bloodysart · 2 months
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You know this somehow isn't the most bizarre au/fusion thing I've made but it's close.
For context I made my friend @theomaru read the Heralds of Valdemar books and he was like 'I think my Guild Wars 2 OC would be a Companion. but a fucked up one' and I was like 'awesome can my Guild Wars 2 OC be her Herald?' and now we're in too deep and I think I've finally got the whole fake anime screenshot deal figured out tee hee.
(Yes I know the companions are all blue-eyed in the books I explain why I changed that under the cut and give context as to what the hell is going on)
Okay so for those of you who don't know:
Heralds of Valdemar is a fantasy novel series that got started in the late 80s and is still having new installments published. It's about Valdemar, a fantasy country whose forces and government include Heralds. Heralds are people who are Chosen by Companions (magical horse-like beings) and Heralds, once Chosen, are proven to be fundamentally decent and uncorruptable people and also get psychic powers. As a result, the ruler of Valdemar always has to be a Herald to prevent a shitty ruler from taking over. The books run all over the place in the timeline, from the founding of the country to hundreds of years later. One of the main themes of the series is the power of good over evil and what exactly those mean, and how exactly you can use your magical horse-angel-friend and your psychic powers to become a fully realized person and save the people you love.
Guild Wars 2 is a fantasy video game about a fantasy world under threat of Elder Dragons who are primordial forces of nature that corrupt and blight the world and eat magic. In the game, you as the player character end up becoming second-in-command of an organization dedicated to killing the Elder Dragons to save the world as we know it. One of the five playable races are the charr, giant militaristic cat people with horns. One of the main themes of the game is unity, and how all the disperate peoples and races of Tyria need to unite to fight against a threat to all of them.
So Theo and I ended up making an AU wherein Valdemar is an originally human kingdom, but over time different groups of the different races were integrated into the country as a whole, more or less. Valdemar has no magic, except for the Gifts (psychic powers), and most within Valdemar believe that magic isn't real anymore. The themes of the AU are finding the fundamental goodness in yourself, accepting yourself for who you are and finding the people who love you, and finding unity with different people in the face of the end of the world.
Starriean Greybone has recently been made into a gladium, put at the lowest rung of charr society, and is targeted by a group of bullies who plan to frame her for desertion and possibly beat her to death. She's saved what she thought was a feral horse, who reveals herself to be a Companion after making short work of the bullies and Chooses Starriean, which I depicted here.
Kilven (the Companion) has pink eyes because the actual design for the OC does, and meta-textually in the anime the animators gave her pink eyes to make her stand out more as a protagonist because goodness knows covers and adaptations love to fib about what the characters of the book look like.
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bloodysart · 4 months
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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bloodysart · 4 months
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Been getting really into Guild Wars 2 lately :3
Trixx courtesy of @prismatixxkhaos, Kilven courtesy of @theomaru
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bloodysart · 1 year
I never get tired of the thing where fantasy books name something by just calling it a word but capitalising it. Like oh shit, that person is a Wielder. The supernatural ability to see beyond matter called the Sight. Forces of Light and Darkness. The prohibited art of Knowing. A place simply known as The Blight. Awesome and horrible forces. The Force. You know something's getting bat shit wild when Fantasy Capitalisation comes into the picture. As in capitalising the letters, not the unholy act of seizing fantasy itself in order to churn profit off of it.
That is the work of evil creatures, like The Mouse.
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bloodysart · 1 year
I did a plaguetober drawing. And then I didn't realize that the plaguetober list updated every year. So I did. The wrong one.
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bloodysart · 2 years
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A collection of my art for Inktober, or as I’m doing, Giantrobotober! I’ve been posting everything on twit day-by-day, but I thought it would be worth making a larger post here and actually use my art blog LOL 
The image captions all have the character names and where they’re from on them, but most of these guys are ocs (Dark Chaos was designed by @psyche-angel/ @psychedrawstuff btw)
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bloodysart · 2 years
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oh hey i’m alive
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bloodysart · 3 years
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another collab with a friend. :) @bloodysart decided to color the overbunny drawing i made earlier. i am so thankful that people found it interesting enough to color it, not just once but twice.
very cool lineless version:
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bloodysart · 3 years
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Let me tell ya about Homestuck~!
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Did some artwork back in Inktober for Isekai as a Mecha, featuring Amira, Masaya, and a preliminary design for an as-yet unnamed character! I’m happy with how these came out, what can I say?
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Time for aesthetic and practice with some tones. 
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Meet Nomad and Beni from Earth’s Guardian: Wandering Star! It’s kind of a homage to all the super robot shows I like watching, especially the Brave Series. 
Nomad is a guardian robot is a big ol’ gun sword. He’s supposed to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats, and so when alien ships show up and start causing problems, Nomad awakens as a robot made by Beni’s parents, with some upgrades, of course. He’s not good with emotions, but he is good at fighting, and he regards Beni as his boss-slash-handler and listens to her without hesitation.
Beni, meanwhile, is living with her aunt and her aunt’s very close friend while her parents are on an international lecture tour, and is reconnecting with old friends when suddenly aliens show up! She stumbles on a magic rock in her parents’ old lab which turns into a power source for the robot prototype they made, and suddenly Nomad says that she’s his boss and that they’re now in charge of defending planet Earth!
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Some of my inktobers! They’re in a random order and I’m waiting to post some until I can draw and scan a few more characters.
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Doing a Doctor Who Au I’ve been playing around with for a while; some of the Companions have switched places with their Doctors, and vice versa! Featuring Susan as One, Jamie as Two, and Jo as Three! Art of the Doctors-as-Companions will be posted when I finish it!
Stuff from the twitter thread will be posted under a read more!
Keep reading
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Doing a Doctor Who Au I've been playing around with for a while; some of the Companions have switched places with their Doctors, and vice versa! Featuring Susan as One, Jamie as Two, and Jo as Three! Art of the Doctors-as-Companions will be posted when I finish it!
Stuff from the twitter thread will be posted under a read more!
Re: my Doctorswap AU tweet, the basic gist of it is as stated: some of the companions take the place of the doctors, and some of the doctors take the place of the companions/side characters. (I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the Brigadier+the Master)  
The criteria for the companions who take the place of the Doctors are that each Doctor gets swapped for the companion that's remembered the most/longest running with that Doctor, but more importantly which ones I like most because this is my AU and I make the rules. So, like, Sarah Jane Smith will swap with Four and Rose will swap with Nine because those two are long-running and also iconic. Bill will be swapped for Twelve because I like her and her episodes a lot and also she got done dirty. 
Ten will probably get to be John Smith if anyone's wondering. One and Two have names (Mr. James Foreman and Prof. Juan van Wer if you're wondering) but I'm still trying to figure out who Three is. 
The original conception of this AU had Three taking the Brig's place, the Brig taking the Master's place, and the Master taking Jo's place. And of course Doctor!Jo. This current AU has blossomed out of that, with minor changes; I assigned everyone's roles randomly.
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bloodysart · 4 years
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OC stuff, featuring a continuity swap with @psychedrawstuff‘s character Damien, a superhero OC, and a doodle of a humanformer Dartstrike from an AU RP.
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bloodysart · 4 years
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Some Iron Leaguer Art! Enjoy!
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