blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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“We’ll make this right, okay?”
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
A solid embrace, kind face And then the hurt starts leaving the room
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
“In the end, always laugh. And do not lose this strange habit of having faith in life.”
— Daniel C. L.  (via alterated)
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
mckinnon, marlene.
for as long as marlene could remember, sirius black had been a constant in her life. he was there for every major moment in her life, his striking gaze and teasing smirks etched into her mind she’d often see them even when her eyelids fluttered shut, which understandably wasn’t always something she relished - given that she was in a long term relationship with non other than his best friend, BROTHER. even so, the electric connection between them was never lost and the brunette had trouble concealing the effect he had on her, the evidence becoming more apparent with each passing year. ❝ i think that’s the buzz talking BLACK, it’s just same old me. you’re the one with an extra kick in his step, do share your secrets. ❞ she teased, chewing on her lesser lip as she fought to squelch the ghost of a blush creeping onto her cheeks. ❝ BUSY? hardly. i went off exploring for a good bit, took advantage of the chaos back home to disappear for a bit. i missed you though, i’ve been in need of a fresh dose of lighthearted mayhem.  ❞
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black, sirius.
she was not wrong ,  there was an extra splash of joy mixed in with his usual zeal for life. a spring in his step ,   despite the meandering longings of nostalgia for old scenery. there was excitement to be found around new corners, unexplored freedom, the promise of new adventure.  at this precise moment,  sirius black was undoubtedly in love with  life.   ❝   there are no secrets between us,   ❞   he assured the witch, tempted for a split moment to reach for her shoulder, to draw her in. the tinge in her cheeks setting his blood to race at top speeds through his limbs. as long as their history had been, her memories stretched even farther than their old haunt’s halls to far less happy days. surely she knew his happiness, just as she knew what he had left behind.  he settled for a loose one-armed hug before setting off without explanation for the party’s back door. fingers unconsciously playing at the soft tendril that had caught his eye before he could return to his senses and draw away,   ❝   chaos, disappearances, exploration. quite the summer you’ve had, love. i’m proud, honestly. marlene mckinnon taking on the world and winning.  glad to have you back, of course. but that goes without saying.  ❞  he turned to flash her a smile, too quick to meet her eye before he was steamrolling through the sudden rise of emotion. sweet and genuine, although too deep to wade through,    ❝   speaking of mayhem, i want to show you something.   ❞  
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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Matthew Daddario in Endless Summer
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
black, regulus.
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Regulus stood around the edge of the room, finally catching a moment to himself. The entire night before had seemed to consist of polite conversation with the who’s who of the Ministry. They were all people Regulus knew he’d met before but had simply not paid that much mind to in the past as it had all been quite boring. Therefore he was glad to catch a moment to himself the following day. He looked over as the moment had ended due to the sound of another’s voice yet he hadn’t heard exactly what had been said. “Sorry, what was that?”
black, sirius.
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sirius black was not a great man. at times his faults outweighed the good and nothing brought out the worse in him better than the likes of  family.  that eclectic mass of personalities and unbending ideals never failed to draw out his old, and at times heartless vices,  spite,  a rash temper,  the competitive need to  condescend.  it was almost questionable whether he did not belong in their ranks.  not enough time had passed ( nor would it ever )  for him to turn a disinterested eye on the old wounds that his estranged brother’s voice dug out of him, surprise that he was even allowed here, and the regret of old memories ready to swallow the thing beating in his chest. tamping down the hollowness beneath his ribs, sirius was quick to replace the ache with the far more manageable attitude of  mocking,  his chin tilting and lips curling,   ❝  still expecting the world, i see.  ❞   grin wide and wolfish, his usual bite of joy was absent. there was a moment of study,  temptation poorly resisted as he was careful to look over what he ought to have been.   ❝  i suppose some things never change.  ❞
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
potter, james.
❝ has it ever occurred to you that the transition has finally happened and i truly have become and old man, annoyances included ? might take a crack out of sluggy’s old book and start yelling at kids over nonsense to truly complete the transition.  ❞ james chuckled, shoving his old friend back with the same ease and comfort that always trickled into any exchange, the familiarity of his brother being present settling any passing nerves harbored in the pit of his stomach. unsurprisingly, james potter always felt like he was on top of the world when beside sirius, a notion that had undoubtedly landed them both in a world of trouble countless times before.  ❝ he was on to something, hosts never enjoy a party. save for us, we seem to have a knack for relishing in the unwarranted chaos that comes with any of our gatherings, i think it’s a talent we’ve cultivated rather well. can’t say i’m feeling particularly uneasy, more like ready for something interesting to happen and this whole hoopla is pretty underwhelming. skeeter’s looking pretty fit this year, reckon i’ve got a chance with the broad? i could offer up some scintillating secrets about the illustrious marauders and score myself a hot date.  ❞
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black, sirius.
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sirius clamped a hand over his chest, fingers curling, he let out a pained gasp.   ❝  i’m    sorry ,   for a second i thought you said we’re   old.     ❞   no  ‘we’  had passed james’ lips , but the alternative,  that they were separate, of varying minds and souls, did not cross his thoughts for even a moment. even as time and james trudged fearlessly ahead, sirius clung to old habits, suspended in youth. an issue reserved for a darker day, when the stakes were greater than a fulfilling party. he spread his arms, the gesture grand enough to encase the predicament. a statement of sirius black’s honest simplicity of spirit. the world was good, because he smiled. and james would be happy, because he’d make it so.   ❝  overthinking will kill even the funnest of parties, prongs. there’s nothing stopping us from livening things up ourselves, you know.  ❞   his gaze fell to the source of music, eye sprinkled with a familiar mischief as his attention splintered between plans and their conversation.    ❝  ai--- if anyone could tame the beast, it’d be you, mate. but the cost---   ❞    his features twisted with a cringe, head shaking as he waved his brother to follow him to the edge of the room. a name clung to the end of his tongue. the red-haired witch with poor taste was no doubt lingering in the back of his friend’s thoughts as well. but if james really was so near moving on sirius could not blame him. or find the grace in himself to bring her up.  sirius instead leveled james’ with a teasing grin, fingers digging through the many pockets of his jacket for his wand and a explosive or two,   ❝  i think, you both could do better.  now help me turn the music up, and the lights down. or maybe flashing  ❞
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
lupin, remi.
            ❝    .  .  .   ❞
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            ❝    ah    .            would  ya  look  at  that    ?                 even  when  i’m  not  sure    ,                i’m  still  100%  right   .           i  didn’t  wanna  hear  it    .   ❞
                  ❝    but  siriusly    ,                   i  need  a  refill   .        join  me     ?    ❞ 
black, sirius.
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        ❝    and   put  up  with  another  moment      of  your  abuse ?!                                      ---     Absolutely.   ❞
                 ❝   hear  that  people?  this  man  has  a  problem  that  needs  fixing.  ❞                    sirius  warned  to  no  one  in  particular ,          arm  thrown  around  the  other’s  neck                   in  a  violent  show  of  affection.                             only  to  drop  the  embrace  just  as     quickly.
              looking  the  other  over ,  he  pressed  on    steps  just  ahead                     ❝      what’s  your  poison , moon ?   ❞
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
mckinnon, marlene.
though the festivities had barely commenced, marlene took advantage of the few sips of liquid courage that coursed through her veins in hopes of squandering the nerves that nestled into her stomach. it felt as things had changed greatly now that she was no longer a KID, but still very much felt like one. first days were never her fortĂ©, but then again alcohol wasn’t either. ❝ so what did you get up to on the break? the time off definitely did you some good, you look pretty amazing.  ❞
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black, sirius.
sirius  had  the  uncanny  ability  of  belonging  most  anywhere ,  save  where  he  was  supposed  to  in  the  darkest  recesses  of  grimmauld  place.  there  he’d  been  familiar  with  the  feeling  of  anxiety ,  of  worry.  it  had  only  been  once  he’d  left  that  he’d  found  the  world  ready  to  embrace  him ,   the  truly  frightening  parts  of  life  left  to  nip  at  his  heels.   in  company  of  friends ,  he  suffered  no  nerves ,  his  instincts  wired  to  reject   rejection.  sirius  allowed  his  lanky  frame  to  relax  against  the  wall  beside  the  witch ,  the  calm  thumping  in  his  chest  stuttered  to  life  at  her  words.    ❝   not  so  bad  yourself ,  marbles.   ❞   his  gaze  fell ,  noting  the  corner  of  her  lips  and  messy  curl  on  her  shoulder  before  continuing  the  search  for  her  drink.  his  features  split  into  a  smile.   his  holidays  had  improved  significantly  with  the  addition  of  freedom,  hobbies  and  ideas  allowed  to  be  explored.  not  to  mention  his  bike ,  calling  him  to  adventure.  she  was  right,  as usual.     ❝   now  here---  don’t  insult  me ,  i  did  absolutely   nothing.   just  as  any  respectable ,  highly  responsible  individual  should. . . .  what  about   you---  don’t  tell  me  you  were  busy ?   ❞   
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
lupin, remi.
     ❝   unless  ya  brought  refills    ,                 m’not  sure  i  wanna  hear  it    .  ❞
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black, sirius.
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❝   not  sure ?  not  sure ?                 -- i  didn’t  think  we’d  ever  stumble  on  something               you  didn’t  know,  mate.  this  is  big.   huge.                   shut  up.  shutupshutup.  shhshh  shh.  let  me  relish  this,  yeah ?       ❞ 
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
potter, james.
❝ ya know, school functions just AREN’T as fun when alcohol is just freely handed out to you. where’s the thrill in that? it’s almost too easy. makes you miss the good old days.  ❞ the tall man heartily laughed as he enclosed a fresh glass in his palm, offering a kind smile to the person beside him before surveying the crowd. he wasn’t really being earnest. if anything, he was buzzing to be a part of this new world, a world of action and change. he did not crave the past for he often relished in the prospect of what future held. it was just a good excuse for small talk.  ❝ think this gatsby bloke ever got sick of a good party?  ❞
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black, sirius.
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❝  your  grumpy  old  man  impression  is  coming  along.  at  least  i   hope  that’s  an  impression.   ❞   sirius  intoned  with  a  bemused  stretch  of   his  lips,  gaze  steady  on  his  friend  even  while  he  was  busy  surveying  the  room.  teasing  aside,  there  was  a  certain  lightness  returning  to  the  former  gryffindor’s  features.  his  shoulders  loose  and  that  twitching  muscle  in  his  cheek  had  settled  into  a  warm  expression  with  the  please  of  present  company.  a  sway  allowed  him  to  give  a  light  shove  to  james’  arm,  a  soft  and  common  plea  for  the  other  boy’s  attention,  an  old  gesture.  sirius  wasn’t  quite  sure  himself  who  had  decided  this  nonsense  that  this  crowd  was  ‘old  enough’  to  warrant  the  free-flow  of  alcohol,  as  he  could  not  imagine  a  less  deserving  bunch,  especially  himself.  that  didn’t  mean  he  wasn’t  going  to  enjoy  the  long  con  of  adulthood,  freedom  so  close  he  could  taste  it.  his  smile  widened,  his  words  determined  to  pull  his  friend  from  the  edge  of  dissatisfaction.   ❝    i  don’t  think  the  guy  ever  showed  up  to  begin  with.  ---you  alright  there,  james ?  feelin’  sick  yourself  ?  maybe  you  looked  at  skeeter  a  little  too  long.  ❞  
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blcksirxs-blog · 5 years
pettigrew, peter.
Peter had always had a shitty tolerance for alcohol, and while it bugged him a bit when he was younger and was still in school, he realized it was a plus in the way that he needed a lot less to get a good buzz going than any of his friends did. The issue was nights like tonight when he decided to try and keep up, having pregamed before showing up to this party and was now a tad unsteady on his feet. Still, he was feeling the best he’s felt in months, maybe longer as he staggered back over to the bar to grab another drink before somehow managing to get to the main music source of the evening.
“We’re going off theme for this next song, time for some Queen bitches! Let’s dance!”
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black, sirius.
there  was  an  endeared  twitch  to  sirius’  lips ,  his  gaze  noting  the  sway  of  his  friend’s  frame.  he  personally  had  never  understood  the  need  to  get  drunk  to  stay  sober ,  mumbled ,  drunken  ‘i’m  fine’’s  remained  the  most  incomprehensible  and  out  of  place  phrase  at  any  thriving  party.  where  was  the  fun  in  that ?   ❝   if  i  didn’t  know  better ,  i’d  think  you  wanted  to  cause  a  scene ,  pete.   ❞   he  followed  at  the  other  boy’s  shoulder ,  ignoring  the  strain  concentrated  at  his  chest.  and  here  he’d  been  silently  mulling  and  fretting  all  summer ,  wondering  that  their  continued  learning  endeavors  meant  the  end  of  their  youthful   shenanigans.  saying  nothing  of  the  embarrassing  burst  of  affection ,  sirius  threw  his  arm  over  peter’s  shoulder  to  drag  them  to  the  floor  to  the  pulsing  chords  of  one  of  the  band’s  iconic  ballads.   ❝   or  did  a  summer  of  adulthood  wear  you  down , mate ?  should  i  get  you  a  cane ?   ❞   a  laugh  tumbled  from  his  throat  as  he  released  peter  to  break  into  a  slide,  his  shoulder’s  shimmying to  the  music.
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