blueaagave · 3 years
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blueaagave · 3 years
hey ive been really good about recycling and using reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones so why is there still an oil fire in the middle of the ocean
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blueaagave · 3 years
On this 4th of july i would like to boost my tribe’s bee farm!! https://iowaybeefarm.com/ is their website! They sell honey, beeswax products, giant jars of bee pollen, lip balms and lotions!
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pretty much everything is really cheap (much cheaper than it should be) and you can get a whole gift basket for 35 bucks!
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blueaagave · 3 years
We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee by Redbone plays in the background of the Tik Tok.
White text starts at the top of the screen, displaying information. “The song you are hearing was not allowed to be played on U.S radio stations in 1970’s”.
The dancer makes hoops go from Eagle to Earth form.
“It created by a popular Native American band called Redbone and it hit number 1 charts all over Europe.”
“The song raised awareness about what happened at Wounded Knee”
They finish the Earth form, centering themself. “Let’s get it trending”.
Screen switches to the Tik Toker’s name and username, James Jones / @notoriouscree
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blueaagave · 4 years
Please keep the homeless population of DC in your thoughts, and donate to the dccfh. Right now due to the curfew many of them are going to be unfairly detained. DC does not do cash bail. Any website saying they are a DC bail fund is a scam. Do not donate to them.
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blueaagave · 4 years
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blueaagave · 4 years
Help! It's -8°c and fucking freezing!!!
Sunday, January 3rd: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who’s in desperate need of help, as I'm really struggling to get by.
As most of you are already aware, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefits being reviewed, under the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And at the moment, I'm currently struggling to get by as I don't receive my U.C benefit until the end of the month and I am still awaiting the outcome of my PIP application (Feb 2021 at the latest) and I need help with my utility meters and getting groceries.
It's due to snow again on Tuesday, and I desperately need help to keep my heating system up and running as it's -8°c here and getting colder.
I don't have anyone else to turn to for help and I cannot go to the store myself, so I need groceries delivered and I need help to get through the current lockdown (which doesn't end til the 16th)
If anyone could send me £10/£20 for my gas/electricity meters or a little more to help me get groceries and do me til the end of the month, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.
Thank you for your help!! ♥️
PayPal • Ko-Fi Goal
@thebibliosphere @one-time-i-dreamt @ayeforscotland @justsomeantifas @trans-mom @bill-nye-official-blog @kurapikawithagun ♥️
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blueaagave · 4 years
Say it with me folks:
“Eat the rich” means 1%ers and billionaires
middle class is closer to poverty than being a multimillionaire
“The rich” does NOT include children of billionaires (come on we’re at least slightly better than the plagues of Egypt)
Upper middle class children SHOULD NOT feel guilt over having money
Being aware of privilege and using your privilege to help others IS NOT a guilt trip
Constantly feeling guilty helps no one
Billionaires, however, should feel guilty over hoarding wealth.
Upper middle class is NOT rich
Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights
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blueaagave · 4 years
a fun fact about teenagers who go through neo-nazi phases is that jewish children and children of color are unavoidably subjected to them in school and other environments, and the harm that they experience as a result is not negligible even if their neo-nazi peers eventually change their minds
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blueaagave · 4 years
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blueaagave · 4 years
if any of the people storming the capitol rn were slightly less white they would've been fucking shot to death hours ago
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blueaagave · 4 years
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And they were both impostors
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blueaagave · 4 years
i miss your orange mornings
and your red nights
the enduring piano
and the gentle guitar rifts
always waiting
ready to blanket a restless soul
in the feeling of home
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blueaagave · 4 years
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blueaagave · 4 years
If You’re Scared of Your Family Misgendering You Post-Mortem I Have Some Good Ass Info
in the aspect of prp- ting trans youth and trans bodies and ppl in general, i know i have a relatively small platform but i wanted to share this video by ask a mortician on YouTube(tl;dr under the keep reazding whatever tf) 
this stuff applies to everyone but is especially important for trans people
1 know what you want
2 know who you want (someone u trust to take care of you)
3 ask and explain what you want to your trusted people
4 get it in writing  
5 share those documents! (she discusses the best way to do this at about 8:50)
tl:dr for the tl:dr have ur advanced directive in order and protected
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blueaagave · 4 years
It’s My Birthday!
Hello, everyone! It’s my birthday today! Well, tonight? It’s 3:36 AM here right now!
Because of the pandemic, I’m spending it alone this year! It’s not ideal, but I know my family and friends will party with me next time around!
Instead, I’d love if y’all could celebrate with me by doing something a little different!
Seal Rescue Ireland NEEDS our help! SRI rescues more than 100 seal pups each year, and it’s almost entirely through public support that those seals have what they need to grow bigger and stronger and get flopping back into the ocean. The pandemic has been devastating to wildlife rehabilitation programs around the world, and SRI is no exception to the harsh bite.
Could you help me help Seal Rescue Ireland? There are two big ways you can!
NUMBER ONE is adopting a seal, like little Perseus here!
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It’s a one-time donation of  €30.00, which is is roughly $35. You get an Adoption Package, which includes your seal’s story, updates as they come, and other amazing information about your seal. You’ll be part of a big, blubbery family. Don’t just do it for MY birthday! Adopt a seal for a friend so they get the updates, or a kid, or parent, or your dog if your dog’s always wanted a seal.
There are plenty of seals in need up for adoption! GO HERE TO MEET THEM!
Next, if that sponsorship is more than you can afford, you can simply DONATE ANY AMOUNT HERE. NO amount is too little! Every cent helps these seals along the way back home to the Irish Sea! PayPal and cards are both valid!
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I’d sponsor all of them if I could, and you know I’ve done my part feeding them myself. But for now, from where I am, I need your help!
Consider it a present to me, or to the seal and to the health of the Irish Sea which needs its cutest apex predators! Whichever way you want to look at it, let’s make a big difference together!
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blueaagave · 4 years
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