bloomwithelle · 1 year
You're better than anyone else. That's the truth.
When I met you, I felt this connection. We didn't need words to communicate. Our eyes spoke for us. Our hands held us together and our hearts sang for us. Talking with you felt like home and your hugs were my sanctuary. You were a friend and a lover at the same time. You were the best for me.
People told me to stop, but I didn't listen. I didn't learn.
My time with you taught me a single thing: it's okay to let people go. It's a beautiful liberation even if it hurts. Chasing you would mean abandoning myself, so I chose to prioritze myself this time.
I've learned my lesson. People come and go. Some people we met are just doors and windows to new beginnings. Some are meant to stay for quite some time, but they will leave eventually.
Let me tell you, it hurts. It hurts real bad to let go of the people you truly care for.
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bloomwithelle · 1 year
"How can I describe my life to you? I think a lot, listen to music. I’m fond of flowers."
– Susan Sontag, Death Kit
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