blarghsandblurbs · 18 days
Scratching at my eyes
Staple my mouth shut
Thick skinned
I sin again
Tongue glued
To the roof of my mouth
I cant swallow these words again
Fake smile
Choked laugh
Toxic positivity
I slip into a mask again
Like old clothes
Once worn
Cut my soles
On paper shreds
Folded up
Written in the names of my kin
How often you lost your innocence
Before we even knew
Our first moon
Wicked hands cast deeper shadows
In our minds, fragmented torment
The madness sucks us in
And vomit out
That which we cannot abide in
Stella, stella
A for Adultress
Scarlet letters
Backwards, are endless
Helen of Troy wasn't a beauty
She was a victim
To the eddies of war
City walls fall
In the name of the crime
Of being attractive
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blarghsandblurbs · 25 days
Crumpled, paperlike heart
Slightest infraction, you fold
Like a machete doll
Every step just before
I fall
Matryoska smile
Unwrap layers
Layered caked
One level of nuisance
Pride and indignation
One level of whimsy
Dreaming all was meant to be
One level of depression
Suicidal like intention
The last layer anger
Betrayal and wonder
Jealousy you made the decision to go before me
Failure not an option
How do i pull myself out of a perfect trap
I became a lockpickibg master
For the own mental torture i inflict
I make disassociation like an art
Apart, inside I'm torn
Its not an honest place to start
A mask can't last
But hypothetical situations play inside my mind
I csnt justify one reaction or the next
Playing human like I'm supposed to pick
If emotions are adrenaline and dopamine
Serotonin and epinephrine
What do you actually mean to me
And if changing my mind is as simple as sleeping it off
And getting some sunshine
Why the hell do i abide
By any fucking thing anyway
And everything is temporary
So it loses meaning
But if its stagnant i want it to change anway
So why am i so fucking unsatisfied anyway
Whats my fucking problem
And what the fuck do i want
Some type of meaning, purpose, forgiveness
I cant find it where i look
And my gifts feel of no use
A carefully crafted person turned to dust
When you dont know what to do with what youve built
I quit
I just want peace and serenity
But my mind won't leave me
In solace
I fight this and fight this
But then I'm crying inside
And its horseshit
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blarghsandblurbs · 1 month
The day you died
Is the day i left my broken life behind
And i dont know why i cried
Its been 20 years since I've been by your side
I believe its mostly symbolic
The death of childhood innocence and the start of nightmares began when I met you lot
And the biggest regrets i have
Are courtesy of you scum
You tore apart my innocence
And made me a victim
And a perpetrator
And all i could tell my son was
You've been sad a long time
You literally took your life
On the day that marked me stepping back into the world by myself
And by myself
Is how I've always found myself
And i could have been you
And i could have been him too
It could have been me in that casket
And my son proclaimed
You died
Because your wife would leave you
Take the kids
And never look behind
You made your life
Like i made mine
Like she made hers
And when i think of
The damage i would have caused my son
For the same reason
Of losing him
Instead i chose to fight
And be better
And maybe we were cowards
And maybe we were selfish
But i couldnt bring myself to
Here i am
And there you are
Wake up
Youre mad
I can see you
I wont let you take it out on us
Move on
Be better for them
A history of this family
Is nothing but scars left on the children
And its so disgusting
How no one learns
Generation after generation
Of the same mistakes
Its taken
Thousands of tiny tragedies
How many people must die
For the sake of the lesson
For those we leave behind
When the ice melts
And the sun rises
The biggest lesson i learned
Is the day never dies
Tomorrows and tomorrows and tomorrows come
And its pointless but its not
Ripples in time
Down the line
Forsaken those
Who are left in life
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blarghsandblurbs · 1 month
What do you see
As i stare right back
Reflected in my eyes
As shadows wrap around
Like the blackest night
The deepest ocean
Can't begin to surface
The depths of devotion
More like
Life's greatest lesson
Is the ones we repeat
Turn tables turning
Scratch a record
Broken, skipping on the grooves of the beat
Of the drum, walking in step
About face and step away
From the marching steep
Steeple, i dreamed of you again
An old baba yoga
And a depraved man full of sin
My crone self knows
What the maiden cries out for
Dont abandon me again
So why try to let them in
You say i always say
The right things
I always know
Except for
How to make a simple friend
Let me share shards of my heart again
When it was so broken
I couldnt care but to force myself to care
And the minute i can
I rip such a fragile thing apart again
I cant help but to care and care
My loyalties are like being tied to the tyrant
The saddest thing i ever begged for
Was simple kindness
You showed up like a thief in the night
I can still hear you call my name in dreamstate
And as i masturbate
I pretend you want me the same way
I can hear my sobs echoing like a child
As i jumped into your arms
It was like a picture.show
My life a novella
Of monsters and demons and angels and saints
Murders, rapists and demigods
You wouldnt believe in the ghost stories i told
Unless i spoke of them like legends
Walking the in-between like a shakespearian tragedy
Only I'm a woman who finally broke
Cracked egg like humpty dumpty
But in real life you have to put it back together again
With duct tape and dark humor
And smiling like that was the end for me
The sun never stops the course skyward
Horizon bound
And you breathed into me
There was color in monochrome
And how far does that carry me
I'm alive because of you
I would have died of it wasn't for you
And I'm living
What f.or
May.be there was more
There's mo.re
Ships in the night
But the blight of scurvy
In silence we're dying
Cause the pain in my head is loud and blinding
I cannot find an answer
Except you werent scared of me
It's you who saw me
Only you
And what does it mean?
Why are you here?
I have begged the heavens
To please free me
If i belong elsewhere
But thats not the story that unfolds
Remove me from your sight
Struck blind
Hollowed aloneness in purgatory might be better than being blind
Henceforth to myself i cannot lie
My biggest dream is sleep
But bed is such a hollow existence
And i dream of truly standing at a peak
Lazy days on a river
Timeless ponderings
The laughter of others is sometimes empty
And i smile a mask of nothing
"I'm tired" was the mantra of my life
And I'd rather see river dolphins
And bioluminescenct currents
A shallow river of a million stars
An otter running across the street
A gator thrown into the water
And blessed
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blarghsandblurbs · 1 month
"Rejection is gods protection"
Like a glass shard in the nailbed
Irritate it and wiggle it until it splinters
Irritating, so irritating
Everything i lose on repeat
Bonds and attachments cease to mean anything
Burn it, burn it down
All to the ground
Every animal, child, and person
Its not about leaving in the end
Its that i cant deserve it
Because i just
Doing this
Rebuild again
And again
How many times square one
And I'm treading water
Muddy shallow bog ankle deep
Trudging but stuck
And sunk down further
The sex
Its all i can manage
I can't care to try again
I'm sick of men
I'm sick of women
I'm sick of being the best
And still stumbling
Arguements mean nothing
I can rage just to feel something
I can't feel anything beneath my skin
Maybe muscle memory understands what lies deep within
And i can feel it
Only surface level
Shallow begruding anger
And beneath that is a lack of catharsis
If everything in life boils down to
"It is what it is"
What did it matter
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blarghsandblurbs · 2 months
What am I supposed to say to a love with no future? I cant have you beholden to me, indebted, with the knowledge of how you hold my heart and encourage its attachment. You bestow a lure and I govbke it up like a lifeline, only to be the fish on the hook.
I am powerless to it, but grant it power over me. I turn to iron, refusing to let it break me. I cry, feeling it reinforce I cannot rely on or believe someone will prioritize me. It is only the same story on repeat and I know you have nothing to offer me.
Through the hurt I gain knowledge of my need for independence, I hope to run into a future of only me. Maybe I should flee across a sea, or a country, and be only present when by my behest you call to me by spirit and by name.
I've looked away, towards others, but they cannot give what you've given. Purpose, peace, solidarity, companionship, compassion, protection and beauty.
I know you'll find it in you to come to me, as always. We will do anything dor each.other, even if we resist it. What is wrong with us? Maybe nothing is wrong and the only thing wrong is we resist the allure.
I don't know. I know quiet promises given in the dead of night you forget, always forget, because your mind is too melted from the dtugs and the years spent wasted. The trauma and the fear, and we sit here staring each other level in the eye as we both refuse to give up or give in.
What a strange pair. What a strange experience, which can only be defined as beautifully queer.
I await your response. Your guilt and obligation may make you cave and my pride may get in the way.
What are we doing here?
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blarghsandblurbs · 3 months
How many years did i spend wasting away on thinking i had no future? How long will the fear of rejection control my relationships? Do i feel is better to be alone than this?
The weight of devastation no longer defines me but i feel this sense of urgency enduring i don't act "positively".
And I've been tired for ten years, 20 years, all my life. I don't know how to live delicately, moderately.
I'm feral, and wild, and i believe free except for my very own self expectations that trap me and cycle me into burnout and insipid debilitating fatigue
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blarghsandblurbs · 10 months
A letter from your mama:
I never wanted to abandon you. I never wanted to leave. I messed up though and I’m sorry. I should have never had you be raised by your dad, for you to miss out on all those times you had a milestone. Or didn’t get the psychological help you needed. The memory of you crying and screaming and clinging to me is burned into my mind, a decade later. You dad drunk driving, screaming, waking you up at night. What horrors did you endure? I’m sorry I was so broken mentally. You swear he never hurt you like that. Will I ever know? Will you ever tell me? Can I succeed just for the chance of you “escaping”? You said you don’t want to leave. Can you, on a soul level, forgive me? I’m sorry for all the times you cried and I wasn’t able to understand. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I needed a man to validate me, from my own trauma. I’m sorry I chose shitty people. I’m glad I was never an addict or alcoholic but I’m sorry you endured my suffering and suffered with me. I’m sorry I let you down.
I’m trying. I’m doing.
When I succeed, finally, I want you to know you can come with me. Maybe you’ll never know. Can we laugh peacefully? Can you leave that trauma behind? Maybe when you’re eighteen I can convince you to be with me.
I don’t know. But I’m doing my best to make sure you know I’m here quietly. I’ll figure it out with you. One day, we can hug and maybe this pain between us won’t exist. I’m hoping and praying.
You’re my only son.
I love you brother.
I’m sorry
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blarghsandblurbs · 10 months
Loneliness is sometimes
The hardest and darkest thing
The number one silent killer
A destroyer of all things
Desperately grasping at straws
The pain we receive
Chasing after the destruction so sweet
Blowing up our lives and families
Hurting ourselves and our children,
Our mothers and fathers and siblings
Our lovers
Believing no one is near us
Drowning in the darkest abyss
Feeling lonely and isolated
Unable to appease the gnawing emptiness
We grab at a light
We sink beneath
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
I could ask why
But I know why
I wonder if you’ll turn around and wonder where I went
If I’m lucky probably not
And it’ll be good for you
I have no reason any longer to turn to you
You don’t know
Because I didn’t tell you
How you ripped my heart out and didn’t even know
I think grieving what was good
Hurts just as much as what was not
And even what was good
Had rot
I met you at the bottom
And swam to the top
And maybe you’ll be my best friend
And I will forgive you
But you hid away
Every piece of you
And somewhere
We became unsafe
Behind laughter and smiles
Every crack in my armor
And every sweet gesture
I didn’t know kindness could become knives
Enough to keep my holding on
But not enough to feed me
But not enough to kill me
But enough to keep me waiting for the next meal
Like an obedient puppy
I’m ready to break out
And be free of this cycle
I love you
But I love what I could have more
Time to cut the cord
And let loose
I hope you find happiness
Since it’s not with me
I hope you find it with yourself
Within you
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
I trusted
I trusted the process
I trusted to be able to heal
A promise was made
It was t the fix
It was the support
But you took my vulnerability
And traumatized me
And made me explain every damn thing I was doing
Prove myself and prove myself
I’ve had enough
What the ever loving fuck
I don’t have to allow myself to be terrorized into compliance
What the hell is wrong with this
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
I walked around the house
For days
Figuring it out
Countless hours spent staring at a wall
Wondering how I got here
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
When I realized
The words “I love you, I understand “
Was the most powerful healing tool
And it makes sense
And I get it
Instead of being abused and confused
What was confusing was the compassion
The regulation and the security
I could weep at the simplicity
And the pain of life
The senseless violence
And wanting to die because
I couldn’t fathom seeing the other side
When I begged for so long
Just for kindness the way I gave and received it
Believing everyone deserved a chance
They should earn it
With an open heart
But do they deserve it
And maybe these are just wounds talking
But I’m sick of it
Accepting people unconditionally
I can
But stay the hell away from me with your negativity
I won’t let you in
See I’m all about growth and inspiration
And just the thought
I would die
For your lies and sins
Breaks me just a little bit
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
I didn’t know
I could be so crushed
Losing something good
Like a world caving in
Can’t breathe
Scrambling inside to scream but can’t speak
Realizing healing is so much harder than I think
And quietly succumb to this
Hold my center
The pressure building up
Like life had ended
Not over yet
Not done yet
Don’t self destruct
Don’t implode quite yet
Stand still
Be still
For once don’t react
That cycle is so fucking hard
Don’t burn out
Don’t run
Just process
Cry and grieve
Rejection is gods protection
It’s okay
I love you
It’s okay
Little child inside
It’s okay
Other people love you
You got this
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
Thank you
Thank you for loving me the best you can
Thank you for supporting me truly
And seeing my flaws and weakness and not flinching
Thank you for this weird version of unconditional love that caused us both to go fleeing
Thank you for giving me your best and doing your best and letting go of your selfishness to make me happy when you knew you were being selfish
For putting me first when you denied it or tried to hide it and for making it worth it
Thank you for being honest when it made you stutter or hurt me
For feeling safe enough to speak to me
For being avoidant but not actively avoiding me
For loving me and holding me and squeezing me so tight
Your inscribed your love into my being
For holding space for my growth and recognizing we both need to work on it
But not letting me go
I didn’t want you to loosen your grip anyway
I think deep inside I chose this
I know it
And time finally moved forward for me
It slipped a beat
And maybe one minute past is a minute
With so much more meaning
I’m not scared of moving forward
And I’m not scared of letting go
I’m scared of what we didn’t get to experience
And how much more there was to know
Regret of not knowing is a funny thing
I know i can stand on my own and be strong
But I didn’t know how much in this life you supported me
I love you so deeply
So much more than you know
I want to support you in moving forward too
Its only fair
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
I did not give you permission
To take up so much space in my heart
I did not give you permission
To shatter my heart once we split apart
I did not give you permission
To show me so much beauty but hold back a piece of you always
Behind this wall
Of refusal to connect in such a mundane way
I did not give you permission
To consume my spirit with your presence
To love you so fully that it wounded me to give you up for what was better for you and us
And what was fucked
Is that we wouldn’t have worked anyway
This half assed thing we played
But the love is so real what was that dance
I did not give you permission
To sway me gently and give me everything I ever asked for
Your scent and your clothes
Your time and mind and energy
And your brutal honesty
And the way your face fell
When you realized
You threw away pieces of me
I did not give you permission
To avoid the honest truth
Look me in the eye and honestly tell me you could never give me all of you
I did not give you permission to have access to all of my heart
But you did
And it hurts so much worse
That we both knew
And it was a struggle from the start
To know you’re not emotionally unavailable but unwilling
So much more and so much less
And I feel you taking over me
And I realize you realize you’re slowly waking up to a reality
Of loving me that way too
500 miles away is too far to get a clue
When death
And deception
And jail
And addiction
Steals the ability to love truly unconditionally
I did not give you permission
To pursue me wholly
But I did give you permission
To convince me
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blarghsandblurbs · 11 months
While there was good
There was things that hurt too
Like ignoring a goodbye worth remembering
Or putting distance til the last minute
You taught me I’m not important enough for you to choose
Or listen to
And while that may not have been the goal
That’s what I’m crying for tonight
Cause dear goddess
I hardly put up a fight
And maybe that the biggest secret to the biggest problem I have
Because I’m afraid they’ll leave
And in the end
They leave me
To feel alone
Or be alone
And I can’t have love that leaves me in misery
They say they should choose you
But choosing halfway is just a ploy to keep you
Halfway between here and there
But not close enough to feel
Love that is real is something that expresses itself
As a way to heal
Not wound
It’s freeing
Not consuming
So I’m imploring you
When you leave
Leave me in peace
I have no dignity
Left to keep
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