bladesofgreymane · 7 years
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The Galuyn are a pagan culture of humans that are found in the Ashen Coast. Stating that they originated from native pagans whom had been established in Gilneas long before the arrival of Arathor, the Galuyn sub-culture has long been at war with the Gilneans and their predecessors. Having dwindled severely, the Galuyn now find themselves as a part of the Duchy of the Ashen Coast, having been integrated in through peaceful meetings and attempts by the Gilneans of the Blades of Greymane to bring their people in without further strife.
Having been extremely stunted in technological growth due to the expulsion of one of their castes, the Oakenborn, the Galuyn at large are usually unfamiliar with large amounts of metalworking and grander designs of engineering. This has been supplanted in their society by magic; primarily of the druidic nature. Worshiping their pantheon of Wild Gods of the Old Ways, the Galuyn seek to make their way in this world alongside their former foes, brought together by mutual threats and the idea that they can still flourish while bearing the banner of Gilneas.
Divided into clan systems, the Galuyn come from many walks of life, predominantly the seven ‘Elder Blood’ clans, the former castes of the defunct nation of Galu. These seven clans focused the majority of their lifestyle on specific parts of life, and as a result, these successor clans largely follow those examples.
The Galuyn are represented by several factions, predominant amongst them are three.
The Council Clans ( Mac Tíre Cairde ), whom are led by the Council of the Coimeádaí, a group of religious sages whom act as paragons of the Galuyn gods. They make up the majority of the Galuyn that still remain.
The Gnarled Confederation ( Dualach-laoch Cónaidhm ), whom resist the bringing of Gilnean and Galuyn together, and continue to struggle against Gilneas from the isle of the Grip.
The Dullahan, a newer faction that has arisen with the Legion. These demon worshiping Galuyns originate from the Fallow Crest, and believe that demonhood is the truest ascension of their people.
Crests made by Berenal, the Galuyn draw inspiration from the Celtic and Gaul. They use Irish as a proxy for their language.
You can find out more about the Galuyn at the Blades of Greymane Wiki or the Moon Guard wiki!
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bladesofgreymane · 7 years
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The Bite (properly referred to as the March of the Bite) is the northern most region of the Ashen Coast and is seen as the seat of the Duke by way of Wolfstone Castle. Represented as a region by the wolf, which pre-dated the rise of the House of Grayblade, the region is known as one of the most difficult to traverse due to the extensive forests that sprawl about the region. 
It is home to both the Old Ways and the Light, with the western Bite being predominantly Old Ways, while the east is dominated by Light worship.
The lords of this region answer directly to the Duke, being his direct vassals.
(Crests and map made by Berenal. Map is made in Inkarnate, Crests are made from World of Warcraft assets.)
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bladesofgreymane · 7 years
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The Ashen Coast is a large section of land located in the southern reaches of the Kingdom of Gilneas. The region is also home to a duchy of the same name, Duchy of the Ashen Coast lorded over by Lord Berenal Grayblade, who is also lord marcher of the Bite. The Duchy is made up of several regions, predominantly the four marches, the Bite, the Reach, the Range and Rignweald (which lays across the Ashwake Gulf). The Duchy continues to expand into the frontier by way of the Fallow Crest, mostly under the hand of the Duchess, Aleyina Nathair.
The lords of these various lands make up the majority of the Court of the Coast, which is the collective nobility of the Duchy.
(Maps made in Inkarnate by Berenal)
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bladesofgreymane · 7 years
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Berenal and Aleyina Grayblade, Duke and Duchess of the Ashen Coast.
(Aleyina is played by @nelybean)
Artwork done by (in order):
@omoshiro-i (berenal) / @tennine (aleyina)
@kollapsar (berenal) / @yourimaginarytwin (aleyina)
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bladesofgreymane · 7 years
Restoring this Tumblr
Hey there, I’m gonna be restoring the update tumblr and uploading a bunch of stuff concerning the Blades soon. This’ll include stories from our guild members, artwork, event synopsis and various other inclusions from our campaigns!
There’s going to be a start flood for this tumblr, so if anyone is interested in on following how the Blades have been, there will be a large amount of posts.
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