blacksilk-gothmodel · 5 years
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 5 years
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 5 years
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LEGEND (1985)
“Oh, Mother Night! Fold your dark arms about me. Protect me in your black embrace. I sit alone, an impotent exile, whilst this form, this presence, returns to torment me!”
Cinematography by Alex Thomson Production Design by Assheton Gorton Directed by Ridley Scott
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 5 years
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 5 years
Black Goths: Afro-Centric Stigma?
Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I've written a blog here and I'm undecided on making another YouTube video about this. However I just had to get these thoughts out. Over the past few years, I've noticed the black goth / alternative community get much more exposure than we used to. I'm so glad to have been apart of that & helping others become apart of that. We still have a ways to with being represented way more in media & alternative mainstream clothing brands. (See my YouTube video about that: Goth Talk: Response to Sleepy Flow3r | Black Silk https://youtu.be/5qezweVB2ak ) But we're more noticed as a whole now than before and that's progress. Also more non-black alternative people are being supportive and not tolerating racism than before. Let one person say "black people can't be Goth" and watch the Goth/Alternative community unleash hell on their racist arses 💪🏼💪🏻🔥 Ok, so at this point you're probably wondering "What's the point of this blog then Silk?" 😆 Well I'll say it bluntly: I feel there needs to be more support and exposure of black/POC Goth and alternative people with Afro-Centric features and those who DIY. Let me explain, as this is common in the Goth/Alt community already. The people with the most expensive stuff, with the most Euro-centric (and often skinny) features will get the most support and also the most exposure. Now take that and apply it with the black POC Goth community but downsize it to the same people being used over and over because of these reasons. Then those of us with Afro-Centric features &/or who shop more on a thrifty budget that do get shared (if at all), get very little support vs the others. No I'm not trying to further divide us, but that's what I'm noticing a lot scrolling through these big Goth/Alternative pages & websites. I'll see a few black Goths here and there but it's not as a diverse selection as our pale counterparts. Now I know for sure there are way more of us than what's being represented. I mean check out the #blackgoth & #afrogoth for yourself. I DID however, see an AfroGoth (MomotheGoth) sporting a fro on Instagram (RogueandWolf) and was pleasantly surprised. I was almost worried to click the comments under their post but they were mainly positive comments 🖤 As for the low-budget / DIY Goth & Alternative community. I mean, who doesn't love to shop on a budget and look badass?! The expensive brands can be really cute but a lot of us can't afford that day to day for many practical reasons. Reminds me of those Hot Topic days back when they mainly sold Goth merch 😆 So can we please have more of this? 👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on this and let me know if you'd like to see a YouTube video covering this topic.
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Legitimately don’t know if tumblrs decision to have its (probable) mass culling of sex workers blogs for nsfw content on the same day as International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers is unintentional or just malevolent
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Updates to Tumblr’s Community Guidelines
Today we announced some big updates to our Community Guidelines and what kind of content is permitted on Tumblr. Adult content will no longer be allowed here. While we do not judge anyone for their desire to post, engage with, or view this stuff, it is time for us to change our relationship with it.
We expect you may have some questions on how this will affect you, and we’re here to make sure those questions get answered.
When does the new policy take effect?
Our new Community Guidelines will go into effect on December 17, 2018.
Newly uploaded content flagged as adult will no longer be allowed on Tumblr. We’ll also begin flagging and removing existing adult content with the ultimate goal of removing as much of it as we can.
What is considered adult content?
Adult content primarily includes photos, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, and any content—including photos, videos, GIFs and illustrations—that depicts sex acts.
What is still permitted?
Examples of exceptions that are still permitted are exposed female-presenting nipples in connection with breastfeeding, birth or after-birth moments, and health-related situations, such as post-mastectomy or gender confirmation surgery. Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, such as sculptures and illustrations, are also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr.
What about Safe Mode?
Our new policy negates the need for Safe Mode so this feature will no longer exist. These new policies are the same regardless of your age. Read more here.
My content was flagged, but I don’t think it should be. What should I do?
If you feel that we have categorized your post incorrectly, you can appeal this decision with the form that was sent to you via email or use the button on the post in question. Please note that this process is only possible to complete on the web or with Tumblr app version 12.2 or higher.
Read more about how to review your content and appeal here.
What goes into classifying content as adult?
This work requires a mix of machine-learning classification and human moderation by our Trust & Safety team—the group of individuals who help moderate Tumblr. We’ve been expanding the team to handle the increased workload, and we will continue to expand as needed.
Computers are better than humans at scaling process—and we need them for that—but they’re not as good at making nuanced, contextual decisions. This is an evolving process for all of us, and we’re committed to getting this right. That’s why when you appeal a post we’ve marked as adult, it gets sent to a real, live human who will look it over with their real, live human eye(s).
Will I see any adult content on Tumblr after December 17, 2018?
Due to the technical challenges that come with moderation at scale you may continue to see some adult content. This is true for all types of content that might be in violation of our guidelines. At any given moment, millions of people are posting to Tumblr. To review everything and to get it right is complex, but we’re committed to continuously improving.
As always, if you see a post with adult content that you don’t want to see, you can report it directly to our Trust & Safety team. Learn about how to report content here.
What will happen to my adult content already on Tumblr?
Starting today, we will begin sending out email notices to members of the Tumblr community whose content has been flagged as adult. This email will provide a link to the post(s) in question and a form to appeal our decision if you think we have made a mistake. Starting on December 17, 2018, any post(s) that have been flagged will be reverted to a private setting viewable only by you. If you want to learn more about how to see those posts, please visit our Help Center.
As always, please make sure the email associated with your Tumblr account is one you use regularly. It’s how we get in touch when we need you!
You can also download the contents of your blog(s) before these policy changes take effect. Find out how here.
What if my blog (not to be confused with posts) was marked as “explicit” before December 17, 2018?
Blogs that have been either self-flagged or flagged by us as “explicit” per our old policy and before December 17, 2018 will still be overlaid with a content filter when viewing these blogs directly. While some of the content on these blogs may now be in violation of our policies and will be actioned accordingly, the blog owners may choose to post content that is within our policies in the future, so we’d like to provide that option. Users under 18 will still not be allowed to click through to see the content of these blogs. The avatars and headers for these blogs will also be reverted to the default settings.
You can check and see if your blog is marked as explicit per our old policy in your visibility settings. If you think your blog has been erroneously marked as explicit, please send an appeal here.
Will I get kicked off of Tumblr if I’ve uploaded adult content in the past?
We’re removing content, not people. However, those who repeatedly and deliberately post new content that violates our updated guidelines may have their account deactivated per our Terms of Service. If you feel you’ve been incorrectly suspended, you can appeal here.
What if I reblogged adult content?
The original poster of the content will be notified of its removal, and it will no longer be on your blog.
What if I have more “What if” questions?
We got you. You can review our updated Community Guidelines right over here. If you still haven’t found an answer to your question, you can ask our support team.
<3 Tumblr
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
alternative black girls warm my heart :3
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Hey Tumblr, can you NOT?
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
No words 😂💀
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Awwwhhhh zeh KITTEH 😻❣️
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Single Word Spells
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Because I’m lazy and don’t like to monologue while I’m doing a spell, here’s a couple of the single word spells I use in my personal practice.
absum - to make something be concealed from sight
     ↳ def. to be away, be missing
advoco - summoning spell
     ↳ def. to summon
casso - destruction spell
     ↳ def. to destroy, make void
bellus - glamour spell
     ↳ def. beautiful, charming, handsome
explico - reveal information
     ↳ def. explanation, to unfold
mutare - transmutation
     ↳ def. to change
cessabit - calming spell
     ↳ def. to rest, be free of
uro - burning
     ↳ def. to burn, inflame
conturbo - invoke confusion
     ↳ def. confound, to throw into confusion
taceo - to silence
     ↳ def. shut up
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
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Green + Purple + Succulent + Crystal + Witchy Moodboard requested by @halcyonluna
(Requests Open)
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
Questions to Ask When the Major Arcana Appears
the fool - am I jumping into this too quickly? can I trust my gut? what do i hope to gain from this? is this in my best judgement to proceed? 
the magician - am I balancing parts of my life? am I focusing too much on the material world before me? am I properly utilizing the tools I have at my disposal?
the high priestess - am I trusting my intuition? am I allowing my imagination to roam free? have I grown out of touch with my spirituality? how may I further enhance my spirituality? 
the empress - how do I nurture others? do I, in turn, properly nurture myself? how do I express my feminine power? am I expressing myself creatively? 
the emperor - how am I handling authority in my life? how can I become a leader? am I taking strides to ensure material success? how do I express my masculine power?
the heirophant - am I honouring traditions? what can I teach others? what can I learn? how may I go about finding groups of likeminded people? where am I deriving my sense of security?
the lovers - are parts of me at war within myself? how can I unite very different parts of my life? what can I do to help build cooperation within my relationships? 
the chariot - how can I take control of my situation? how can I resolve my conflict? how can I tackles the challenges coming my way? which direction should I choose?
strength - how can I overcome my weakness? what makes me courageous in my situation? from where do I draw my inner power? how can I best work with my instinct? 
the hermit - what is driving me forward in life right now? where can I be truly alone? what do I need to reflect on? what wisdom can I draw from past experiences? 
wheel of fortune - what changes am I willing to except? how much of my life is left to fate? how do my every day actions influence the bigger picture of my life? 
justice - how can I make the best decision? how do I find balance in my life? what can I do to rectify my past mistakes? am I weighing all the pros and cons or am I overlooking something?
the hanged man - what should I hold onto and what should I let go of? how can I look at this with a new perspective? what am I willing to sacrifice? how do I let go of old habits and step out of my comfort zone? 
death - how can I use recent events to transform myself? what do I need to accept the end of? what will be born from the ashes? how can I mourn the ending of one thing and celebrate the beginning of another?
temperance - what led to the feeling of harmony? what can I do to hold onto it, grow from it, and become harmoniously whole? how do I remain patient through these experiences?
the devil - am I allowing myself to fixate unhealthy on something? what do I fear? am I too tied to the material world? how do I free myself from the bondage I have allowed myself to fall into? 
the tower - what have I been ignoring? why did I refuse to take action, what can I do to avoid this again? how do I free myself from my own ruin? how do I grow from this disaster?
the star - how am I using my gifts? what is inspiring me? what makes me happy and how can I embrace that? how can I continue on the right track to making my wishes come true? 
the moon - am I listening to my dreams, my feelings, my instincts? am I trusting them? how am I connecting to the invisible workings of the world? how am I using my creativity? 
the sun - am I approaching my problem with a positive attitude? how are my efforts being appreciated by others? how do I step into the spotlight to showcase my talents? 
judgment - how self-aware am I, truly? what actions have I taken that are wise? unwise? am I being honest with myself? what can I learn from my past and how can I grow? 
the world - how have my efforts payed off? how am I progressing in life, does it feel right? what in my life is coming to an end? what is beginning? what are my next steps? in what ways do I feel fulfilled? 
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blacksilk-gothmodel · 6 years
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Hey gidi karadeniz..
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