blcrazed · 4 years
A thread of Seungho giving head
seungho looks the best when he's down on his knees, face buried between nakyum's legs. change my mind
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blcrazed · 4 years
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Why did my brain immediately go to these pictures as I saw the hands?
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blcrazed · 4 years
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All these posts about BD's twitter teaser of how "Seungho's crying? Holy shit! He's finally showing emotions? Will he be crying out of love, out of guilt, as he apologizes to Nakyum?"
Nah... dude just deepthroated a little too hard and his eyes involuntarily teared up 😂
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blcrazed · 4 years
That's leaps and leaps of improvement for his character development tbh
This narcisstic self-serving noble who only knows to take ever since he was born... is asking for something for the first time in his life... bro (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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blcrazed · 4 years
the look on his face in the last panel lol
that's an "oh shit i didn't expect this response but im not mad about it" kind of look
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Seungho still don't know how to speak gently about others. But he was definitely taken aback when Nakyum kind of talked back. And it made him feel relieved to know that the Nakyum he used to know is back. This is the Nakyum he fell in love with, the Nakyum who's not afraid to speak his mind up to him.
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blcrazed · 4 years
On Chapter 70:
If there’s one thing I immediately notice in the entirety of c70, aside from the return of the moonlight and the candlelight, is the fact that Seungho says this:
“That is all I will ask of you.”
And I immediately remember the song, ‘All I Ask of You’ and ‘Music of the Night’ from Phantom of the Opera, wherein Raoul seeks to be chosen while the other song has the Phantom begging Christine to stay with him. Should she stay with the Phantom and trust him entirely, he will give her a whole ‘new journey in a strange world’.
Startling are the similarities of the song from the struggles that Seungho and Na-Kyum are dealing together:
“Start a journey through a strange new world
Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before
Close your eyes -
And let music set you free.
Only then can you belong to me
Floating, falling, Sweet Intoxication
Touch me, trust me, savor each Sensation
Let the dream begin, Let your darker side give in
To the Power of the music that I write,
The Power of the Music of the Night.”
And with ‘All I Ask You’, we have this last line:
‘Love me, that’s all I ask of you.’
Both songs portray the men to be trusted by Christine. Raoul promises love and security while the Phantom promises love, desire and security.
We have long noticed that Na-Kyum has always had a kinky side, so he’d truly choose Seungho, as he had even disobeyed Heena just to stay with him. We can think of Raoul as Inhun. Sure, Raoul is a much better man than Inhun, but y’all have to admit, he’s bland af. The Phantom, or in this case, Seungho, is all about the darkness, the mystery, the thrill, the danger, the unleashing of undying love and desire, everything that Na-Kyum truly wants.
And yet, the Christine of the story chose Raoul in the end during a major fight-off and climax bet. him and the Phantom bc she knew him the longest, and abandoned the Phantom to his supposed death after Raoul had wounded him. Christine felt pity for the Phantom and almost wanted to go to him but Raoul wouldn’t let her
If this is any indication that BD will use this as a springboard that
SH and Inhun will do a major faceoff in the climax, I AM SO DOWN FOR IT
But in terms of PotN, I am guessing that the climax of the musical and the manhwa will diverge, wherein NK will ultimately choose Seungho and not In-Hun.
Seungho’s plea of to NK not to push him away is really similar to ‘love me, that’s all I ask of you’, imo. And this is sure to take over all of NK’s entire mindspace, his heart, his very soul. He will let SH’s words warm him and comfort him, and ultimately lead to the admission of love in the future (I HOPE!)
NK’s recollection of the moon following him everywhere indicates that Seungho, representing the moon, will continue to follow him everywhere. It doesn’t matter what timeline or universe they’ll fall into, they will gravitate towards each other like strong magnets no matter what. Other people may try to separate them, but despite everything, they’ll always be two inseparable souls hungry for both love and lust, something that they can only fulfill when they are together
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blcrazed · 4 years
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Seungho and Nakyum are at the same place emotionally - they are two insecure messes who are asking the other person the same question but not knowing how to put it into words and get the answer: Do you love me? Do you want me? Will you abandon me?
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It might be the bare minimum to most people but with Seungho it’s an immense step foward, actually deciding to believe in Nakyum’s promise not to leave him, showing sympathy to let him say goodbye to HN, though his trust still has limits.
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Seungho’s every actions screams how much he cares, showing how much tenderness, love and affection he hides inside, but his insecurity and personality molded by society, station and personal experience, make him send mixed signal and hold him back.
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It only takes a simple ‘thank you’ from Nakyum and it breaks through Seungho’s proud facade, making himself vulnerable. It’s as if he couldn’t believe that NK doesn’t abhor him and can still thank him when he doesn’t deserve it after everything he did to him.
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When SH’s sitting in the dark, he’s waiting for his moment of truth and part of him expects NK to leave and is ready to let him go. Why else would he have the servant follow him with clothes? Why would he take down his headband if he had an intention to follow NK?
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Nakyum putting the scarf on HN is deeply symbolic - he’s made his decision. He chose Seungho a long time ago and now he merely accepts what his heart decided. He doesn’t need to be saved, he doesn’t even need the scarf because he has SH to keep him warm now.
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On a final note, you want take your brother from the one nobleman who would protect him and bring him to a brothel full of perverse nobles ready to fuck him to death? Girl, and here I thought you were the smart one! This is literally the worst idea in Painter of the Night ever and that’s saying something!
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blcrazed · 4 years
I know it's intended to be very deep symbolism, but I just can't help but think he's trying to be dramatic. Like, he's sitting and eating all well-dressed, but then he hears Nakyum outside and thought he was leaving, he disrobes, messes up his own hair and barges out all unkempt like, "oh no, i am all messed up and unkempt now because im so distraught by you. dont you feel bad for me nakyum? why dont you stay then, yeah? yeah yeah *wags tail*"
it's like your dog pulling out the wet puppy eyes and the droopy ears to try and make you feel sorry for leaving the house.
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I wonder why Seungho removed his head band when he went outside when he was just wearing it in his room a moment ago. What symbolism does it have?
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blcrazed · 4 years
We're back in business boys
This is a rather melancholic return after a month, but it's welcomed. Very welcomed, especially after the absolute thunderstorm that was the few chapters before.
Seungho's so subdued and sad in this chapter that I can't help but actually like him a little. He's still authorative and demanding, but his approach is less aggressive and more subconsciously pleading. He's silently eating and drinking in his room and as soon as he hears a sound outside, he barges out desperately trying to see what's going on and whether Nakyum is leaving him or not.
I love how as Seungho and Heena start arguing, Nakyum immediately steps in the middle to calm both sides down.
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He's only facing Seungho though, because he knows the man's outbursts. And they have to have a staring contest before Seungho is willing to back down.
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But it's cute how he's the peacemaker and the calming presence for everyone. Reminds me of when he steps in for DeokJae.
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This part is so soft, and so melancholic. Seungho looks absolutely beat and saddened. He looks halfway given up and halfway desperate to cling on further. He doesn't want to beg Nakyum to stay (he doesn't have to, because Nakyum is willingly choosing to be with him), but he still does gentle things and say gentle words to try and appeal to him in order to keep him by his side. Just goes to show how desperate he is for love but too messed up and stubborn to ask for it.
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If Seungho wasn't so depressed right now and was still the aggro dudebro he was a day ago, he'd be maulding at the sight of his gift to Nakyum being given to someone else, and a prOsTiTUte no less, I'm sure he would say.
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At first I thought this was Inhun since he's been flashbacked to a chapter ago with baby Nakyum, but then I looked closer, and thought about that cackle that could be heard all the way from Madagascar.
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Yeah no the snake is back and he wants Nakyum's ass. I'm curious what he's about to do next. That slimy bitch.
Also, special shoutout for this panel
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It feels like meme material. It seems like BD had to rush this panel but I weirdly love it, Nakyum's expression is so.... so.... pained 🤣🤣
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blcrazed · 4 years
ohm mey gerd they confessed
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Communication!! Love confession!! Oh my god!!
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Look at the tenderness, they love each other so fucking much. Still, Dohui is feeling guilty for the pain he's unleashed upon Seong-jae. I really hope he'll come clean and explain everything at some point, because I'm also confused over here.
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Lil bunny boy is having a lil crush tho... that's sweet but also not good (since I kinda know what he's capable of in the future)
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blcrazed · 4 years
I like how Jihwa having light-brown/reddish hair is not just for the sake of having different colored hair. It's not the author wanting to exoticize Jihwa just for the aesthetics or for the heck of it. It's actually genetic and comes from his dad.
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In many comics/animations, characters have wacky colored hair that is just unexplainedly engrained in them, it's not dyed, it's not genetics, it's not ""realistic"" per se. It just serves as a way to make the character stand out. And that is completely fine. I just think this detail of Jihwa's dad having the same hair color is kinda neat.
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blcrazed · 4 years
Their sex scene could have been so glorious.
Unrelated but seeing Dong-gyun so cute makes me wanna re-read Bj Alex :/
Painter of the night
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I want this, I need this ^^^
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blcrazed · 4 years
lool at lan zhan protecting his hubby. im so pumped
Mo Dao Zu Shi Season 3 trailer
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blcrazed · 4 years
Right??? Im sad :( Would love to see jihwa popping nameless' men sex cherry
Also we've all been PLAYED. We thought he'd be some sex god with a dick that can rival Zeus, but he's just a virgin boy who doesn't know what to do around buttholes. I find that sweet for some reason. He needs practice, hopefully Jihwa will survive this to give this to him.
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blcrazed · 4 years
One word to describe chapter 67? Ohshitohfuckohnonononofuckwhywouldyoudothatohgodno.... That about sums it up 🙃
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At first when I heard Mr. Kim say the former I was like, "This motherfucker. THIS MOTHERFUCKER. Really? You gonna be like this?" But then it turns put he's just being a lil tsundere bitch about it ffs. Why are you built like this? Just why?
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I'm sad we didn't get a Nameless/Jihwa smexy scene because I adore these two characters (don't fucking @ me, I don't care for fandom war) But I maybe get why BD wouldn't include it, for pacing reasons and also to probably prevent the Jihwa haters from setting fire to twitter. I still would have loved to see it tho.
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And Min the snake is back. Squigglier than ever. And boy, do he be lookin' baked as fuck. Him getting fucked up on opium watching all this drama unfold is just the ancient Korean version of smoking some weeds and putting on some soap opera. Like, I can't blame him, they don't got TV yet, gotta get some entertainment somehow.
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Seungho has entered the chat, looking like the damn Grim Reaper. Kinda sexy. I still think his fever ain't gone yet 'cuz he's looking pale af. I love the bamboo design on his robe tho, he's so extra I love it.
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According to lifeinkorea.com, bamboo represents elegance and fidelity..., which... Seungho ain't. So the other thing, expelling ghosts and bad luck. Yeah sounds about right, he's here to get rid of some bad juju and some evil forces that are messing with his boy. Yeah, carry out that vigilante justice.
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Lemme tell you, I audibly gasped. It's unlikely Seungho has that Daredevil sixth sense to know exactly where Jihwa was standing in order to jab. So the god of luck was dumping his lifesavings onto Jihwa's head here for him to just barely miss that shit. My heart can't handle these erratic dramatic bitches.
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Jihwa, you're a smart cookie. A lil obsessed and boy crazy but you ain't that dumb to fall for his bullshit again. His "plan" was what got you into this mess in the first place. Please don't go along with his shit anymore, please no. Seungho said he'd leave it alone if you'd just avoid him so let that be. I don't want you to die. Go move in with Nameless and have that fugitive unfulfilling sex life or something.
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blcrazed · 4 years
im fucking blind (-‸ლ)
i just now saw the hickey on his neck. what you been doin to him seungho 👁👄👁?
Look at this precious bby boy  (;w;)
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blcrazed · 4 years
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yakgwa shortage
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