blancheanguisette · 2 years
ELust 155
Image courtesy of Miss HarrietPhotography by Santillo Welcome to Elust 155. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month.Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #156? Send in a post anytime and Oz will add it to the next…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Going to the Ball
Going to the Ball
Elle was excited about the Ball. When her invitation arrived, she was ecstatic. She wasn’t sure if she’d get an invitation, being that she wasn’t part of the higher society. The only problem was that she didn’t own anything appropriate for the event. The dress code was clearly outlined on the invitation, and nothing in her closet was enough for a ball. But Elle knew the perfect shop for what…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Third Sun
After Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, destroyed humanity during his reign as Second Sun, Tlaloc, the rain god, became the Third Sun. He remade the world and re-created the humans to worship the gods. All the gods were happy until he sought out Xochiquetzal as a wife. The gods all cautioned against the match.    Xochiquetzal, goddess of sexuality, was hesitant and would agree only if Tlaloc…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Something in the Dark
Something in the Dark
This is the first chapter of an old project. I have been toying with it, and this is a rewrite of the opening. It is a horror story, so it is darker than my usual work. Casey locked the apartment door and snapped the deadbolt before sliding the safety chain closed. Night-lights burned in every outlet and two tall black halogen lamps were on in the small studio. The glaring lights illuminated…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Sleeping in the Stars
Sleeping in the Stars
A novella written in 280-word chapters. There was no tower, only the void between the stars. She, and hundreds like her, tricked into touching the metaphoric spindle, sold, unknowing, unconsenting, and unconscious to men who believed themselves to be princes. The ship sped through the void between stars. She, and all the princesses, were supposed to be sleeping. But Echo, like the girl with the…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
A Sampler of My Styles
A Sampler of My Styles
Blinking bleary eyes in the murky light, he can make out thin limbs & maybe a surgical mask. Then the bright gleam of the scalpel flashes & he feels the flesh of his abdomen part & hears the wet thud of his intestines as they spill into a bowl. She watched Peter, the psychic, shift in his seat. His eyes drifted over her. All she could read in his expression was hot, barely constrained desire.…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
The Girl in the Red Dress
The Girl in the Red Dress
I had just finished my shift at the bar and after putting my tits back into my top. I collected my tips and headed toward the bus stop. Normally, I was alone under the jaundiced lights of the station, alone with the sulfur glow of the lights and the occasional catcall from a passing car. But not tonight, tonight she appeared out of the darkness and joined me at the bus stop. The long red dress…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
An erotica tease...
An erotica tease…
A snippet of my upcoming erotica story… Alice lay on the bed, listening Aster’s voice rise as he argued with the other Lambda Tauris. She guessed that his people were also unhappy about the show that stupid psychic billboard had projected through the Concourse. Le Corp d’Exploration Galactique being angry she understood. There were still plenty of Terrans who were less than sex positive, many…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
A little rain
The drops felt like the lightest fingertip’s touch, like a hundred hands gently touching her skin. She smiled at the thought of the storm making love to her and ran her own hands over her body, wiping away the rain, feeling fresh drops take their place . After breakfast, Helen said, “Cal, those clouds don’t look good.” Helen kept her eyes on the rapidly darkening sky. They’d already packed their…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Another snippet of a new project
Another snippet of a new project
Amira woke with all the fuzzy-headed, gut-churning nausea that indicated an extended period of cryosleep. She forced herself to take deep calming breaths; she’d woken from enough cryosleep trips to know that her jumbled thoughts were normal, as was her vague unease with the process. She always suffered from emotional upheaval when waking up. So, she let herself cry without shame as the pod slowly…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Five Flashes
They’d met seeking the hand-sketched maps of the twists and turns in the city below, each map with notations unique to the creator. On one map a symbol may indicate a kilometer, on another, that same symbol noted a flood or crumbled wall. “Why should I avoid the Swallows?” She didn’t understand some of the signs Ondine used. “What is,” she paused trying to repeat the sign – it looked something…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Four Flashes for Day 4
Four Flashes for Day 4
One of the steps I am taking to get back to my writing is to renew my participation in various daily flash fiction prompts on Twitter. I sometimes take snippets from my existing stories and sometimes write new bits. These prompts have inspired a few of my stories. The following are four of my favorites from this week. All three of them should have scanned the canyon wall on the way down. But…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
Day 3 - January Jumpstart
Day 3 – January Jumpstart
Amira gave herself fully to the experience – this was after all her last time being in anything like a human body. And she marveled at her own sensitive skin that flooded with warmth at the protector’s every touch. The taste of salt from the protector’s sweat on her tongue, which lingered until Amira dipped her tongue lower. Amira devoured the other woman. Savoring the taste of the protector’s…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
A snippet of something more
A snippet of something more
When she looked in the mirror, she was in love. Her scales glittered dark and iridescent. Her tail, thick and muscled, curled and shifted holding her in position – Her arms were longer, and her joints more flexible. But her face was the biggest change. Her eyes were inky, black and when she gasped, the glint of her teeth flashed on the mirror. She opened her mouth, her jaw unhinging, revealing…
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blancheanguisette · 2 years
I am not finished yet…
I am not finished yet…
I haven’t written much, at least not much I have finished this year. I think as year two of the pandemic wore on, and my losses mounted, I found I just couldn’t focus on writing. A former partner took his own life, my boyfriend of two years, decided halfway through the pandemic that he wanted to be closer to family – and that family is 3,000 miles away – so he moved. I lost my best friend about…
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blancheanguisette · 3 years
Sunday Serial: Giving up the Ghost chapter twenty-seven
Sunday Serial: Giving up the Ghost chapter twenty-seven
Regardless of everything else going on, I still had to get ready to go to Dee’s funeral.  I wandered back up to my room and sat on my bed. HP, as usual, followed a step behind me, but maybe he understood I wanted to be alone because he curled up in front of the bedroom door. I ran my hands through my hair, and I finally had to admit I was overwhelmed. I’d let myself be distracted by all of the…
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blancheanguisette · 3 years
Sunday Serial: Giving up the Ghost chapter twenty-six
Sunday Serial: Giving up the Ghost chapter twenty-six
Chapter 26: The chapter wherein lays out her suspicions and realizes that Officer Kyle is not the ally she’d hoped for. Outside, we all sat on the porch steps.  HP sat on the step below me, and Jenny sat next to me. Kyle sat on the bottom step, as far from me as he could get. I debated for a second, should I start by bringing up the issues with him? Or would that just slow everything down? If I…
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