lethalmercury · 2 months
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Disney's Brother Bear meme --- Answering for @inimiicus
"I think you do that enough for the both of us, don't you?" Prompto couldn't help but curl his lips up as he heard the other's voice, his arms crossing defiantly over his chest. "Besides, the spirits would love me. I'm cute."
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phoenixfiiire · 2 months
"Fly, my boy!" Tosses Joshua. Elwin is going to kill him.
The tiny infant claps his hands in excitement when he's tossed in the air.
He was not clapping when he landed.
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phoenix-flamed · 9 months
"And to every problem ever I say... 'YEET'."
And cue Elwin's head slamming against the palm of his hand. "For the last time, Uncle -- I am not launching Joshua across the sea, with a catapult, at the Iron Kingdom."
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astralbcrn · 1 year
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"Chancellor of Niflheim. Quite the title you've gotten for yourself," Bahamut scoffed slightly as he looked around the room. Niflheim had always been a blight, but they certainly served a purpose. They had awakened the Accursed ahead of plan, but the Chosen King had been chosen and everything was as it should be once more.
"I don't have to remind you of your role, do I?" Shiva thought it had been such a shame, to damn the once healer, but he was the only one capable of storing the scourge in him without dying or turning into a daemon. A necessary sacrifice.
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chosenbythecrystal · 10 months
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@inimiicus continued from here.
They would spend most evenings like that. Ardyn lounging in his chair with a book, whilst Noctis would disregard all of the other seating options in the room in favour of lying on the floor because the rug was soft and it was closer to the fire.
He had been reading a book of his own. Thanks to all of his tutoring, Noctis had a better grasp of the written language than most people his age, but there were still times a certain word of phrase would trip him up. When that would happen, Ardyn was usually willing to explain things to him.
The young Prince had just reached Ardyn's side, his book in hand with his thumb over the phrase he didn't understand, when shards of glass went everywhere. Noctis didn’t doubt that he would have been cut if Ardyn hadn't shielded them.
In that moment, there was too much adrenaline coursing through him for him to wonder how he had done it. He was conflicted. He wanted to go home, of course. He wanted to see his father but at the same time, he'd miss Ardyn. He certainly didn't want the man to get hurt.
He needn't have worried. Not for Ardyn, at least.
Noctis had only seen the Royal Arms in all their glory once before – back when his father had pushed back the Marilith. This was different though. Unlike the gentle blue of his father's armiger, Ardyn's was a violent red.
But how did he have it?
The thought fell to the back of his mind as he watched Ardyn not only kill the Kingsglaive, but tear them apart. Noctis had seen death firsthand more than once, but it had never been as violent as that. Not even the Marilith had caused as much destruction.
They hadn't stood a chance.
Noctis had never been afraid of Ardyn before. He made him feel safe and cared for but right now with those crazed glowing eyes and the dripping black ichor, Noctis was absolutely terrified.
As Ardyn released the only survivor of what had essentially been a massacre and sent him to deliver his message, Noctis bolted. He didn't know where he was going, only that he needed to get away. He needed to hide.
In his fear-gripped mindset, the only place he could think of was the closet in his bedroom, so he slipped inside and closed the door before shrinking back into the corner with his arms wrapped around his knees.
This had to be a bad dream.
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apalestar · 10 months
❛  i’m  sorry ,  you  don’t  enjoy  being  teased ? .  ❜
@inimiicus from here
"To an extent, but usually I am instigator, not the participant." Though Astarion recognized when he had met someone nearly as well versed in the art as he. Even if the approach entirely different.
Ardyn's outfit's was... a look. Astarion at least spent time on his appearance in the morning. This man looked like he fumbled into a closet and came out with the first things he came in contact with. Those pants for instance. Hells below. Did no one teach him the fine art of seduction required one to at least look put together?
"What I don't enjoy is that outfit of yours. Darling, you could do so much better."
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galahdborn · 1 year
@inimiicus cont. from here
Protect the Crystal they had said and Nyx had nodded his head followed by a brisk Yes, sir! and gone off to do just that. So why had nobody told him that the Crystal was a person? He had looked like an idiot when he had first entered, looking around for something he assumed would live up to its name – a giant piece of rock.
When he had seen Ardyn, he had thought that an enemy had already made their way inside the chamber, but oh how wrong he had been. Part of him felt disgusted – they were getting their powers from a person and they hadn't known. If he had known, he'd have come paid his respects or something, but everybody had referred to it, him, as the Crystal and that was that.
He hadn't signed up for any of this, there was so much going on here that he didn't understand, but it didn't matter because the enemies were there and Nyx still had a job to do, even if some part of him wondered why the crystal couldn't protect itself. The barrier was unlike anything he'd be able to create and there wasn't much time to think as his body was flooded with power.
Go, he was ordered and off he want, warping between enemies and shooting off bolts of lightning with an amount of power he had never before experienced: "This is fucking insane!" he felt the need to say, making sure to keep close to the guy (he refused to keep referring to him as the crystal), because protecting him was the end goal here. Taking care of the enemies was a lot easier with whatever the guy had done, since Nyx felt like he could keep going at this pace for hours if he had to.
"We should leave. I don't think staying here is a good idea."
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
@inimiicus x
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❝Did you know?❞
But of course he has heard tell of the Oracle's resurrection. The rumour spread to outposts far and wide; quite honestly, Luna is surprised it has taken him this long to find her. But there is no joyful reunion, no running hug for her erstwhile imaginary friend.
❝Noctis is to give his life to end this night. You and he are fated to do battle among the ruins of Insomnia, and neither of you shall leave the city alive.❞ She looks up towards the starless sky, blinking tears from her eyes. ❝...I have been granted the option to take his place and fight you myself, you know.❞
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ravusnightblossom · 11 months
(Moved to new post because legacy/beta format: X) @inimiicus
Blessed to have such kindness in his life when surely he deserved none. After all he had done, and still Ravus should choose to offer him gentleness, kindness, love? He was not blessed by the Astrals, for surely they would plot how to ruin this, but he was still blessed. Or perhaps this was only a dream and he would awaken in that cold throne room, seated upon a throne that should have been his yet never was. He pressed a sweet kiss to Ravus’s hair.
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“Nonsense. You are every bit as kind as I think. And if you are a curse, then you are to be a curse that I welcome wholly, with all of my being. ...But I don’t think you to be a curse. Now rest, dream sweet dreams.” Or dream of nothing at all. “I shall be here when you awaken and, if I am not, you need only call for me, for I will not be far off.” He snaked his arms around Ravus to hold him close and keep him close, a hand to the white strands of hair brushing fingers soothingly against his scalp to sooth him. “Rest. Sleep.” And surprisingly even to himself, once Ravus had drifted off, Ardyn found himself, too, drifting away. Talk of pawns, defiance, and eternity would resume once they had rested.
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'And if you are a curse, then you are to be a curse that I welcome wholly, with all of my being.'
Whether or not he was an ill omen, those very words were all that Ravus had ever wanted to hear in life. He had long ago grown tired of people placating him with uncertain assurances, that his life wasn't a curse to those around him. What if he was? What then? None of them had ever given him that declaration of comfort... until now.
"Thank you," he murmured, on the brink of a combination of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Truthfully, it felt wrong to thank the man who had played part in the destruction of his happiness through the whole of his life. Ravus recognized that and had spoken it anyhow. Nothing about their lives was conventional, so why did the words and reactions need to be?
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Sleep took him rather quickly, his body eager for the rest to recuperate. Dreams barraged his slumbering mind, but not plagued with nightmares or horrific images as the past has tormented him with. Instead... he could feel the Scourge. He could still sense the dormant hivemind that gripped his subconscious. Maybe there was still a trace of that daemonic influence buried deep in his mind, but he could feel Ardyn, too -- In more ways than just the man's arms wrapped so securely around him.
There was something unsettling about what took him over, yet, it was still comforting enough to dispel the night terrors, giving the former High Commander the closest facsimile that he'd had to a real rest in longer than he could recall.
When Ravus finally awoke, it was a slow process. His mind stirred first, listening to the ambient sounds within the room, savoring the feeling of arms coiled so securely around him. Did Ardyn breathe, he wondered? If so, it was quiet enough that Ravus hadn't noticed.
His body woke next, the urge to shift and stretch his legs causing subtle moments. He wasn't certain how long he had been asleep, but given how stiff his muscles felt, he suspected it had been quite a number of hours.
"Nnn," he murmured, a wordless sound as he buried his face against Ardyn's chest.
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betrayingcrown · 1 year
starter for @inimiicus
--- Somnus was well aware who the man passing nearby was. He knew that his brother was immortal. But to see him walking around Lucis two thousand years ago was a different thing.
--- He just froze, wide-eyed staring at the man. Mouth dryer than the deserts in Leide, heart threatening to jump out of his throat.
--- ❝ I know you. ❞
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firstquccn · 1 year
Breathe in. Breathe out. Allow the tension to free itself ; to calm & relax. Secured within a circle of lit candles, Crepera felt at peace.
The flicker of fire caught her attention ; irritation already beginning to set in. ❝ What do you want, Adagium? ❞ His presence was a plague ; the stain of their name, but for now she shall play nice. So long as he does.
@inimiicus ♡'d for a starter.
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rexelectus · 1 year
● – || @inimiicus continued from HERE.
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● – || He held the coffee with both of his hands , enjoying the smell as it filled his nostrills . He stared down at the cup , thinking quietly then he looked up at Ardyn .
" . . . What is your reason behind coffee so late ? "
Why are you open to company ?
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heartxandxhome · 1 year
“Don’t die on me.”
FFXV starters:
It seemed a ridiculous request ... this man she had known as a friend from her old life. A life on an island that was destroyed and gone. Where running a diner and bar had been her main endgame because everything else was taken from her.
But now she was dirty, grimy from the forge and living in a world where the darkness never ended. She had her family back, but they were in constant peril from the never-ending night.
And now he told her not to die.
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"You did this! You're the reason the sun is gone and daemons hunt us, and you have the gall to be worries about me? Don't."
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phoenix-flamed · 1 year
eavesdrop -uncle ardyn :3
"... Are we certain that he is related to us? I know that our family has numerous branches, but --
I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility that he could be estranged. But shouldn't there be mention of him somewhere in the archives, in the family records, anywhere? It's as though he simply... appeared one day out of nowhere.
Which is ... not incorrect, as far as I recall. He just... showed up. That seems to be a constant with him -- he comes and goes, showing up unprompted then disappearing again just as abruptly. Why did my parents never mention him? Whose side of the family is he from? Is he even from the Rosfield line, or is "uncle" no more than a title that's been extended to him despite his relation being more further out than our main branch?
W...why am I puzzling over this? By the Flames, let's just get a few drinks and leave this mystery for another day -- or another century."
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astralbcrn · 1 year
💋 it burns us, precious
send ‘💋’ to get a kiss from my muse || @inimiicus
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Bahamut was not concerned. The body he took on as a messenger could be disposed of and disregarded and formed anew. He wouldn't dare back down from the Accursed when such a clear challenge was presented to him. The other might be trying to play games, maybe foolishly hoping that a touch would allow the scourge to take place, but Bahamut would look forward to trample upon that hope.
The kiss he pressed to Ardyn's lips was far from nice. With a hand around Ardyn's throat to keep him in place, he bit down on the other's lip when he drew back so he could draw blood.
"I am still your God. Your fate is in my hands. It would be foolish to do something that would make it worse than it has to be, would it not?"
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chosenbythecrystal · 10 months
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@inimiicus continued from here.
"Because you know stuff about everything."
That's how it seemed to Noctis, at least. He could bring up any topic, ask any questions, and the chancellor would have at least something to say. Then again, he could just be making stuff up to sound smart.
Ardyn was nice to him, but there was something lethal to him – something that slipped out when he thought Noctis wasn't looking. He could talk about not wanting to get his hands dirty, but Noctis got the feeling that he could be plenty dangerous if he wanted to.
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"I don't want people to get hurt for me...so many people have been hurt or worse already." From the Marilith attack to Tenebrae, it seemed that wherever he went, people got hurt.
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