blissfullyshipping · 4 years
Braids and Misunderstandings (Thorin x Reader)
Requested by @elia-the-bibliophile​: Hi can I request a Thorin x fem human! reader where they’re married with 3 little dwarfling & they’re having a family time in their quarter in Erebor when their children ask them about how they meet each other, maybe it started with a misinterpretation between the 2 of you when you asked for Thorin’s help to braid your long hair but Thorin sees it as an invitation to court you (as per dwarvish custom) thank you!
Fandom: The Hobbit
Warnings: none just a load of toe curling fluff
A/N: I'm backkk. Felt like doing some writing and this request was too cute to not write, although it was a bit hard because I don’t like children and can’t write endings. Anyway hope you like!
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Your bedroom is in chaos. Your chambers mess was a result of getting your three children ready for Kili and Tauriel's wedding. The stress of each child changing their outfit three times or kicking their shoes off every five seconds, resulted in clothes lining every surface and shoes scattered haphazardly on the ground. And yet, coming home from the wedding and getting them to bed proves to be an even bigger task for Thorin and you.
"Ouch amad that hurts!" Your youngest, Melva, squeals on your lap as you try to brush her unruly locks.
"I'm sorry ghivashel," you hush her, gently bobbing your knee, "I'm nearly done I promise."
"Tyrig stop tugging your buttons, your mother just sewed them back on!" You look up at Thorin scolding your son, while he struggles to get Elaina into her nightgown.
"There, all done." You announce proudly as you clasp the last bead.
"No! I don't want braids!" Melva cries pulling out the braids you had just finished.
Sighing in exhaustion you pull her hands away from her head. "Good girls have neat braids nathith."
"How come Elaina doesn't have to!"
"Elaina's not ready for bed yet," Your eyes go to her sister, warning her to listen to her father. "She still needs to put her nightgown on and wash her face. Then adad will do her hair."
"Adad can braid hair?" Melva looks up at you, her eyebrows raised.
"Melva!" Thorin exclaims, hands clutching his heart feigning offence making his daughter giggle in your lap. "I taught your amad how to braid!" This gets the attention of all three children and both you and Thorin make use of their distracted state and get them ready for bed as you talk.
"Is that true?" Tyrig asks getting under the sheets.
"Yep," You nod. "Your father and I met because of braiding too."
"What are you telling them now amrâlimê?" Thorin asks coming out of the bathroom with a clean Elaina in his arms.
"Just about how we met."
"Ahh you mean when you proposed to me the first time we spoke."
"What?!" All three children scream in unison, making the two of you laugh.
"That's not true!" Slapping Thorin's chest. "It was just a small misunderstanding." You say as you put the last child in bed.
"What really happened amad?" Elaina asks. You look at the three sleepy dwarflings and back at Thorin who smiles softly, perching next to you on the bed. "If I tell you will you promise to go to sleep straight after."
The three of them nod enthusiastically ready to hear a new story, satisfied with their answer you lean against your husband and begin to retell it.
After the destruction of Erebor and your home in Laketown, you had fled with your best friend, Dis Durin, and the rest of her kin. Feeling more at home amongst the dwarves than your own kind.
Your friendship with Dis had grown since your days in Erebor, you were there for the dwarf-woman when her brother died and father left. You were there when the dwarves barely made it to the Iron Hills alive, and you were there when Dis had found her One.
You were ecstatic when she announced her engagement, and asked you to help with wedding preparations. You fulfilled the role of maid of honour proudly, and took it upon yourself to make sure every detail was executed to perfection.
Slipping into the lavender dress you sewed yourself, after finding nothing in the dwarven markets that would fit you for the ceremony, you move onto braiding your hair into the updo Dis had drawn out for you and the bridesmaids.
Brushing your long locks you stare at the drawing in bewilderment, what is it with dwarves and braids? 
Hesitantly, you start off braiding sections of your hair, weaving them together to recreate Dis' design. Thinking you had done well you look in the mirror eyes flicking back to the drawing and sigh at the mess on your head. Untying the braids and restarting again.
But after several tries and aching arms you give up, huffing on your stool in frustration. Not having much time before the wedding begins, you grab the drawing and leave the room to seek help.
You wander frantically around trying to look for anyone who can help, when you finally spot Dis' brother leaving his own room.
You'd never really talked to Thorin before, aside from the polite greetings in corridors or grieving condolences at funerals. You made sure to keep out of the King's way, because even if Dis had profusely told you Thorin didn't mind your company, you still weren't sure if he was okay with a woman joining his kin. Right now, however, you could use all the help you could get.
"Thorin!" You hiss after him, taking in his appearance. He was dressed in his finery making you stop short as you admire him. His hair and beard neatly braided, fur coat sitting proudly on broad shoulders and you can't help but admire the muscle on the dwarf.
When he calls your name you quickly come to your senses and smile bashfully up at him. "I was hoping you would braid my hair for me?" You ask nervously, tugging on a loose lock oblivious to Thorin's crestfallen face.
"I-uh-m-me?" He stutters taken aback by your question.
Having only ever admired you from afar Thorin would never have thought his crush was requited. This was the longest conversation he's had with you, and though he's dreamt of this countless of times he never thought you would propose to him so casually.
"Yes!" You blurt out. "Please Thorin, I can't think of anyone else to do it." You grab his hand in desperation, and Thorin has never felt so conflicted.
"Your hair is always so neatly braided, and Dis told me to recreate this," You wave the drawing in his face "and you know how she is, I just want it to look right."
Thorin gingerly takes the note from your hand, his callous fingers brush against yours, inciting goosebumps to travel up your arm. His eyes flick between the drawing and you, scratching the back of his neck and chuckling in embarrassment, before nodding his head at your wide eyed expression.
"Of course, Y/N." He says softly, leading you into his room.
You try to calm your nerves when you follow the king into his personal chambers, who quickly moves the pile of clothes on his bed, shoving them into a wardrobe.
"Uh- sorry about that. I hadn't really planned on what to wear." He excuses himself sheepishly, face burning when you giggle at his antics.
He moves you to the dressing table, sitting you on the stool and begins lightly raking his fingers through your hair. Your back goes rigid when his fingers tickle the back of your neck.
Thorin can't breathe. Just looking at you through the mirror, hair flowing over your bare shoulders makes his breath hitch. He had only ever seen you with your hair up. And yet here he is, fingers brushing through your long locks, mind cloudy as your lavender smell invades his senses. There is a reason why braiding is an intimate act.
He shakes his head of any impure thoughts and grabs the brush ready to start on the detailed design. Sectioning and braiding he falls into a rhythmic pattern and begins to ease up. Stopping short when he sees you shiver, glancing over to the open window.
"Apologies for the cold y/n, the furs were making me hot." he says breaking the silence, shrugging off his coat and placing it on your shoulders.
You smile and thank him snuggling into the thick fabric that smells of him. You begin to forget it's the king who's standing behind you, and start to relax into his touch, making light conversation and playing with the bits and bobs lying on his dressing table. Or staring at Thorin as he focuses on braiding, hiding your smile when he sticks his tongue out in concentration.
You inspect a box full of beads, recognising them as the ones Thorin wears in his hair. Up close like this, you can tell each intricately carved bead is different. The newer, shinier ones are probably gifts whilst the worn down and smoother beads must be passed down from generation to generation. You wonder if Thorin would allow you to wear one to the wedding and rifle through them.
A particular bead captures your attention, the carving seems slightly rougher than the others but you can see the effort and love put into it. You pluck the bead from the box marvelling at the craftsmanship. Did Thorin make this?
"Ok Y/N I'm nearly done." Thorin says softly, your eyes snap to the mirror and you stare in awe at what he's managed to achieve, finally understanding what Dis' drawing meant.
"Thorin it's beautiful!" You gasp eyes meeting his through the mirror, the beaming smile lighting up your face making Thorin's heart beat a little faster.
"You look beautiful Y/N." He nods in agreement.
You blush heavily and quickly look down so as not to embarrass yourself in front of him. Your attention going back to the bead clasped in your hand.
"Thorin," you gaze back up at him to see him already looking at you, "Could I put this in my hair too? I've always wanted the dwarven beads and you have so many…" You trail off hoping you haven't stepped over the line. You know dwarves take their hair very seriously.
Thorin nods enthusiastically, repeating over and over in his head that you don't know the dwarvish customs, that this isn't you reciprocating his feelings. Even so, his face falls when you turn and place the chosen bead in his hand. What was wrong? Had you overstepped?
 He looks up to see your concerned eyes and clears his throat uncomfortably. "You want this specific one?" He asks tentatively. You nod not knowing if you had done something wrong.
"I didn't mean to offend you," you rush out. "I just thought it looked very pretty, the carving is beautiful did you do it yourself?"
Thorin nods silently and you can feel the awkwardness rising. Clearly it meant a lot to him.
"Actually it's fine. My hair looks beautiful as it is and it was rude of me to ask, I know beads and hair mean a lot to dwarves, I didn't mean to overstep." You apologise reaching for the bead, but Thorin moves his hand away from you, a strained laugh escapes his lips as he does so. You look up at him and see determination replacing his hesitant eyes.
"You truly have no idea on what braiding means, do you." He asks and you shake your head. "To braid someone's hair is to promise to court them."
Oh, that actually makes a lot of sen- OHH! Oh Mahal no! Had you really been this stupid?! Realisation hits you and you apologise profusely to Thorin, the horror evident on your face makes him laugh. "Don't worry Y/N I know you didn't mean it that way."
You look up at Thorin and take in his amused expression. You try to hide your embarrassment and turn on your stool. Avoiding his eyes in the mirror, you allow him to finish your hair.
However Thorin hesitates, deep in thought. His entertained expression falls as he grips the bead tightly in his fist. Do you feel embarrassed about the idea of being courted by him?
"I made this bead when I became of age to start courting." He begins. "It's carved from stone found in the mines back in Erebor. It's rather ordinary, my father was surprised and tried to persuade me to use gems instead. But I insisted because it's a piece of me that I would want to gift my One. It's home."
Thorin's eyes are still on the bead when you look at him, his face marred into a conflicted expression. You turn and thread your hand through his, drawing his attention to you and giving him a rueful smile. You felt touched he was sharing this with you and it spurred confidence within you.
"It's so precious Thorin. Any girl would be honoured to wear it." Your voice hushed as all you can hear is your heart pounding.
I want you to wear it. The sentence seems so simple, so innocent, but stuck on the tip of his tongue. Thorin doesn't know your heart or feelings, he doesn't know how you'll react to him proposing to you or how Laketown men propose to women. How he wishes he could just say it, to see the joy in your eyes when he does. Opening his mouth, struggling to find the right words the sentence tumbles from his lips.
"I want y-"
"Thorin have you seen…" The two of you jump apart when Dis bursts into the room. "Y/N! I've been looking for you! Where have you been?!"
"I-I can't braid hair and that drawing you did was complicated so I got Thorin to do it." You stutter slightly, eyes flying to Thorin who keeps his gaze fixed on his sister, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. What was he going to say?
"I'll finish it off for you later. The florists just got here and he's brought the wrong shade of flowers I mean how difficult is it to…" The soon to be bride carries on ranting, taking you by the arm and leading you out of the room before you can utter a word in reply. You throw an apologetic look to the King before the door shuts behind you.
Thorin slumps onto the stool you had just been sitting on. Raking a hand through his hair he looks down at the courting bead still clutched in his fist. Sighing he places it back into the box and picks up the coat that slipped from your shoulders, your lavender smell still lingering in the fabric. Making himself presentable again he leaves his chambers and goes to help with the last minute wedding preparations, determined to be the first person you dance with.
"That's it?!" Tyrig demands hands flying in the air. "You didn't even propose?" The three dwarflings lie in bed unhappy with the ending.
"Yep aunty Dis ruined it all." Thorin says casually earning a whack from you. "What it's true if she wasn't there these three would probably be about two years older." He defends earning another whack.
"Two years?!" The eldest shouts, catching onto your husbands remark. "You waited two years!"
"Timing is everything ghivashel, I regret nothing." You say getting up. "No more questions now, you'll have to save them for breakfast you promised you'd go to sleep remember." This earns a chorus of groans from your children.
Kissing them goodnight you leave their room, Thorin taking your hand as you make your way to clear the rest of the mess in your chamber.
"Did you mean what you said." Thorin whispers into the dead of night, when you're both curled up in bed. "Do you really regret nothing?"
Snuggling into him, wrapping an arm round his neck and giving him a long chaste kiss you lay your head on his chest.
"I wouldn't change a thing. Menu tessu." You whisper back, happily falling asleep after a long and tiring day. You feel Thorin press one last kiss to your hair, before he too gives into the darkness.
And just as you both close your eyes in bliss, your youngest starts crying making you both groan.
Ghivashel = treasure of all treasures
amad/adad/nathith = mother/father/daughter
Amrâlimê = my love
Menu tessu = you mean everything to me
Lotr tagslist: @j25m18c24​ @spooookyscary​ @waddles03​ @bogbody​
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blissfullyshipping · 4 years
Hi can I request a Thorin x fem human! reader where they’re married with 3 little dwarfling & they’re having a family time in their quarter in Erebor when their children ask them about how they meet each other, maybe it started with a misinterpretation between the 2 of you when you asked for Thorin’s help to braid your long hair but Thorin sees it as an invitation to court you (as per dwarvish custom) thank you!
OOoo this is giving me big hairdresser!Thorin vibes. He also seems like the parent that would always do the kids hair! Sorry for the longg delay but it’ll be up on tues x
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blissfullyshipping · 4 years
Thank you for existing, you are loved! Send this to ten people, who in your opinion deserves such a sweet message in their inbox. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but imagine the smiles! 💞
😭😭😭😭😭 YOURE SO PURE. whenever I come back to Tumblr there's ALWAYS a sweet message from you ilysm 💚
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blissfullyshipping · 4 years
I loved your Mandalorian fic so much. If your writing another part would you consider tagging me in it?
Thank youu!! I don't post often and I write even less so be prepared...
That being said I just finished another chapter and realised it didn't save SOOOOO I'm currently crying on the inside.
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Soulmates (Mandalorian x Reader)
Summary: Soulmate!au where your soulmates name is written on your arm. Meaning Mando’s name is constantly covered.
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Warnings: violence, lil stab
A/N: This is my first Mandalorian and soulmate fic. I loove soulmate fics so thought it’d be cool to do one with Mando because he’ll know who his soulmate is but reader won’t…Anyway let me know what you think!
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A child? You had travelled all this way for such a big bounty, for a child? You look down at the metal pod that the adorable green infant peers from, wrapped in a bundle of blankets. How can such a small creature be such a big threat? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by a myriad of shooting from outside. You groan in annoyance when you hear the loud automated voice of a bounty droid, knowing you have no choice but to leave now. 
Grabbing the pod you bolt in the opposite direction of the commotion. heading down a long corridor, shooting anyone who comes in your way.
Turning into a vacant room you pinpoint a window, shattering the glass with your arm, wincing as the glass cuts through your jacket and skin. Your movements quicken when you hear the droid conversing with someone down the corridor, hastily you fling the locked pod and jump out after it. Leaping onto your blurrg and ride away from the site. 
Turning back you see a dead droid and a lone Mandalorian aiming his gun at you. 
Wide eyed you reflexively duck, feeling the heat of the blaster as it wizzes over you. Raising your own gun you fire multiple shots back, each one bouncing off the beskar armour. 
Willing your blurrg to go faster you count yourself lucky as you fall out of range from the famed bounty hunter.
Still sitting on the blurrg on the way back to your ship, you open the pod in front of you, your mouth curving up in a slight smile when you see the infant staring back at you with wide eyes. 
You take the time to care for your wounded arm. Shrugging off your leather jacket and wiping the blood from the cuts scattered around your forearm you grimace as you pull out the small pieces of glass. 
The child in front of you watches with anticipation, eyes fixated on the name of your soulmate inked into your forearm.
“Cool huh” You say to him, lifting his own arm up. “You’re lucky you haven’t got one, you don’t have to feel like a part of you is missing.”
Space is wide and vast meaning soulmates are a hit and miss. Some species don’t have them but those that do, rarely find them. 
You had thought that travelling through space, hunting criminals and targets across the galaxy you would eventually bump into your soulmate. But you soon gave up on that idea when nothing happened, diving into your work instead.
Your thoughts are pulled back to reality when you spot your ship ahead. Frowning you start to notice something wrong as you draw closer. Cursing under your breath you hop off the blurrg and run up ahead, desperately wishing your eyes are deceiving you.
Your beloved old ship had been stripped to its carcass. Bloody Jawas you think as you kick a piece of your broken door. It was a crap piece of junk anyway, which Jawas don’t usually care about. But it’s just your luck that they decide to rob you when you’re a Mandalorian’s prime target. 
Sighing, you salvage what little you can find in food and water and hop back onto the blurrg, retreating from your old ship to find some sort of civilisation in this godforsaken planet.
By the time you see lights in the distance the sun is beginning to set. You had fed the child, of what little you had, not stopping as he munched on a candy bar, soon falling asleep in his pod, you wrapped him in his blankets and closed the pod to keep him warm. 
Nearing the campsite you see a short Ugnaught man approach you, his kind eyes watching the pod tucked into your side. 
“I’m seeking shelter. My ship has been wrecked by Jawas.” You hop off the blurrg and bring the closed pod close to you, your other hand resting on your blaster. 
The man contemplates for a moment, taking in your dishevelled appearance, eyes flickering to the bloody sleeve of your left arm, before they dart back to your face. 
“Come,” he nods, his body language more open as he invites you into the compound. “You can stay the night. Tomorrow we trade with the Jawas.” He says leading the way. You’re confused by his statement, trade with Jawas? Has he ever met one?
“Sorry did you say trade with jawas?” You ask not quite believing him. The Ugnaught chuckles nodding his head and explains how he’s bargained with the pesky brats before, you’re mesmerized by his innovation, never hearing anyone converse with the species.  
You spend the remainder of the evening with the Ugnaught, who introduced himself as Kuiil. You sit with him in his homely hut, belly full from the meal he had just cooked for you and the small child. 
You had opened the pod and woke him up when Kuill set dinner down in front of you, although he said nothing you saw his eyes widen when he saw the baby. You fed him small chunks of meat from your plate.
As you stand next to your host by the sink, drying the wet dishes he passes to you, a paranoid thought crosses your mind.
“Kuiil have you come across a Mandalorian recently?” You try to say casually. However the hesitation that comes before his reply gives you your answer and you immediately freeze at the possibility of facing the dangerous hunter. 
“I have, pointed him in the direction of the site I’m sure you’ve just come from.” He says steadily. You nod cautiously, wariness creeping up your spine as you calculate your next moves, wondering if it was still safe for you and the child to spend the night here. It’s not like you have anywhere else to go.
“The last time I saw him was this morning,” he carries on, sensing your uneasiness, “had to teach the man how to ride a blurrg before I sent him on his way.”
This makes you scoff “A Mandalorian not able to ride a blurrg? That’s rich” Kuiil chuckles slightly and nods in agreement. 
You retire for the night soon after, taking the pod back to your room, the small child in your arms lulled to sleep by your slow pace. Placing the pod at the foot of your bed you shrug off your jacket, that Kuiil had cleaned for you, and boots before climbing into the small bed, your body groaning in pleasure when your back hits the mattress. You tuck your blaster under the pillow and easily drift off into a slumber.
Your eyes snap open when you hear a noise outside. Laying very still you listen out, not knowing if it’s paranoia or a threat. 
Trusting your gut you slowly reach for your blaster, and silently get out of bed, looking over to see the child asleep in his pod. You close it just in case you have to hide him.
Pulling on your boots you creep over behind the door weapon raised. Hearing the slow and cautious thumps of footsteps, distinctively heavier than Kuiil’s you ready yourself for an attack.
The footsteps stop outside your room and you hear the familiar beeping of a bounty tracker, your breath hitching as your fears are consolidated. The grip on your blaster tightens when the doorknob turns. 
When the bounty hunter enters the room you step out from behind the door, your blaster inches away from their head. 
The Mandalorian.
“Hand me your weapon.” You bite out sticking your right hand out and gesture to the blaster tucked into his belt, gun still pointed to his metal head. You sense him assess the situation, looking for a possible way out.
All of a sudden he punches your left arm, your stitches tearing on impact and the blaster falls from your hand in the sudden pain. You recover from the shock quickly and kick the gun under the bed, using the same leg to knee him in the gut. 
Using his surprise to your advantage, you swipe the side of his head, knuckles connecting with the cold metal. You go for a second punch but he dodges it, landing a blow of his own to your side. You stagger back slightly and catch his oncoming fist, pulling him into your raised knee and using the momentum to throw him into the wall behind you. 
He blocks your roundhouse kick and punches you straight in the jaw, you head flinging to the side, before you can even look straight you feel the second punch under your chin. Ignoring the searing pain you manage to block his third punch with your wounded arm, your stitches taking the brunt of the punch, making you grit in pain. 
Fighting through it, your hands latch to his neck and you force him to the ground harshly. Kicking the heel of your boot to the ground you reveal a small blade protruding from the top of your shoe. 
The Mandalorian doesn’t notice this as he pulls you down with him. One minute you’re straddling him, shocked by the sudden fall, the next he’s on top of you, legs encasing you in his hold. Your eyes widen as he pulls back to punch you and you slip your leg from under him, sloppily kicking him in his side with your knife. 
Finally you straddle him properly, hands squeezing the knife wound to stop him squirming. You feel him relax slightly under your touch and you keep your right hand on his wound as a warning, wiping your bloody left arm on your trouser leg, and reaching over to grasp the blaster from under the bed. 
You feel the bounty hunter freeze under you, his body going stiff and his panting abruptly stops. Looking back at him, you follow his ‘gaze’ to your left arm. Instinctively you move the arm from his sight, knowing his eyes were latched onto the name of your soulmate peeking through the dirt and blood. You feel stupid for letting him know you have a soulmate, knowing in the wrong hands that piece of information could be detrimental to you. 
You snatch up the blaster and get ready to shoot, when the door bursts open and a tired looking Kuiil assesses the situation. 
“I said you could stay the night Mando, not that you could attack my guests.” At his words, the Mandalorian breaks from his trance and scrambles up, easily knocking you off him in the process. You huff in protest. Why he didn’t do that in the first place if it was so easy?
“Apologies, I wasn’t expecting my target to be here too.” The child. You had completely forgotten him when the hunter attacked. Stepping away from the two as they conversed you walk over to the pod and open it to check on the little one. 
You sigh in relief as the green child stares back at you, unfazed by the all the commotion. You’re about to close the pod and hide him again when the Mandalorian catches you. 
“This is the target?” He asks coming up behind you, tracker in hand. You tense and glare up at him harshly not liking his intrusion. “It’s a child?” You hold back a laugh, those were your initial thoughts when you opened the pod back at the camp. 
“I thought he’s fi-”
“Fifty years old yeah shocked me too.” You interrupt, picking up the infant and blocking him from the Mandalorians view. Seeing this, Kuiil walks over addressing you both.
“Mando this is Y/N L/N, Y/N this is the Mandalorian I told you about.” Figures you’d be panicking if there were two of his kind after you. 
“The one who couldn’t ride the blurrg?” You reply when Mando goes silent, your smirk widening when Kuiil’s mouth twitches up.
“I’m here for the target.” 
“No shab I thought you were attacking me for the fun of it.” You roll your eyes and sense the hunter stiffen with frustration. His stance coming off as a warning.
“Why don’t we push the bounty to the side for now. Both of you will be stuck on this planet if you don’t get your parts back and fix up the ships.” Kuiil tries to defuse the tension. “Then we can talk business.” You both huff in response, like two scolded teenagers. 
“Good, now I’m going back to bed. We leave at sunrise.” The short man walks away, leaving the two of you alone. The child gurgles at Kuiil’s retreating form. 
“Sorry about that.” You nod to his stomach, your face and tone clearly showing you’re not sorry at all. Mando looks down at his wound and gestures to your arm. 
“Be careful with that.” His words coming off softer than you expected and you don’t detect the same snarkiness you gave him. Before you can reply he’s leaving the room, muttering incoherently under his breath. 
Shaking your head you put the child back into his pod and start to clean your arm, Forgetting the way the Mandalorian had reacted when he saw the black name etched into your skin:
Din Djarin. 
Shab is a Mandalorian word for excrement which appears in “Republic Commando: Order 66” by Karen Traviss. Shabuir is an insult derived from the word “shab.”
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
I don't write much but when I do you know it's gonna be about Thorin
That being said I'm currently writing a Mandalorian soulmate au
Why is no one writing about Thorin anymore?
Sure there are blogs that writes about Thorin, me included. @luna-xial @fizzyxcustard @legolaslovely @xxbyimm @blankdblank @blissfullyshipping @kittenwritesstuff @soradragon just to name a few.
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Me reading a fic: Oh wow I wonder what happens next
Me realizing I'm the author:
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Do you have the reddit think to that funny baby yoda video?! omgggg so funny!!
honestly its gold. it should be a standalone post but its one of the top comments on this thread. they linked it to this streamable tho :)
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Saw this on Reddit and couldn't stop laughing lmaooo
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Pocahontas (Thorin x Reader) - Chp3
Story summary: Homeless and wounded after the Battle of Moria, Thorin and his kin find shelter in an ancient dwarven tribe. He meets the Chiefs daughter who teaches him the ways of the tribe and the beauty of nature.
**Fandom: **The Hobbit (Set before the quest for Erebor)
**Warnings: **None
A/N: I don’t really know if the khuzdul phrases are correct? Hopefully they are lol. “Italics” = Khuzdul
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Who takes an arrow out of their wound?! You think as you rip part of your tunic, revealing your midriff slightly, and hold it tightly against his bleeding shoulder. Stupid, insolent dwarf holding you at knife point, you snatch his dagger from his limp grip and stash it into your belt
You look over at Kafrumi, who looks down at the two of you with cautious eyes. Your hand tightens around the wound and the dwarf flinches in his unconscious state, “We should take him to my father. You go back to the tribe with him, I’m going to look for the rest of his party.” You mutter dismissively, getting up and walking past him. 
“Y/N,” he stops you holding your arm “The chief won’t allow it, we will both look for them.” You turn to look at him and shake your head stiffly, eyes trained on his grip. Sighing, knowing there’s no room for discussion, he takes off his bow and set of arrows and hands them to you silently. You take them and leave without a word, running off into the dense forest. 
You decide to travel back to the pond and think of the words your father had told you two days prior. Kafrumi is to be your intended. Growing up as the daughter of the leader of the tribe you knew certain things would be expected of you. You will be the first dwarrow chieftain the tribe has and to keep the title within your family and to avoid conflict with those who don’t believe in you, your marriage to Kafrumi was proposed. When your father told you, you tried to keep your face void of your true emotions. You kept your mouth shut and when he was done you left.
Arriving at the pond you continue through the vines the dwarf jumped out from, your mind recounting the way his soaked tunic stuck to his firm, broad chest. The way his eyes narrowed at the sight of you and how your skin burned from it’s intensity. There’s anger burning in those eyes, angry at the world and the Valar, a mystery you find yourself wanting to unravel. Never have you met a dwarf quite like him. And then he ruined by opening his mouth and trying to attack you.
You track his journey from the pond and soon follow the low murmur of voices. Finally, you’ve found the rest of his party illuminated by their fire. You’re shocked by the number of dwarves that occupy the makeshift camp, this is not what you expected. You expected a group of bandits or an army, not a dishevelled and injured camp speaking in hushed frantic tones to each other. Does no one speak khuzdul anymore?
You decide against drawing an arrow and step into their camp, a dwarf with a poorly cast leg spots you and yells in surprise, garnering the attention of the others. 
“I mean no harm.” You say in your limited Middle Earth Westron. The dwarves continue to stare, dumbfounded, you sigh in frustration. “Ren de khazadul menu?” The question seems to snap them from their stupor and they murmur amongst themselves. You hear someone whisper in disbelief ‘She’s a dwarrow?!’ and you will yourself not to throttle the dwarf. “Men bi khaham Matoaka, Y/N L/N ai-menu duzhuk” 
An older dwarf with a round nose steps out from the crowd and bows “Balin, at your service azbadu men.” 
“Matoaka has your leader,” you admit to the two dwarves. Balin had taken you away from the camp and was accompanied by his much more aggressive brother, Dwalin, who grips his axe in anger from your words. “He’s being treated for arrow wounds.” You lean back and smirk at Dwalin, his brother quickly pulling him back as he tries to lunge at you. 
Dwalin shoves Balin back and whispers something harshly to him, both dwarves turn to you and eye the dagger stashed in your belt and the arrows on your back. Cautiously, you rise to your feet, both hands out to try and dissolve the situation. 
“I can explain, it’s not what you think.” you insist, slowly backing away from the furious Dwalin. “I promise you he’s being treated at the tribe, I can take you there.” 
You hear Balin try to coerce his brother with no success. When your back hits a tree Dwalin charges. Quickly you duck, his axe lodging into the trunk, you turn and kick him in the back giving you enough time to run to Balin and hold an arrow to his neck, muttering apologies as you do so.
“Listen to me dwarf!” You hiss facing Dwalin, who looks like he might implode with anger. “We are treating your leader, I can take your clan to the tribe.” 
“It’s clearly a trap!” He growls. You swear to the Valar in frustration, here you are offering a place for the imposters to seek shelter only to be met with violence.
“Think of your kin,” you nod to the camp, “They’re wounded, exhausted and now leaderless, the Matoaka are gentle folk. I know not where you come from, but here dwarves do not kill dwarves.”  you state and remove your arrow from Balin’s neck.
“We have to have trust brother.” Balin adds moving towards his brother who nods and storms off back to the camp. “Let us gather our belongings and then we’ll follow you.”
“You could’ve been hurt Y/N,” your father scolds you, once you had led the foreign dwarves into the tribe your father had summoned you. “Nothing good comes from your hastiness.” 
“I don’t believe they hold any threat father, they’re too injured to fight.” 
“But you didn’t know that before seeking them out,” he clarifies “What if they were waiting for you, you would’ve defended yourself with a bow and arrow?” 
“I’m fine Adad, I promise.” You insist. “Something has happened to these dwarves, they had no shelter and their supplies were running low. We have a duty to look after them.” You father smiles at your answer and chuckles.
“You’ll be a fearless leader one day, lukhudel. But do not forget to be wary.” He pauses and gestures to the door. “Now go to the infirmary, don’t think I didn’t notice your limp, get it wrapped before you do more damage to yourself.” You grin and take your leave, forgetting the arrogant dwarf who is currently residing in the infirmary.
Ren de khazadul menu? - Do you speak Khuzdul?
Men bi khaham Matoaka, Y/N L/N ai-menu duzhuk - My clan is Matoaka, my name is Y/N L/N
azbadu men - My lady
Adad - Father
lukhudel - Light of all lights
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
The Drawbacks of Protection (Thorin x Reader) 3/3
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Requested by @deepestfirefun​ : You’re a human girl (surprisingly small one) and Thorin´s One who is fiercely protective of you as are also Dwalin, Fili, and Kili, because of the fact that dwarves find their Ones very rarely these days and when they do, they don´t stop at anything to keep their companion safe and you have been with them from the beginning. So when there seems to be a murderer among the dwarves in Erebor that almost manages to kill you by shooting an arrow at your side, Thorin and his company´s rage is blown out of scale, especially Thorin who will make the culprit to pay what he tried to do.
Fandom: The hobbit (Thorin x Reader)
Genre: angsty angst
Warnings: mentions of death, graphic death, mentions of miscarriage
A/N: 3000 WORDS?!!! why do I find it so hard to write this much for uni lol. The third and final instalment of this series. Sorry for the extremely long wait I was debating whether to keep it 2 parts or 3. Lots of gruesome punishment just remember that dwarves are very fierce people, this level of punishment is quite normal to them. also daenerys watching her brother die is the same vibes as this :)
 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The door to your room creeks open and your husband enters the room. Meekly, he walks up to your bed, eyes cast downward. You watch him as he stands by your side, looking at your folded hands, refusing to meet your concerned gaze.
“Amralime?” you whisper in khuzdul. This one word alone makes him snap out of his daze to look towards you and you’re struck with the glossy guilt pooling in his eyes. 
You expected the company to blame themselves for your bed-ridden state, knowing the fiercely protective nature of dwarves. But you knew that their guilt was nothing in comparison to what Thorin must've felt when he saw you fall to the ground. 
You're battling with your own guilt too. Thorin had kept things from you just as you had kept things from him. You had been so excited to tell him after everything had calmed down.  
But there's no good news to tell now. Things have changed. You've been stabbed. The baby has died. 
How do you tell your husband that the baby, he knew nothing of, had bled to death inside of you. That you weren't strong enough to carry his unborn child. How can you add to the grief and guilt already plaguing his mind? 
“Y/N,” his voice hoarse “I am so sorry nunge.” Lifting a shaking hand he reaches to cup your cheek and you tense at his touch reflexively, the action making Thorin’s heart drop and your stomach knot. 
Everything hurts. Your wound throbs with pain and your head fills with anguish. It's too much. You've lost your baby, you nearly died, your husband blames himself for everything, you can't even let him touch you without flinching. It's all too much.
Thorin's arms hesitantly wrap around your frozen frame and you slowly melt into his touch as he whispers hushed words of comfort, rocking you back and forth like he would with a baby. Like the one you lost.
How can you tell him when he's blaming himself whilst he holds you? You wonder if it's better not to tell him. What he doesn't know won't kill him. Maybe it's best not to say anything and instead protect him from the truth.  
Isn't that what he did to you. Isn't that the reason you're lying here with a hole in your side? 
“I don't blame you Thorin. You were trying to protect me, it's not your fault.” You say softly exhaustion taking over your body, your eyelids becoming heavy.
Instead of replying, Thorin strips and slips into the king sized bed, wrapping himself around you, carefully avoiding your bandaged side.
You know the conversation isn't over. You know your words haven't really made a difference to his guilty conscience. Thorin holds you close to stop talking about himself, he wants to be here for you. But, you wonder how long this'll last. How long will you both be avoiding subjects? 
You lay in silence enjoying the comfort of your One, sleep slowly taking you. The company has already been informed that you're alive and healthy, but for now you need to rest. The problems the two of you face can wait until tomorrow. 
Thorin couldn't sleep. The entire night he finds himself listening to your breathing. Any short breaths or long pauses set his mind into a frenzy. He’s scared that if he closes his eyes you might not be here with him in the morning. Every time he does close his eyes, haunting images of your lifeless body engulfed in blood restrict him from getting any sleep. So instead he watches over.
You yourself struggle through the night. Although you manage to fall asleep, your mind is plagued with nightmares. You dream of the dwarf that put you in this state, his eyes never leave yours and the sick, sadistic smile haunts you. Once you’ve been stabbed the whole dream repeats itself. You never see Thorin come to save you, nor the company around you. Instead you're stuck in a paradox of pain, reliving the stabbing again and again.
You wake up drenched in sweat and panting. Tears streaming down your face as you clutch your empty womb. “The baby.” You whisper incoherently. “My baby!” You weep into your pillow. 
“Y/n?” You hear your husband whisper into the night. “What baby y/n?” His words shaking as he begins to piece the puzzle together.
“I'm s-so sorry T-thorin!” You cry unable to hold yourself together as you watch your king shake his head profusely, refusing to believe. “I was going to tell you after you caught the killer. W-when things we're calm T-thorin.” You clutch his hands in desperation hoping he'll understand.
His hands slip from yours as he hastily gets up and leaves the bed, pacing the room. You try to calm your cries as best you can, sobering from the nightmare, waiting for his reaction.
“You were pregnant?” He asks, his voice barely audible as he looks at you in disbelief. “We were going to have a baby?” All you can do is nod.
He shakes his head again, his knees barely lifting his body as he nears the foot of the bed. “No y/n please-no-tell me it's not true.” He mutters as he sinks to the floor his head resting on the mattress, fists balled in the sheets, he begins to cry.
You spring into action when you hear his soft sobs. You wince as you move to sit on the stone floor, resting his head onto your chest. Your motherly instincts kicking in, rocking the two of you  as he cries in your arms. You stay like this until the sun rises. 
“How did you know?” Thorin breaks the silence, his voice hoarse.
“The big sign was that I hadn't bled.” You smile, “and then Gloin came to give me my breakfast and I couldn't stand the smell of it, I can never say no to Gloins cooking, so I knew something must be wrong.” You laugh at the memory and feel Thorin smile as he sits up leaning against the mattress. 
“I'm sorry Y/n.” He says solemnly, and you see him staring at you. 
“It's not your fault Thorin. It's not my fault either.” You turn to look at him “and I know no matter how much I say this we'll still not believe it. But it's not our fault.”
“I failed as a husband y/n I couldn't project you.” 
“Then I failed as a mother Thorin because I couldn't protect our baby.” You snap back harshly, and sight. “you didn't stab me Thorin, that dwarf did. And you didn't kill all those guards, those dwarves did. I love you Thorin, but please...don't blame yourself.” You whisper, your hand trailing down his neck resting on his bare chest. He wraps his hands around your waist and lifts you easily into his lap, a warm contrast to the cold stone. 
“It's not your fault either y/n.” He says kissing into your hair. “I know you would never put that baby in harm's way. You will be a great mother amralime.” Silent tears stream down your face as you nod, playing with his hands. 
Loud knocks on the door brings you back to reality and you hastily wipe your face as Dealing walks in. 
“Thorin.” He stops shocked to see you both wide awake sitting on the floor, his eyes move to your tear stricken face and he sends you a tight lipped smile, before turning back to his king. “I managed to persuade him to talk. He's given us names.” 
You don't linger on how Dwalin persuaded the prisoner to talk, instead you smile at Thorin's worried gaze on you. Patting his chest and kissing his cheek, you reassure him to go. Thorin helps you stand you grip onto his arm turning to him.
“I want to be present at their trial.” You state. Thorin tenses and you hear Dwalin shuffle uncomfortably behind you. Eventually your husband nods and leaves. 
You sit beside your king in the throne room eyes locked onto the ten chained dwarves. There was no waiting with this trial. It was announced in the morning and now you sit in front of them. The throne room doors open and the public gasp as  two guards drag in a bruised and battered dwarf, his blond hair and beard stained with blood, he limps over to the rest of his group. 
Thorin slips his hand into yours and give you a gentle squeeze. Your own hand tightens as the dwarf locks eyes with you, his bruised, swollen lips curl into a grim smile. You return his stare with a cold look, wishing the worst of punishments for him. You look away when Thorin slips his hand out of yours and rises from his seat, the sound of his chair scraping the floor brings the throne room to silence. His voice echoing around the room asserting his power over the feeble prisoners. 
You zone out as the charges made against the traitors are read out. You didn’t come to listen to how they all think you’re weak and inferior. To hear just how long they had been plotting for your death, taunting the king with threats to your life. You came to see them die. Only once you see the life drain from their deceitful eyes will you be able to carry on with your life, and mourn the loss of your unborn child. 
Thorin sits beside you unmoving, and you pray to the Valar that his mind will also be able to rest when the trial is over. You take your enjoined hands onto your lap, playing with them to distract your dark thoughts, ignoring the feel of Thorin’s gaze. 
Once again, Thorin stands in front of the court to reveal his final verdict. You peer up at him watching the coldness in his eyes as he addresses the traitors. 
“You have all confessed to your treacherous crimes, to the plot of murdering your queen,” You flinch at the hardness in his voice, Thorin himself pauses slightly. “And to the deaths of members of our guards. For these offences against the state I sentence you all to death” You look down hiding your relieved smile. Even though you and everyone else in the room knew this would be the outcome, to hear those words being uttered out loud set you at ease. 
As the court and the rest of the public gather outside for the public execution, you watch by Thorin’s side as Dwalin sharpens his axe in front of the crowd and the line of prisoners. The first prisoner, a stocky round nosed dwarf, is dragged to the podium by the guards. Struggling to break free, you see tears streaming down his face and wonder if he had a family, a child of his own.  His neck is forced onto the slab of stone, Dwalin muttering something to him, that still his frantic movements. 
In one swift blow Dwalin heaves the axe down onto his neck, and the prisoners head drops to the floor, blood gushing out of his neck, staining the wooden podium. Thorin faces you, blocking your view of the graphic scene, with his broad chest.
“You don’t have to watch this Y/N, I can take you back to bed to rest” He whispers into your ear. You look up at him and shake your head gently, dismissing his concerned gaze and move him back to your side.
You watch as the prisoners come and go, laying their heads on the wet, bloody slab and meet their fate. On some occasions you watch their body twitch as Dwalin strikes them again to decapitate them fully. Before the next one comes to the podium guards mount the decapitated heads and bury them into the ground for all to see.
When the second to last dwarf is brought to the podium, you turn to your husband, looking him in the eye with confidence.
“Let me do this one.” You implore, Thorin’s gaze snapping to you in disbelief. He opens his mouth to retort but you cut him off. “He’s the one who killed Ernad, Thorin, let me avenge his death.” You plead. They had found that this particular dwarf had murdered the soldier assigned to protect you. Ernad, was a close friend of yours and gave his life serving you, you owe it to his family to take the dwarf’s life. 
Thorin shuts his eyes in frustration and holds his hand up, stopping Dwalin. “I hope this brings you the peace you’re looking for lukhudel.” 
As you step onto the podium the crowd begins to murmur, Dwalin looks at you confused when you walk over to him reaching out for his axe. His eyes widen and he questioningly looks over at Thorin, who must’ve nodded in approval for Dwalin hands you the weapon.
The prisoner walks over to the slab motionless, he didn’t say anything during the trial and he says nothing now. He doesn’t even look at you when bows his head ready for execution. The axe suddenly feels heavy in your grip as you think of what you’re about to do. This isn’t the first time you’ve taken a dwarfs life. Flashbacks of stabbing your attacker in the throat come to mind. Your vision obstructed by the memories of the blood oozing from his neck onto your hands. The same hands that will kill this man now. 
You look over to your One. Thorin already watching you, seeing the tears brimming in your eyes he gives you a single nod. You asked to do this, finish it. Blinking back the tears you bring the axe over your head and with all your might strike the murderer. The spray of blood stains you, just like last time, and the head drops to the ground. 
You hand the axe back to Dwalin and walk over to Thorin’s side again. 
“You instigated this whole plot.” Thorin exclaims to the final traitor, the bruised and battered dwarf stands alone. “I won’t let you die swiftly like the others.” You hold your breath when you see soldiers roll in a cauldron of molten lead, and you know what Thorin intends. 
The prisoner starts to plead for mercy as Thorin leaves you and starts walking to the cauldron. The guards around him push him to his knees, forcing his mouth open, his face facing the bleak sky. You see tears run down his swollen face as he bawls incoherent shouts for help. Thorin takes the ladle of molten metal and grabs the traitor by his hair, pulling him towards him. The look on Thorin’s face a stark contrast to the crying dwarf a few hours earlier. 
Holding the dwarf down the King pours the contents of the ladle down his throat, screams of agony echo across the land, as the leads starts to deform his body. You look away not being able to watch his body breakdown. The sounds of pain relinquish and you hear the crowd disperse after Thorin short warning, but still you do not turn back in fear of what you will find.
You feel your husbands presence behind you and he silently leads you back to your shared room. The both of you enter the warm room, Thorin seating you on the bed. Only now do you feel the ache on your side, you’re lucky the wound hasn’t reopened after lifting the heavy axe. 
Thorin comes back into the room with a basin of water and fresh bandages. He takes off your tunic, warm hands brushing your cool skin as he rewraps your wound. You watch him as he soaks a cloth in the basin, his brows furrowed slightly and you wonder what plagues him mind. He returns your gaze when he lifts your chin up and wipes the dry blood that had splattered on your face and hands
The trial is over. The dwarves responsible for the deaths of your soldiers, for your injuries, and for the death of your unborn. 
“Why don’t I feel any different Thorin.” You whimper into the silence. Thorin stops and looks up at you, closing his eyes and nods in agreement, he brings you into his embrace. 
“It will amralime,” he vows “this is just the beginning I promise.” 
The two of you stay like this, Thorin reassuring you with hushed words of endearments, rocking you back and forth as he set both your minds at ease. 
This is just the beginning, the beginning of a long road to recovery both physically and mentally. You don’t know how long it will take to return to yourself. However, you know that you’re not alone in your pain, Thorin holds you now as he vows to in the future, guiding you through whatever comes next, loving you no matter what. 
Amralime - my love
Nunge- my flower
Lukhudel - light of all lights
@letsbeinspiredby @tschrist1 @red608 @sacredburial24 @jumpingmanatee @ruruly20 @neoqueen306 @marvel-trash-was-taken @catthefearless​​ @slowlyyoungangel​
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Btw, I wanted to say that I just love your works! All of them are so fluffy and amazing! 💕💕💕 I also hope that I haven't sent the same request twice (I have a hard time remembering which request I sent to whom).
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AWWW Thankyouuuu!! Yeah I got your request dw just know that I post when I want (⚆ _ ⚆) so could be a while from now :))))
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Hello! 😀 Can I request a Thorin one-shot (or mini-series) about him and the Reader being in love with each other since childhood (him being a prince and her being the daughter of the Captain of the Guard). R has always been knowm as the odd dwarrowdam - smart, incredibly funny, amd no-nonsense woman who prefers learning hpw to fight than sew. After Smaug's attack, her and Thorin try to lead their people together - thus earning their respect (as an Oakenshield and a Fireheart).
OOOOOooo I love a good series that will take an eternity to finish and to distract me from the other series I need to finish! This is coolll I like this a lot will definitely write something soon! 
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if the third part to The Drawbacks of protection was written because I tried to click on the Part three in your masterlist but it didn't work.
HI part three hasn’t been written yet, but it’ll be out tomorrow. I’ll add you to the taglist :)
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Hi lovely! I’ve just read The Drawbacks of Protection and I bloody love it! 😍 I’m desperate for some extreme Thorin comfort now though and for that prisoner to meet his true punishment 😂😅 the fact that the Queen killed the one who stabbed her though.. strong lady!! He’s lucky tbh.. doesn’t have to face Thorin! Could I be added to the tag list please? Thankyouuu ❤️x
THANK YOU!! This means so much to me!! 
 I know this is late hope you’re still in the mood for Thorin comfort bc part 3 will be out tomorrow and dw the prisoners will definitely be punished...
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
Pocahontas (Thorin X Reader) - Chp2
 Story summary: Set before the quest for Erebor. Homeless and wounded after the Battle of Moria, Thorin and his kin find shelter in an ancient dwarven tribe. He meets the Chiefs daughter who teaches him the ways of the tribe and the beauty of nature.
Fandom: the Hobbit/Pocahontas
Warnings: none
“Italics” = Khuzdul
You couldn't sleep. So instead of tossing and turning in bed, you go for a stroll to the small pond, away from the village, and fill your jug with water. 
Wading into the shallow waters, not caring for your nightdress, you admire the glistening pond in the moonlight, deciding whether or not you should take a quick bath, whilst you fill up your pot. 
Your thoughts are cut off when you hear a quick, sudden yell and a ferocious splash as a figure jumps into the pond, spraying you in the process. Stunned, you gape in surprise as the intruder jumps up and freezes in front of you.
A dwarf? A handsome, soaking wet dwarf stands 5 feet away from you. Piercing blue eyes flicker to assess you. You too, give him a once over, your eyes pulled from his drenched tunic that sticks to his firm body like a second skin, and rest warily on the sword that's gripped loosely in his right hand. You keep your eyes trained on his weapon even when he breaks the silence. 
Yet, as you hear the words tumble from his mouth you gaze up at him in confusion, not understanding his language. Does this dwarf not speak Khuzdul? 
He looks at you expectedly and you tilt your head in curiosity. Having been brought up in the tribe, it was extremely rare to get visitors and although this intruder is a dwarf, he varied from the dwarves you've been surrounded with all your life.
"Who are you?" You ask in your native tongue. The dwarf's eyes widen in shock when he hears you speak.
"You're a dwarf?!" He asks incredulously and you frown in offence. Do you not look like a dwarrow?! "I apologise I meant no offence. It's just where I'm from our females tend to have beards and are a lot more stocky." He quickly mends his previous statement. 
You give a curt nod and eye him warily. Though he may be a dwarf he's still an outsider, one who came to attack, you think as you gaze upon the sword again. 
Seeing this, he lifts his sword up and you reflexively turn from the blade, rushing from his strike and out of the pond, ignoring his shouts of reassurance. You turn back to see his sword sheathed and him running over to you. 
In a sudden panic you sprint through the forest, your attacker hot on your heels. Weaving your way through the thick foliage hoping he'll lose sight of you and turn back. But he doesn't. 
So you lead him to your tribe, knowing there are enough warriors to take on one disheveled dwarf. You twist and turn along the path and see the tribe in the distance. You're about to take a sudden right when a hand latches onto your wrist and yanks you back to the forest floor. 
You look up and see the brute of a dwarf hovering over you, his touch surprisingly gentle for an attacker. Thinking quickly, you buck your hips and with a forceful tug, switch positions. Reaching for the small dagger at his side you hold it tightly against his throat. 
"You beast!" you hiss in anger. "Who are you?!" The ends of your hair tickle his cheek as you lean in closer, snarling in his face.
"I am Thor-"
"Y/N?" A familiar voice interrupts from behind you. You bolt up in surprise and look at Kafrumi Greybow, the tribes best warrior and your intended.
"Kafrumi, this dwarf attacked me at askad-zâram." You say gesturing to the attacker, who's name you still don't know, under you. 
When you turn back to the dwarf he reaches out and knocks you over, turns you around and pulls you to his front the dagger now in his hand as he holds it to your throat. You curse in Khuzdul and try to wiggle out of his arms but his iron grip doesn't let you do much. 
"Squirm some more girl, it's nice having you pressed against me." He whispers arrogantly into your ear.
Thorin was panicking. Here he was, Valar knows how far from his camp, holding some kind of tribal girl at knifepoint. He looks up at the warrior, Kafrumi, who aims his arrow straight at him. However, all Thorin can really think about, isn't imminent death, but the little slip of a dwarrow who writhes against him. 
"Squirm some more girl, it's nice having you pressed against me." He couldn't help whispering into your ear. At his words you immediately freeze.
"Namin men faslmaganu zhamur!" Thorin’s eyes go wide at your quick insult and he chuckles as he gazes back at the warrior.
"Let Y/N go." He says slowly, pulling the string of his bow threateningly. Y/N, he'd have to remember that for later.
"I mean no trouble, warrior, my people are camping in this forest. I only wish to return to them and leave peacefully." Thorin replies carefully.
"Let Y/N go." Kafrumi says again his voice harder than before.
"I'm afraid I can't do that." Thorin shakes his head and takes one step away from the warrior, with the girl still in his arms.
And then the arrow is suddenly embedded in Thorin's leg. Seeing another one soaring to his throat, he pushes the small dwarrow away and turns slightly, the arrow nestling into his shoulder instead. 
Thorin drops to his knees from the speed of the arrow. In his dazed state he raises his hands to his shoulder and pulls the arrow out, making the wound bleed profusely. 
He barely hears the girl shout something in annoyance, and sees her walk over to him, her long, inky hair flowing in the wind and she crouches down to him, her face scrunched up in irritation. 
Her big brown eyes are the last thing Thorin sees before he gives in to the darkness and falls limply in her arms. 
Namin men faslmaganu zhamur! = kiss my hairy balls!
@j25m18c24 @spooookyscary @waddles03
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blissfullyshipping · 5 years
BLESS YOU CHILD THANKSS!! kinda late to reply to this but still very appreciatedd :))
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