blackuni1986 · 4 years
Heating pad is my bff
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blackuni1986 · 4 years
I went for the pelvic exam on Friday November 6th. They did a transvaginal ultrasound, since the tech could not find my uterus by a regular ultrasound. It showed a 1.6cm cyst on my right ovary, the same ovary I had dealt with a cyst on previously years ago.
Then the assistant did a pelvic exam and it hurt like hell. She was glad I was getting nitrous for the procedure because it was so painful.
Also mentioned, I have 'congested pelvis disorder'. I never heard of it before. She said the veins around my pelvis were enlarged and that the Dr could fix them during hysterectomy.
That evening, I suffered alot of pain from that exam. We got PF Chang's and I love that damn ginger beer!
Saturday morning, we were off to find the recreational marijuana dispensary to get some things for me to have after the procedure that day. Thankful that I did.
Meeting the Dr for the first time, I loved him. Nurse started the nitrous, it just felt like oxygen. The Dr started on me, did a cystocopy to confirm the interstial cystitis, and was telling the nurse that it was spread all through my bladder. I guess one they did earlier that day was not as bad.
I had tears running out of my eyes, he started the d&c and hysteroscopy. 0 out of 10 recommend having this done without being under sedation. I felt everything, he said that he couldn't really tell what condition my uterus was in because all of the scarring from the ablation I had last year. But said he still needed to get a sample of cells to send to the lab.
After, We discussed the hysterectomy, and he suggested doing the da Vinci robotic surgery because it would be more effective and precise.
We left the Dr office and went to get food before heading back to the hotel. I was bleeding alot, I ate one of the indica gummies we picked up. It kicked in about a half hour later. So glad that we went to the dispensary. I don't think I would have made it through the weekend without it. At the hotel, I was nauseous I couldn't eat right away. We watched The Office for hours. Brad took ate a gummy as well and I finally ate my burger from earlier. So much pain that evening but finally got some sleep.
We head home on Sunday. Kinda uncomfortable ride home, but could have been worse.
Took Monday off to recuperate.
Went to work Tuesday, it was hard to sit, then I got really nauseous mid day and started gushing,my period was here. What the fuck I was sick and in so much pain. I wanted to go home early but was trying to catch up from being off work.
Wednesday I worked from home, still hurt like fuck.
By Friday I was starting to feel better, and my period stopped also. My body is doing weird shit.
Right now I'm sitting here on Saturday, with an upset stomach, we hard dinner and I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest/back/stomach. It's hard to breathe, I feel like my uterus is going to fall out.
Got a call this week that I had a urinary tract infection. Picked up antibiotic and started it.
Had a mammogram on Friday also.
Have a follow-up to go over results from d+c next Friday. Will do another update then.
#endometriosis #adenomyosis #interstitialcystitis #congestedpelvisdisorder
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blackuni1986 · 4 years
Updates November 2020
I haven't been on here in awhile
I had increased my gabapentin to 900mg in may when my obgyn left for deliveries only.
Went okay for a couple of months, pain was occasional. Digestion still not good.
Gabapentin was too strong so I backed it down to 600mg. Pain increased daily to almost constant.
Still not having found a replacement Dr, I searched again for an Endo specialist online.
I found one in Michigan, a little over 5 hours from home.
Knowing this was a far stretch, I persued anyway. I need help.
I went for a consult in October, the appointment was 2 weeks after I made it. They got me in super quick.
The assistant Dr was amazing, I could already tell how compassionate this place was from the start. She advised that since it had been over a year since my last pelvic exam, that I should see the Dr and have a d&c and hysteroscopy to rule out any cancer and to give the Dr an idea what we were getting into. I opted for nitrous oxide instead of tramadol for the procedure and went ahead and scheduled it.
My gabapentin script ran out, I had the Dr send in for a refill 3 times, but the pharmacy would not complete the prescription without a hand delivered paper from the Dr. Which I could not get without driving back up 5 hours. So I was screwed, had to quit it cold turkey. Not a good experience.
#endometriosis #adenomyosis #interstitialcystitis
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Been taking gabapentin 300mg a day for 3 months now, saw ob for progress. Upped dosage to 600mg and see her again in 3 months.
Discussed fodmap diet
Works well for her
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
First fight of 2020- up all night with severe cramps, gas pains and dizziness. Started period at 4am. Heating pad on back and microwave buddy on belly.
#shootme #endometriosis #adenomyosis #ic #period
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
2020 🎉
Started the year off with a bang- more like blow...😂
Endoscopy and colonoscopy yesterday, prep wasn't the worst- just sore from irritation.
Proceedures went well, Dr said nothing of concern, some relux irritation at the beginning of the small intestine. Took some biopsies and will get results Feb 4th
* Huggies wipes a must *
#endoscopy #colonoscopy #endometriosis #adenomyosis #interstitialcystitis #needabreak
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
It's alot to take in. Being diagnosed with not one, but 3 incurable conditions in the past 6 months. Is it weird to feel relief after knowing what you've been going through for years now has a name and definition? In no way am I relieved from the pains extending from these horrors, but at least when someone asks what is wrong, I can put into words other than my typical "I'm fine" or "I'm dying" and try to explain it.
#endometriosis #adenomyosis #interstitialcystitis #chronicpain
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Cystoscopy this morning. Confirmed - Interstitial cystitis. Yay me. Add another one to the list. Tired. Still hurts to pee. Follow up 23rd to go over results.
#endometriosis #endo #adenomyosis #interstitialcystitis #ic
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Picked up Maxine + Morgan cbd, turmeric & ginger supplement. Took one last night and one this morning. Still having pain, more like nerve pain throughout my body. Terrible headache and nauseous on/off. Head feels weird. Will continue this bottle until finished. 15 day supply @ 2/day
Haven't started gabapentin script yet.
#endometriosis #adenomyosis #chronicheadaches
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
4 months post op and my 4th period is late.
Met with my ob yesterday, literally cried for 45 minutes over this shit. She wrote me a script for Gabapentin for pain. Haven't filled it yet.
Discussed interstitial cystitis, which doesn't surprise me, all of the "uti's" I've been told I had for a million years now. How could someone constantly have a UTI? Scheduled a cystoscopy October 8th for a diagnosis.
Scheduled a meeting with a gastro doc in November for my continued bowel issues.
Pelvic floor therapy is going well, pt says my muscles seem to have loosened much and awareness of better control of them. Hoping this eventually helps with pain.
Pain levels at an all time high today. I feel like my nerves are on fire, it hurts to even walk.
Dr still pushing for a hysterectomy, I'm not ready for another surgery 😞
#chronicallyill #interstitialcystitis #endometriosis #adenomyosis #chronicpain #migraines
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
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The week before my period....Awww hell, this is me every fucking day
#fuckendo #endometriosis #adenomyosis
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
I absolutely feel this 💯
People talking, slamming doors, slamming the microwave, drinking, chewing....the list goes on and on...just leave already!
#endometriosis #adenomyosis #chronicheadaches #chronicpain #doihavefibro? #anxiety
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Credit on image
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Pfpt pelvic floor physical therapy day 4-
Appointment anxiety as per usual (bowel problems and bloated)
By the time I got there, my lower back hurt so bad I could barely walk.
Went ahead with internal exam(wasn't bad)
Used stim unit and heat to loosen up back pain, which helped alot, at least I could walk when I left.
Got home in minor pain, went to bed early and woke up like a train wreck. Nerve and joint pains all over and cramping worsened.
Pt scheduled again September 3rd
#pelvicfloor #5monthspostop #endometriosis #adenomyosis #bilateralsalpingectomy #uterineablation
is there a light at the end of this tunnel?
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Pretty much sums it up
#ibs #endometriosis #adenomyosis #waytodropthosepounds #butimnottrying #shittingmyselftodeathhere
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
I missed days 1 & 2 here
Physical therapy day three went well
•Pt says that I show improvement in muscle tension and release since my last visit. Felt good when I left but by the time I made it home, I was sore and cramping.
•Not scheduled to go again until the 27th.
#pelvicfloor #3monthspostop #endometriosis #adenomyosis #bilateralsalpingectomy #uterineablation #bowelproblems #urinaryproblems #tired
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
Pain day
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blackuni1986 · 5 years
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The past few days...
#death #myuterusiskillingme #adenomyosis #endometriosis
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