bloodshedaria · 1 year
Jake is so beautiful, so beautiful...! To witness his emotions twist and turn ah that's what always drew Ji-Woon Hak to him.. Just a few words and they danced across his face. Shame, sorrow, a building rage. He wanted to turn that emotional volatility into music but it was always in the most frustrating silence!!
So perhaps he was a little transfixed and giddy when Jake reached up for the knife, tearing it free from his eye in a spattering of blood. The RESOLVE for such a move, oh be still his beating heart~♡!
And then there was a lunge at himself and Ji-Woon was just a shade too slow on the reaction, stunned that Jake would slash at him with Ji-Woon's own knife. His knife, Jake's blood, and now Ji-Woon's own blood, mingled together, oh it was almost romantic...
But then the pain hit him. The darkening of his own vision in that one side, the peel of flesh parted and the hot running of blood- He had been cut! Across his FACE of all things! And the horror of that had the popstar leap up with a primal roar of rage and fear- hand pressed desperately over the injury.
He can't be seen like this.
Only the briefest of glances was given to Jake, before he limped off into the forests at a half-run, his dignity forgotten in the face of this deeper horror.
He CANT be seen like this!!
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
Part of him wanted to sink into the apparent kindness. He was so fucking exhausted, fucking tired of pain. It was so easy to let himself believe that Ji-woon was being nice for once.
But that’s what actually snapped him out of it. This wasn’t just any killer who decided to take pity on him, as if any of them would. This was the Trickster, the man who obsessed over him for years, who couldn’t let it go that Jake was the only person he couldn’t get to scream for him. This man didn’t have a kind bone in his damn body, so why was he—
As Ji-woon’s hands moved lower, a realization hit him. Jake growled, reaching around to grab the killer’s wrist in his hand. “If you’re looking for my knife, I don’t have it anymore.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"Most likely... I doubt the entities would enjoy their playthings getting roughed up by others of their kind..." Ji-Woon's hand drifted to the handle of his knife that remained in Jake's eye, just tracing the edges of it and seeing if that alone was enough to trigger anything or if too much damage had been done for it to be noticeable. He still wanted to hurt Jake, but there was a curious sort of intimacy here... It was like... Like testing the edges of notes, plucking softly at strings to see what sort of song would come from it all...
"Well then things are back the way they should be." He decided in the moment, with a soft little giggle. "You've been hunted amd chased all over the place and still get caught and maimed. That little experiment of letting you fight back must have been decided to be a mistake. You're a survivor. And that is that."
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
Part of him wanted to sink into the apparent kindness. He was so fucking exhausted, fucking tired of pain. It was so easy to let himself believe that Ji-woon was being nice for once.
But that’s what actually snapped him out of it. This wasn’t just any killer who decided to take pity on him, as if any of them would. This was the Trickster, the man who obsessed over him for years, who couldn’t let it go that Jake was the only person he couldn’t get to scream for him. This man didn’t have a kind bone in his damn body, so why was he—
As Ji-woon’s hands moved lower, a realization hit him. Jake growled, reaching around to grab the killer’s wrist in his hand. “If you’re looking for my knife, I don’t have it anymore.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"You don't?!" Hm. Odd, and ruined his plans... Hmmmm...
"Darling, you and that thing were inseperable last time I checked.. " He hummed, allowing Jake to hold his wrist and running his thumb over Jake's cheek with his free hand. "It must be quite the story..."
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
Part of him wanted to sink into the apparent kindness. He was so fucking exhausted, fucking tired of pain. It was so easy to let himself believe that Ji-woon was being nice for once.
But that’s what actually snapped him out of it. This wasn’t just any killer who decided to take pity on him, as if any of them would. This was the Trickster, the man who obsessed over him for years, who couldn’t let it go that Jake was the only person he couldn’t get to scream for him. This man didn’t have a kind bone in his damn body, so why was he—
As Ji-woon’s hands moved lower, a realization hit him. Jake growled, reaching around to grab the killer’s wrist in his hand. “If you’re looking for my knife, I don’t have it anymore.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"Then you should relax~♡♡" The roaming hand was joined by another, lifting Jake's head gently up to rest on Ji-Woon's lap, undisturbed by the blood soaking into his designer clothes. They worked together to massage Jake's scalp, before working down to his neck, his shoulders....
If he could keep this up he might find that pesky Knife that the man took as a nickname. Do some REAL damage....
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
There’s nothing quite as unsettling as the feeling of being stabbed. It’s not just the pain, it’s the feeling of penetration, of a foreign object being shoved where it doesn’t belong and all of the shifting bone and muscle that comes with it. Jake felt his stomach churn at the feeling, as the pressure from Ji-woon’s weight pressing him flush to the hard-soiled ground forced the knives almost entirely into his shoulder.
Still, he didn’t make a sound aside from the hiss of air through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to so much as curse. He didn’t want to chance making any kind of sound, just in case he could hold back anymore. He was gonna have to hold out for a while, after all. There wasn’t a damn thing he could say to Ji-woon to convince him to just get it over with already.
Jake took a long, shuddering breath as he turned his head to the side. Just enough to get a little more air, just enough to glare up at the killer from the corner of his eye.
He was gonna be tortured to death anyway. Why not earn it?
“You should wear black and blue more often,” he muttered, a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. “Looks good on you.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
After getting so little noise from Jake for so long, Ji-Woon's ears were tuned to pick up on the slightest thing. He had hoped for whimpers, but not expected to get ones like that....
"Oh, baby~" He cooed, all sugary sweet tone but maliciously glittering eyes. "You fight so hard all the time.. Aren't you tired~☆? Wouldn't you like to just put down all that baggage and relax~♡?"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
There’s nothing quite as unsettling as the feeling of being stabbed. It’s not just the pain, it’s the feeling of penetration, of a foreign object being shoved where it doesn’t belong and all of the shifting bone and muscle that comes with it. Jake felt his stomach churn at the feeling, as the pressure from Ji-woon’s weight pressing him flush to the hard-soiled ground forced the knives almost entirely into his shoulder.
Still, he didn’t make a sound aside from the hiss of air through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to so much as curse. He didn’t want to chance making any kind of sound, just in case he could hold back anymore. He was gonna have to hold out for a while, after all. There wasn’t a damn thing he could say to Ji-woon to convince him to just get it over with already.
Jake took a long, shuddering breath as he turned his head to the side. Just enough to get a little more air, just enough to glare up at the killer from the corner of his eye.
He was gonna be tortured to death anyway. Why not earn it?
“You should wear black and blue more often,” he muttered, a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. “Looks good on you.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Ji-woon's hand stilled, another knife already between his fingers and ready to find a new target- But.....
Jake was so damn stubborn. He could clamp down on his reactions like nobody else the popstar knew. Certainly not welcoming the pain, but not making any sort of show whatsoever. It was like drawing blood from a tree.
The knife
was tucked
And Ji-Woon slowly sank to the ground next to the bloody man, still watching him with that cold, distant glare, but his hand reached out and started to play with Jake's hair.. A sigh slipped out of him, resigning himself to not getting what he wanted from all this. His burning anger was quickly turning into bitter ashes....
"Why are you like this.....? Is it really worth it? To come all this way to try to chain me up?? You have to have known that I would get out eventually. You have to have known it would make me angry. But then, when I am angry you do this? Suffer in silence? Is that doing something for you?"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
There’s nothing quite as unsettling as the feeling of being stabbed. It’s not just the pain, it’s the feeling of penetration, of a foreign object being shoved where it doesn’t belong and all of the shifting bone and muscle that comes with it. Jake felt his stomach churn at the feeling, as the pressure from Ji-woon’s weight pressing him flush to the hard-soiled ground forced the knives almost entirely into his shoulder.
Still, he didn’t make a sound aside from the hiss of air through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to so much as curse. He didn’t want to chance making any kind of sound, just in case he could hold back anymore. He was gonna have to hold out for a while, after all. There wasn’t a damn thing he could say to Ji-woon to convince him to just get it over with already.
Jake took a long, shuddering breath as he turned his head to the side. Just enough to get a little more air, just enough to glare up at the killer from the corner of his eye.
He was gonna be tortured to death anyway. Why not earn it?
“You should wear black and blue more often,” he muttered, a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. “Looks good on you.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
The knife came out and into his hand immediately, almost automatically. As naturally as the sharp inhale of his breath.
And a pause.
When he moved again it was with the casual disappointment of someone doing a chore. A slightly disgusting chore that someone else should have taken care of awhile ago.
Bending over he had plenty of Jake's overgrown hair to grab a tight fistful of, nails scraping his scalp. Only then did he remove his foot from Jake's back, at the same time yanking the warden's hair, forcing him to roll over. From there he oh so dispassionately took aim, and tossed a blade directly down, aiming for the pest's eye.
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
There’s nothing quite as unsettling as the feeling of being stabbed. It’s not just the pain, it’s the feeling of penetration, of a foreign object being shoved where it doesn’t belong and all of the shifting bone and muscle that comes with it. Jake felt his stomach churn at the feeling, as the pressure from Ji-woon’s weight pressing him flush to the hard-soiled ground forced the knives almost entirely into his shoulder.
Still, he didn’t make a sound aside from the hiss of air through clenched teeth, resisting the urge to so much as curse. He didn’t want to chance making any kind of sound, just in case he could hold back anymore. He was gonna have to hold out for a while, after all. There wasn’t a damn thing he could say to Ji-woon to convince him to just get it over with already.
Jake took a long, shuddering breath as he turned his head to the side. Just enough to get a little more air, just enough to glare up at the killer from the corner of his eye.
He was gonna be tortured to death anyway. Why not earn it?
“You should wear black and blue more often,” he muttered, a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. “Looks good on you.”
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
The falling man was easily sidestepped, Ji-Woon staring down at him with nothing but contempt. This was an anger that had burned away all the fun of this hunt, finally scorched away the wild fury, and left him with a calm, clear, and *quiet* fury.
So it was with incredibly deliberate poise he brought a foot up and placed it between Jake's shoulder blades, putting his weight into keeping the man facedown. He had to work to take a calm breath though, focusing intently to keep a tremor out of it and to coax a tremble out of his hands. Taking a moment to tidy his hair helped, but the fury remained.
"Give me a good reason why I should grant you the mercy of a quick death." He purred.
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
With the plant still holding firm around him, Jake couldn’t move enough to dodge the attack even if he’d seen it coming. As it was he hadn’t. Ji-woon was fucking unstable at the best of times, going from languidly blasé in one moment to actively violent in the next. As well as he knew the man by now, Jake still didn’t fully have a handle on what actually causes those shifts to happen.
As it was, he ended up with two knives embedded in his fucking shoulder. He clenched his jaw, hissing through the pain as he waited for the first hot spike of it to simmer into a dull throbbing he could handle.
Those were gonna hurt like a bitch when they came out, but he didn’t have time to worry about that. He needed to get the plant off before Ji-woon decided to do something worse.
Despite the initial leathery texture of the freshly dead plant, it seemed to harden the longer it was away from the base. Which was lucky, really, because that meant it was brittle enough to snap off in two large pieces when Jake dug his elbows into either side and pushed.
He didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the new freedom of movement. The second he could move his arms to do so, Jake flailed a fist up directly at Ji-woon’s face.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
A half-dozen knives flew at Jake as he climbed, paired with insults in Korean that insinuated his parentage wasn't entirely human, among other curses.
Ji-Woon Hak paced furiously around the bottom of the tree. Hair wild, the bruise to his face slowly darkening and becoming a brilliant black eye. Any glimpse of Jake got knives tossed at, but in time he realized this was not going to work and started looking for other solutions.
In a fit of agner-fuelled brilliance he turned to the chain itself. It's anchor point in the tree was within reach, so he grabbed two fistfuls and let his body weight do the pulling downwards.
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
With the plant still holding firm around him, Jake couldn’t move enough to dodge the attack even if he’d seen it coming. As it was he hadn’t. Ji-woon was fucking unstable at the best of times, going from languidly blasé in one moment to actively violent in the next. As well as he knew the man by now, Jake still didn’t fully have a handle on what actually causes those shifts to happen.
As it was, he ended up with two knives embedded in his fucking shoulder. He clenched his jaw, hissing through the pain as he waited for the first hot spike of it to simmer into a dull throbbing he could handle.
Those were gonna hurt like a bitch when they came out, but he didn’t have time to worry about that. He needed to get the plant off before Ji-woon decided to do something worse.
Despite the initial leathery texture of the freshly dead plant, it seemed to harden the longer it was away from the base. Which was lucky, really, because that meant it was brittle enough to snap off in two large pieces when Jake dug his elbows into either side and pushed.
He didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the new freedom of movement. The second he could move his arms to do so, Jake flailed a fist up directly at Ji-woon’s face.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Oh!!! Oh! That little-!!!
The fist connecting to his face snapped the popstar out of everything for a good moment. The sheer SHOCK of being hit in the FACE outweighed any pain. What if it BRUISED? What if it damaged his TEETH?! No, no, no, he couldn't put up with THAT and stumbled back for a moment just to press a hand against his face and feel for how bad it might be.
Heat under his fingers already. A tender swelling across his cheekbone. His eye on that side was smarting terribly. Oh this was going to be HORRIBLE!
"You..." His rage was so incandescent it was paralyzing. Pure shock that would explode in no time at all. "You.. You ANIMAL!!"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
With the plant still holding firm around him, Jake couldn’t move enough to dodge the attack even if he’d seen it coming. As it was he hadn’t. Ji-woon was fucking unstable at the best of times, going from languidly blasé in one moment to actively violent in the next. As well as he knew the man by now, Jake still didn’t fully have a handle on what actually causes those shifts to happen.
As it was, he ended up with two knives embedded in his fucking shoulder. He clenched his jaw, hissing through the pain as he waited for the first hot spike of it to simmer into a dull throbbing he could handle.
Those were gonna hurt like a bitch when they came out, but he didn’t have time to worry about that. He needed to get the plant off before Ji-woon decided to do something worse.
Despite the initial leathery texture of the freshly dead plant, it seemed to harden the longer it was away from the base. Which was lucky, really, because that meant it was brittle enough to snap off in two large pieces when Jake dug his elbows into either side and pushed.
He didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the new freedom of movement. The second he could move his arms to do so, Jake flailed a fist up directly at Ji-woon’s face.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Now THAT was a very nasty move.
Ji-Woon Hak could be light on his feet- not fast but skilled as years of choreography taught him, but he still had his weak spots.
Jake's foot snapped out and caught him right in the leg- his burned leg. Remnant of the fire that claimed No Spin, and still, even in the fog, scarred and aching.
He gasped, more at the shock and anticipation of pain than anything registered quite yet. His leg gave out and he managed to catch himself on his hands and knees- but Ji-Woon Hak was on his hands and knees. In the DIRT.
"이 개자식아 너가 내 옷을 망쳤어!!" He hissed in fury, pushing his hair up out of his face to glare wildly at Jake. He didn't so much move to Jake as lunge at him, driving knives in indiscriminately in two deep stabs, knuckles white with the intensity of his grip and draaaagged himself face to face with Jake. "나한테 무엇을 해야 할지 말해 줄 수 있을 것 같아요? 넌 내 부츠 밑에 있는 벌레야."
Calm. Calm. Control, Hak. Take a breath. Let it out. Put back on that winning smile. "Sweetheart~♡♡♡ You bit off more than you can chew. And now you're just going to have to choke on it~☆"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
If looks could kill Ji-woon would be dead on the ground and Jake would have a whole new set of problems. Instead he just simmered his rage until it was manageable and let out a heavy sigh. “If you want me to beg you’re shit out of luck,” he said, just barely contained from spitting venom. “But I’ll tell you how to take the collar off if you agree to get me out of this thing.
Preferably sooner than later. Jake didn’t mind learning about plants when Claudette was the one gushing about them, but he’d rather not get a hands-on lesson about however the fuck the flora in this realm’s ecosystem worked.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Really? Just a latch? A complicated one, true, but given time enough, he surely would have figured it out himself. Did that mean Jake didn't intend for him to stay there the entire time? A funny little puzzle to encourage chase~☆?
In any case, he shrugged out of the collar as if it was a night robe, one hand sensually running along his own neck, just for show. "That was so kind of you~ Thank you, Kyomi~♡♡"
A knife flicked out as he paced over to the other, idly toying with it. "Allow me to return the favor~☆♡☆"
A slice cut the air-
And tore the pesky plant off not at the tendrils that clung to Jake, but at the stem, so it still clung tightly.
With a singsong hum on his lips, Ji-Woon hefted Jake up like a sack of potatoes, carrying him away just a short distance before dropping him to the ground. Still singing to himself he picked up the collar and snapped it around Jake's neck, snapping a vital peice of the locking mechanism so it jammed in place.
"There we go~♡☆♡☆!! Much better!"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
If looks could kill Ji-woon would be dead on the ground and Jake would have a whole new set of problems. Instead he just simmered his rage until it was manageable and let out a heavy sigh. “If you want me to beg you’re shit out of luck,” he said, just barely contained from spitting venom. “But I’ll tell you how to take the collar off if you agree to get me out of this thing.
Preferably sooner than later. Jake didn’t mind learning about plants when Claudette was the one gushing about them, but he’d rather not get a hands-on lesson about however the fuck the flora in this realm’s ecosystem worked.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"If you wanted me to touch you so badly you could have just asked~♡♡" He crooned, hand to his cheek and giving a lovey-dovey smile. "I knew you'd come around eventually~♡♡♡"
Well, that was an offer he couldn't POSSIBLY let slip by him. Just those words alone would give him fuel to torment Jake for ages to come.
"Alright, baby doll, what do I do?"
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
If looks could kill Ji-woon would be dead on the ground and Jake would have a whole new set of problems. Instead he just simmered his rage until it was manageable and let out a heavy sigh. “If you want me to beg you’re shit out of luck,” he said, just barely contained from spitting venom. “But I’ll tell you how to take the collar off if you agree to get me out of this thing.
Preferably sooner than later. Jake didn’t mind learning about plants when Claudette was the one gushing about them, but he’d rather not get a hands-on lesson about however the fuck the flora in this realm’s ecosystem worked.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Well.. That was an offer worth considering.
Very much considering, but not committing to. Not immediately.
"Why should I? I get to stay here with you~♡" He giggled, strolling about just to stretch and show off how he had much more freedpm than Jake did right now, thank you very much. "You're not going anywhere.. I'm not going anywhere... We could have a true heart to heart... I think I could get to like this..."
Then again.... Freedom meant he didn't have to keep his promise.... He'd get out of here and Jake would still be stuck in one spot for him to toy with or even just leave... Hmmm....
Maybe. Maybe. But he was still fishing to see if he could get anything extra out of this, ignoring the trapped man just to make him squirm.
Continued from [here] @bloodshedaria
If looks could kill Ji-woon would be dead on the ground and Jake would have a whole new set of problems. Instead he just simmered his rage until it was manageable and let out a heavy sigh. “If you want me to beg you’re shit out of luck,” he said, just barely contained from spitting venom. “But I’ll tell you how to take the collar off if you agree to get me out of this thing.
Preferably sooner than later. Jake didn’t mind learning about plants when Claudette was the one gushing about them, but he’d rather not get a hands-on lesson about however the fuck the flora in this realm’s ecosystem worked.
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"Mmmm... You know, I would, buuuut...." He sighed, putting on an extra level of poutiness just for the sheer sarcasm of it all. The knife he had grabbed earlier was still out, but it was being put to use to trim his nails. "I just seem to recall something you've done recently... Oh I can't possibly remember what, but you wanted.. mmm.. some space I believe? For me to stay right over here? You know that really hurt my feelings... Made me feel unwanted...."
Okay, this is clearly a horrible idea. But if Jake was gonna get a chance to ensure this maniac would stay in one place for a while, it was this.
The leash in question was tied tight around a tree branch on one end and clipped to a collar on the other, and Jake was doing his damn best to sneak up on the pop star before he could get spotted.
Ready… and… Now.
( @the-game-warden )
It's not often that Ji-Woon enjoys the outdoors. Even here in the fog it's... Messy. Not particularly glamorous. The trees tended towards spooky and grim, and he was one much more for the scenic and glamorous. Buuut... He could make exceptions now and then...
Such as for this divine little corner he'd wandered into recently! Goodness what beautiful things! Right here the fog bordered up onto some strange new realm, so trees battled for space against... something! Whatever they were, they were something! That's for sure!
Like this little fine that seemed to have Teeth. Or the bushy, segmented... Cactus??? That had segmented portions and a jaw like a spring trap. Was that a WALL of INTESTINES??
Alas, before he could skip on over to investigate more closely there was a surprise in store for him! A quick patter of footsteps right behind him- far too late to do anything before there was a sudden click right around his neck and a weight that wasn't there before-
Oh! But none of that mattered! Because it was Jake! He immediately got tunnel vision and could focus on nothing else.
"Kiyomi~♡☆♡!!" He gushed, pacing towards the man with a wide smile and arms reaching as if for an embrace. "How sweet of you to come for- hnm???"
End of the chain and his line of thought stopped as quickly as his feet did. "Oh? Oh what an interesting little gift~☆??" The popstar crooned as he ran a hand along the leash "You know, you could have asked, but the surprise is SO much more romantic~♡♡♡"
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
Ji-woon's breathless giggle was startled out of him when the plant snapped around Jake, a chill running up his spine and his head tilting even further.
"Oh my, oh my~♡! What is that~♡♡??" Step, step- stop. His collar wouldn't let him get any closer and he was still well out of arm's reach of Jake, prompting a very, very brief scowl to cross his pretty features before he shrugged it off. A restraint could just as easily be a support, and he leaned into the tension to take a casual pose. "You're so popular.. Everything wants to get their hands on you~☆"
Okay, this is clearly a horrible idea. But if Jake was gonna get a chance to ensure this maniac would stay in one place for a while, it was this.
The leash in question was tied tight around a tree branch on one end and clipped to a collar on the other, and Jake was doing his damn best to sneak up on the pop star before he could get spotted.
Ready… and… Now.
( @the-game-warden )
It's not often that Ji-Woon enjoys the outdoors. Even here in the fog it's... Messy. Not particularly glamorous. The trees tended towards spooky and grim, and he was one much more for the scenic and glamorous. Buuut... He could make exceptions now and then...
Such as for this divine little corner he'd wandered into recently! Goodness what beautiful things! Right here the fog bordered up onto some strange new realm, so trees battled for space against... something! Whatever they were, they were something! That's for sure!
Like this little fine that seemed to have Teeth. Or the bushy, segmented... Cactus??? That had segmented portions and a jaw like a spring trap. Was that a WALL of INTESTINES??
Alas, before he could skip on over to investigate more closely there was a surprise in store for him! A quick patter of footsteps right behind him- far too late to do anything before there was a sudden click right around his neck and a weight that wasn't there before-
Oh! But none of that mattered! Because it was Jake! He immediately got tunnel vision and could focus on nothing else.
"Kiyomi~♡☆♡!!" He gushed, pacing towards the man with a wide smile and arms reaching as if for an embrace. "How sweet of you to come for- hnm???"
End of the chain and his line of thought stopped as quickly as his feet did. "Oh? Oh what an interesting little gift~☆??" The popstar crooned as he ran a hand along the leash "You know, you could have asked, but the surprise is SO much more romantic~♡♡♡"
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bloodshedaria · 1 year
"You don't have to admire at a distance~♡☆♡☆♡☆"
Ji-Woon's hand stilled, knife in hand. If he threw a knife, Jake was likely to leave him entirely, especially if he actually hit him... Maybe a near miss....?
It was only as his golden eyes skimmed over the foliage around Jake, intending to choose a secondary target, that he also noticed the foliage shifting. It was so... bizarre.. So unexpected, that he tilted his head like a dog, trying to process just what the hell was he actually looking at....?
Okay, this is clearly a horrible idea. But if Jake was gonna get a chance to ensure this maniac would stay in one place for a while, it was this.
The leash in question was tied tight around a tree branch on one end and clipped to a collar on the other, and Jake was doing his damn best to sneak up on the pop star before he could get spotted.
Ready… and… Now.
( @the-game-warden )
It's not often that Ji-Woon enjoys the outdoors. Even here in the fog it's... Messy. Not particularly glamorous. The trees tended towards spooky and grim, and he was one much more for the scenic and glamorous. Buuut... He could make exceptions now and then...
Such as for this divine little corner he'd wandered into recently! Goodness what beautiful things! Right here the fog bordered up onto some strange new realm, so trees battled for space against... something! Whatever they were, they were something! That's for sure!
Like this little fine that seemed to have Teeth. Or the bushy, segmented... Cactus??? That had segmented portions and a jaw like a spring trap. Was that a WALL of INTESTINES??
Alas, before he could skip on over to investigate more closely there was a surprise in store for him! A quick patter of footsteps right behind him- far too late to do anything before there was a sudden click right around his neck and a weight that wasn't there before-
Oh! But none of that mattered! Because it was Jake! He immediately got tunnel vision and could focus on nothing else.
"Kiyomi~♡☆♡!!" He gushed, pacing towards the man with a wide smile and arms reaching as if for an embrace. "How sweet of you to come for- hnm???"
End of the chain and his line of thought stopped as quickly as his feet did. "Oh? Oh what an interesting little gift~☆??" The popstar crooned as he ran a hand along the leash "You know, you could have asked, but the surprise is SO much more romantic~♡♡♡"
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