blueangelchelan · 5 years
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Etihw stared mutely at the Angel as she came over, and they felt ill all over again. They shift forward, not thinking, cupping Chelan’s cheeks in their hands. The smell of copper overwhelms them, and they want to be sick. This whole thing made them sick. “A-ah… thank you, Chelan…” they reach out and instead brush a hand along her wings, mending them without thinking. They looked so painful. How could they not notice before?
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huh? at the god first holding her cheeks and then brushed over her wings, and once they where fixed her brows furrowed and tilted her head to the side    “..>.......,, ?” tho they thanked her it was all very confusing “yoU... stIll dOnt seeM weLL...? aRe yoU siCk?” could gods even get sick? she had no idea, but still she stretched her wings, it... felt strange for them to not be broken they where even more white again, sadly there was still some blood stains on the feathers
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
@tenrita unexpected starter u w u just bc I can
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“EtIhw...?” what was up with god? they seemed not happy... so unlike them! so the blue RED bird flew over on broken wings     in her hands, was an... ‘apple’ pie with some extra uh we will call it syrup “I bAkeD yOU a PiE!” she is all too cheery with the state she is in
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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she is sorry Yoaf, but you will be so much more happy in the red now!! everyone is a family again!!!
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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the red bird is more messed up than we thought l au g h s    I love this discord
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
The demon remained silent as well at first, seeming almost fearful that she had misjudged the situation. That Chelan wouldn’t want to see her. That she had made a mistake in coming here. But those fears were quickly dispelled as the angel hugged her tightly.
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“I… I am…”
After a moment, Dialo hugged her friend tightly, taking a deep breath to keep herself calm. She wanted to try and stay calm… But the more she hugged the other, the more she found herself wanting to speak.
“I’m so sorry… I’m sorry, Chelan. I’m sorry that I left, and that I left you behind. I didn’t mean to hurt you at all… Please forgive me.”
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“hU R T” she repeats holding tighter, her hands moving along the demons back brushing over the base of her leathery wings “I... was so LoNELY Dia♪... I missed you...!” and she did, always asking when she got the chance when the others would come back, when SHE would come back, and... now she was    “dont... donT leave♪ me again...!” pressing her face into the crook of the others neck she whispered “of course.. I forgIve you, but please sTay bY me...!♪”
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“Hey… Chelan.”
It had taken her what felt like forever to actually bring herself to come forward. To convince herself that Chelan wouldn’t be angry with her. Though, she wouldn’t really blame the angel if she was upset, after what had happened.
There was a moment of silence after Dialo said her friend’s name, before she spoke again.
“…I’m back.”
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“.... Di♪aL0....” her name was soft, and she just... stared at the demon with wide red eyes for a while, and for a bit longer even after she said she was back... and then-   she was over to her clutching her close, tightly “Dialo.♪. Dialo, Di♪alo, DiAl0! D̈ͫ͋ialo̘͐,♪ ̲̫͓!!” it was her-- it really was her...!
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tears pricked in the corners of her eyes but she did not care, no... these where H A P  P Y tears “hoMe--♪ HomE! yoUr ♪home!” she was mad... but she was also so delighted to have her close again to hold her, she cant let her leave, she wont
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“....” would... it be a bad idea to offer to help the angel and spirit communicate? perhaps but... for now she will leave it maybe she will bring it up to the man on her next visit to the graves...
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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she... still felt a little down but, that was not going to get in the way of her picking apples! it always was wonderful how her home was in the orchard 
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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she feels... hm perhaps like something is going to happen...? she had no idea what but, she hoped it would be good!   on another note the pie she was baking was done! and she set it out to cool
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“....✖♫♪♫✖✖✖♪♫” tweets sadly to herself as she simply... is watching a pie bake in the oven
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“left beIIInd.𝄞.” oh how sad it was for her to sound so... so upset as she sang her words, she was supposed to be HAPPY yet... she cried, it was even more upsetting how even crying they sounded like songs “✘✘𝄞♪𝄞♩✘!”
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“Dia...✘!” she missed her... she missed her so much! she missed all of them!     but they thought it better to leave her, did... they all hate her now that she was red...?
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
red verse chelan is pretty much always singing whatever she is saying ad its broken, very broken but still an angelic ‘voice of god’
I try to show this by having music notes in her speech show up and the broken ness by mixing in some random cAPs and other things like bolding or italics or more rarely zalgo text
pretty much think of like a glitching video or music or something thats how she can sound with like repeating herself, even if I dont type it out
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“wh Y leave....? I;M♬ hApp-- yyy♬y” as always a song left her    “♬ coMe... B̅͋͂ ̨A͜ ͕͉̯C̡̲̫̮̓͋̓ ̝ͯK̇̏ to mE!! DiiiIIIiiiAlo-cHAN!!” 
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“I....♪ really... wanta play with Dialo agaiN....♪” her voice while as angelic as ever but.. the tone was never as sinister
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“whEn I fiNe her I’ll brinG her HOME!♪” a broken giggle, the empaths powers spreading the felling of her want largely around the world, not... to change how others felt but to make them know     “♪come back Dialo... and Dad... DaaaaAAAAd♪ I miss you both...♪!!!” a fake pout is on her face as she sings, sings for the two demons, her two apple demons...!
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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Considering their resident baker demon ran off, they’re really hoping her little ‘apprentice’ was planning on sharing that pie.
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of course!!! she hopes it will be too the gods liking!!!
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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“Cherry... Cherry cherry red.... bake a pie make it red... red red red... red with cherry....”  that... that was definitely not... just cherry, not with the smell of iron in whatever she... was mashing up
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blueangelchelan · 5 years
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sad tweets....
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