blacklight-au · 3 years
The Note (After Death)
(TW death and mutilation ment.)
Johnny sat at his desk, distantly wondering why he kept feeling eyes on him.
He looked up and there was a piece of paper stuck to one of the cracks in the wall.
Looking behind himself, the statues of the Doughboys stared at him. As he picked out the note in the wall, he recognized the paper, recognized the handwriting.
He sat back down and started to read.
"..Who are you to play Judge?.." it read. "Who are you to play Jury? Or Executioner? Who gave you the say to kill all these people, Johnny?"
Johnny eyed the paper suspiciously, it couldn't be..
"I've talked to quite a few of your victims and when I was alive, their families." The writing was strained and thick. Too much ink and it was scratchy.
"You didn't know these people. Did you really disembowel a girl who called you a stupid playground insult? Did you seriously sit and torture a man because he commented on your shoes?" The page was bent and ripped in places, and Johnny squinted at the paper in complete disbelief.
"If only you fucking paid attention to all the monsters I've wiped from this world as well as those idiots that you seem to love, but those monsters I've scrubbed from this plane don't fit your demonization of me now does it, Edgar!" Johnny stood up abruptly, knocking his chair back as he looked around.
Just then he dogged a pen flying right to the wall, it stuck to it as Johnny huffed out of anger.
"Were you just going to berate me the entire note? Show yourself you coward!" Johnny yelled as he stomped his boot down every so often.
The light flickered and blew, the sunset now casting the light into the small dilapidated room.
Johnny froze as he felt a very harsh grip on his shoulder. He whipped around and saw a very keen vision of Edgar, mutilated and angry.
Johnny rolled his shoulder, "What happened to you?"
Edgar swayed and coughed, "You happened.."
He walked closer as Johnny stepped back cautiously.
Blood spilled from just about everywhere, as Edgar approached he heaved, "You miserable, insignificant, waste of fucking oxygen. You did this to me!"
He grabbed Johnny and pinned him to the floor. The air was heavy and still, the sun casting stark shadows everywhere except Edgar.
"You can't kill me, I can't die you stupid fuck! Don't you think I've already tried?" Johnny tried to push Edgar off, to no avail.
"I know you've tried, but what your feeble little brain can't seem to comprehend, is that I'm already dead, so it would be easy to drag you to our Hell if I took control of you." Edgar seethed.
"What is your reason for this Edgar? Why didn't you leave?" Johnny huffed, his chest getting heavier.
Edgar grabbed Johnny by the sides of his head and started to smash him to the floor, harder and harder as he yelled, "You should know! You still have my stuff! I'm here because you didn't bother to throw my shit away! I'm here because you're making me fucking stay!" He screamed in Johnny's face as he let go of his head.
Edgar got off him and looked down at Johnny on the floor, a small puddle forming from under where his head hit the hardwood.
"This is what you've made me..this is something you've put onto yourself. The Devil will pay his dues, and he will continue to suffer if he does not stop in his path and find a way to change."
Johnny groaned and blinked up at Edgar, weary.
He then closed his eyes.
And then he opened them. He shot up from the floor and felt the back of his head, no wound.
He looked over to the desk and the wall and there was nothing out of the ordinary. He caught his breath and stood up, he needed to go find Edgar's possessions and dispose of them.
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blacklight-au · 3 years
Journal Log 1994, Jan. (Before Death)
I asked a few people from select neighborhoods, and they're so spaced out. The station thinks that there's a common place where every victim went, there has to be, but it's a little early to say.
Our city has been plagued for over 5 years with one horrible death after another, now the FBI is lending their teams to our district offices and now we're able to make a pattern. The weapons were really something, I looked at the base sketches for a few of them and they're sickle-like and long, with different types of curves and points.
I have to go down to the station tomorrow to get the rest of the addresses that were considered to be connected. My legs hurt from walking so much, and there's still more to do. It seems like everytime I clear a section, more of the cases pile on. This guy never seems to take breaks, but I know I need to. I'm overworking myself a little.
I need to see my therapist again next week to recommend a psychiatrist for medication. I wonder what type I'll have..
I miss being able to sleep without waking up feeling like I've died. It's a problem.
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blacklight-au · 3 years
Personal Study #1 (After Death)
(TW for mutilation, self harm, and CSA)
I walk through the final pit of this fucking basement. I can't stop puking up blood. This isn't fair. Nothing about this should've happened. I can't believe this happened.
I'm fucking furious. As I tread through the last room, I want to scream. There's no one coming, and there's no way out.
I notice my things, and next to those, my corpse.
Then, I scream. I scream, stomping my feet, I look like a child throwing a fit but that's the point. I don't think I've screamed so hard since my youth pastor sent me home after molesting me. I believe, that's why I reacted this way.
I remember waking up with bruises on my thighs and with the distinct impression that something was very wrong. I tried to move and it felt like I was split in half. I then screamed, enough to tear my throat and cause a week worth of not talking.
My body was laying in the corner, most of my clothes removed. I don't know what Johnny did with me and that's what set me off. Regardless of whether or not he was off put to sexual acts, I couldn't trust that he didn't do something to check my thighs. I know I mentioned it to him before. I cut them up when I was forced to go back to that specific church.
I walked up to my body and felt so disgusted. My eyes were missing, and so was most of my jaw. My chest had several stab wounds, and my skin was just starting to turn that awful gray color.
My things were somewhat neatly put on the table by my body. I can't find a reason why Johnny would take such care with my things yet destroy my body. That made me more angry, that he would value my possessions more than me. I laid down by my body, holding my own hand.
Maybe I'm this angry at that specifically because I developed feelings for him. I somehow damned myself that hard. Or maybe that's a normal response to being killed and thrown in a corner while the things I used to own sat nicely on a desk. I don't know, I've never heard or read about this before.
I sighed, and held my body, somehow strangely missing being able to hold someone. I never found the need for it as I do now. I held onto myself tighter, stupidly thinking if I did that for long enough I'd rejoin my body. Eventually after petting my hair, and saying a eulogy that only this room would hear, I grabbed my coat and my book, noticing early on that my vision was better so I left my glasses. I knelt down and gave my head the last loving kiss it will ever have, and left the room.
The Lord's scripture was clouding my head as I made my way back up the stairs.
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blacklight-au · 3 years
Denizen Study 1# (After Death)
(TW for mutilation and implied rape.)
The light blinked overhead. It fizzed and settled at a low burn. I had been walking for a while, up and down the basement levels, finding people to talk to. No one said a thing to me.
I was able to find my body, and my notebook. It was a zip up appointment and scheduler, which had all my information in it, and a few of my previous clients. I put a Steno pad in the back of it so I didn't have to carry around too many things. Though I've found if I'm not focused enough, I can't even unzip it.
I've gotten good at carrying it around, and I really want to talk to a few people here, write them down, and save who they were before they disappear.
I know it might be pointless, but, that's not why I want to do this, mostly. I want to see if there's a way out. And maybe bring a few people with me.
I kept walking, my shoes never get dirty, no matter what I step in. It's good that I don't feel those things anymore, I don't think I would be able to stand it.
Somewhere in the darkness, I heard a cough. I looked forward from my shoes and saw a lady limp and sit down. Odd thing I figured out, I don't need lights to see down here, but if there's no light, everything has red lines around it. Like a drawing, solid black with red to make the scene, to tell what is a person or a wall. As I walk towards her, she sees me and tries to get up, but can't and I feel sympathy for her situation.
"I'm not here to hurt you." I extended my hand to help her get up, but she didn't take it.
"That's what they all say.." she closed herself off as much as she could, with what I saw, her leg was completely broken and ripped in half and her chest cavity was almost completely hollow.
I reached for my notebook slowly and set it down. "Who are they?" I asked.
She glared at me as I unzipped the binding.
"Y'know, guys. You're a guy, I don't trust anything you say." She folded her arms around her legs and put her head in the middle.
I thought of getting up and letting her sit, but, I had a feeling there was a reason she said things like that. So, I got my pen and started to write.
"I'm not going to try to convince you that I'm not a bad guy. I won't ask for anything else but this, why don't you trust guys?" I knew asking that would get me a good chance of her clamming up and telling me to leave, but by the look she was giving me, I may have done something right.
"Well, obviously I'm sitting here in this fucker's basement, for one." She gestured to the area around.
She did have a point. I readjusted myself to sit by her, against the wall, so I could write better.
"I've just never really got in good with guys. I dunno. Just never the type to have consideration put in with going out or anything like that. I was kind of always put aside for whatever the guy wanted, like, my wants and shit. It was always what he wanted." She messed with her fingers, bending them and cracking her knuckles with no sound coming from them.
I had clients with the same situations, and I knew exactly what she meant, but I felt like she wanted to be able to say it herself, so I didn't state any of my assumptions.
"I'm sorry you weren't treated right. I hope, even in death, that you'll find a way to get better and heal." I said, the lady looked up at me, tears in her eyes.
"Um.. I'm Cheri, what's yours?" She extended her hand to shake mine, and I took it as best as I could.
"Edgar. It's nice to meet you." I let go of her hand slowly and asked, "Would you like to continue?"
She nodded. "The last guy I dated before I got here, he was really sweet at first, and I thought that maybe I finally found a good guy, y'know? But I got fucked over again." She sighed.
I held up my hand, "You don't have to say anything you don't want to."
She frowned, "Yeah.. thanks."
I got up slowly and zipped up my book, Cheri used the wall to get up and she shook my hand again, "Thanks for listening to me, you're really sweet." She let go of my hand and the lights flickered on again.
I looked up and felt my book fall from my hands. Johnny's on his way down.
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blacklight-au · 3 years
Blacklight Snippet #1 (After Death)
(TW Death and necro mention)
The walls were dilapidated, dripping will all manner of things. It looked so uncomfortable from when I first saw what it was. It was more of a shock, more of a feeling that wouldn't go away on the first day I died.
Will I be here forever? I thought, I was stuck on it all day. I tried to ask around and only got vauge answers. It seems like there's a monthly cleaning of the dead bodies and they evaporate to someplace else. Evaporate. Just -- poof -- out of existence. I couldn't believe it.
Though, it's been a week. I can't find my body anywhere and I'm avoiding Johnny so I don't have a panic attack. Can ghosts have panic attacks? I'm not sure, but I just, really don't want to know what he's done with me. I know nothing too vile, because we had gotten onto the subject of a new murder mystery show and he fell silent when I mentioned the killer of that show defiled women mostly.
He sat there and rolled his shoulders, and I asked him what was wrong, and he told me, "As interesting as it may seem, I have no interest with horrible people such as those. They're utterly, totally disgusting, and I will ask you only once, to never bring up that type of thing again." And he walked off.
So at least I won't have to worry about too much. I think he just skinned me, and if that's all? I'll shrug it off.
I'll just have to wait until the end of the month to see if my body will be cleared or not. I really don't want to be here longer than I have to. It seems only me and a few others are actually stuck here, and I really don't like them.
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blacklight-au · 3 years
You kissed me and the wounds bled, just the way you had predicted. First comes alchemy, then comes loyal, then comes sensual, and then comes holy. Then comes debauchery, and then comes fortune, then comes godly, and then comes joy. (Guiltless) - Guiltless, by Martin Grech
This is a costest of Edgar from this au, but after he's dead lol. He appears to others a lot less mutilated because the less deserving of the death, the more human the appearance.
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Though the unwarranted death doesn't absolve him of still perpetually bleeding for the rest of his afterlife.
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