blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Scylla doesn't know what's going on but pats papa's face anyways
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He’s just staring–
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
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Rare indeed: an aloha with a cute hairstyle watches a blue fresh cutie do her thing
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Skitty appreciation post
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
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I colored pamels and made these icons! Enjoy and use as you please!
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Who Are You?
As she made her way towards Route 2 to take on the first trial, Scylla over heard two people talking about something going on at the Marina. Might as well check out what ever it is. Not like she has anything more pressing at the moment.
When Scylla gets to the Marina, she spots a boy with pink hair. She rolls over to him and says, “hey. are you the trial captain around here?”
Before he can respond, a pair of angry looking team skull grunts ‘walk’ over and say, “give it up cap, you ain’t no match for us!”
The pink haired captain simply turns back to Scylla and says, “yes. I’m the trial captain around here. I’m guessing you want to go ahead and get to the trial, correct?”
Scylla is about to respond when the grunts interrupt her yet again. She signs and says, “yes but please hold on. Artemis.” her rowlet nods and makes short work of the grunts as she says, “would you mind pushing my chair to route two? My arms are awful tired.”
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Make Over
Scylla looked between the gift Lillie had given her and the hair salon. Seems fate made up Scylla’s mind for her. She rolled into the clothing store and quickly chose a lovely dress. She hadn’t worn a dress in such a long time that it only seemed fitting. Next she grabbed a green bag, and a hat and pair of shoes that matched her dress. 
After paying for them, she rolls into the changing room and puts on her new outfit and picks out a pair of light blue contacts and dark pink lipstick. She had forgotten how much easier it is to put on a dress than pants while in a wheelchair. 
Once she has gotten dolled up, she goes to the salon next door and says something she thought she would never say, “I want my hair cut. and dyed. I’m tired of looking like this.”
Four pairs of scissors and a bottle of blue hair dye later, Scylla has a completely new look. She smiles at herself in the mirror and tips about 200% for the extra trouble her hair caused.
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
A Picture
Scylla tilts her head to the side at Hau’s request. A picture? Those typically weren't very good for her, seeing as it made her easier to track down. But on the other hand, it wasn’t going to be posted anywhere and the only one to potentially see it would be her adoptive parents or extremely close friends. She ends up shrugging and says, “I guess a picture couldn’t hurt. Let’s do it.”
Hau pulls her and Lillie close as Rotom says, “say cheese!” and flashes a bright light.
Once the picture is taken, she grabs Rotom to inspect it and says, “not bad. But it’s not getting posted anywhere, ok? But, um... It was kind of nice to take a photo with you guys. Thanks.” She contnues to stare at the picture. Maybe she should change her look. Then she could safely document her travels through this land. But on the other hand, if any of her actual family members saw her without red hair or with colored contacts, she could get kicked out of a position of power...
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
A Trade?
Scylla sighed in aggravation as her pikipeck continued to refuse to follow her instructions. She tried once more, pointing at the wild caterpie and said, “Britney! Peck!” and the pokemon simply looked at her, flew over to a rock and sat down on it instead to preen its feathers.
Scylla felt like she was going to explode when someone tapped her shoulder and said, “excuse me miss, I can’t help but notice that you’re having trouble with your pokemon over there. Perhaps I can help remedy your head ache.”
Scylla squints at this new person, looking them up and down. They looked like a normal trainer... Well, she didn’t think anyone here knew who she was anyway, so why not at least see what he had planned? She says, “and how do you plan to do that?”
He smiles, “you see, I have a pokemon that dosen’t like me either. Maybe if we trade, we’ll both get a pokemon that likes us more, what do you say?”
Scylla mulls it over in her head and says, “it couldn’t hurt. Why not? I’ll trade you Britney.”
With that, she handed over Britney’s pokeball and took the new one. She opens it and let out the mon in side. The comfey smiles and coos at her.
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Dex Retrieve
Scylla gently pets her new Ratatta as she tries to ignore the rambling professor. Why does he have to be so loud and long winded? At least Lillie is here. She snapped to attention when he said, “let me see your pokedex.”
Tilting her head to the side in confusion as she digs it out of her hair and hands it over. She furrows her brows and says, “why are you talking to my pokedex? The hell are you doing?” This man was really getting on her nerves.
Scylla jumped when her pokedex sprang to life and said, “hey! Gentle on the goods ya hear? Who’s dis? My new boss? Nice ta meet ya, my name’s Rotom. I’ll be your guide, ya see? If ya need me I’ll be taken a nap in your comfy hair. See you losers later.” the rotom dex promptly disappeared into her massive mat of bright red hair.
The professor then went on another rant as he gave her a quite pretty charm. Apparently it’s supposed to tell people that you’re taking the island challenge. Neat. 
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Scylla smiles as both she and Hau return their starter pokemon. She says, “good battle Hau. You did better than last time, but keeps training. Maybe you’ll beat me next time.” 
She starts to roll for the stairs when the Kahuna grabs her shoulder and says, “wait! Before you go, that stone I took from you that Tapu Koko gave you, here. It is now what is called a Z-Ring. When you have it and your pokemon holds the corresponding Z-Crystal, your pokemon can unleash a devastating attack. If Tapu Koko sees fit for you to wield it, than so be it. You can collect the Z-Crystals by beating the trial captains of the islands.”
Scylla grins, “all right. Thanks big dude. Mind pointing me the way of the first trial captain?” She rolls her eyes as the Professor starts to blabber about the islands and trials. Why can’t he just let her figure this out on her own?
Once he’s long winded speech is done, she can finally roll of stage and start to leave town, only to be stopped again. She looks over to see who it is, mood souring, only to have her spirits lifted again when she sees that it’s Lillie.
Lillie says, “hey Scylla. I never really got a chance to properly thank you for saving Nebby. So, thank you. Maybe you could come over to the Professor's house tomorrow? I believe he wanted to talk to you about something, plus that’s where I’m staying right now.”
Scylla blushes a bit and smiles, despite not liking him, she says, “sure thing Lillie. I’ll be over tomorrow.”
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Scylla sighs happily as she watches children run around the lantern lit town. Quite peaceful in comparison to her normal life. A nice fruity drink, a playful atmosphere, battling for fun, and mild weather? She could really get used to this kind of life. To bad the festival won’t last forever.
Pretty soon, Scylla is helped up onto the wooden stage across from Hau. The Kahuna says something about Tapu Koko and her, but she’s not really listening as her hand runs over the pokeball containing one of her new team mates, Carl the metapod. She’s more excited for the battle than the speech. Her short time on this island has reminded her of how pokemon battles SHOULD be, for fun and sport, not a fight for your life. Pokemon battles should be exciting and get your heart pumping, but not because of mortal peril! They’re meant to be safe, not deadly. And frankly, she prefers it this way.
As soon as the Que is given, she tosses her pokeball high in the air and yells, “come on out Carl! It’s your time to shine buddy!” As the metapod lands and Hau sends out his Pichu, Scylla can’t stop the grin that spreads across her face.
Yeah, this vacation is exactly what she needed.
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
First Battle
A trainer runs up to Scylla as Lillie helps her down the stairs and calls out, "hey! You just got your Pokémon, lets battle!" Scylla chuckles and says, "may I at least know your name before I beat you to a pulp?" The boy goes bright red and says, "oh! Sorry! My names Hau! And his is my partner pupplio!" As Scylla prepares to send her rowlet into battle, her heart skips a beat as Lillie says, "I don't like watching Pokémon battle, but I'll watch for you." ~~one quick battle later~~ Scylla pets her rowlet as she says, "better luck next time bud. But a tip, level up your Pokémon before you try and challenge me again ok?" Hau says, cheerful as ever, "I will! You coming to the festival tomorrow night? They'll be a tournament I hear!" Scylla thinks for a bit a shrugs, "why not? I got nothing better to do anyways. See you two tomorrow!"
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Iki Town take two
Scylla smiled happily as Lillie rolled her down the hill and into town. She was to happy to really listen to what was being said by the two males, simply listening to Lillie's voice as she told them what happened. She only snapped to attention when Hala sent out the three starter Pokémon for her to chose from. Looking over them, it's an easy decision. Scylla says, "I'll take the grass starter please." Only to have a shock as she is told, "here, the starter must also chose you." After being moved onstage by the surprisingly strong professor, Scylla held out a hand toward Rowlet. The Pokémon looked at her, then the people around them before it took flight and landed gently in her lap with a coo. Scylla smiles and says, "I'll name you... Artemis." Rowlet obtained!
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
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Lillie in Every Episode
E1 -  Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!!
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
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i’m so glad i got to meet you! 💫
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blackmarketbaroness · 7 years
Island Trials is in fact, a nuzlocke. I have some house rules I always use, so the rules will be stated under the cut
1. Nickname all pokemon 2. If it faints, it’s dead 3. Shinys are to be caught and can be used, even if you already got a pokemon from that area. 4. No Doups. Unless it is a shiny. 5. Under certain circumstances, different parts of the same route can be considered different areas, for example, technically the school is part of route one but I can still catch something at the school. If the two parts have all the same pokemon, even if the encounter rates are different, they count as the same. If you can catch different pokemon in this area, it is a new area. 6. Static pokemon and gift pokemon are perfectly legal. This includes event pokemon. 7. No wondertrading or trading these pokemon with friends for better ones. The only trades that can be done are for evolutions, such as machamp or alakazam. 8. Starter has three lives. After that, it’s dead.
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