bloggingmyfavs · 1 month
Twisted Fate
A winged stranger suddenly appears in the Woodlands of Velaris, speaking an unknown language. The inner Circle take her in and nurse her back to health. When she awakens, she challenges everything they thought they knew.
Chapter 1
The Fields of Glory’s wildflowers stretched across the horizon, and the scent of the cherry blossoms and iron filled the air. To Amirah, this place had been her paradise , a place of tranquility. The field lay in a valley between the mountains of Pal-Nor. The majestic mountain heads stretched above the clouds. On any usual day, the song of the Chorum bird would pierced the air, but today, her world burned. The battle had raged on for what seemed like an eternity to the Princess of the First born. Many of her kinsmen had already fallen before the King during the battle- including her sisters Mora and Neela, and her twin brother Kanik. Their body's still lay where they had fallen.
She and her husban Colandr had been brought before the King. Her left wing throbbed and hung losely from its joint, her body ached from the beatings. In her weakened state, she was no match for the King or his soldiers. She looked to her husband, he was missing one of his honey colored eyes, his black wings had been ripped off his back leaving a mangled wound that was still bleeding profusely.
“You have refused to give me what I want” the man on the makeshift throne said.
Her husband raised his head, "I have no idea where Korcheis Gate is. Nor do I know how to open it to travel worlds." Lies.
The man turned to her, “Tell me Princess, or you and your mate will die.” Tears ran down her face as she shook her head, wincing at the pain the movement caused.
He sighed and shook his head. He glanced at the soldier and nodded. They seized her and forced her to stand. The man wrapped a hand around her throat and held a knife to her stomach
Colandr, I love you, my moon and stars. I'll see you in the Land beyond the stars.
“Tell us or your wife and child shall die” the King barked to her husband.
“Please spare her,” he begged, struggling against his chains. "She's your daughter."
The King shrugged "So were Neera and Mora."
I won't let you die Amirah. He responded.
No, no Colandr, please. Don't make me live in a world you aren't in Please. Don't sacrifice yourself.
Black dots clouded her vision as blinding hot pain shot through her stomach and she cried out feeling the knife peirce her stomach.
“Noo!” an inhuman roar ripped from her husband's Colandr’s mouth as he struggled against his chains.
From her side, she felt her blood flow down her body. The soldier removed the knife, then stabbed it into her again. She screamed in pain as she heard Colandr voice start chanting the spell. Tendrils of white light snaked their way around her body and she cried out. Colandr please
I love you my sun, moon and stars he whispered
I love you too She thought as he sunk to his knees. An inhuman roar ripped again from his throat as he used all his magic to open the gate.
Then darkness and shadows surrounded her.
A voice whispered to her Where do you want to go?
I want to be with my mate she replied.
She was barely consious when the world changed around her. Looking through bloodied eyes, she saw a dining hall, with figures around a table. 2 winged males and 1 blond female in red. She felt her knees buckle under neath her and she sank to the floor.
She heard a shout and felt arms wrap around her. She met the honey colored eyes of the man that held her, "Col-" she whispered as the darkness overcame her.
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