harvey: it’s so fascinating how we can survive without a brain. i mean, just look at neve, she can talk and sometimes she can complete basic human tasks.
neve: first of all, fuck you.
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neve: hey harvey look at me
neve: bitch.
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harvey: im about to pull a little something called a ‘pro gamer move’
elias: wha-
harvey: *fucking dies*
elias: ...mood??
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Neve: toast is amazing. who ever was eating bread one day and was like, “cook it again.” wow. i feel that.
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wren: so... what way do you swing?
eily: i don’t know, honestly i prefer the slide at the park.
wren: ...
wren: *internal screaming*
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Harvey: it’d be against my moral compass.
Heidi: your moral compass is a roulette wheel.
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the more i think about this the more i realise it suits neve nd heidi huh
neve: I know you hate me, Leo, but-
leo: wait, what? Why do you think I hate you?
neve: you always clam up when I enter the room and you’re always watching me and you never want to hang out with me and you get all tense whenever I walk close to you and you won’t talk to me in full sentences and oh, yep, I hear it now, oh my gosh, you have a crush on me, that’s adorable
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neve: I know you hate me, Leo, but-
leo: wait, what? Why do you think I hate you?
neve: you always clam up when I enter the room and you’re always watching me and you never want to hang out with me and you get all tense whenever I walk close to you and you won’t talk to me in full sentences and oh, yep, I hear it now, oh my gosh, you have a crush on me, that’s adorable
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harvey: in my defense, i simply do not vibe with the law!
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“I am here for a good time not a long time.”
- neve, harvey and wren
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leo: i don’t have the energy for this
neve: for what?
leo: *gesturs vaguely*
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neve: what is your weakness? :3
heidi: ..being uncooperative
neve: can you give me an example
heidi: no.
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harvey: surprise bitch!
harvey: bet your thought you’d see the last of me >:33
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wren: i’m sorry i doubted you..
neve: no, i would have doubted me too.
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atticus: Hey, I got us friendship bracelets.
clyde: that's nice of you. Where are they?
atticus: *handcuffs himself to clyde*
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harvey: 'Person of Interest' is almost too flattering.
harvey: Like, if the police were to pound on my door and go, "A man has been murdered in your building, and you are a person of interest," I'd be like, "Moi? Oh, do go on."
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clyde: i started caring about my appearance because i thought it would be funny to be attractive
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