Do You Know the Foods that Trigger Headaches?
The migraine that shows stars in the daytime and gives nightmares in the night are caused not only due to hormonal changes or imbalances in your brain chemicals but also due to some other reasons as well and one among them is your eating habits. Dr Vikram neurologist (Migraine Specialist Doctor in Hyderabad) Said Several scientific studies have shown the role of some foods and a few substances in foods that cause migraine or headache in many people. You may also have noticed on several occasions that after eating some type of food your head began to throb. This might probably be due to some ingredients in the food that induced a headache.
There is no specific diet as such for people with migraine, but you can do one thing: every time you get a headache owing to some food, then make a note of it and avoid that food completely. This is a general rule. However, there are some very specific foods that trigger a migraine, they are mentioned below:
Can alcohol be your migraine trigger – next time when you drink just pay heed to it; if yes, then avoid it. For your information – if you ask this question to at least 3 people who get migraine: “Is alcohol causing your headache?” – one would definitely say yes; which means alcohol does indeed trigger a migraine. Why is it so – the reason is simple: it dehydrates you and has some chemicals that prompt your headache, but many doctors are not sure why?
Processed foods and other preserved foods
Don’t blame boozing alone for your migraines, as there are few more culprits, which you normally think would not do so, but they do as evidence suggests their role in triggering migraines. The food additive – monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used by many fast food centres and restaurants to enhance flavour. It is also added to many packaged and processed foods. Therefore, next time when you notice that your tasty and spicy potato chips, burgers, spring rolls, chicken pizzas, Franky’s are making you suffer, then immediately quit them because the culprit in all of them is your MSG.
Nitrates and nitrites: Nitrates or nitrites can cause a headache if you are sensitive to them. They are mostly found in processed meat and meat products – lunch meat, hot dogs, etc. Next time when you get a headache after eating such meats and meat products, avoid them without blinking an eye.
If you ask me – “does coffee cause headache or trigger migraine?”
And, if I say yes, you would tell me, “What doctor! coffee relieves headache.”
Yes, you are partially right, but the real fact is this: Coffee both relieves and triggers a headache. Coffee in combination with other pain relievers is quite effective in easing headache, but coffee in excess may cause coffee rebound or withdrawal, which may trigger migraine or headache. If you drink two cups a day and miss one or drink three cups and miss one –then you would get withdrawal. Therefore, set your routine and follow it, but remember don’t overdo – which means don’t drink coffee in excess. Apart from coffee, caffeine is also present in beverages, chocolates and over-the-counter pain relievers – therefore, check your intake judiciously to ensure that you are not becoming prone to coffee rebound or withdrawal.
Other Foods
Cheese and foods containing aged cheese including cheddar, parmesan and Swiss may trigger migraine because cheese contains tyramine – a chemical that triggers a migraine. Even some nuts, beans, pickles, oils and processed meat contain this chemical –owing to which they trigger a migraine.
These are the few foods and some constituents of foods that are capable of triggering migraines. Though the list is quite comprehensive but not exhaustive as there are many other foods that are capable of inducing migraine including chocolates, dairy products – buttermilk, curd, yoghurt; pastries, cakes, raisins, figs, avocados, and so on. In addition to these food items, the foods that are coloured with yellow dye (sweetened drinks, candy, snacks) and soda sweetened with aspartame can also trigger a migraine. You are the best judge to keep a track of them and avoid them when you find them troubling you a lot by giving you pulsating and throbbing headaches.
For more information 
please visit the Best Neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad
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Types of Headaches – Knowing the Symptoms is Important
Types of headaches: If you know the symptoms associated with your headaches, you will be able to distinguish the types of headaches. And, identification of different types of headaches will become easy for your neurologist also when he knows the symptoms associated with your headache. Knowing your symptoms is important because some headaches may be due to some unknown health condition or a problem which is not yet diagnosed. In some cases, your headache may be due to a very serious health issue – which may require immediate medical attention. I Recommend Dr. Vikram Neurologist, Best Neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad. he treats all types of neurological conditions including headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, body pains, back pain, weakness in hands and legs. he also possesses hands-on experience in treating epilepsy and stroke patients. 
Whatever may be the case, knowing the symptoms associated with your headache is important.
Based on the cause, headaches can be classified as follows:
Primary headache
It is a headache owing to hyperactivity of internal brain chemicals or owing to some issues associated with the pain receptors of the body. But in general, this type of headache is not due to any serious health issue. However, there are some factors that play some sort of role in primary headaches including blood circulation, blood vessels, nerves, hormones and some chemicals in the brain and muscles.
Stress-related headaches, headaches following any tiring physical activities or exertion; migraines, cluster headaches are the typical examples of primary headaches. Sometimes, some types of headaches are associated with some underlying disease or condition – such as fever, cold, flu, allergies and even after sexual intercourse as well. Even these types of headaches are considered as primary headaches. In some cases, the primary headaches may also be due to some lifestyle-related issues such as sleeplessness, drug abuse, excessive alcohol consumption; improper body postures, anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, and eating habits.
Secondary Headache
If a headache is due to any disease or illness or due to a secondary cause, then it is termed as a secondary headache. Any health condition, disease or illness capable of inducing pain-sensitive nerves for prompting headache is able to induce secondary headaches. An individual may be subjected to a secondary headache owing to  several types of such conditions including dental problems, issues associated with the vagus nerve, excessive stress, hangovers, brain stroke, ear infection, cold, high fever, sinusitis, head injury, internal bleeding due to brain aneurysm,  high blood pressure, brain infections, meningitis, encephalitis, inflammation due to brain infection, irritation of the facial, dental and brain nerves due to neuralgia, headaches due to dental cavities – owing to tooth sensitivity, headaches occurring after consuming cold food items like pastries and ice-creams, and after drinking chilled soft drinks.
When should you visit a doctor?
When your headache is very severe and sudden and whenever you feel that this is the very trivial headache you have had in your life, then you should immediately seek medical help.
Sometimes it becomes very difficult for you to know the type of headache you have. And therefore, whenever you are a bit skeptical about the types of headaches and unable to judge which type of headache you are suffering from. It is better to seek medical help. At times, headaches occur suddenly and become very severe in a matter of a few minutes or hours. If it is the case, then contact your neurologist and seek his or her help immediately without wasting any time.
Some types of headaches don’t get better even after taking over-the-counter medicines. If you are taking pain relievers on a regular basis and have done so for a week or so, without getting any sort of relief from your headaches, then, you should immediately call your neurologist and seek his or her appointment. Such types of headaches should never be neglected at any cost as they may signal some sort of underlying health condition, which may require medical intervention. Such types of headaches may fall under meningitis, encephalitis or stroke-related headaches.
When should you seek emergency care?
Emergency care becomes pertinent for you – in other words, becomes compulsory – if your headaches are accompanied with the following symptoms:
Drooping face, difficulty moving the tongue, trouble speaking, listening and understanding
Severe body pain, high fever (greater than 102 F to 104 F (39 C to 40 C) and stiff neck
Trouble walking and moving around
Trouble seeing and sudden sight issues
Confusion, hallucinations or Delirium
Weakness in one side of the body particularly in one arm and leg
Drooping hand and face one side
Weakness in one or both the arms
Faintness, sudden vomiting
Nausea and vomiting if it is not related to migraine, flu or cold or to any other health issue
Numbness, body weakness or paralysis on one side
for more Information visit Best Neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad
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Migraine Symptoms – Everything You Must Know
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Migraine symptoms
A pulsating sensation or throbbing pain.
The pain is severe and usually felt on one side of the head.
Sensitivity to light and sound.
Nausea or vomiting sensation.
Throbbing pain in the temple region of the head
Aura occurs with migraine – before or after headache.
Tingling in the leg or arm; blind spots and flashes of light are the symptoms associated with aura following a migraine. All these are common migraine symptoms.  If you need to consult a doctor, visit Dr. Vikram Neurologist (Best Neurologist in Hyderabad)
Migraines may progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome.
Prodrome: a day before a migraine – some subtle changes happen signaling upcoming migraine.
The changes may include mood changes
Episodes of euphoria or depression
Neck stiffness
Increased thirst and urination
Frequent yawning
Food cravings
These are the symptoms associated with the nervous system. The aura may occur before a migraine or associated with migraine headaches. Migraines may or may not be associated with auras. A person may feel disturbances in the vision in the form of wavy, zigzag vision and flashes of light. Sometimes, the affected person may feel speech disturbances (verbal aura), motor disturbances (movement related) and sensory disturbances (touching sensations). This may be due to weakness in the muscles.
Symptoms associated with auras develop gradually and last for several minutes to an hour.
Visual – the person may see different shapes, spots or flashes of light; blurry vision.
Jerky or uncontrolled movement of legs.
Musical sensations or noises.
Speaking difficulty.
Pins and needles sensations in an arm or leg.
Weakness or numbness in the face or one side of the body.
Migraine with aura may be associated with limb weakness (hemiplegic migraine).
Postdrome is the final phase of a migraine attack. By this time, the patient may feel completely drained and washed out. However, some individuals may become elated. During this period – which may last for about 24 hours the affected person may feel weakness, dizziness, moodiness and confusion and sensitivity to sound and light – the typical migraine symptoms.
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These 10 brain damaging habits that you must stop immediately
1. Stress
stress can have a negative effect all over the body. Situational stress is actually a good thing that prepares the body to fight or flee in the face of danger, but when your lifestyle includes chronic stress, the hormone cortisol builds up in the brain and causes lasting damage.
Not only can it kill brain cells, it actually causes the brain to shrink. When this shrinking effect hits the prefrontal cortex, your ability to learn and remember becomes impacted. It is imperative that you find a way to relax before it’s too late.
2. Smoking Cigarette
It’s never too late to give up one of the most dangerous of lifestyle habits known to man. Because of the damage to the lungs, oxygen transport throughout the body including the brain is hindered and laced with toxins. Smoking can ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s, dementia and shrinking of brain tissues. I would suggest you consult Dr. Vikram Neurologist(Famous Neurophysician in Hyderabad) if you have any critical issues.
3. Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast even if you’re on a weight-loss routine is the most dangerous thing you can do. After a long interval of fasting after dinner from the previous night, the body needs to be replenished with electrolytes and nutrients which influence the transport of oxygen to the brain. Thus you are depriving your brain of vital nourishment which will lead to degeneration of the brain.
4.High Sugar consumption
Sugar is one of the most dangerous ingredients known to man. High sugar by way of processed foods and fruit juices, carbonated beverages, sweets and cakes can impact the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients. This can result in malnourishment, obesity, poor brain function and poor health. Avoid the sugar and you will see how it will provide numerous benefits for your health.
5. Lack of Stimulated thinking
Exercising your brain is good for you. Remaining indifferent to every situation in life and not thinking nor trying to work out solutions for you is bad for mental development. Ponder over something, think on a topic, stimulate your brain to open up new means of intellectual activity in your brain or else as they say it will rust.
Not utilizing your brain is one of the easiest ways to damage your brain because the more you use it the more it grows.
6.Excessive cell phone use
The health risks associated with excessive mobile phone use are inconclusive. Yet, researchers have linked high mobile phone use to sleep disturbances and depressive symptoms in men. A report in The Times of India claimed that a study done by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) found an increased risk of a brain tumor on long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation.
7. Lack of sleep
Sleep deprivation has a severe effect on your brain. A study was done by the WHO found that a lack of sleep can cause damage to the brain and result in early memory loss, or Alzheimer’s disease. This happens because sleep allows the brain to cleanse itself of toxins that might have built up during waking hours. But, this process doesn’t take place when you’re sleep deprived, thus causing brain damage. Hence, sleep is crucial to keeping your brain healthy and fit.
8. eating a meal while watching tv or computer
The attention given on watching TV can distract a person from his eating behavior in a sense that it prevents the body from paying attention to the “internal processing food cues” as well as the “exerting the habitual dietary restraint.”
Studies show that television can have an effect on one’s food intake– this extends even after watching TV, affecting later consumption. Particularly, watching TV during lunch hours increases the afternoon snack intake.
9. Dehydration
The lack of water in our body also affects our brain cells. Try to drink 8 glasses a water a day and maintain the well-being of your brain. I would recommend you the best neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad.
10. habit of blocking /stoping urine.
Causes of urinary retention include an obstruction in the urinary tract such as an enlarged prostate or bladder stones, infections that cause swelling or irritation, nerve problems that interfere with signals between the brain and the bladder, medications, constipation, urethral stricture, or a weak bladder muscle.
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Top 5 Activities to Improve Mental Health
To stay fit and healthy, exercise is an important part of our life – this is a universally accepted truth. The same principle governs brain or mind as well – which means, those who are mentally active they will remain physically active and vice versa – physical strength improves mental strength and mental fitness or mental well-being improves physical strength. Physical activities or exercises that are intended to improve mental functions may help keep the brain active with proper blood circulation, which in turn helps improve memory, cognitive abilities, balance, coordination, agility, and alertness. Physical activities perform routinely can help prevent age-related degenerative diseases of the nervous system.
Those who want to improve both physical and mental strength; they can do the following activities:
Aerobic exercise- 30 minutes of these exercises will not only keep your heart in good shape but also keep your brain active & healthy. Regular exercise or even a simple activity like walking down the street for about 15 to 20 minutes daily; climbing stairs; minimizing the usage of elevators and avoiding sitting for long hours by taking intermittent breaks and stretching will be enough to keep your brain healthy. According to several research studies – physical activity helps make your brain strong enough to prevent its shrinkage and improve cognitive abilities.
Stretching: Active stretching is good for your brain and also for your muscles. You can learn stretching as lots of videos are available online or you can even perform the basic stretching that you know. Remember only one thing while stretching your body parts that you should hold each stretch for only a few seconds – which will help in improving blood circulation and flexibility of the joints. If you are performing stretching in a gym, then you can use power plates to help you stretch. In general, stretching helps repair your body and make it ready for everyday chores.
Core Exercise for balance and stability – There are nearly 29 core muscles that are located mostly in the abdomen, pelvis, and back. They are helpful in movement and better coordination and stability. If you strengthen them, then they can protect your abdomen, back, spine and pelvis and make you less prone to injury. Thus, you can get better balance and stability. Even yoga is good for strengthening the core muscles.
Strength Training- While doing exercise; put some weight for strength training. Gradually increase the weight according to the advice of the trainer. This will help improve muscle mass and flexibility and make you fit both mentally and physically. Your exercise program should include a set of strength training to augment the prospective physical and mental health benefits of your regular exercise regimen. Select the weight for strength training in such a way that it should be heavy enough to be done in fewer than 10 repetitions and light enough to allow you to do at least four repetitions.
Meditation- It is a powerful form of continuous and profound mind training practice wherein you control your mind and take yourself to a different level where your soul meets your mind. During the initial stage, it is really impossible to control your mind because of your stress, tension, and problems do not keep your mind stable and this lead to many problems. But, the continuous practice can definitely help you to control your mind and body.
It does not matter at what stage of life you are in; hit the deck as soon as possible to start reaping the benefits. Make a routine and get ready to face all sorts of circumstances in your life as you are going to become stronger, logical, fitter and intelligent to fight age-related mental disorders. If you are still in dilemma owing to your health or any pre-existing conditions, then consult your doctor to know which activity would be better for you to start with. consult the famous neuro physician in Hyderabad. Within a few weeks you will start seeing the benefits as your memory improves, mood stabilizes, stress vanishes and you will become more productive at work.
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Myths and Facts about Schizophrenia
A person suffering from schizophrenia should be in a mental hospital
Mental illness has become very common among the masses now as there is no age bar anyone can get affected by one or the other form of mental illness. Therefore, experts and physicians have now understood in-depth about mental illness; and hence, they don’t recommend many people to mental healthcare facilities for a long-term stay. Similar is the case with schizophrenia as well. Schizophrenics can happily live with their friends and family members and with support groups in communities while undergoing the treatment. I would suggest the best neurologist doctor in Hyderabad ( Dr. Vikram Neurologist) if you need to consult a doctor.
Rest can help ease the symptoms of schizophrenia
Though schizophrenia is to some extent a bad case of the nerves as an individual with this illness suffers from immense anxiety, fear, paranoia – which could be primary symptoms or secondary symptoms to any other perceptual event. In either case, taking rest won’t help much. Therefore, a relaxing, soothing and muscle stretching massage at an isolated spa will not help cure the condition.
A person with schizophrenia finds it difficult to hold a job
Individuals suffering from schizophrenia are not very great at work, but it doesn’t mean that they lack the skills and expertise to work. The difficulties that they face owing to the day-to-day requirements could make them harder to go to the work on a regular basis and keep in good shape – both physically and mentally. However, early detection and diagnosis of the condition and treatment given in time may help such people find a job and retain it longer.
Schizophrenia makes people lazy
This is not always true because the persons with this problem do find it difficult to take care of the daily chores and routine activities that keep them healthy and fit. Means, if a person with this condition is not taking bath and dressing properly, then he or she may not be lazy, but they need some help – if it is given, then they will be back on the track.
A person with schizophrenia can never recover from it
This is not always true because schizophrenia is, at times, difficult to treat, but not always possibly remain as it is in an individual. According to the statistics with an apt treatment approach, therapy and counseling, about 25% of people can completely recover from it. The symptoms will improve in another 50% of the people and most of the people can live complete productive lives.
People with schizophrenia can’t be good friends, neighbors, parents, and employees
Not all mental illnesses are debilitating and chronic, and therefore, for people suffering from any mental illness, their inability or ability to fulfill the social requirements may depend on the severity of their illness and their ability to achieve and maintain stable recovery from the condition and its ill effects. However, for chronic patients or severely ill individuals, the condition could be debilitating and would not allow them to manage such roles and social requirements efficiently – but still, it does not mean that schizophrenics can't be good friends, parents, employees or neighbors.
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Health Benefits of Walnuts
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids
A diet rich in omega-3s helps reduce depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Omega-3 fatty acids counter inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.
Reduce the risk of diabetes
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, women who ate one ounce (30 g) of nuts five times per
The week had reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost 30% compared to those who rarely or never ate nuts. The mono- and polyunsaturated fats in nuts are good for insulin sensitivity.
Contain antioxidants that boost heart health
A new study from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania has shown that walnuts have top quality antioxidants than any other nut.
Do You Know?
In China, pairs of walnuts have traditionally been rotated and played within the palm of the hand, both as a means to stimulate blood circulation and as a status symbol. Pairs of large, old and symmetrically shaped walnuts are valued highly and have recently been used as an investment, with some of them fetching thousands of dollars.
consult Dr. Vikram Neurologist ( Best Neurologist in Hyderabad) If you need to consult the neurologist Doctor.
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Don’t Get Paranoid – Consult A Doctor, It Might Be Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is not an alien term these days – rather, a disease which victimizes persons in their early adulthood or late adolescence. Schizophrenia is a disease which doesn’t leave its victim with ease and make them struggle for life. The common characteristics of the disease can be hallucinations, cognitive difficulties, and delusions. Schizophrenia affects the minimum percentage in every group of the population. The symptoms are noticeable as disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, and paranoia. Don’t get paranoid, consult the Doctor immediately, Visit Best neurologist in Hyderabad
The causes
There is not a single cause behind the onset of this disease; rather a combination of factors including:
Genes: If there is a family history of schizophrenia in the past, then there are chances that it can affect the present members as well.
Family: Although, there is no exact report that family can be the reason of schizophrenia one can’t ignore the adverse impacts of family issues in the mind of the patient.
Environment: Before the onset of this disease, the patient grows anxiety, less focus on their works and daily routines, and bad temper. This can cause problems in relationships, divorce, and unemployment in the workplace.
Chemicals and drug abuse: Intake of certain drugs like LSD and cannabis can cause schizophrenic relapses. Usage of an excessive amount of cannabis can act as a trigger in the first round of psychosis.
Imbalances in the brain: Imbalance of serotonin and dopamine can hamper the mind with the onset of the disease.
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
The symptoms of this disease are very complex and differ from person to person. Which means one can’t almost relate to two different patients who have schizophrenia. But there are certain generic symptoms one can always rely on.
Delusions: Delusions can also take many forms – as if delusions of persecutions, delusions of phobias, delusions of premonitions, etc. The affected persons might think themselves as the most powerful persons on this planet or even consider others as their controller.
Disorder in the thought process: The person might start rambling out of the blue, within a meaningful conversation.
Hallucinations: People with schizophrenia may experience a plethora of hallucinations, but the common ones include hearing voices, seeing things which are not there or tasting something with a difference.
Unaware of their illness: A schizophrenic patient is always averse to the medications. Because they always think that they are well and nothing has happened to them.
With proper diagnosis, one can combat any illnesses
The key to the diagnosis of schizophrenia is proper observance. A doctor observes his or her patients and asks for the past records of the patient if the disease is suspected. Certain tests can be deployable to check for symptoms of schizophrenia.
An assessment of the mental state of the patient by asking the person about his fatal tendencies, mood swings and by observing the person’s personality and traits can be helpful.
The primary treatment is medication. But strict adherence to the dosages is of utmost importance. It is normal that the patient goes into a state of denial and denies that they are a patient and thus, rejects the medicine. This can lead to further worsening of the conditions. It requires a long-term commitment from both the medical as well as the social fraternity. Patients may take a long time to recover, but with proper support of family, friends and other services in the community, one can challenge and come out of this disease. For More visit best neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad
Neuro Specialist in Hyderabad
Migraine Neuro specialist in Hyderabad 
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Are You at Risk of Stroke?
High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of plaques formation (fatty deposits. Arteries become narrow due to fatty acid deposits. This process of narrowing down of arteries continue over a period of time and suddenly the arteries completely get blocked. When this happens the blood supply to the brain gets interrupted and stroke occurs. Individuals with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and excessive body weight are prone to stroke.
About Stroke
A stroke occurs due to blocked blood vessels owing to the formation of blood clots or plaque formation in the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This type of stroke is known as ischemic stroke. This is one of the most common types of stroke. The other type of stroke is the one in which blood vessels bursts and bleeds inside the brain. This type of stroke is known as Haemorrhagic stroke. Sometimes, a stroke may occur due to a temporary interruption in the supply of blood to the brain by blood vessels. This type of stroke is known as Trans Ischemic Attack (TIA). The duration of this type of stroke is about 30 minutes or more or even for several hours. TIAs can occur once or twice and may also increase the potential risk of future full-blown stroke if not addressed promptly at the beginning itself.
The Risk
The stroke should be taken seriously as the risk associated with stroke is very high. Stroke, when occurs, have lasting effects on the health. Brain injury, permanent disability and the risk of sudden death are very high with stroke. Therefore, to prevent long-lasting implications, a better understanding of the stroke, its symptoms and potential consequences is a must. In addition, one must learn how to act swiftly when a stroke strikes suddenly. The sooner a person acts the better.
High-Risk Factors
No one can change the genetic, hereditary or the risk factors strongly associated with a strong family history. Therefore, individuals who are genetically predisposed are at risk or individuals with a strong family history of stroke are at risk. In addition, the lifestyle of a person including his eating, personal and social habits to have the bearing. Migraines in women, anxiety, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, mood swings, depression, high blood pressure, menstrual issues, hormonal changes, gestational diabetes, usage of oral contraceptive pills increase the risk of stroke in women. Owing to the preceding risk factors women are at increased risk for stroke than men. High blood pressure, stress and sedentary lifestyle cause hemorrhagic stroke – which is quite threatening.
The risk factors for stroke that are common to both women and men include high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, overweight or obesity, heart disease, high lipid levels, high glycerides levels, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle, drug abuse, and smoking.
The warning signs of stroke
Sudden severe headache, confusion, dizziness, trouble seeing, blurred vision, speech disturbances – slurred speech, uneven smile, trouble understanding or speaking, drooping face, loss of balance, dizziness, sudden weakness or numbness in one side of the body or one arm or one leg or face; trouble walking and coordinating are the typical warning signs of stroke.
The stroke symptoms that are unique to women include nausea, vomiting, body pain, fainting, weakness, seizures, hiccups, agitation, behavioral changes, shortness of breath, hallucinations.
FAST test for the Identification of Stroke
Anyone can quickly know the symptoms of stroke if they are quick enough to identify FAST. It is a test that helps quickly identify the most prominent stroke symptoms quite diligently. Let us understand FAST.
Face: Face droops one side or smile becomes uneven.
Arms: One or both the arms become weak (it becomes quite difficult to hold the arms up)
Speech: Speech becomes slurred
Time: Take action immediately, if all the above symptoms are yes
Your quick action is the key to successful treatment.
If you need to consult the Doctor to visit the best Neuro physician in Hyderabad
Diagnosis of Stroke
A neurologist physically and clinically examines the patient based on the signs and symptoms and the previous medical history – and if suspects anything unusual, then recommends computerized tomography or MRI scans. But the diagnostic tests and scanning tests depend on the symptoms and severity of the condition.
If the neurologist confirms the diagnosis and finds the patient at risk of developing stroke, he/ she will prescribe medicines that help prevent or remove blood clots or reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Sometimes, surgery may be required to treat brain swelling and bleeding.
Prevention is better than cure
Whether you have a strong family history of stroke or you are genetically predisposed to stroke, you can still prevent a stroke from occurring by making slight changes in your lifestyle. As a prominent first measure, you can keep a check on your weight – to ensure this make a routine exercise schedule and stick to it; next, ensure that your blood pressure is under control – and the third important measure is keeping a check on your cholesterol levels as well. The next important aspect is your emotional and psychological health – to ensure it does some physical activity like walking, cycling, and playing and also do some creative and recreational activities as well. Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. If you smoke or take alcohol, then quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake. If you have any preexisting health condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or if you have had Trans Ischemic attacks (TIA) in the immediate past, you should take extra precautions because you could be at an increased risk of full-blown stroke in the future.
For more visit the best neuro specialist in Hyderabad
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Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Headache Problems
Several types of headaches exist, with tension headaches being the most common. Cluster headaches are painful and happen in groups or “clusters,” while migraines are a moderate-to-severe type of headache. To help avoid dehydration headaches, focus on drinking enough water throughout the day and eating water-rich foods.
However, taking magnesium supplements can cause digestive side effects like diarrhea in some people, so it’s best to start with a smaller dose when treating headache symptoms.
getting too much sleep has also been shown to trigger headaches, making getting the right amount of rest important for those looking for natural headache prevention
B vitamins are considered safe to take on a regular basis, as they are water soluble and any excess will be flushed out through the urine
To make a cold compress, fill a waterproof bag with ice and wrap it in a soft towel. Apply the compress to the back of the neck, head or temples for headache relief.
people who get frequent headaches should be mindful of their caffeine intake.
Practicing yoga is an excellent way to relieve stress, increase flexibility, decrease pain and improve your overall quality of life. Taking up yoga may even help reduce the intensity and frequency of your headaches.
If you think you may be sensitive to smells, avoiding perfumes, cigarette smoke and strongly scented foods may help decrease your chance of getting a migraine.
If you have any headache problems, still you need to consult the doctor please consult the best neurologist in Hyderabad. 
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Dr Vikram Sharma is the best neurologist in Hyderabad with more than 16 years of experience in neurology. Being an experienced neurophysician in Hyderabad, he treats all types of neurological conditions including headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, body pains, back pain, weakness in hands and legs.
He also possesses hands on experience in treating epilepsy and stroke patients. His diligent approach in handling complex neurological issues; profoundness in diagnosing intricate neurological conditions and expertness in treating such conditions make him the best neurologist in Hyderabad. 
Owing to his nearly 16 years of experience in neurology, and his expertise in treating chronic headaches and migraines, he is also the most sought-after Migraine Specialist in Hyderabad and the best Neurospecialist in Hyderabad. Dr. Sharma is a Senior Consultant Neurologist in the Department of Neurology, St. Theresa’s Hospitals, Hyderabad – The best neurology hospital in Hyderabad. Dr. Vikram Sharma also consults at Sunshine Hospitals.
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Dr Vikram Sharma is the best neurologist in Hyderabad with more than 16 years of experience in neurology. Being an experienced neurophysician in Hyderabad, he treats all types of neurological conditions including headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, body pains, back pain, weakness in hands and legs.
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Dr Vikram Sharma is the best neurologist in Hyderabad with more than 16 years of experience in neurology. Being an experienced neurophysician in Hyderabad, he treats all types of neurological conditions including headaches, migraines, muscle weakness, body pains, back pain, weakness in hands and legs.
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Tips to prevent Tension Headaches Before they begin
Tension headaches happen once the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and scalp tense up. you will not be ready to avoid them utterly. however if you'll create changes in your lifestyle, it's going to facilitate stop these headaches before they begin.
Work along with your Feelings
When you feel wired, anxious, or angry, the method you handle those feelings could create a distinction in whether or not you get a headache or not.
Everyone has stress in their life. try and decrease on what proportion you've got. once you cannot avoid it, seek for alternative ways to handle those trying things.
Try to pace yourself in your lifestyle. Take breaks. Carve out time to try and do belongings you fancy. for a few folks, heedfulness -- staying within the here and currently, rather than following thoughts of worry and concern -- will facilitate.
Build your network. pay time with folks you like. you will conjointly wish to book some sessions with a expert to search out solutions and to manage any anxiety or depression you will have.
Try Relaxation Techniques
They can ease stress and muscle tension.
Try deep respiratory, meditation, yoga, or psychotherapy. training program uses electrodes to show you ways to acknowledge tension and relax your muscles before they tighten. radio-controlled imaging helps you specialize in completely different body components to relax and unleash tension. stylostixis may also facilitate.
Do exercises daily to relax, stretch, and strengthen the muscles in your head, shoulders, and neck. A warmer can also ease muscle tension. Any exercise is additionally a decent thanks to burn off stress.
Check Your Body Position
Hunched over your computer? Slept in AN uncomfortable position? Activities that place your body in awkward positions will result in headaches.
Pay attention to however you hold your body, particularly for long periods of your time. Take breaks typically. Walk around. Stretch. attempt to not slouch.
Don't cradle your phone on your shoulder. Hold it in your hand or use a hands-free device.
Try to not clench your jaw or grind your teeth.
Rest Up
When your body is tired, you are additional probably to induce a headache. Fatigue could be a common trigger.
Create smart sleeping habits. visit bed at a similar time nightly. awaken at a similar time each morning. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep an evening.
Exercise often
Exercise releases endorphins, that square measure chemicals that facilitate your brain and your body feel smart. The boost in your vital sign conjointly protects your body from pain.
If you are not active currently, begin slowly with ten minutes each day.
Think Twice regarding Medication
If you're taking medication for your headaches -- like Tempra, ibuprofen, aspirin, or pain relievers with alkaloid -- you will get what is known as rebound headaches once you stop taking it.
To prevent them, limit what proportion you're taking. Use the littlest attainable dose. do not take pain relievers over one or two occasions every week.
When to visualize Your Doctor
If you've got tried all of those way habits and you continue to get tension headaches, please consult Dr Vikram Neurologist, he's the Famous Neuro Physician in Hyderabad. He could use an area anesthetic to relax trigger points.
Your doctor could recommend taking a daily medication which will stop chronic tension headaches, like:
Antidepressants, like tricyclic antidepressant drug (Elavil) and venlafaxine (Effexor)
Seizure medication, like gabapentin (Neurontin) and topiramate (Topamax)
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How Do I Know if I Have brain tumor?
The brain is that the seat of all functions of the physical structure, operating on a daily basis and each night, cleanly and immaculately. Besides, dominant all straightforward functions within the body, it's additionally chargeable for formulating theories and creating groundbreaking inventions. despite however excellent this organ is, it's still exposed to imperfections of human biology which is wherever the Brain Tumours are available in.
Dr Vikram Sharma is the best Neurologist Doctor in Hyderabad. he  says, brain tumours though uncommon and treatable are still a explanation for anxiety and concern to the patient. it's an enormous relief to understand that surgery of brain tumours has currently become terribly safe and provides smart ends up in a position and intimate with hands. within the succeeding lines, he has answered a number of the vital queries and issues that a patient with a tumour would possibly have:
What is a brain tumour?
A tumour may be a tissue mass that's fashioned by uncontrolled/abnormal growth thanks to changes within the genes/DNA (mutations) of cells of the brain or its membranes.
What are the different types of a brain tumour?
Brain tumours after they come back from the cells of brain its membranes are called a primary tumour. These will be benign (Non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). the foremost common neoplasm arises from the supporting cells of the brain (Glial cells) are called Gliomas and people arising from the membranes of the brain are referred to as Meningiomas. Some others arise from the nerve sheaths are called Schwannomas. Tumours arising from the pineal and pituitary glands (both are elements of brain} are called Pineal and Pituitary tumours severally. a while tumours from different elements of body distribute (reach) to the brain, such tumours are acknowledged Secondary (Metastatic) tumour.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of brain neoplasms are caused either by a rise within the intracranial pressure or set by the situation of the tumour within the brain. Common symptoms of the tumour are as follows:-
1. Symptoms by Raised Pressure within the brainpan (Head): A headache is that the commonest symptoms of brain tumours. it's typically throbbing, progressive and worse within the morning.
Impairment of Consciousness: because the neoplasm grows larger patient develops sleepiness (sleepiness) and with more progression of the neoplasm will cause cognitive state.
2. Symptoms thanks to Location of neoplasm
Seizure (Fits) is that the second common feature of the tumour, they will major work with the loss of consciousness or subtle/minor (focal) like the jerky movement of 1 aspect of the face, arm or leg or transient tingling sensation or a blank look.
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Symptoms Of Neurological Problems
One of the explanations eye exams area unit counseled for infants between six and twelve months previous is that this is often a time once babies’ interactions with folks and visual stimuli area unit important to healthy sensory development.
Early detection of issues might purpose to vision or medical specialty issues that area unit best addressed early.
As somebody WHO makes a speciality of childhood visual disorders, I will say that it's fortunately terribly rare to diagnose a neoplasm in a very baby. however it's not thus rare to encounter a baby with sensory development delays, presumably thanks to associate degree injury at or close to the time of birth. to boot, reduced time observing folks and faces is one amongst the earliest signs of syndrome spectrum disorder, in step with Falck-Ytter and colleagues.
Here area unit six warning signs associated with vision and medical specialty development in infants:
--Does not deliberately direct eye movements towards a information (eg, a lightweight target, parent’s voice or fascinating toy);
--Attends to a target on one aspect only;
--Can’t track or follow a information (at all, or partially of the visual field);
--Doesn’t build an endeavor to the touch or reach for a motivating target;
--Can’t build eye contact or maintain it (for a minimum of many seconds); and
--Abnormal pupil response.
Of course, with any babe examination, it's vital to create certain that any symptoms {you area unit|you're} noticing are thanks to a true drawback and not simply drowsiness or hunger. Encourage oldsters to schedule the examination at a time once the baby is probably going to be well-rested, fed and not distracted by siblings within the area. to boot, examiners ought to use exaggerated facial expressions, a fascinating tone of voice and transient however novel stimuli that area unit appealing to babies.
If you notice any of the on top of warning signs, the primary step ought to be to raise the oldsters a lot of questions about however the baby usually interacts with folks and his/her surroundings. If the oldsters aren’t certain, I provide them some “homework,” asking them to purposefully interact in brief visual development activities over succeeding two to four weeks and observe of the baby’s reactions.
For a directory of specialists Neurospecialist in Hyderabad.
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