bluebamb00 · 11 days
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Silly 15!skk comic that I sketched awhile ago and dont remember what compelled me to draw this
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
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seaside drive
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
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Wow I love women
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
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They're in a group chat <3
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
At the Port Mafia Base:
Hirotsu, adjusting a pink bow tie: So, tell me again why we're doing this?
Tachihara, buttoning up a pink shirt: We're going to see the Barbie movie, and it's customary to wear pink when you go watch it. It's silly, but Higuchi seemed excited, so...
Hirotsu, nodding: Oh, ok. Sounds fun, honestly.
Higuchi runs into the room, wearing a bright pink sundress and dragging Gin behind her. Gin has her hair tied back with a pink ribbon, and her usual black jacket was swapped for a pink blazer.
Tachihara: You two look great!
Higuchi, excitedly: Thanks! Are you two ready yet? Gin and I can't wait to get moving!
Gin, awkwardly: Speak for yourself. I look ridiculous.
Hirotsu, trying to reassure her: It's okay, I look ridiculous too.
(Gin shrugs)
Higuchi, stubbornly: None of you look ridiculous! Now come on, we're going to be late!
Tachihara: So do you have the tickets then?
Higuchi: Oh, no. But-
Hirotsu: I thought this was your idea?
Higuchi, grinning: Actually, no. It was his.
(She points to the door)
Chuuya bursts in, completely decked out in pink attire. I'm talking pink hat, pink shirt and pants, pink jacket, pink shoes, pink choker, everything.
Chuuya: So who's ready to watch the movie?
Gin: ...
Tachihara: ...
Higuchi: (trying to not laugh)
Hirotsu: ...
Chuuya, red in the face: What?
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
black cats' fur can actually be "sunbleached" under sunlight and turn brown! seems like the perfect metaphor for dazai truly
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bluebamb00 · 1 month
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I've recently read Stormbringer and it's done things to me. I also Really wanna see it animated
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
Well, you know those Soukoku fanfics with a tangled, twisted, and deep bond that transcended all universes?
Just an idea about how Beast!Soukoku doesn't have that kind of bond. It's still twisted and complicated but it can be said to be nothing compared to the original!Soukoku.
Idk, it make me think about "what if" the four of them meet (or at least beast!Dazai)
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
IF CHUUYA WAS IN THE ADA WOULD HIS CORRUPTION STILL BE A PROBLEM? THINK ABOUT IT. With Fukuzawa's ability allowing Atsushi and Kyouka to have control over their dangerous abilities, could it do the same for Chuuya? Could joining the ADA allow Chuuya to either choose if he wants to use corruption, or even allow him to be in control of himself when he does use it? Would he be able to turn it on and off at will instead of needing Dazai to nullify it? I'M SO CURIOUS
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
Sorry if you have already talked about this but do you think Dazai’s bandages are to cover sh scars or something like that or something else like a traumatic injury. I have always assumed it was sh but my friend pointed out that he has said repeatedly he doesn’t like pain. Idk but thoughts would be appreciated :)
I have definitely talked about this before, but I forgot where or when, so let's go for round two!
CW for Dazai-typical suicide & self harm mentions
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The fact that Dazai's bandages are such an obvious part of his character design, yet are rarely discussed, is absolutely intentional. As far as I remember, they're never even mentioned in the anime (except for moments such as when Chuuya calls him a walking waste of bandages), so it makes a lot of sense for everyone to be curious about what lies underneath.
Most people's minds go directly to self-harm scars, because duh, Osamu Dazai is the poster boy for mental illness. But then we think, wait... he doesn't like pain? He bitches and moans about it so much, in fact, that it casts a lot of doubt over the idea, and we end up back at square one.
Could it be because of No Longer Human? So he doesn't accidentally touch someone and activate his ability? This is honestly one of my favourite headcanons ever, and very plausible, considering that we don't actually know all that much about how NLH works... like why is it that Dazai can't control when it activates, for example? Everyone else can activate and subdue theirs, so it's got to have something to do with the fact that NLH is an anti-ability.
ANYWAY. Despite all this, there is actually an explanation of what he's hiding under there! It exists within the first few pages of Dark Era, but wasn't included in the anime adaptation. It's such an offhanded, throwaway thing, I don't blame people for missing it (side note: I wanna take the opportunity to remind you that Dark Era is mostly written from Oda's perspective!)
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So yes, this is solid proof that there are scars he's hiding under there, but the question then becomes how he got them. We get a few examples on the following page:
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Now, this is so ridiculous it's funny, and teetering on the edge of impracticality. If you've read No Longer Human, you'll immediately recognise this as clowning- Dazai is purposefully acting this way to detract from the seriousness of the situation. While yes, he's talking about serious injuries, and even admits to trying to kill himself, he does it in such a way that you just want to laugh.
So can we take these claims seriously? Is Dazai telling the full truth? There's no way for us to know, at this stage. But here are our options:
He is telling the truth, nothing more or less
He's partially telling the truth: owning up to the injuries, but not exactly how he got them
He's lying about the injuries and how he got them
Honestly, I think we can write off the third option, because the way Oda talks about his scars in the beginning makes me think he's perhaps seen some of them before. This makes sense when we consider The Day I Picked Up Dazai, in particular.
There's also something to be said about the nature of Dazai's job; I think it'd be remis of me not to mention it when Oda does. How much is he actually expected to put himself in harm's way? How much unnecessary danger does he put himself in- how much of this is actually self-harm? We may never know, but it's interesting to think about!
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
I have an idea for an Abyss Tanya story, but I want more time to think it through.
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
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In the dark of the night evil will find her
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
HUZZAH almost 10 months in the making I present my biggest project so far!! My new bsd stormbringer animatic will be premiering on Youtube in 30 MINUTES >:D
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
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Chuuya asking the real questions
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bluebamb00 · 2 months
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bluebamb00 · 3 months
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