blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
i get what they were going for w Black Adam but i still think it would be very funny if Adam was like 'there's nobody on the planet who can fight me' and the JSA were like well actually there's this 1 guy
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
angry kitten after failed attempt to steal the food crying screaming
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
this whole scene deserves to be played out in full
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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Jamie Oliver admits to abusing his children. Fucking horrible man.
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
i was sitting with a bunch of cis people at lunch who think i’m cis and they literally had an entire conversation on how “nowadays you can’t tell who’s transgender” while i there wearing a trans pride flag t-shirt
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
wanted to share my favorite tiktok
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
There is some random age that society deems acceptable for children to be shamed for seeing the same nipples that kept them alive.
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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War. War never changes... the litter box.
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
You know, I don't think I'll ever get over how that one post I made about women as knights in history, made it all the way to Reddit only for a bunch of redditors to argue that women couldn't actually be knights because:
- "the term is gendered" (it's not, and feminine equivalents were sometimes created specifically for the purpose)
- "they didn't actually do things as knights" (who didn't? The Hatchet women fought the Moors. A few other Orders had women as masters of arms. Both martial and formal examples)
...and a few other reasons that come down to "I don't like imagining my manly men in steel had women in their ranks, girls have cooties".
And the reason I say this is because recently, Wikipedia updated their page on "Knight", specifically adding a section about women with the title of knighthood, and what function they performed. And I know: "Wikipedia is not an academic source"--but every academic institution will accept the sources and articles used to back up wikipages, which confirm what has been said.
Knights were sometimes women. 🤷
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
AU where anakin doesn’t get horribly mutilated or publicly take a sith name, so he’s just that one jedi anakin skywalker who stayed loyal to the emperor and commands the imperial navy. meanwhile luke is hecking around on tatooine still using the skywalker name. so one day he gets those droids and meets ben kenobi and obi-wan’s like “yes your father was betrayed and murdered by a jedi named anakin skywalker. no relation to your father ani.” and luke falls for this because, well, it’s a big galaxy, and his family can’t be the only one with the name skywalker, right?
all this to say that when luke comes barging into leia’s cell on the death star and says “I’m luke skywalker, I’m here to rescue you” she’s like “you’re wHO NOW?” and luke has to really fast go “OH uhhh yeah no relation to anakin skywalker, just a funny coincidence” or else she would have socked him in the face
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
My favorite thing in the world is when someone whoe spends 99% of the their time in some toxic radicalized internet bubble tries to insult you but they are incapable of speaking normally so they call you some hyper-specific term that literally nobody understands like "kill yourself you fucking nooploid"
And then you Google "nooploid" and turns out it means something like "a derogatory term for attractive people who have sex with attractive people, which is apparently bad somehow."
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blue-eyed-hound · 2 years
how to make your effects extra special
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