blondgaymer · 9 years
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blondgaymer · 9 years
Jeebus it has been a while. Now that I’m not stupidly busy, and have the itch to start gaming more again it is time to load this tumblr from where I left off. 
Going to dig around for a game, and will likely get that rolling today.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: 007 Nightfire wrap-up
So, I've made it about halfway in and it has become increasingly clear that it's not really all that fun. There's something about this game that borders more along the 'annoying' side than anything else.
While the levels aren't difficult combat wise, I find myself running around backtracking to find the right door or getting stuck trying to figure out where to go.
To wrap this up, Nightfire is great with the multiplayer mode. You can fight against a group of NPC's in a "every man for himself" shoot-out etc. or fight against/with a team of friends. This part is the saving grace for Nightfire I think. So far, Goldeneye is still my favorite of the James Bond games, and I will get to that one at some point.
For now, a short break from tumblr due to the explosion of DA:I.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: 007 Nightfire
Finally got around to finishing the next couple of levels. 
The first level primarily consists of driving from Point A to Point B for an extraction, within a 5 minute time frame. Fairly straightforward, though the driving controls didn't agree with me too much. I think other games like Mario Kart and Grand Theft Auto have a better 'feel' when it comes to doing turns etc.
The second level I did finally gets me back on track for running around shooting people, and destroying/picking up things. This level also had some very thankful geishas when you save them.
So far so good. Relatively few problems, and making rather steady progress. The next post will pop up when I have a chance to get further :)
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: 007 Nightfire - First two levels
Ok, two down and about 9 levels to go. For whatever reason, the Paris Prelude is optional and you can skip it entirely. It kind of looks odd, since it is essentially your controls tutorial - but you can also change your controls to different versions (personally I prefer the Goldeneye set). Anyways.
Both levels are pretty easy, the only trouble I had was the escape level which requires looking around in all four directions to take out the enemies that pursue you. The aiming/turning felt a little off, but otherwise worked out pretty good. The upcoming car level will be interesting to see if I have similar issues or not.
One part I've improved on is the use of the guided missiles. Originally, I sucked at this. Over time, and tons of multiplayer battles later, I'm having no trouble at all with this weapon.
Onwards to the next couple of levels and to see how things go from here.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: 007: Nightfire
Ok. Now that this cold is down to a few coughs and sniffles here and there, I figure I might be able to focus on a game. I am HOPING that this time I can actually finish what I start.
This time around, I've decided to try a 007 game. Nightfire is one of those games where I can sit and play multiplayer all night and have just as much fun (if not more) than playing the actual game itself. One of my favorite things about games, is being able to set up multiplayer fights and to go up against NPC's even if you don't have a Player 2.
After the first couple levels or so, I will post again. For now, I'm going to make sure this game doesn't slip out of my fingers and get as far as I can, while I can.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Really? Another game I can't go forward with?
So. Apparently between last night and today Super Mario Sunshine was lent out to a family member. God knows when I can expect to see it back.
I'm going to take the rest of today off to try and get rid of these stupid sniffles and coughing, and resume with a third attempt at a new game tomorrow. Right after I put the rest of the games under heavy lock and key, and recharge every single handle. -_-
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: Super Mario Sunshine - Bianco Hills
Phew. The last shine was the hardest. I never was good with jumping across the tightropes in this level, and it took a while for me to reach the last red coin.
Only 6 Shines left in this area, plus the 100 coins if I'm not feeling too lazy. 
Not a whole lot to talk about really. So far the hardest part for me is having some patience to guide Mario along, especially since I seem to forget there's no real time limit (at least not yet?). 
This game does seem to have made Peach a bit annoying, with her whining about the ruined vacation due to the lack of sunshine and how she wants to go home right now. Did she not miss the part where they can't leave, or where the island is in trouble? C'mon writers, you should know better than this. Out of anyone, Peach should know best what it is like to have your kingdom/realm/whatever you want to call it be in trouble. A little bit of sympathy would be nice.
Coming up, Bianco Hills Part 2 or the first half of the next area. Getting a little bit tired of the Hills, so we will see.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: Super Mario Sunshine
Going to jump from Luigi, to Mario this time. Once again, I'm also going to attempt a game that I have never really finished. Hopefully this will go better this time around.
So far I have done all of the opening bits, earned my first Shine Sprite and unlocked Area 1, Bianco Hills.
I will post my progress later on, likely every 5th Shine Sprite or so. For now, I'm going to dive in and get things rolling.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
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Let's Play! Super Mario Sunshine.
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: Luigi's Mansion Area 4/Wrap Up
Here it is, the home stretch. I've managed to defeat every portrait ghost, as well as capture all 50 Boo's! It just comes down to the final boss annnnnnd I die.. A lot. It's looking like it might not be do-able for me.
To sum up the final boss, there is a fire attack, chunks of ice that get shot at you, three mines thrown your way (which you have to shoot back at the boss), and an attack that sucks you into the boss' mouth before he spits you out again.
Now, the mines are fairly easy to dodge, as is the fire attack (the first time for sure). However, once you get sucked in and spat out again, you lose a huge chunk of health to this, THEN lose more health to the immediate fire attack that you can't dodge in time. Maybe it's just me, but this boss feels like Hard Mode only and once you make a mistake that's it.
So. Since I would rather move on to something new, instead of pound my head against the wall (especially while feeling blah) I'm going to call it a wrap and graciously bow out. Otherwise, this would never get finished, and I would never get to the next game.
All in all, Luigi's Mansion is pretty fun and an interesting addition to the Mario Universe. Aside from the final boss fight, my only two gripes about the game would be these:
1) The controls when it comes to sucking in an item that you need to fire back. They feel a bit clunky and like it's super easy to drop the item.
2) The Boo's and their constant escape from you. I lost count of how many times a Boo would run out of the room, go into the hall, back into the room we just left, back into the hall, back into the room, back into the hall etc. It was like a bad episode of Scooby-Doo trying to capture some of these buggers. I like the idea of having to capture X amount in order to weaken the power of the Boo's group, it just feels really tedious when the above example happens - more often than not.
So that is all for Luigi's Mansion. One day I might pick it up and try the last boss again to see if I can finally cross it off of the list for games to finish. Until then, I will move on to the next game!
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: Luigi's Mansion - Area 3
This area took a bit longer than expected, mostly due to doubling back to fill my weapon with more element.
I have now reached 37/50 captured Boo's, thanks to the battle with Boolossus, which can be a frustrating boss fight. I picked up on a quick trick, however, and it cut down on how much pain Luigi received.
According to the final tally at the end of this Area, I am now up to 16 captured ghosts as well, including Boolossus.
So far I have been enjoying the game. I do find it odd not being able to jump around or run, in a 'Mario' game. Sometimes the controls feel a bit odd, especially with the boss fights against Nana, and Slim Bankshot. Both bosses require you to suck up an orb and fire it at them. For some reason Luigi kept dropping the orbs before I could fire them off.
There was also one frustrating puzzle where you had to shoot a falling star at the moon. Most of this was also due to the angle, and not knowing how well you were lined up.
I seem to have broken tumblr for sharing pictures, so I will be dropping that part now, until things seem ok again. For now, onto the next Area!
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blondgaymer · 10 years
Let's Play: Luigi's Mansion - Area 2
6 bosses later.....I have reached the end of Area 2, with a total of 9 ghosts captured. Not including Boo's, normal grunts, and cute bats/mice ghosts.
There seems to be tons of bosses lurking about in this game, but only a small handful are the "end of chapter" styled bosses. 
Something that concerned me during a couple of these later bosses, is how 'rare' it is to find health in this game. Instead you tend to search for it in the rooms you've emptied and hope some of the furniture has some. It keeps the game from being too easy, but at the same time I'm not sure if it would hurt to have a couple extra hearts laying around near Toad.
New introductions for this Area includes the 50 Boo's being released, which felt a bit like Cardcaptor Sakura (to me at least), as well as the introduction of a (currently) friendly ghost who claims to see visions. 
The poltergust weapon is also upgraded twice in this Area with the addition of Fire and Water Elements, though sadly you can only use one or the other at a time.
So far things are looking good, 12/50 Boo's recaptured, and the 9 Portrait Ghosts are finished. Time to get those numbers up a bit more!
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blondgaymer · 10 years
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Optional Boss #1: Mr. Luggs
Status: Busted! (Barely)
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blondgaymer · 10 years
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Boss #6: Melody Pianissima
Status: Busted!
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blondgaymer · 10 years
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Boss #5: Shivers the Butler
Status: Busted!
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