blogdramos19 · 5 years
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My photographs represent the connection ghat a family has while exploring the city of a Chicago on there first time vacation in the city. I was insipired to take these pictures because the family has never been in the city of Chicago. I wanted to take these photographs because it’s a good memory for people to explore. These images reflect the use of tools such as photoshop, exposure, lightning. Families should be able to enjoy their spring and remember their trips.
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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Exquisite Corpse
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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PHOTOSHOP Lesson by Amanda
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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First Photoshop
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
Damaris Ramos
QCQ: Annie Leibovitz Life Through A Lens 2006
Quote: “When you are raised in a car it was easy to become an artist because we saw the world through an already have a frame car window.That was how you saw the world.”
Comment: I believe that once you have been in such a hard moment living in the car or somewhere where is difficult. A person gets to admire nature and everything that the world has to offer. When you are in a car through the window you can cut the perfect and see and image and probably think how a person could see different angles through a car window. Personally I travel a lot in car and sometimes when I look out through the window I see how the landscape is different and see different angles.
Question: Do people see nature through a car window?
Have you guys picture a photograph with our actually taking a picture?
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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Rembrant EV: Overexposed by +2 and +1, EV: Underexposed by -2and -1
& Butterfly Ev:Balanced at 0, Warm, Neutral,Cool.
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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Project 2: Portrait
Name:Edwin Najarro🐥
Interest: Fornite and soccer
Occupation: Full time student and Part time worker
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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Depth of field.
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
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Jennifer Marin
Occupation : Full time student
Interest: Makeup 💄💋
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blogdramos19 · 5 years
QCQ #1
Quote: In the documentary Everybody Street, photographer  Joel Meyerowitz said, “Responding to things and at the same time you are learning what they mean to you. What does a gesture signify? What does a certain kind of person make you feel like? Learn to deepen your way of reading these signs”.  Meyerowitz also mentions taking picures, “ A way of learning your culture. Which I think is a fascination for photographers.”
Comment: I believe that once someone has found the passion to become a photographer it just becomes a habit of seeing things differently. Having cousins that is a photographer she has told me  once you see something it talks to you and makes you feel some type of way and you have to take a picture. In a way I do agree that once you know photography and what it really means to you then you would find signs or simple things that would talk to you in advance,that you would find them unique. Something that really inspired me or made me realize that I am not just taking this class for fun but that I would actually want to learn is when Meyerowitz said, “ A way of learning your culture.” Me personally I really enjoy my Mexican culture and I know that their are many things that would be great,to find their beauty and see how they talk in a photograph in order to make it speak to other persons as well. Something I have heard as I grow up is,“ A photograph speaks more  than a thousand words.” Joel Meyerowitz has inspired me to see things differently when I want to take a photograph.
Question:  Mr.Benavides have you experienced the moment when you analyze an object or something that you would like to photograph? Question to my classmates; Do you guys think that a photographer could find their culture through photographs? Can a photograph change how people view things
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