blade-and-shield · 3 years
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                                                         ⚔  SABER & LOCK  ⚔                                                        OC Friendly || Multiverse                                                      BLOG || RULES || PROMO 
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blade-and-shield · 3 years
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ooc;  *peeks* Anyone still alive over here? I’m feeling a burst of missing my boys... 
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blade-and-shield · 4 years
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“And that would be why we have torches.”
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“Hey, good point. I like your thinking.”
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blade-and-shield · 4 years
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“Keep to the stars, the dawn will come.”
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“The night is long and the path is dark... Or, some shit like that.”
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blade-and-shield · 4 years
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By arsynalprops on instagram.
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
Given the distinct range of people the Inquisitor seemed to collect Cullen was hardly unused to encountering unusual sites within the hold. He suspects, at this point, he’d be more surprised if things were neatly military. 
An elf lounging on the steps, however, is something that pulls him to a halt. Although the action is less through confusion and more out of unwillingness to step on the man who appears to be sunning himself across the stone. The choice that’s offered has Cullen’s brow pulling up and he barely keeps his incredulity from curling his lip. 
“In what world, exactly, might that be seen as a deal?” he asks, curious about just how the elf reached such logic more than anything. “I believe the men may be more inclined to simply step on you.”
⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰   “In what world?” Saber repeated with an amused lilt in his voice. He loved it when those he presented with preposterous options actually replied back with confusion or...anything, really. “The world of someone who wants to get by, obviously.” 
He stayed right where he was for a moment, still sprawled across the stair while he took his time musing over Cullen’s words. “That’s rather rude, wouldn’t you say? Not to mention dangerous. What if someone stepped on me and lost their balance. Would you want to go accidentally tumbling down these stairs? I know I wouldn’t.” 
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Nevermind the fact that half of the soldiers of the Inquisition would probably crush him before they’d fall. Especially when they were in full armor. With a weighty sigh, he finally moved to sit up, stretching his arms over his head and yawning. 
“Alright, but on a more serious note, that coat is fantastic...”         
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    Maybe it was the whole excitement of the prior incident that had Saber distracted from the finer details of things. The first time he’d seen the fella, he was being chased about by a dark stalker, after all. Once the situation had resolved itself, he hadn’t hung around too long afterward He didn’t really want to be scolded by someone for napping away on crates that apparently had precious cargo in them. 
Yeah, precious cargo that could bite. And claw. ... Not very precious in his mind. 
When Ash walked past where Saber was seated on the ground, oiling one of the blades of his daggers, he looked up...and then kept looking up. 
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“Damn,” he whispered, then smirked with an amused snort. “You’re huge, you know that?” In hindsight, it was probably a ridiculous thing to ask. Of course Ash would know that. I can’t have been something convenient in more common environments.                      
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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An invitation? A tour? In truth Lyrian had only mingled on the very outskirts of settlements; never feeling comfortable enough to head inside on his own in fear of the reception. But perhaps here would be different? Teeth nibbled on the inside of his lip, eyes glancing over the outside of the village for a moment before turning back to his sudden companion; “I… would like that very much… if I will not be an intrusion in any way-” 
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⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    “You wouldn’t be,” Saber assured. It might have seemed strange to speak for a whole village of people, but he was confident enough in that. If they hadn’t thrown rocks at Lock the first time he’d seen him, then he doubted there’d be a problem. A lone Dalish elf was far less intimidating than a hulking Vashoth. 
“Shit, if they can handle me, I’m sure you’d be a piece of cake. C’mon.” He motioned for Lyrian to follow him and started toward the nearby path that lead into the village, between the rocky walls. 
“You hungry? I got a tab building in the inn. They’re probably serving breakfast by now.” Soft boiled quail eggs, turnips, and cornbread were usually on the breakfast menu, but he was sure they’d make some adjustments if Lyrian had other preferences.             
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
Kaaras understood that the Inquisition was not for all. Perhaps it was his moral conscience that made him feel like being here was the right thing to do for anyone. But he also understood that some people just didn’t care for war. And that’s, technically, what the Inquisition was: a military. A military that was their own, above the rights of the people, and above the rights of the Chantry. It was no surprise that people may feel uneasy about it. But it was his duty as their leader to prove that what they were doing was for the right reason. 
He looked at Lock and waved his hand. “You don’t need to explain yourself,” he chuckled in a lighthearted tone. “You’re here, aren’t you? Doesn’t that already mean something.” And it did, because even if Lock didn’t think this was his scene, he still managed to take it on board and do what was right. It took guts to do that. 
Kaaras’ ears perked up in interest at the idea of a challenge with the other man. Oh… He looked him up and down.
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“That might be an unfair fight,” he laughed. “But I’m always willing to take on a challenge.” The corners of his lips curled upwards. Oh, he had no doubt that Lock could kick his arse in the sparring ring–most qunari that were taller than him could. He was skilled with his magic abilities, and even hand to hand, but he knew from personal experience that pure weight alone could be an advantage. What was he… a warrior? He looked the build. Although Kaaras couldn’t just assume that, considering he also looked like he was a warrior. Most didn’t assume he was a mage at all. 
⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    The fact that Kaaras even seemed to be entertaining the idea of a spar instead of immediately objecting was surprise enough. It wasn’t because of their size differences, but more that he had’t expected someone like Kaaras to have any interest in roughing it up with him. He didn’t like to cast judgment, but Lock was...well, the bottom of the barrel as far as social standards went. He knew this and he wasn’t even remotely bothered by it. It was the life he had chosen, but there were scrutinizing looks that came along with that. He already face enough of those while being a Vashoth, but to wander about in clothes that were obviously not tailored to his size, rusted blades, and leather strappings that looked like they could crumble apart at any moment. 
None of that bothered him, though. They were all just things. His dignity and pride were all that he really valued with himself.   
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“I don’t know about all that,” he chuckled quietly, giving Kaaras a once over. He knew better than to underestimate someone’s abilities at first glance. “Hulking idiots are easier to fight. You know the type- the ones acting like they got something to prove just by being able to hit the hardest. Kind of boring, to tell you the truth. Predictable. You, though....you look like you could give me a good run around.” 
Lock was stealth trained, loving the ability to pinpoint the weak spots of his combatants and focus on timing. It had it’s disadvantages, having to get right up close to them. If he wielded anything bigger than some daggers, he could just hit at a distance, but where was the fun in that?         
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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I REALLY want to become more active on this blog so please LIKE OR REBLOG this post if you’d like to interact with this angry Dalish dork. 
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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ooc;  Apologies for vanishing. Life and stuff, you know how that goes~  Going to respond to some drafts now, finally. x
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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ooc;  Soft shout-out to @eternalworks​ for my amazing theme of my boys. Thank you, beb. ♥
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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                                                         ⚔  SABER & LOCK  ⚔                                                        OC Friendly || Multiverse                                                      BLOG || RULES || PROMO 
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
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For now? The fellow in front of his eyes seemed to become more and more of a mystery the more they spoke. How curious.  The other males acrobatics were impressive and they earned a small smile from plush lips, brows somewhat raised. “Lyrian-” He greeted, accepting the other’s hand; deciding to leave out his clan name for in truth he no longer belonged to them; it was a name in which was lost to him. “And yourself?” A brow raised, a friendly expression upon his face. 
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⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    Oh, thank gods, he hadn’t offended this fellow. Taking his hand back, he grinned a bit. “Saber. Well, good to meet you, Lyrian.” Yes, he could be friendly. Look how well he was socializing! Yet again, he’d made it through an introduction without upsetting someone.  
He glanced at the village on the other side of the wall, debating for a moment before he looked back to Lyrian. He was curious, Saber could tell that much. And if this was all something completely new for him, maybe it’d make him more comfortable to have company through it. 
“You...um, want a tour of the village? There’s not much in there, but everyone’s pretty nice. Like I said, real good people.”          
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
Send a 🥖 to throw a baguette at my muse.
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
Oh. Kaaras returned his hand to himself and gave a small nod of his head. “Right, I see.” Then they weren’t exactly the usual mercenary company, or at least it didn’t sound like such. Maybe this friend of Lock’s had just dragged him here and he was here for the sake of following? 
“Well, if you’re here for work, I do hope you’re being paid correctly for it,” he stated. “Lady Josephine should be the right woman to go do, the Ambassador I mentioned before. Hopefully your friend has sorted the business out. I’d hate for you to be here without pay if it’s not exactly your scene.” 
There seemed to be something Lock wasn’t saying upfront, or maybe Kaaras was just being judgmental. Whatever the case, there was tension, or so it seemed. Maybe Kaaras was just overreacting and it was nothing. Sometimes, meeting other qunari could be so very awkward for him. He felt like he knew them, but he didn’t, it was just a sentimentality of a familiar, when they weren’t. 
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“Well, I… should probably be going, then. It was nice to meet you, Lock. If you and your friend are staying here, then I hope you’ve had time to look around and settle. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” 
⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    Lock also picked up on the somewhat tense vibe of the introduction and he hummed to himself, wondering what might have caused it. Being social wasn’t exactly one of his strengths, but he’d been making an effort to work on that, over the years. Having been around more humans and elves than qunari had at least allowed him to distance himself from their usual apathetic sense of duty. 
“Hey now, I didn’t mean it that way.” He even gave a hint of a smile, half in kindness, half in apology. “I mean, saving the world has to be everyone’s scene, to a certain degree. I just mean that it’s...well...not something I usually do. The chivalrous thing and all.” He wasn’t sure if that sounded any better, but he hoped so. 
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“Not worried about pay, though. If Saber is, that’s his deal. Me... Eh, as long as there’s a roof over my head, a bed, and a meal, that’s all I really need.” He had simple enough needs. And if this whole organization didn’t work out well for Thedas, then little good having a pocket of coin would do for him. 
“But yeah, I don’t wanna’ keep you longer than you need. I’m sure you’re busy. If you ever feel like you want a throw down in that practice ring, though, just let me know.”               
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blade-and-shield · 6 years
Lounging in the library of Skyhold wasn’t his favorite pass time, but stating he didn’t enjoy the silence to catch up on research came far from a subtle lie. His long legs stretched out before him, reclined in his seat with pursed lips as he shuffled papers.
Now and then he hummed. His brows scrutinizing the report before him as he blindly reached across the table for a book to cross-reference the information. Rune ingulfed himself so far in his book that people passing through the library went unnoticed.
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Until one lunged themselves onto the table. A quick, startled breath filled the vashoth’s lungs as he leaned away from the sudden appearance. Seagreen eyes wide as he tried to register the odd elf beside him. O’ Tall one, cute. Real cute…
 “Uh, well yes. I know a great deal about critters. You’re going to have to be more specific. Do you need a whole critter?” His eyes narrowed carefully. “Or are you looking for information on one? There’s a difference between a hunt and me tossing a book at you.”
⊱ ∶ ⚔ ∶ ⊰    Situating his position, Saber sat right on the table he was perched on, folding his legs under him as he made himself comfortable enough for the moment. A couple strangers passed by and cast him confused of disapproving looks, but he blatantly ignored them- their opinions could not have mattered less to him. 
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“Not a whole one, no. Just need a horn from a tusket. I know they’re not some rare creature, so you...uh...wouldn’t happen to just have any of those laying around, would you? I’d kinda’ prefer not to have a book tossed at me, though. Doubt it would do much good, honestly.”  
He glanced around as the other items on the table, completely oblivious as to what any of them were of what they were used for. He gently nudged one of the larger books out of the way so he could settle into his position better. 
“Hey, is that your actual hair color? I like it...” It reminded him of snow. Pretty fresh-fallen snow, though- not the way it looked on a path side after tons of feet had trampled through it.             
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