right, pretty lips opening slightly in sheer bliss, he nearly came then and there.
And that was precisely what he intended to do now that she'd had her fill.
Digging his toes into the sandy beach, water sloshing slightly as he adjusted, he looped his arms under her knees and lifted, hitting so deep inside her he was certain they were both seeing stars, if her reckless screams of yes were anything to go by. His own movements became less about precision and more about burying himself into her as deeply as he could get.
Sebastian pumped into her brutally, searing the image of her beneath him, arms raised above her head and grasping desperately to the tall grass, her hair splayed out around her...
And then she met his eyes and cried out his name, and there was no holding back as he spilled inside of her with a hoarse whine, fingers digging into her calves. Her body tightened gloriously around his length, helping him milk everything he had to give and accepting it in turn.
A few more stuttering ruts of his hips and Sebastian began to finally regain lucidity, slowly pulling out of her with a matching groan. His member throbbed pleasantly, sensitive and still-twitching, as he gingerly set her legs down and curled up next to her on the sun-heated bank.
Gently, he coaxed her spent form over to lay across his heaving chest, smoothing out her hair and pressing affectionate kisses to her temple and cheeks - a far cry from the harsh bites and filthy praise he'd delivered all afternoon.
They remained there together until long after their heart rates settled and their bodies dried, simply lounging in the slowly setting sun.
This was peace.
The rigors of their spontaneous afternoon little more than an ache in their bodies now, they spent their time idly chatting, peppering a few sweet kisses to ease their bruises here and there.
The air grew chill - comfortable for Sebastian, but his sensitive companion shivered and burrowed herself tighter into him.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around her before hoisting her up to her feet, both groaning slightly from their sore bodies.
"That'll be my cue to get you indoors and into your warm bath. We'll wash up, and I'll turn that fish into a stew for you." He said, cheerful despite the fatigue weighing down his every move.
By a bath, he meant it in the most basic terms - there was no way he could take her again so soon, not when her step was so unsteady on the short, slow walk home.
She leaned against him and sighed contentedly, clinging to his arm for both balance and warmth.
"Thank you. I am feeling a bit peckish, now that my innards are no longer being fucked into my ribcage."
Sebastian barked out a laugh and shook his head. The improper statements she'd uttered since this all began would be enough to make the quidditch teammates responsible for her stupid list earlier blush.
He pulled her closer to kiss the top of her head once more as they neared the cottage, swiping the bedding off the line on their way in.
"And don't worry about laundry - I'll tackle the bedding tomorrow." He assured her, giving her ass a fond pat as he playfully pushed her toward the bathroom.
She turned to look over her should at him with a confused smile and asked, "Sebastian, but I've already done the laundry just earlier today?"
Maybe she was still a bit innocent - no matter, he'd drill the point into her.
Sebastian simply fixed her with a grin he hoped was more charming than half-asleep.
"Well, it's certainly not going to stay clean, is it?"
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blackhehecat · 5 months
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Study Cassie's scar
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blackhehecat · 5 months
Did I AGAIN enter the wrong door? Oh my bad hehe
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"Well, well, well, who do we have here? I see you still adore restricted areas, don't you?”
- breathtaking, annoying creature aka Sebastian fucking Sallow -
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blackhehecat · 5 months
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blackhehecat · 6 months
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Long live the king or something like that LOL 🐉
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blackhehecat · 6 months
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I'm sure my MC wouldn't make this cheap
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blackhehecat · 6 months
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What else is worthy enough of a first Tumblr post if not dark Sebastian
Piccies taken by me
Edited by wifey @morelikeravenbore 🦋✨
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blackhehecat · 6 months
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Cassiopeia. Hufflepuffle cute pie. She got a scar from her niffler -Smoothie. Shes not mad but tell everyone its from battle. A battle for her golden necklace with the moon that Smoothie wanted to stole from her. Stubborn child As you can see im still learning and trying to make Cassiopeia alive If you know Krita and want to give me tips - feel welcome. Tbh ANY kind of tips will be welcomed xo
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blackhehecat · 6 months
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-Dandelion- Page #1
Unveiling my lil spicy side project that I made to cope with life. I'll be updating it every day, one page at a time :P There will be 12 pages total👀 Full sized images of the pages will be published on Poipiku so watch this space!
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blackhehecat · 6 months
rip sebastian sallow and ominis gaunt you would have loved tangerine and lemon from bullet train
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