bluberryffxiv · 4 days
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jelili has become magic girl 🖌️✨
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bluberryffxiv · 5 days
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hm….it seems this little mermaid isnt exactly thrilled to be here
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bluberryffxiv · 6 days
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worlds most dangerous fruit this side of the ciedales… thats right, its the pinanapple 🍍
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bluberryffxiv · 17 days
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"oh dear, oh dear, i shall be too late!" white rabbit cosplay for raid night ☕
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bluberryffxiv · 18 days
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guy who refuses to get out of his leylines
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bluberryffxiv · 24 days
coming back to this hours late lol but i wanna talk about bonanas relationship with the echo
so yeah he got it when he was 10 and there was a big meteor shower passing over the island and during it he began to hear hydaelyns call and obv this would be pretty scary to a 10 y/o. so parents take him home and mom tries to get the details bc she is sharlayan and is vaguely aware of what the echo is. but the thing is having her kid be chosen by Her is not in her plans so she decides to keep him in the dark (however he does eavesdrop on the convo and while he doesnt understand a lot of what theyre saying he does pick up that apparently he was chosen, and it goes to his head a little bit)
fast forward some years when he starts training as a nurse he finds that sometimes he'd be accosted by visions of his patients as they received their injuries. which was obviously very distressing, but when he brought it up to mom or his teacher they just dismissed it as an overactive mind.
at the same time he kinda liked to brag that he was important bc he was chosen (by who?) and had a destiny (for what?). to which other kids made fun of him bc they knew him and his family and how he wasnt even allowed to wear his own clothes so how could he ever be a hero. mostly he came off as this meddling kid who stuck his nose in everyones business but didnt rly have the power to do anything, so they would often shorten his name to an insult or call him zero. even after he started doing his shitty night vigilante thing everyone had already decided he wouldnt go anywhere so it didnt sway their opinions
and then when he finally left for eorzea and joined the scions it was like. it felt like a prank to him. meeting these people who regarded the echo as a gift, him finally being treated as a worthy hero to them, it was a slap in the face. the way minfillia talked about it felt especially bad because he could tell she truly felt it was a blessing from Her, but his experiences had convinced him otherwise. and of course he just sat on those feelings, because he was the hero he wanted to be now, and he was so scared to fuck up and disappoint everyone and go back to being that miserable girl nobody liked (untrue statement but thats how it felt), which is pretty much his whole ordeal until the end of endwalker
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bluberryffxiv · 25 days
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Can't help thinking about how hard it must be to make friends when you have the Echo. Like having people around you know that at any moment you could slip into a trance and see a slice of their memory, maybe a painful one, maybe something incredibly personal. You can't do it intentionally but they also never know when it's going to happen. How is that going to affect the way people look at you, how much they open up to you, whether they even want to be around you? It feels like it could be incredibly isolating, and the only reason the Scions aren't weirder about it is they were half-founded by Minfilia's Echo support group so the non-Echoed members are at least used to it by now. Even so it's gotta be weird. Oh, you just spectated an extremely painful memory of mine, cool cool cool cool cool.
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bluberryffxiv · 26 days
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i liked my raid glam from the other day, the theme was cyberlove 💗
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bluberryffxiv · 1 month
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theres nothing like a day at the eorzean nimble warrior course ☀️
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bluberryffxiv · 1 month
Please feel free to elaborate in the tags!
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bluberryffxiv · 1 month
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its bonanas name day today, and my 4th ffxiversary!! theyre celebrating with tacos 🥳
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bluberryffxiv · 2 months
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graphics update treated him very well i think n_n
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bluberryffxiv · 2 months
I get a kick out of how nobody ever recognizes the Warrior of Light. I mean, there are widely circulated newspapers, but mass distribution of information is still in its infancy. People will be like, "You there! I need someone to shovel shit for me!" and the WoL is just like "sure, fine with me." Then they realize they have someone who literally saved the world shoveling manure and fall all over themselves apologizing. Or they'll be like, "Watch out! There are bandits on the road!" And the WoL will just smile cryptically like "They don't know I kill gods."
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bluberryffxiv · 3 months
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checklist this checklist that im making the most of what matters before maintenance (also happy yuri day i guess)
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bluberryffxiv · 3 months
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⸺ it all just goes away
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bluberryffxiv · 3 months
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One Garlala ready to depart for Tural!
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bluberryffxiv · 3 months
A Scion from the Southern Seas
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