without-ado · 2 days
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Moon, Olympic rings & Eiffel Tower l Loic Venance
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389 · 2 days
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powerjah @powerjahrt
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thatsbelievable · 2 days
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 days
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Today's PoorlyDrawnLines comic screamed SAMS Eclipse V4, so this had to be illustrated to make a point.
It sure feels pretty spot on XD
The Roan RPG Project ScreeCon Server on Discord Leave a Tip on Ko-Fi
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baddpuddytat · 2 days
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hushedhippie · 2 days
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First skinny dip at the house🫶🏼🪿✨
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Any recreation of a landmark from a different location, Earth
Submitted by Anonymous
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odinsblog · 2 days
The earth as seen from space
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wayti-blog · 1 day
"For years, scientists believed that changes in the Earth's interior, such as volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate collisions, primarily affected the surface environment."
"(...) a new study published in Nature Communications has revealed a surprising new aspect: solar radiation can also affect the Earth's deep interior."
Solar radiation varies with latitude, creating temperature gradients on the sea surface that affect the distribution of marine life. These carbon-rich organisms are transported into the Earth's interior by the subduction of oceanic plates. Researchers from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered that this process significantly affects the redox state of arc magma.
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(Sun's influence on earth's deep interior. Credit: Chinese Academy of Sciences)
The "redox" state of arc magma refers to the balance between reducing (losing oxygen or gaining electrons) and oxidizing (gaining oxygen or losing electrons) conditions within magma formed in volcanic arcs. Marine organisms serve as organic carbon and act as a major reducer for the solid Earth. Consequently, the redox state of arc magma can reflect how the sun's influence penetrates deep into the Earth."
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williamvrex · 2 days
Paternal Ancestry scan - SPECIES ANALYSIS
Maternal Ancestry scan - SPECIES ANALYSIS
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whencyclopedia · 3 days
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The Theogony is an 8th-century BCE didactic and instructional poem, credited to the Greek poet Hesiod. The Theogony was, at first, not actually written down, rather, it was part of a rich oral tradition which only achieved written form decades later. The Theogony traces the history of the world from its creation through the battle between the Olympians and the Titans to the ascension of Zeus as the absolute ruler of all of the Olympian gods. With the rise of Zeus to supremacy and the birth of his many children, the poem ends and does not address the continued struggles between mankind and the gods. Much of what is known today concerning early Greek mythology comes from Hesiod's work and that other great Greek poet Homer. Collectively, their works would serve as a major influence on later Greek literature and drama, and Roman mythology, especially through the epic Metamorphoses by Ovid.
The Theogony (from the Greek theogonia, meaning "generations of the gods") is an epic poem of 1,022 hexameter lines which describes the birth of the gods in the Greek pantheon. It is thought to have been composed c. 700 BCE (give or take a generation either side of that date). Little is known of Hesiod's life. His father emigrated from Cyme in Asia Minor and settled in Boeotia, a small state in central Greece. It is assumed that the poet was a farmer; a fact garnered from the early verses of the Theogony. He may also have been a rhapsodist, a reciter of poetry, where he learned the technique and vocabulary of heroic songs.
Although there are some who question whether or not Hesiod actually wrote the Theogony, most classicists believe he did. However, parts of the work may have been added by later poets and there is a definite similarity in some aspects to earlier Mesopotamian literature. The historian Dorothea Wender believes that the Theogony was an earlier work than Works and Days, the other work attributed to Hesiod. She considers the latter to be a better work, and while the Theogony seems to be unpolished, the author could have had difficulty with written composition.
Wender criticizes Hesiod for not discussing the dethroning of Kronos and his endless mention of "colourless deities." Also, Hesiod's Zeus is too invincible. There is no suspense. "Homer gets more excitement out of a footrace than Hesiod does out of a full-scale war in heaven" (18). However, to Wender, the poem still has historical interest. Certainly, the Theogony was influential; the historian Norman Cantor in his Antiquity wrote that the Greeks adopted Homer and Hesiod's notion of the gods and
a distinctive Greek religion was developed. This religion was always complex and never consistent in all its details; still, its view of man and the world lies at the center of Greek culture. (123)
Hesiod was influential on Classical Greek literature and philosophy, his Prometheus story, for example, inspiring such playwrights as Aeschylus (c. 525 - c. 456 BCE). His poetic style was much imitated, particularly in Hellenistic times and in Roman times - both the Republic and Imperial Rome - when Hesiod's works continued to be recited and set to music. The great Roman writer Ovid (43 BCE - 17 CE) would use many of the themes of the Theogony in his Metamorphoses.
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squishymain · 12 hours
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krakenmare · 3 days
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Apollo 17: Cresent Earth eclipsed by silhouetted horizon of the moon (December 7-19. 1972)
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darkforestdreams · 1 day
"Lunar's SECRET PLAN" Episode! (Me Gushing Over an LAES Episode)
MY GOD, I ADORED today's episode of the Lunar and Earth show. Dazzle being a helpful bean, Sun being a big brother (no pun intended), Earth being a goofball, Lunar being a lit--UH, I mean, fun-sized trickster grump, GIANTS IN THE DAYCARE--I LOVE IT!
And I thought Lunar and Earth helping Sun with his goose magic was funny! Earth's "sibling dynamic" line is so true. It's practically her catchphrase by now, but I sure ain't complainin'! :D
Lunar actually did fool me the first time he did the thing when they were by the ball pit. I didn't even realize he did it again before it became obvious. I'm around 5' 2'' years so I can relate to Lunar's frustration, but if we're small then WE ARE GOING TO BE PROUD OF IT, DAMMIT! And he DID have a bit of a sense of humor about it, mimicking the Jaws theme when in the ball pit after Earth pointed out that only the top of his head was visible.
And MY GOD, Sun/Happy Boy was SUCH a butt of a big brother. XD It was freaking funny how merciless he was with the teasing. I mean, he started it around less than one minute into the video! Maybe he was a bit mean, but he was genuinely apologetic when he thought he went too far.
It was nice that Sun was having a good day, joking and laughing. I mean, he was ACTUALLY laughing, not just wheezing or huffing a few times. I'm super proud of him. His problems and trauma aren't over, but he's still come a long way.
NOW FOR EARTH: I LOVE Earth's sense of humor. I love how hammy and silly she is, first was the whole "L-L-L-L-LUNAAAR~!" from the last laes lore episode, then today it was her "I have been learning PROOOGRAMMING!"
I wish I was half as confident as she is about putting the energy into the silliness. It's in my range of humor, and sometimes I can be hammy in front of others but I can also backtrack. I just get worried people think it's stupid instead of silly and that I'm being stupid. I just need people who I trust to really know me, I guess.
I thought of a good nickname for Lunar: BLUEBERRY MOONCAKE!
If you don't know what a mooncake is... it's banned in several countries so that's understandable.
Finally Dazzle--sweet baby girl. She went from throwing a toy in Lunar's face because it was funny to offering to find that FREAKIN' DONUT THING, WHICH COULD'E BEEN LITERALLY ANYWHERE IN THAT WAREHOUSE-SIZED ROOM. She's definitely learning stuff from Sun, and he already trusts her enough to let her find it on her own. Yes he goes to help her at the end BUT YOU CAN'T DENY HOW CUTE THEIR BOND IS!
And now... quoting this genuinely wonderful exchange:
Lunar: I don't even know how I can hear you right now.
Earth: It's because I'm YELLING~!
Lunar: ...FAIR ENOUGH!
Lunar: NO!
Earth: SO WE'RE COOL!?
Lunar: YEP~!
Earth: OKAY~!
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