one text than alright i just wanna to say that this song makes yoú verry happy 
xxx no thanks!.....
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introduce myself
hey everybody i can’t writing really good english bc my laptop is just broken so yeah that for first
hey! my name is benthe and i am thirtheen years old. i have two little brothers. my parents are divorced and my dad got a new girlfriend. my mom is a nurce. the reason that im typing/writing in here is that i can trow my feelings away and that gave me a really nice feeling when i need to do that. you cn see it like a diary for me and for you guys if you like to follow me and my posts (haaha)
well i got three pets 1. my cat thijs he is so lazy 2. my bunny, she runs a lot and the last one 3. my three chickens, they are so sweet and soft (IM NOT GONNA EAT THEM1)
so this was it i think if you wanna know more just give me a text ore say somthing in the reactions 
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i think im gonna be happy
yeah, maybe its time to  be happy and not about evrything being sad thats make you weak and that is not all the way good at all
if you’re happy than think about mostly nothing, and think about nothing is really good for yourself
pff it feals really good to write again somthing, im just being empty for the last few weeks hmm how is that possible, i’m gonna figure it out 
goodbye my friends see you when im writing again!!!......
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1. i do not know anymore
i dont ectually think much about myself. i usually think what other peaple think about me. most of the time I think people think bad about me. like, your’e so ugly or you are so fat do somthing about yourself, i’m keeping sad of that or angry and the worst? that they don’t listen to me about what i have to say. they think that they are right. well i think they don’t beacause i am me and that is fine and don’t hurt peaple who you not like, your’e hurting them self, your’e ruined somwoane else’s life. well THATS BAD...!!
I have to go, typing somthing later when i have time....pff this really helps me 
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