bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
Hey! If you hate giving your kids prescription ADHD meds and have been wondering about the alternatives out there, give this a look!
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
This is a link to my latest wordpress blog post. Click in and check it out!
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
Shoutout to all girls working on loving their bodies. Your body is especially designed for you. It’s truly a unique masterpiece. It’s the home you grew up in. Nurture it. Honour it. Love it.
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
Yes. Love this.
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
3am and my youngest JUST WENT TO SLEEP. Now I'm having trouble falling asleep 😩
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
Always remember that on this beautifully disastrous journey we call life, there will always be mountains to climb. And there will alwaysbe points where we stumble. But the fact that we stumble is not what defines us. It's the fact that we pick ourselves back up and continue on our journey. Mind your scrapes and bruises and keep on going. Don't give up just because the road gets tough.
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
Never Water yourself down for anyone. You were made this way for a reason. Remember that. 😉
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
How's my day going you ask?
I just traded my 4 year old a yoohoo for a Batman mask to give to my toddler..
So my toddler will stop screaming to go to work with his daddy. His daddy left for work 30 mins ago.
Now I'm trying to get them to stop arguing over what movie to watch.. Power Rangers or The never ending story...
Yeah it's one of those days...
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
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bloggingbritt-blog · 6 years
First Post on my new blog
Hi! I thought I would use my first blog post on here to introduce myself a bit. First off, my name is Brittany. Im a Stay-at-Home Mom Blogger, I have a wordpress blog which is tattoosandtinyshoes.wordpress.com. I also have social media accounts which you can find links to at the top of this page. I’m happily married to the love of my life, we have 7 kids, 2 grandkids, and another grandbaby on the way. I’m a student at Strayer University working on my BBA Social Media Marketing. I’m an Art enthusiast, Tattoo Addict (Tattoo Artist), Avid Coffee Drinker, and im constantly on the hunt to learn something now. My latest venture is exploring the blogging world. looking for my “Niche” as I’ve seen so many bloggers on here call it... learning how to work from home... trying to figure out how in the heck people are generating money writing blogs because I’m unable to get out and work a traditional job anymore due to some medical concerns which i wont get into at this time.... I’m also starting to get into PC gaming. Currently i’m on “Bendy and the ink machine” which so far is turning out to be a pretty awesome game. Anyways, just be warned now that I will be posting a bit of almost everything on here.... mostly momma stuff, wife stuff, household stuff, and general chick stuff; but with me being me its untelling what random stuff will be on this blog -lol. Please share! im trying to get a following! Help a Mother out!
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