bloodthativespilt · 3 days
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Since I drew Curufin, I wanted to make some proper designs also for other sons of Fëanor. But I had no time and when I had I didn't liked my sketches and ideas.
But atlast here goes Maglor, playing hudry-gudry♡
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bloodthativespilt · 2 months
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Maglor. I made this art entirely on a tablet!!
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bloodthativespilt · 2 months
The reminder of when he'd had to step up, not just for their siblings but for all those who had followed Feanor, had him flinch. It wasn't the anger or the tone, but how lost he'd felt during... that.
And yes, their brothers hadn't helped him. Not in the way he'd needed.
The anger ebbed, he yielded to his older brother as he so often did. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slow. When he looked back to Maedhros his gaze had softened.
"Nelya. If I didn't want this, I wouldn't be here."
If he walked back into Angband, Maglor would go too.
"Can you not at least... let me in?" His fingers rested featherlight against Maedhros' arm. In the past he'd have clung to his brother's hand, but he couldn't bare to now.
@bouncingbeleg / @bloodthativespilt ;; "why the hell did you open your door for me if you're so angry at me?!"
“Because your sorry ass is going to stand there whining until I let you in!”
The low register of his voice almost ebbed through the stone beneath their feet, a slight bit of color rose to his checks under the wide belts of freckles. Discolored eyes bore down as if their gaze alone could forge holes in lesser men, the air between them both electric and fervent as if it too could sense an impending storm.
“My decisions don’t require your approval!”
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bloodthativespilt · 2 months
@bloodthativespilt ;; eavesdrop
“I don’t know why Kana is still around here— he doesn’t deserve to be living in a place like this. He shouldn’t be involved in this war… he shouldn’t be stuck here with me.”
The light sound of a spoon against china rattled the air, the voice following it was slower. Careful.
“He’s your brother—”
“Why isn’t he with any of the others? The rest of them live far enough south not to be involved in all of this!”
“You act like he’s a wayward child: if he didn’t want to be here than he would have left.”
The silence stretched for a moment, nothing stirring as the air seemed to almost vibrate in its tension. And when his voice rose again it was tense, as if the words had to be pried apart from something deeper within. Slow. An awkward, pained sort of speaking punctuated by footsteps and silent pauses as he paced slowly about the room.
“I can’t… give him anything.”
Again there was quiet, a slight shuffle of cloth,
“… If all love was a bargain, this world would be a miserable place.”
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bloodthativespilt · 2 months
Maglor stepped in close, glaring up at his brother. "I never said they did!"
It was a rare day to hear the second oldest Feanorian shouting, it surely drew the ears of the residence and staff. He planted his hands on his hips, not giving ground beneath Maedhros' glare. "All I said was that you needed to let us in." 'Us' being the siblings of course.
"Or do you really expect us to walk into everything after you blindly? Do you see so little value in our opinions that you can't even share your plans with us?"
@bouncingbeleg / @bloodthativespilt ;; "why the hell did you open your door for me if you're so angry at me?!"
“Because your sorry ass is going to stand there whining until I let you in!”
The low register of his voice almost ebbed through the stone beneath their feet, a slight bit of color rose to his checks under the wide belts of freckles. Discolored eyes bore down as if their gaze alone could forge holes in lesser men, the air between them both electric and fervent as if it too could sense an impending storm.
“My decisions don’t require your approval!”
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
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Overnight stay for the Noldor
So, the following are participating in the fierce mix-up: Finrod, Fingon, Maitimo and Maglor (who was promised a cultural viewing of “La-La Land”) But in the end, instead of a calm (if this is possible in such company) evening, Maitimo and Fingon decided to start fights without rules, Finrod could not help but participate😅 And by the way, a small note. In conversations and posts, I use elf names in Sindarin, they sound and spell better, with the exception of “Maitimo” I just like it 😊
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
"I didn't do it because I had to, Curufin. If you don't want them I can give them to someone else." Somehow his family always went and made it difficult to show them love. Even the twins had started getting embarrassed by it. "At least keep me company? Tell me about your day."
Maglor is knitting his most babiest of brothers a pair of socks for his dumb poor little feet.
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
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Maglor rock singer? mmmmm ok
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
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Maglor 🥳🥳🥳
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
"I found a booklet on it last night." Maglor tipped his head back to look up at Curufin, his hands still knitting away. "I thought this is what you wanted when you've come in each morning sulking? I was going to look for one on sweaters next."
Maglor is knitting his most babiest of brothers a pair of socks for his dumb poor little feet.
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
Young elf sneaks in and leaves a peanut butter cookie with dark chocolate chips on a plate. Next to it he leaves a note written in carefully practiced writing.
For my favorite uncle Maglor. Love always, your nephew, Ñolya.
The next day a plate of brownies appears in Nolya's room with a note beside it. The script was not as beautiful as might be expected from a son of Feanor.
For my Favourite nephew,
Love M
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bloodthativespilt · 3 months
Maglor is knitting his most babiest of brothers a pair of socks for his dumb poor little feet.
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bloodthativespilt · 4 months
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Maglor. I made this art entirely on a tablet!!
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bloodthativespilt · 5 months
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Apocalypse AU Maglor.
he has a bunch of swords cause I think by the XXVIII century bullets would have run out.
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bloodthativespilt · 5 months
He had hoped his name would come up next or at the very least not at the bottom of the list. "Aw, so sweet. Come here." Maglor grabbed for his face, intent on planting a kiss on that cheek if it was the last thing he did.
Moryo filing his nails bc he knows he’s not the favorite of either parent
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bloodthativespilt · 5 months
Typical. Not that his own answer is different. "What if we exclude him from the list. Then who?"
Moryo filing his nails bc he knows he’s not the favorite of either parent
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bloodthativespilt · 5 months
"It's true! ...who's your favorite?"
Moryo filing his nails bc he knows he’s not the favorite of either parent
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