bluekooki · 3 years
This is a major humanitarian crisis. Please dont remain silent. Share, Pray, and Donate if you can.
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bluekooki · 4 years
Today I learned that the Chinese regime is turning mosques in East Turkistan(Xinjiang) into bars and gathering rooms. I watched a video of Chinese people dancing and drinking in a mosque. A holy place. Can you believe their ignorance and disrespect? I am thoroughly disgusted, and it’s making me sick to my stomach. I am barely holding it together. As if killing and prisoning the Uighur people is not enough, now they're turning our holiest mosques into bars. It feels like as if they’re holding my heart and soul in their vile hands and crushing it, again and again, every single day.
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bluekooki · 4 years
okay i haven’t seen anyone else talk about this so i’ll just do it myself. so in case anyone doesn’t know, rihanna using islamic hadiths as background music in a lingerine show. the hadith used is of prophet muhammad explaining signs of the day of judgement, which is also called dooms day and you know what the song is called? doom. they knew what they were doing and this is just blatant islamophobia.
hadiths are very important in our religion and to make a song out of one of them and dance to it is just pure mockery of our religion. both rihanna and the staff should be held accountable. stop normalizing islamophobia. my religion is not your aesthetic.
also i will not forget when she went to do a shoot in front of the sheikh zayid mosque. mosques are a place to pray not to take a whole fucking shoot at. if you want a take a simple picture that is fine but to pose in front of a mosque? and i still haven’t forgotten that in her first show the models wore HIJABS as a fashion statement which is so disrespectful and it’s just islamaphobia and cultural appropriation.
islamophobia is so normalized and i am so tired of it. to every non-muslim out there who is defending her, you’re not allowed to tell us how to feel about this situation. stop saying we’re dramatic and you sure as hell can’t decide for us if we have to accept her apology (if she ever does apologizes!).
non-muslims can reblog but don’t comment on it.
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bluekooki · 4 years
blog goals: making someone feel a little less sad
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