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and there you have it folks
protip: i know a lot about a lot of weapons, like swords and knives and shit, but i don’t know jack diddly squat about guns
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i mean fuck dude i haven’t checked my email in months so i could argue that it hardly even matters now
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i could have figured that out eventually, it would’ve been a cool surprise when it’s revealed in the actual comic, but noooooo
PM is trying her best though and i support her
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i’m not dead!
so long story short, sorry for the fucking LONG hiatus, this summer has been way more hectic than i ever intended or wanted and it’s kind of kicking my whole ass. i’m pretty much forcing myself to sit down and liveblog for a few hours here while i can lmao what’s up
i do NOT deserve 600+ followers, you guys blow my mind
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a lot is happening right now that i’m not going to get into, but needless to say the liveblogging is going to have to be on pause until sunday. sorry about bailing out on you guys, i swear i’m not forgetting about you or anything
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had an insight in the group chat tonight
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sorry about falling off the boat last week, had a lot going on. i'll be doing a session tomorrow and thursday of this week, possibly more if i have free time!
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is that a fucking bazooka
is that a fucking rocket launcher?
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the way jade experiences narcolepsy doesn’t seem entirely accurate, but i don’t know enough about narcolepsy to dispute it
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yeah, honey, if we’re following the formula of the comic, an encounter with him is completely inevitable and you might as well accept your fate in advance
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a flare for the dramatic, i see
don’t we all have a little of that
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this looks very ominously like a shrine and it unsettles me a bit
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looks like it’s 
*puts on sunglasses*
out of her sphere of influence
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goddamnit i fucking want some gushers
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by the way, i’m totally fucking calling it right now: his dad’s room is going to be completely average and boring, and john’s going to have a crisis about it
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oh my fucking god rose looks so fucking suspicious of this adorable four eyed kitten this is hilarious
that kitty probably has narrative importance, which means i should in no way trust it, but
i can and will commit murder for that sweet precious baby
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now, hold on a moment
there are- stuffed wizards
and a cat on the bedframe that looks exactly like jaspers (although it could just be the artstyle)
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if i know anything about dnd, that is absolutely a giant spider and you’re gonna have to roll initiative immediately rose
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ah, rose
never change. you are my favorite child for a reason.
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jade: *looks into the camera like in the office*
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except jade, of course, cannot break the walls between dimensions without unfathomable consequences due to the sheer raw power she possesses
exhibit a: murder
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his hat is distracting me because it looks like a cop hat
and i literally cannot take cop hats seriously anymore after i bought a glittery cop hat that says “babe patrol” on it three years ago and keep it on my car dashboard
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1. why is she surrounded by what looks like nuclear waste
2. why does she look familiar to you pm, hmmmmm
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