gxldenfinwe · 1 year
In the wake of Maedhros' rescue, Arafinwë had been in Doriath, and it was only now he saw his nephew in the flesh again for the first time - though his face had been recurrent in his dreams. Ever dignified, he did not let his shock show, and instead he simply inclined his head in respectful greeting. He was here as his brother's messenger, and he would act the part, his voice soft even in formality.
"You are looking well. Himring suits you, I take it?"
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thegreatstrongbow · 1 year
“  whatever it is you think was going on between us,  you’re wrong.  ” (okay but. You. Remember when we were talking about post Doriath kinslaying 👀)
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The world had ended and darkness had flooded the earth, swallowing the world and destroying every source of light, vanquishing joy and hope.
It had not. But it had, for Beleg. Everything he had loved was gone; Doriath's forests were empty and dark, the halls of Menegroth soaked in blood. Thingol had been slain, Mablung had fallen - he had failed to protect his king and queen, failed to protect their children, failed in everything. All his friends were dead. All he had left was Maedhros.
But Maedhros was the cause of it all. Anger and grief collided with love in his chest; despite it all, he loved him still. He clung to that feeling - it was the only good thing he had left, even if it hurt him so deeply. He could not let go, or he would spiral into darkness.
"You would deny that there is love between us." Beleg challenged, "But you are wrong. You loved me, and I loved you, and I love you still. Do not send me away."
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admirableringmaker · 1 year
@gezelligheiid from [X]
"Better a loyal hound than a wretched thrall." Sauron leaned down and traced a claw along Maedhros' jaw. "I see you have not lost your taste for diplomacy. I do admire that about you. Always something amusing to say."
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emfyredarchived · 1 year
♡ @gezelligheiid
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𝕾hadowheart's attention had been caught on cyran for the past ten minutes at least. she was growing used to gale's moody staring into the campfire, but this may be the first time she's noticed it in cyran. there is conflict within the cleric. though her presence is mainly for healing, she knows that there are some wounds that even she cannot close. shadowheart makes her way towards the other with a bottle of some ale in hand. she sits down beside him without a word at first, watching the flames of the fire dance. ❝ you look a little worse for wear today. sad. ❞ the bottle is offered to him, if he wished to take it. ❝ with these things in our head i suppose it's hard to find moments of happiness, but we can't give up hope. we will find a cure and we will get our moments back. ❞ it was quite possible that was not the reason why the other looked so down in the dumps. fingers tap against her knee as she turns her head towards cyran. ❝ if that's not what is bothering you . . . you could confide in me. i have a perfect shoulder to cry on. tell me your woes and drown them in wine. ❞
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Society was too stressful for the half-orc, too many unspoken rules, social cues to remember, too many unpleasant pleasantries reserved for people he'd rather just punch.
The place for him was out in nature, out in the wilds, exactly where a Druid liked him belonged. Today, Tobi was enjoying his Wild Shape, the joy of being a little mouse was never ending for him. So small, so harmless, with all the benefit of usually being shoo-ed away instead of killed.
He'd been watching a stranger for a little while, scurrying over and giving them a careful sniff. The mouse sat and stared up at them. How a person treated the smallest of creatures was always a decent way to see how evil they were.
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princguard-a · 1 year
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" Elen..." Lark muttered as she limped into their study. She watched them for a moment making medicine and huffed.
" I don't suppose you could spare a moment to look at my knee? I fell off my horse a bit ago."
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askrossiel · 1 year
"Well it's no wonder you feel like shit." (Mae is a terrible healer but he here for you anyway)
"Thank you for your... keen observation," came the muffled reply from underneath the pillow, where she had hidden herself from the brightness and noise of the morning. "Lesson learnt: don't play 'I have never' with people who know you too well, or with those who make their own liquor."
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bloodthativespilt · 2 years
Maglor looked up from his parchment as his brother came in the room. "You realize you're tracking mud?"
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
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It had been ages since the last time Eden had visited Imladris. It had been ages since Eden had visited the Lord of Rivendell, Elrond ( @gezelligheiid ).
He smiled at the Lord. " Oh, yer lookin' well, Elrond. How are you?"
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eskelwolfed · 1 year
Mae (@gezelligheiid) sent a meme: “  why should i trust you?  ” from here.
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Eskel looked up. Rarely did he have to look up to see someone in the face, but this man was so much taller than him that even he was feeling ... a little intimidated. Just a little!
"Listen, I'm a Witcher and I hunt monsters for coin. You don't have to trust me, - no one ever does - but I don't want you hurt. There is always something more powerful than you."
Eskel just experiened this uncomfortable feeling. He's felt it in his first years being a Witcher a lot, until he realized how powerful he could be. That the bigger a monster was, the dumber it was. Just that Eskel just talked to an entity that was almost 9ft high (he guessed at least). Actually, he just should've turned his back and went away and let this giant stranger face the threat on his own, but if Eskel hated something, it was the incoming ambush.
"I'm sure you're quite a force of nature itself, but whatever you want to do... decide it now."
Eskel wasn't some saint who would fight for nothing but gratefulness and yet, he did it just now.
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roquenxnar · 2 years
❝ get help ? I AM HELP ! ❞ (from Mae to any of your blorbos it was just too funny hdgsfafsh)
The young man hadn't meant to become lost in the woods; in fact, he'd wanted to be a good grandson, a good nephew, a good scout— he'd only intended to follow his grandfather's dearest friend, and make sure he returned home safely. Urnarseldo simply hadn't realized how far the Noldo would travel, nor how much trouble one old elf could get into. And get somehow, trouble had found him, and he was only able to run from it.
That trouble, at the moment, was a warg. Or, several, really, but he could hardly be specific when he was running for his life. He leapt over fallen logs, diving through the freshly-fallen snow like a rabbit, before colliding with Maedhros. He scrambled behind the old man with a cry, as if the former King was a shield, or a wall. “There’s no way— did you not see those?” He asked, pointing toward the approaching wargs. “I don’t want to die— I haven’t even gotten to see the world yet!” He looked between Mae and the beast, and gave a whimper as he tried to hide; only after a moment to breathe was he able to think about the trouble he was causing, and how his family would likely never let him leave Rivendell again.
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thegreatstrongbow · 2 years
wet :   my  muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for  your  muse  to  join  them. (From Mae lol. Beleg out here frolicking in the water smh)
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"I promise it isn't too cold."
It was very rare he got this much time with Maedhros all at once, so when the chance had to be part of an escort riding east, Beleg had eagerly volunteered himself. They had come to a lake, one Beleg knew well, and leaving their horses to rest awhile, Beleg had seized the chance to strip down to his underwear, caring not for the chill or for the opinions of their companions.
Wading out until it was at his hips, he turned back to look at Maedhros.
"It is refreshing! Come and wash away the road dust with me."
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admirableringmaker · 2 years
❝ I would rather die than marry the likes of you. ❞ (from Elen. My morbid curiosity always wins)
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"The likes of me?"
Mairon laughed, each graceful movement accompanied by the twinkling of hundreds of gems sewn into his robe, in his hair, at his throat. This arrangement was not his liking either, but he would be damned if he would give anyone the satisfaction of knowing. He would dazzle them all with his beauty and have his betrothed wrapped around his jewelled finger in a matter of days, he was sure.
"Beautiful, charming, intelligent - what is there not to love? You elves are so dramatic."
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geurenlifestyle · 1 year
🎅🌲🎅🌲🎅 Snowed In Warmer 🎅🌲🎅🌲🎅Het sneeuwt buiten, maar binnen in deze knusse hut is het warm! Til het dak op en voeg je favoriete feestdagengeur toe!Afwerking: Handgeschilderd + Gloeit op tijdens gebruik.Afmetingen: 25 cm hoog.Materiaal: Metaal.Smelt onze wax met de warmte van een laagspanningslampje of element en vul je ruimte met geuren, zonder vlam, rook of roet.
Nu voor €88,-
👉 en selecteer party Oktober 👈
🛒 Bestellen kan door hieronder te reageren of door een berichtje te sturen.
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pxnxply · 1 year
you help me, i'll help you. (Let me torture a new person with Maedhros lmao)
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"I can see how this arrangement might be beneficial."
Beren scratched his jaw, where fresh stubble had begun to sprout; he was young even by mortal standards. His father had sent him here as his emissary to the elves - a grand responsibility for his heir! - but Beren found these elves nothing like he had been expecting.
"But what would you ask of us in return, my lord?"
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princguard-a · 1 year
“I have you!” (From Elen)
Send “I have you!” for your muse to protectively grab my muse and shield them from an attack/danger.
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In the span that it took her to blink, she felt the force of Elrond's body on hers. Foolish. To risk his life for hers when he was much more valuable sent a rage boiling in her and as she struggled to wring herself free of her friend's grip, she found herself at the mercy of his protection.
❝ No! ❞ she screeched as she flailed under them.
No. It wasn't right. They needed to protect Gil-galad, not her. As the orc commander drew his blade for the final strike, Lark gripped Elrond's shoulder with one hand and sprawling the other outward as if to stop the blade in a vain attempt to save them.
What she did not intend, or expect was the blazing inferno that enraptured not just their assailant but the several orcs in the immediate area.
She stared dumbfounded and glanced at Elrond for an explanation. Whatever power slept dormant in her--whatever ancient prayer she invoked to her ancestors in that desperate moment--it had been answered with fire. Lark stared at the scorched fingertips of her hand and frowned. She found herself clinging to Elrond.
❝ Are you alright? ❞ she hissed and whispered to him. ❝ We need to move! ❞
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