blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œno, your hair will fall out of your head,ā€ he wastes no time saying it, the word lazily falling off his tongue as he swivels his own chair around to look at makki, upside down where his head is hanging over the back.Ā ā€œbut you can dye mine if you want,ā€ he offers, sitting up to prop his elbow on the arm of the chair and his chin in his palm, huffing a breath. boredom has always been a blessing and curse that resulted in greatly poor decisions.Ā ā€œwe could be cotton candy for halloween,ā€ he adds, thoughtfully, as if it a week from now boredom wonā€™t make his head of hair the victim of another colour change.
Ā  Ā  Ā  heā€™d be lying if he were to say he wasnā€™t disappointed at mattsunā€™s answer to his question, even if he knows that itā€™s true. ever since heā€™d been able to dye his hair heā€™d enhanced the color of his already red colored hair, and heā€™ll keep doing it until he dies. makki letā€™s out a huff of air, his hands falling onto his lap.Ā ā€œi canā€™t put dye in your hair mattsun.ā€ with a dramatic turn of his head, makki looks over at mattsun and presses his lips together in a false disapproving look.Ā ā€œif i were to put dye in your hair, i would quite literally be ruiningĀ it.ā€ heā€™d always been a sucker for mattsun, but when it came to his hair heā€™d kill a man, itsā€™ maybe the softest hair heā€™s ever ran his hands through and heā€™s ran his hands threw plentyĀ of hair. the perfect texture of his hair would slowly start to disappear, the fluffiness of his hair would begin to flatten and the softness would become dry.Ā ā€œi should have you arrested for even considering that idea.ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā field trip days are the worst days. it doesnā€™t matter how hard he tries to avoid being touched or irritated or how much he busies himself with work ā€” something always goes wrong. he does his best not to be miserable about it but the minute the last wave of children board their buses, kenma slinks off to a quiet corner in a stealthier manner than even the most antisocial of their big cats and sulks.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  the alcove that he claims today is behind a waterfall where a rock ledge keeps him (and his psp) dry as well as hidden from view.Ā 
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Ā Ā the only problem that noya has found with this day, is that itā€™s warm, much warmer than it usually is at this time of year and if itā€™s one thing that he dislikes itā€™s the warm weatherĀ  ā€” or at least when he canā€™t be down at a beach somewhere or sitting in front of a fan. luckily enough the aquarium portion of the zoo is so cool, that heā€™d actually forgottenĀ about the weather until he stepped through the main doors of the gallery and into the bright, hot sun. immediately he feels his hair deflate from where itā€™ was standing on the top of his head. he sighs, brushes a piece of his hair from his head and begins in the direction of one of his favorite places.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  there are numerous places throughout the exhibits to sneak into and hide, and noya had made it his person goal to find all of them. thus far, a small alcove behind a waterfall located just outside the exit of bear hill. with his bag of crisps in hand he sneaks between the water and the rock wall, only gaining a little bit if splash on his shirt, and into the alcove beyond only to be startled when he notices that heā€™s not alone.Ā ā€œi didnā€™t think anyone else knew about this place!ā€ he blurts out, gripping his bag of crisps so hard that they pop.
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œthis little guyā€™s been here for three weeks so heā€™s still kind of new. his nameā€™s rusty and heā€™s the sweetest red panda iā€™ve ever had the pleasure to work with; weā€™re hoping that heā€™ll mate with our female, susan, since heā€™s the only male that susan will tolerate because susan is picky and mean. donā€™t be like susan, be like rusty,ā€ oikawa strips himself of his overzealous charm but keeps his genuine smile. if babysitting for his nephew has taught him anything itā€™s that kids are too observant for their own good when it comes to that kind of thing. heā€™s always been pretty good with younger kids though; itā€™s the pesky kouhai that are only two years younger than him (damn tobio) he has a problem with.
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā aside from leaving tsukishima alone with the giraffes when theyā€™re being a handful, torturing the oikawa is about his favorite thing to do at work, of course underneath taking care of the giraffes. he knows from experience earlier in the day that these kids are a force to be reckon with, considering heā€™d nearly had to call off the feedings because the kids were being too loud. he canā€™t reallyĀ complain, he knows that itā€™s just in a childā€™s nature to have trouble listening to the rules. kuroo waits until the group of kids swarms around the fences keeping them a safe distance from the animals in question, and then closes some of the space between he and the keeper.Ā ā€œare we bitch shaming, now? maybe susan doesnā€™t like sweet boys, maybe sheā€™s got a dark side to her ever think of that. maybe susan doesnā€™t want a little bitch boy like rusty.ā€ everything kuroo does on a day to day basis at the zoo involves pushing the buttons with oikawa tooru to see how long itā€™ll take before he finally agrees to go on a date with him.
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œbokuto-sanā€”ā€ wariness is not a permanent feature on his face but there are probably more people that think so than not; especially on days like today when his voice is as exasperated as the long suffering look in his eye.Ā ā€œā€”you havenā€™t seen anything unusual this morning have you?ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā that might have been the wrong question to ask, because if bokuto is in enough of a mood everything because a little bit unusual but then again heā€™s also very perceptive when heā€™s surrounded by the owls despite what some might think. so really, it depends on what kind of day bokuto is having to determine whether the question was correctly asked or not. luckily for akaashi heā€™d been having a relatively good morning, with little to no incidents other than accidentally spilling his drink in the inside of the enclosure and being scratched by one of the bigger owls while trying to fill their food houses that morning.Ā ā€œno, why?ā€Ā 
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  @tosstome
Ā  Ā  Ā  makki presses his fingers together in front of him, using his the heels of his feet to move the swivel chair from side to side one of his eyebrows raised as he looks into the mirror in contemplation. heā€™s got an a few hours before his next scheduled appointment comes in, so heā€™s got some time to spare.Ā ā€œshould i dye my hair blue?ā€ itā€™s an absurd question seeing as heā€™d just gone ahead and made his already nearly pink hair even more bubblegum pink than it had been just a few weeks ago. maybe itā€™s the boredom setting in, seeing as most of the businesses located in this part of the main shopping streets have been fairly slow moving the past few days. if it werenā€™t for the fact that they were the only good hair salon on this side of the city they might have been struggling to keep a float.Ā ā€œwhat do you think mattsun?ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā @tosstome
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā aside from kenma and oikawa the shop has been pretty dead and pretty boring since heā€™d gotten in this morning. for the rest of the staff he was sure they enjoyed having days like today where they were able to relax a little more than usual, but bokuto hated it. unlike the rest of them he wasnā€™t a tattoo artist or a piercer like kenma, all he was was the desk bitch and considering his side of the job counted on people calling to make appointments, or checking in for an appointment he was stuck.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā bokuto pulled another chip out of the bag and popped it into his mouth crunching down loud enough that he was sure that other two would hear it over their conversation. with focused eyes he tries to pronounce each one of the additives in his head in order to attempt to pass the time until they head down to the crows nest.Ā 
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  @tosstome
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā iwaizumi pushes open the door to cats and owls tattoo parlorĀ and thanks the lord above that oikawa is safely back across to the street at seijoh spa. heā€™d debated going in for a quick massage to get to knots out of his back, but decided that adding to sleeve was a better option and a more important place to spend his money.Ā ā€œakaashi are you busy right now?ā€ he asks, noting that bokuto is not at the front desk like he usually is and kuroo and kenma are no where to be seen. he makes his way over to the front desk, sliding his denim jacket off and onto one of the empty couches.Ā ā€œi was thinking of adding to me sleeve, and i want you to have creative freedom with it.ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā @tosstomeĀ 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  for the most part kageyama tobio would consider himself to be professional, perhaps even tooĀ professional at times but when it comes a certain tattooed intern from across the street all formalities and professionalism goes out the window. the spitfire red-headed boy makes kageyamaā€™s blood boil in a way that itā€™s never done so before, which is saying a lotĀ because all throughout school heā€™d been a loner who got into frequent arguments with students over being the leads in groups, the right way to do things and literally anything else. he never got along with other students before, and the only reason heā€™d landed a job here was because sugawara-san did it behind oikawa-sanā€™s back since they neededĀ the help. which he now regrets since itā€™s this job thatā€™s opened up his blood boiling anger toward hinata shoyo.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with his hands in fists by his side, he makes his way out into the waiting area of the spa, and clears his throat. there is a hole slew of things that he wantsĀ to say right now, but none of them would be appropriate with one of sugawara-sanā€™s older clients waiting just a few chairs away from the tattooed red-head.Ā ā€œhinata shoyo, this way please.ā€ kageyama forces out as a professional response as he can muster, though he only waits a minute amount of time before turning his back and heading back toward the room heā€™d prepared for the usual appointment. kageyama waits by the door, hands now clasped behind his back as he watches hinata walk down the hallway, his face twisted into a scowl.Ā ā€œplease get changed into the robe hanging on the hooks, and then flick the switch near the door upward to let me know that youā€™re ready to start your appointment.ā€ the fire burning in his veins is growing hotter the nicer that he has to be, all he wants to do is yell dumbass hinata!Ā and run then other way. every time that kageyama mentions it to his senpaiā€™s they smile and laugh at him, before patting him on the back, which maybe confuses him even more so.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā turning on his heels he heads back toward one of the rooms down the hall to begin folding some of the towels for the other rooms while he waits. from the front he can hear yachi on the phone making more appointments, and strains his hearing to make sure that none of them are with him ā€” after this appointment heā€™s going to be all burned out.
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā children stress him out. goshiki never thought he had a reason to dislike them ā€” but he can only explain to twenty curious pairs of hands the differences between river otters and sea otters so many times and answer so many whys before he starts to lose his mind. thankfully the kids are no longer his responsibility because he was starting to get watery eyed and discouraged by the time his thirty minutes were up.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā unfortunately ā€” he had intended to spend his lunch break bothering hinata and hinata is elbows deep in children. goshiki winces at the number of jam hands in the touch tank and immediately empathizes with the red headā€™s apparent stress. he sulks a little, planning to escape quietly to avoid re-initiating contact with the younglings. except one of them screeches and rips a sea cucumber from the water and that is not okayĀ and there someone else should be helping hinata probably.Ā he takes it upon himself to step toward the offending screeching thing and gently takes the sea cucumber from it, tenderly putting it back in the touch tank.Ā ā€œplease do not do that. i know hinata-san told you not to remove the animals from their homes ā€” please be respectful to him and the animals,ā€ goshiki chastises; the child looks a bit ashamed and mumbles some apology before running off, leaving goshiki semi-alone with the hideous sea cucumber he had rescued. he narrows his eyes at it, discontent. otters are much cuter.
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā normally children donā€™t bother him, he has a younger sister who he adores and in his spare time he helps out teaching younger kids volleyball at the community center near his apartment. itā€™s safe to say that hinata likes children; however, at this point in time heā€™s fairly certain that he would trade anything to not be here right now. there are too many children at the dunk tank for just him to be educating and making sure that theyā€™re using the tank appropriately. somewhere out there daichi would be very disappointed in him if he ended up letting a sea creature get hurt on his watch, or so he thinks. itā€™s entirely more likely that mattsun and makki will torture him every single time he steps into work from here on out.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  he was in the middle of telling a little girl about the different types of fish that live among the coral and rocks in the larger tanks that host the fish when he feels his danger senses stand on edge. his entire body racks with a shiver, eyes growing ten times as wide, palms growing sweaty and his heart picks up itā€™s pace. hinataā€™s face was about five seconds away from turning as orange-red as his hair when he sees his and the childā€™s savior come in out of thin air and rescue the animal in question: a sea cucumber that had been ripped right out of the touch tank. he walks away from the girl heā€™d been talking to, to make his way over to the other end of the tank not even paying attention to the little boy that walked away with his tail between his legs.Ā ā€œth-th-th-thank you...ā€ hinata moves almost on autopilot to take the sea cucumber from goshikiā€™s hands and places it back into the tank where it had been before the child ripped it from itā€™s home. silently, he says a prayer that the animal continues to move once put back in the water, and that he continues to live a very long life and not die a premature one because a child couldnā€™t listen. just because he hates sea cucumbers doesnā€™t mean he wants them to die. he reallyĀ needs to keep this job.Ā Ā 
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  @tosstome
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Ā  Ā  Ā michimiya slides him his second shot of vodka, and watches him and as he throws it back and sets it down on the bar-top with a heavy hand. it isnā€™t that he usually needs that little bit extra help to talk to someone that he finds attractive, but for one reason or another kuroo tetsurou is a different story and apparently itā€™s getting sad that all he does is stare at him from across the way on his down time. suga had been too nervous to go off and actually enter cats and owls in the first place, and secondly itā€™s not like heā€™s able to since he has to cover the spa whenever oikawa goes off to indulge himself. the only place that suga can safely talk to kuroo is at the bar, with a shot or two in him.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with slightly flushed cheeks ā€” not from the alcohol, yet, but from the nerves and the slightly warm temperature in the bar ā€” he slips off of the seat heā€™d had near semi and kiyoko and walks down toward the opposite end of the bar. bokuto had slipped away to go talk with terushima whic left an open seat next to kuroo. with a smile on his face, both of is hands rest on the top of the seat, glancing over at kuroo.Ā ā€œis this seat taken?ā€ without waiting for a response, he slips himself into the seat, angling his body toward kuroo.Ā 
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā @tosstome
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  oikawa struts into the main reception area of seijoh spa with a smile on his face. heā€™d just cleaned up the room heā€™d been using, and getting it all set up for his next appointment in an hour. tuesdayā€™s werenā€™t usually a busy day for the spa which usually meant it was just he and yachi or suga and yachi working alone during the day, unless there was a sudden spike in customers. luckily for him, the day was rather slow unless there were appointments, so heā€™s taking the time to relax a little.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œyachi-kun, iā€™m going to head over to the tattoo shop to visit. iā€™ll be back before my next appointment, but if you need anything just give me a call.ā€ his smile is easy, as he walks past the front desk, and the young blond seated at the front.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œsure thing, oikawa-san!ā€ yachi smiles, and points her pink, poof top pen in the air.Ā ā€œoh! before i forget, when you get back thereā€™s an inventory slip that needs looking over!ā€Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā with a nod of his head, and a wave of his hand he slips out the front door leaving yachi with the sound of the bell. the weather outside is a lot hotter than he remembered the last time heā€™d been outside, the air conditioner in the spa had made his body accustomed to the cool air. letting out a huff, oikawa fixes the green and white work shirt, and smooths out his white pants as he makes his way across the shopping outlet to cats and owls tattoo parlor where he spends most of his time during the work day.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œah! good afternoon!ā€ oikawa announces as he opens the door to the parlor, stepping inside and immediately scanning the room for the tell-tale lavender hair of kozume kenma.Ā ā€œand a special good afternoon to you, kitten-kun.ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā sunglasses still rest on the bridge of his nose despite having been inside for more than twenty minutes. this is not unusual; they will stay there until heā€™s finished his first cup of coffee. this precious first cup warms his hand, as dark as his hair and as bitter as oikawa when ushijima got employee of the month for the fifth consecutive time. no one approaches him but he suspects it has less to do with the common knowledge of what his sunglasses mean and the uneasiness his co-workers experience when they encounter him or makki by themselves.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā he follows the labyrinth of hallways to the way way back corner they typically reside in, a secretive little smile dragging the left side of his mouth upward at the sound of makkiā€™s one-sided conversation with hachiro. mattsun takes a long gulp of his coffee and slips his vacant arm through one of the triangles makki has made with his to rest his hand against his abdomen while his hooks his chin over his shoulder. it is more affectionate than he initiates in public but considering he hasnā€™t finished his coffee yet and none of their coworkers are around to witness and makkiā€™s cuter than hell today ā€” he doesnā€™t really care.Ā ā€œhave you seen hikaru this morning? akaashi said he had a dream that an octopus was harassing the owls,ā€ he speaks directly against the skin just above the collar of makkiā€™s shirt, probably imprinting his sunglasses against the side of his own face in the process.
Ā  Ā  Ā  there isnā€™t so much as an ounce of surprise when makki feels the arm wrap around him, nor when the pressure of a chin is on his shoulder, or the cool press of metal from the sunglasses touches him. without a doubt makki knows that itā€™s mattsun, even before heā€™d opened his mouth, he has a knack for knowing just when heā€™s on his way or approaching; itā€™s a talent that not everyone has, but one that they sure wish they did. or maybe thatā€™s just because makki and mattsun get each other like no one else could ever begin to understand.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā he leans into the touch without a second thought, tilting his head to rest against mattsunā€™s as his eyes scan the tank for the octopus in question, all the while getting a whiff of the coffee heā€™s holding in his hand. it immediately makes him remember his watermelon lemonade thatā€™s on the desk melting.Ā ā€œi havenā€™t seen her this morning, but i wouldnā€™t put it past her to mess with the owls.ā€ a large amount of goosebumps erupt underneath his shirt at the ghost of mattsunā€™s breath on his skin. the affection at work is catching more of his attention that the octopus that heā€™s currently looking for.Ā ā€œshe may be hiding, i just got in a few minutes before you. i havenā€™t had a chance to do inventory or the little buggers.ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  @tosstomeā€‹
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  it wasnā€™t that the heat and iwaizumi didnā€™t get along, they do, but sometimes he just needs a little bit of relief from being in the sun all day long; especially when heā€™s surrounded by big cats that are covered in fur coats all day long. thankfully, the indoor aquarium is cooled down from the air conditioning unit giving relief to the zoo goers and keeping the water temperatures at the right levels for the fish. pulling open the door to the aquarium his shoulders physically sag at the cool breeze that washes over his body. iwaizumi lets the door close behind him, making his way through the groups of people in his bright green work shirt and over to the benches in front of the shark tank.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  most, if not all, of the keeps are out in the main viewing area of the aquarium due to the influx of middle school students visiting the zoo on their field trip; the big cat talk was happening in thirty minutes, giving both he and kenma time for a lunch break before speaking with the students about the cats. it seems that the aquarium was getting more students than any other parts of the zoo, judging by the fact that the touch tank is filled with little hands and a worried hinata. he almost feels bad, but most of that is for kageyama, one of the younger shark keepers who looks like heā€™s about to burn up from the inside out.Ā ā€œif you donā€™t relax a little bit youā€™re doing to scare all of the children away. it looks like youā€™re readying to surge forward and eat them all.ā€ iwaizumi nods his head over his shoulder at a group of kids, but thereā€™s a soft smile on his face.Ā 
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā @tosstomeĀ 
Ā  Ā  the back of the aquarium unit of the toyko zoo is much larger than one might think. behind the dark, lighted walls of the inside buildings is series of dingy white floors and walls, interconnecting many of the tanks that visitors look upon and then some. makki brings the cup of frozen watermelon lemonade up to his lips, taking a small sip as he walks past the other employeeā€™s getting readying for the day, making his way toward the tanks containing one of the three octopodes in the sea life part of the zoo. once the tank comes into view he sees one of the males, nicknamed hachiro, and gives him a polite nod as he approaches the tank.Ā ā€œgood morning, hachiro. have you finally mated with the young fox over there, or do we have to switch you out, hm?ā€Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā makki sets down the paper cup of his frozen drink on one of the clean tables used for paperwork, sign ins, and supply refills before smoothing out his lavender work shirt. thereā€™s supposed to be a group of middle school kids coming into the aquarium for a learning experience, and a chance to use to touch tank and while he loves his job he doesnā€™t usually love large groups of sticky kids. thatā€™s not to say that he hates kids, he likes them, so long as they clean their hands before touching the thick glass of the tanks.Ā ā€œwell, anyhow, keep it PG while the children are around, would yaā€™?ā€ he questions, hands gripped on his hips, head tilting in the direction of the octopus.Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā ā€œyeā€”yeah,ā€ his voice breaks, bright smile attempting to compensate for the flush of his cheeks while he quietly clears his throat,Ā ā€œiā€™m oh~kay.ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā  akaashi considers himself a fairly intelligent individual, not only book-smart, but also in reading situations and people; after all, one needs to be able to read and assess a situation in minimal time in order to be a setter. he has a feeling that oikawa isnā€™t okay if the voice break has anything to do with it.Ā ā€œif you say so, oikawa-san.ā€ he hums quietly, blinking once, twice before leaning forward in his seat.Ā ā€œyou look a little flushed, are you feeling alright senpai.ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œi donā€™t even know what to ask for.ā€ cue vivid blushing.
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œis everything alright, tooru-san?ā€
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blckfollow-blog Ā· 7 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  his nose scrunches, disgruntled by the comment. he grumbles something unintelligible about people touching iwaizumi but his attention shifts easily to the gift bag. how he didnā€™t notice it before is beyond him. the orange paper reminds him sorely of karasuno and he wonders if that was intentional or accidental, making his way over to the desk. ā€œawh, iwa-chan. you do love me,ā€ he hums, teasing while his fingers are quick and masterful at extracting the contents without dropping the tissue paper everywhere. he grips the jacket by what he deems to be the shoulders and lets gravity unfold it to display the front view. lips part, surprised. he thumbs over the NASA emblem.Ā ā€œiwa-chan, oh my god,ā€ he breathes, eyes wide but still focused on the jacket when he turns back around, near reverent in the delicate way he holds the article of clothing. clearly enraptured, he lifts his gaze to his friend. it takes two steps to reach the edge of the bed again and throw his arms around iwaizumiā€™s neck in a hard embrace, still clutching the jacket behind his back.Ā ā€œthank you, thank you, thank youā€¦ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā it would be a lie if he had said that he didnā€™t look all over the internet, making multiple phone calls and spending too much on that gift. but thatā€™s not something that he really minds doing, after all oikawa tooru has been his best friend since he even knew what a best friend was, if it came down to it iwaizumi would kill someone for oikawa. not that heā€™d open his mouth and say it out loud, he canā€™t even imagine what heā€™d have to say about that one. leave it to his friend to open gifts in the neatest way possible. the delicate way that he holds the jacket in his hands ā€” a very different trait that his friend rarely ever demonstrates ā€” makes something inside of iwaizumi clench. it almost feels like his stomach is emptying itself, but sending a shiver through most of his limbs, itā€™s unsettling that he canā€™t find the words to describe the feeling. too wrapped up in his own head he doesnā€™t realize that oikawa is on him, until heā€™s on him. one of his arms come up to hug him back, while the other supports both of their weights; however, he canā€™t really look at him, his gaze focused on something on the small table near oikawaā€™s bed.Ā ā€œyeah, yeah, youā€™re welcome..ā€
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