blunt-swords · 4 years
▲ Stop Overthinking by having mantras for certain scenarios. E.g. When thoughts keeps popping up from the past state: over, done with, gone. Or when you feel uneasy about things say: what is meant for me will not pass me.
∆ Hack: Redirect spiraling energy with confident thoughts and breathing. If you don’t adjust your breathing, you will soon begin to spiral again. 
★This fires and rewires neurons to make a new pathways. Stop feeding old thoughts immediately and redirect the thought. With practice, healthier thoughts will become automatic.      
▲ Don’t reciprocate energy. It’s natural for us to mirror each other, and this helps us feel more connected. But it can stand in the way of your growth when you match energy out of spite. 
∆ Hack: Be authentic with how you feel. Don’t tolerate what bothers you, voice it, don’t project it.
▲ ⭐Golden Manifesting Rule:⭐ You’re always manifesting. Look around you, and your life will consist of your beliefs. “I’m broke.”  You’re probably just making ends meet. “I’m lonely.” You probably struggle feeling close to others. 
▲ Rule 2: It’s as simple & difficult as changing your thoughts. But just because you implement new thoughts doesn’t mean it will completely derail the old ones immediately. A lot of them are core wounds that need healing work done. Your deepest beliefs manifest. 
∆ Hack 1: Work on believing in miracles. Your belief in miracles will open up many more options of avenues for the universe to deliver blessings upon you. 
∆ Hack 2: Visualize how you want things to go beforehand. Negative thoughts contaminate an experience. To avoid this, visualize what you want to happen and dismiss unfavorable thoughts.  
▲ Remind yourself that you are wearing a skinsuit. Changing your perspective from I am a human with a soul to I am a soul having a human experience shifts your consciousness. This allows you to see things from a higher perspective. 
∆ Hack: Remind yourself of this when you feel materially contaminated or feel too attached to something earthly. 
▲ Developing your intuition will be one of the most useful skills in life. 
∆ Hack: How to distinguish intuition from anxiety: intuition is a calm, quiet voice. It will gently repeat ideas and statements. “Start a blog.” or “leave in 5 minutes, not now.” Anxiety is a racing, worried, loud voice that repeatedly questions. “Is starting a blog a good idea?” or “What if I leave in 30 minutes, will that be bad?”  
▲ Get warnings from the universe through synchronicities. By acknowledging synchronicities, you increase them.
∆ Hack: If you pair your syncs with celestials events, you can more accurately determine events that will play out in your life, and when.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
It’s not toxic positivity, it’s discipline. We need to learn not to go into a rut everytime something bad happens. We need to learn not to play victim everytime things don’t go our way. We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and decide to get our shit together instead of blaming everyone around us. If you want to cry and admit life doesn’t feel good then do that but at some point you are going to need to take matters into your own hands and move forward. DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND. MASTER YOUR MIND. MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS. This earth thing is always going to seem so fucking hard if you let every single thing get to you.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
Money gems that I have learned over the years
The highest paying jobs tend to be those that make rich people richer
Live below your means, especially when you’re just starting out
It’s best to start saving (in a high-yield savings account) and investing at least 10% of your income when you’re young because you get more returns on it due to the power of compound interest
If you work a job that pays bonuses as part of your compensation package, try to use at least 50% of the payout to better your financial health (e.g. pay off student loans, invest, etc)
Never get married without a pre-nup
It is incredibly difficult to save your way to a better life and “financial advisors” who tell poor people to just save more are delusional and out-of-touch. A much better piece of advice is to focus on consistently increasing your income. Have a long-term income goal and make moves to get to that point; that is the key to a better quality of life. 
Don’t get sucked into a habit of unnecessary luxury shit; build a collection of your staple luxury pieces and leave it at that. Luxury minimalism is good for your wallet, good for your soul, and good for the environment. 
Never purchase a house or any other significant asset with someone you’re not married to and if you’re married, account for this in the pre-nup
Start saving for retirement as early as possible using tax-advantaged accounts such as a 401(k) or a Roth IRA. Aim for 15% of your income. 
Never have more than 1-2 month’s worth of spending dollars in your checking account (unless you’re anticipating a big purchase). If your money is not in an investment account or a high-yield savings account, it’s not growing. And if it’s not growing, it’s going to waste. 
Who you marry is one of the most important financial and career decisions you will ever make
Avoid debt that doesn’t pay you
Play the long game, always
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blunt-swords · 4 years
you can be a good, considerate person and it won’t necessarily mean being quiet and obedient whenever that’s expected of you. sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where you have to speak up to be taken seriously, or a situation where you have to be nasty and rude in order to get someone to get their hands off of you or leave you alone or respect you / your body. you’re allowed to use your voice to protect yourself and you’re allowed to get mad.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
How To Become a Myth
- Nikita Gill
Fly into the sun, defy anyone who tells you that you cannot love Him.
The ocean will break your fall. even if it is by drowning you.
(You knew he would burn you, Icarus you simply thought he was worth the risk)
Get stolen by a God away from the meadows you once knew, wood nymph.
Become Queen of the Underworld. Turn the land of the dead into home.
(You knew didn’t you, Kore? How to survive you would become Persephone?)
Turn yourself into an echo of the person you used to be, then fall in love with him.
And when he doesn’t notice you Instead falls in love with himself, pine away.
(Narcissus could never love you, dear Echo. Not the way he loved himself.)
Become an indestructible monster. Become the thing that warriors speak of in hushed breaths in terror.
When you finally do die at someone’s hands make sure it is glorious.
(Theseus was the only end worthy of you, Minotaur.)
When the Sea God assaults you, turn people into stone. Turn Gods into stone.
Turn anything that threatens you ever again into stone.
(Medusa, Athena turned you monster to protect you. She took your beauty to give you power.)
Adore her so much that the world grieves with your broken heart’s song.
Almost save her from the Underworld. Almost.
(Orpheus, all you had to do was not turn to look at her.)
Marry a God King.
Watch him betray you over and over again. Become bitter and cruel.
Recognise he will never respect you. Promise to make him suffer till he does.
(Hera, I know why you couldn’t leave him, it was all for love, it was all for love)
Become an undefeated warrior in a war where you lose everything you love.
Even the one you love most of all. Don’t realise it. Keep fighting.
(Achilles, Patroclus’ love would have made you immortal anyway.)
Be unhappy in your marriage. Find a dangerous Prince who promises you a real love.
Run away with him
Do not think of the consequences.
(Helen, you didn’t just launch a thousand ships you set kingdoms ablaze.)
Destroy everyone you love in a murderous rage.
Go on a journey hoping it will kill you
(Hercules tell the truth, you hoped those tasks would be your destruction didn’t you?)
Don’t become a myth. Stay human.
Stay mortal.
It is less wounds.
I promise. It is less wounds.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
Pain is such a consistent, unforgettable thing. That’s why trauma teaches us to find comfort in harm rather than happiness. Unlearning that is almost impossible and that’s why daily soul work is so essential. You can do this. You can unlearn what trauma taught you. Just give yourself time.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
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On Saturday, July 11th a protester, Donavan LaBella, was shot in the head by militarized federal officers with a “less lethal” impact munition, cracking his skull and leaving him in critical condition in the hospital with likely permanent brain damage, nearly killing him.
Now, those same unmarked and therefore largely unaccountable federal agents are pulling protestors off of the streets into unmarked rental vans, all without communicating with local authorities.
It would not be an exaggeration then to say that Oregon is currently being invaded by a heavily militarized federal force employing tactics befitting of the likes of petty autocracies, not of a free country. Right now they might only arrest them and release them soon thereafter, but what of when they don’t? What if right wing paramilitaries take advantage of this to abduct protesters who then go missing and the government claims to know nothing about it? Could you really trust in that situation it wasn’t the government? Such a convenient alibi for tyrants is it not?
This is fascism. It is no longer a hypothetical, as some future nightmare we fear might one day come to pass. It is here, and it is going nowhere unless we act. Merely voting the lesser of two evils wont fix this- no we need no less than sweeping systemic changes to fix a problem so rotten and so systemic to the very system itself in which we live under, and that’s gonna take people willing to make sweeping and radical changes to the fundamental power structure, not establishment mainstream politicians. We’re gonna need to lift up candidates that actually represent us and aren’t afraid to fight the establishment, we’re gonna need more members in revolutionary unions like the IWW, we’re gonna need community organizing of communities that look out for each other and aren’t willing to let treasonous abuses of power against the people stand.
If we truly want to see an end to the violence and an end to the oppression, we’re gonna have to organize and strategize on a level that hasn’t been seen since the 1960′s civil rights and anti-war movements or the early 1900′s labor movements. Until that happens, we can’t really expect anything substantial to change at all. In fact I expect it’s only getting worse from here, and the longer we go without mass organizing, the worse it will be.
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blunt-swords · 4 years
aquarians are so grossly misrepresented in common twitter/instagram/etc astrology it’s a tragedy. everyone rambling about how they’re some emotionless heartless robots who just want to revolt… there is so much more to aquarius as a sign than that (and also they’re literally Not heartless nor emotionless at all and i hate that stereotype)
can we PLEASE drop the robot/emotionally void stereotypes about aquarians and instead talk about how mindbogglingly intelligent they are? have y’all ever had a deep conversation with an aquarius? the uranus higher mind influence is unreal. they are so ridiculously expansive in the things they think about; they’re always discovering new, unique ways of thinking, going about things, reform, etc., than anyone else. their way of thinking is so unique, so creative. they hold so much intelligence within them: there is a reason uranus as a planet relates to things like artificial intelligence and technology, and there is a reason uranus rules aquarius.
and can we also again talk about how Not emotionless they are? just because a sign hides their emotions and struggles often with emotional expression does not mean they do not feel things. given uranus & saturn’s influence, aquarius really overthinks as much as virgo & gemini. they overthink the long-term, the bigger picture, etc. i’m literally a scorpio sun gemini moon virgo rising, yet my aqua sun/moon/mercury friends spill their overthinking to me and it leaves me shocked over how someone could overthink so much. the reason people don’t realize how actually anxious and over-analyzing aquarians can be is because they hide it. they hide their nervous and thoughtful energy so well. they don’t easily express their fears and vulnerability, because of saturn/uranus influence they often feel like they have to lead by example. stay strong because vulnerability is a “flaw” for them. but that does nothing to indicate being “emotionless” or “heartless” ????? sure, they can be distant and cold. but they just take a while to open up. if an aquarian is cold to you they simply have decided they don’t feel comfortable getting close to you and being vulnerable. self-defense technique for them, because like scorpio, they tend to have a life of unexpected and harsh uncontrollable changes, pains, and heartaches. they see a lot of darkness from a young age which frequently manifests in this need to close off and retreat.
aquarians, similarly to capricorns, tend to show affection and love through actions over words. surprising considering how talkative aquarians can be, but not when it comes to emotions. aquarian love tends to be shown through encouraging your independence, expanding your mind, helping you embrace your individuality and insecurities, etc. they are also very much an “acts of service” type of love language sign too. also aquarians, who do often tend to prefer and cherish their space, alone time and isolation periods, show their love by allowing a select few people into their safe/isolation spaces. they push themselves to be physically and emotionally close to and vulnerable with others when they really care; which is not easy for aquarius as a sign, especially in moon & venus.
aquarians hold a LOT of care. their care is just often missed because it tends to be very universal. they do not frequently hold out their love or care to individuals alone; they want to make reform and change in a bigger picture. they want to act this care & drive into changing the world or society as a whole; as it would benefit everyone in the long run. aquarians also often put themselves first, they’re usually quite good at setting and expressing their boundaries. i have no idea why this is viewed as a bad thing, and i think it’s something a lot of people (including me!!) need to learn how to do.
enough aquarian slander! i will start fist fighting every aqua anti in a dennys parking lot even tho i am a weak bitch!! aquarians:
encourage individuality in themselves and others
encourage and actually attempt to bring about important changes and reforms
not afraid to speak about things like injustice, power struggles, corrupt people/things/etc., and they’re often so passionate about acting on these causes
constantly overthinking everything into the ground and never catching a break
literal geniuses. of course they often meme out and say dumb shit like every other air sign but they are so!! smart!! and capable of great things!! their intelligence is unreal and i will not rest until it is universally recognized [their intelligence is so unique and targeted oftentimes too. they tend to be super informed about things that relate to their passions & goals it’s beautiful. they also often know a lot of random trivia/facts/etc]
they actually require as much reassurance and praise as leo but they’d die before admitting it, but like,,, just pls compliment ur aqua friends ik they act like it’s not needed but it is
they are always so talented??? especially in the arts. aqua dominant people tend to be so passionate in art fields. but they’re such a well-rounded sign in terms of their domains. tech stuff? they’ve got the knowledge. art/music stuff? they’ve got it. psychology? they know all about that too. their intellectual abilities and talents knows no bounds
express affection in their own unique way: very capricorn-like. they like to solve friends/s/o’s problems, talk them through things, do little things & gestures for them, encourage independence, help them change/reform for the better, etc.
they CAN be distant and they do need their space but that is literally normal and healthy ??????? why are they getting slandered for having good and healthy personal boundaries and not being afraid to enforce them
i could go on but i won’t. aquarians reading this ilu [chefs kiss]
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blunt-swords · 4 years
“It seems I’ve stopped speaking with my voice. Part of me fell asleep and just watches.” - Fernando Pessoa, The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
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blunt-swords · 4 years
“Knowledge which is divorced from justice, may be called cunning rather than wisdom.” - Plato, Menexenus
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blunt-swords · 4 years
“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what everyone else says in a whole book – what everyone else does not say in a whole book.” - Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols
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blunt-swords · 4 years
i have to take every single personality quiz i see because i am obsessed with myself and love to answer meaningless questions
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blunt-swords · 5 years
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blunt-swords · 5 years
“The best kind of people are the ones that come into your life, and make you see the sun where you once saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much, you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you. The once in a lifetime kind of people.”
— Unknown
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blunt-swords · 5 years
“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.”
— Pablo Picasso
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blunt-swords · 5 years
“Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long-lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they’ve given us.”
— Emery Allen
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blunt-swords · 5 years
There have been people I’ve been so in love with who I just needed some space from at times and vice versa. The time apart was good for us and made us love each other more in a way, and that’s still real love, it is. But then there are people I’ve met who I’ve wanted to cook dinner with every night for the rest of my life and it’s ok to want to be with that kind of person instead.
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