koi-r · 3 months
World Building Checklist
Have you ever started writing a story and realized your world has a bunch of unexplained shit and you have to fill in the gaps as you go? Me too, buddy. Me too. Here’s a checklist so that you can fully flesh out your world to the max. (I’m dying)
How does Time work? (Minutes, hours, days, the daylight cycle, years, ect.)
Species (if Fantasy. Will probably make another post on this.)
Countries, Nations, Tribes, ect. (nationalities/ races. Will probably make another post on this.)
The geography of the world (draw a map. Doesnt have to be good. Just for a general idea.)
Rivalries between races (includes prejudice, racism, ect.)
The Magic system. (Will probably make a whole other post on this.)
animals, plants, ect.
The sky: Sun, Moon(s), Stars, Constellation, Are there rings? (If the planet has rings)
Educations system
Government system
Methods of transport (Vehicles)
Can’t really think of anything else. If you have more to add then reblog and add to the list! :) bye bee
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koi-r · 9 months
Online Friends: Where have you been? It's been months since we last saw you
Me: I've been through hell and back! Fighting for my life!
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koi-r · 1 year
I want to write a story, but I struggle to articulate the thoughts and ideas in my head into a cohesive narrative, so here are the bright and glimmering stars in my mind, each one a sun, but too distant and engulfed in the radiance of the Moon and Sun.
My tags are #koir for everything, #thurasaguthind for the story, #story #story telling for the actual writing #world building for the... world? and maybe #art for the photoes. Maybe #storytelling and #writeblr for exposure?
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koi-r · 1 year
Getting back to our narrative and the actual events in the story, this is the place where I always hit a snag, because, this is a different section in my original manuscript.
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I still intend to include the lake, or the setting called the lake, but as I progress further and further, the setting seemed secondary, but... IDK, future me will deal with it. Oh wait, this is the future me... Anyway, this is what I’ve written so far about it, well the one I’m currently holding to rn;
On her last bursts of strength Drink ing from the lake may have been a bad idea; running with an empty stomach gave her the advantage of being lighter and lithe, however, with the water inside of her, she felt the emptiness of it even more, with it sloshing inside her[???] That feels weird, right... Maybe I'd just put it as scenery? Should I... I’m so conflicted right now!
Now, without it;
The moon reigns over the starless skies, with only specks of gold and silver being visible in the calm waters of the lake, but the radiance of the moon is nothing but a haze in Sumiya's blurring eyes, her legs, numb... her body, giving up, bidding her to not run any longer, her consciousness slipped and she fell, but before everything turned dark, she saw a crisp and vibrant amber swaying in the wind, illuminating everything and embracing her in its’ warmth.
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koi-r · 1 year
There are four regions in the Central Continent; The Killen Territories, The Great Agane Forest, the Flatlands and the Greater Sands. Although highly medieval in structure, the ways that these countries interact and govern with everything around them will have varying degrees of democracy.
The Killen Territories are the Southern Arctic and Tundra consisted of the sparse populations of the Kingdom of Killen, the Frostberg Settlement, the United Cities of Riventhorne, Suthralli and Wiken.
The Great Agane Forest doesn't have domain that encompasses it, apart from the remnants of Thar’yavolenn now known as Gonthar’ya.
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The Greater Sands is a desert land that holds only the democratic congregation of Mitherosa, once home to different tribes now rallying into one nation.
The Flatlands has three countries, the great northern Afridence empire that has the biggest and most powerful of the territories and the free cities of Carcelle and Rikoye in the south which are smaller in comparison to the others, consisting of only sea ports and the surrounding area.
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These are the countries within the Central Continent but the world is much bigger, and I’ll discuss those later.
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koi-r · 1 year
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The central continent in the world of Sedo is known for its three [3] major geographical regions; the Desert, the Arctic, and the biggest forest area in all of the world, the great Agane forest. The other two will be relevant further down the line, so let's discuss the settings of the current area; the great Agane forest, a vast expanse of mountain ranges and dense woodland that spans the length and breadth of the central continent, stretching from the scorching Northern Deserts of the Mitherosan Empire to the cold Southern divide of the Afridecian Empire and the Killen Territories.
The forest is so vast that it has the tundra, the mountains, the forest, and the savanna biomes, all teeming with a wide range of wildlife, drawn from the diverse landscapes that make up its borders, from small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to large predators like lynx and bears. You might see deer grazing in a clearing, or hear the haunting call of a loon on a nearby lake. Birds like the Gonthar’yan bush warbler or the great spotted woodpecker flit through the air, while small mammals like shrews and squirrels scurry along the forest floor.
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Forest Inspirations
Surrounded by towering mountains and mountain ranges. These majestic peaks are often shrouded in mist and clouds, creating an ethereal and mysterious atmosphere. The mountain ranges are home to a variety of creatures, from the nimble mountain goat to the elusive snow leopard. You might catch a glimpse of a soaring eagle or hear the haunting call of a wolf echoing across the valleys.
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note that this map has Killen in the North
The mountain ranges are also a source of natural resources for the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. Precious metals like gold and silver can be found in the rocks and streams, while the forests and meadows provide wood, herbs, and other resources.
Amidst the landscape, a mixture of shrubs and grass weave together to create a tapestry of life on the forest floor, providing nourishment and shelter for the inhabitants of the forest. Towering trees of deciduous and evergreen trees rise high into the sky, their branches reaching out to the heavens, providing shade and protection to those who seek it. In the south, where the land is cold and Arctic, the trees stand tall and hardy, while in the north, the forest gives way to rainforest and savannah, a testament to the diversity of life that can be found within the great Agane Forest.
As you explore deeper into the forest, you might come across a babbling brook or a hidden glade, where shafts of sunlight pierce the canopy overhead. The forest of Agane is a place of beauty and wonder, where every turn can reveal a new and unexpected discovery.
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koi-r · 1 year
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The Church of Kumiyava is a congregation that pays tribute to the sibling deities, Par'renn and Hanawe. Par'renn is the god of medicine, research, the forests and poisons, toxins and their cures, while Hanawe is known as the goddess of wealth and plenty, happiness and mirth.
The goal of the church is to spread their knowledge about medicine, economics, and pharmacology, as well as hygiene and sanitation and most fundamental knowledge. They are the most predominant church in the world, although their largest following is around the forests of Agane, where Par'renn and Hanawe were supposedly birthed. The former Afridence empire was founded by the people of the church, by those who cannot travel and had no talents to pursue service for the church, however, as reigning monarchs became acquainted with the lavishness of life, their court, and the nobles got introduced to capitalistic and feudalistic practices that were in every way, opposite to the values of the church.
The nobles made their own version of the teachings of the church, discarding Par'renn and solely worshiping Hanawe as the goddess of gold, blaspheming upon the very morale of the church, their little domain started to become an empire.
The church's body tried to rally against the cost of the kingdom at first, but the power that the nobility held; their gold; their military; and their hold on the people was unmatched by the peaceful congregation, so they decided to leave the city altogether, sensing the hostility and pressure that the empire had been putting on them.
Their departure at surface level didn't cost Afridecian royalty much, due to the rock-solid grasp on their economy, if there ever were inadequacies; they were patched by paying more, but there is a huge disparity in literature and learning for a while, major techniques in book-binding and pigments and dyes were lost, before anything could be relearned. The economy was unstable for a while, because feudalism was new and many small revolts happened, some still going on today, and religion was abolished, with a famine right after, it seemed like the gods were against the new regime.
Sadly, their immense wealth prevailed, solidifying the revised Hanawe as a guardian deity.
However, since Afridence was built upon Kumiyavan rituals, there was something that the royalty could not reclaim, a crown, forged with gold, gems, and magic, one that only the church of Kumiyava can bestow... the golden crown of bounty; Nihos-soko.
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The symbol of Kumiyavan Church, a Wreath of Aurelia Blossoms
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koi-r · 1 year
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koi-r · 1 year
Can't I just automatically Queue my post? my dumbass can't seem to remember to do it every single time... or is there something and I'm a dumbass for not seeing it?
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koi-r · 1 year
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Sumiya's entire aesthetic is an appropriation of Japanese culture, fitted to the customs and period of my world; Sedo.
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That means lots of medieval designs and buckles and fidgety metals and not much of the embroidery and dye works that is prevalent in the actual inspiration. My reason for this is that I want Sedo to have its own vibe but lets me and the supposed readers [that I had been craving for at its inception] have something to reference to in the real world. That is why the great Agane forest has Maphilindo in the North, France and Russia in the South, then theres Spain, Germany and Japan in the Middle as a kind of mish-mash of inspiration.
So I hope it doesn't offend anyone when this codes only appear as aspects of my characters, with little to no cultural context behind it apart from it being a way of life and appearances.
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koi-r · 1 year
For hours, Sumiya had been running, her body ached and her breaths ragged. Mud, sweat, and soot, laid over her once-pristine skin, and burn marks dotted her flesh. As the day wore on, her head buzzed and her heart pounded with ever-increasing intensity. How much longer could she run? Just a little further, she told herself, but the thought of it never ceasing crept into her mind.
Paranoia and self-doubt gnawed at her, and she began to see things that were not there. The trees twisted into grotesque shapes, and shadows moved where no shadows should be.
Was she going mad? Was she lost forever in this nightmare? But still, she pushed on, driven by a fierce determination to escape from the fires. The road ahead was long and perilous, but she knew she had to keep going, for to stop now would mean to surrender her fate and the future of her home...
TW. Insinuated dead body.
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I dunno where to put this so here it is wedge.
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koi-r · 1 year
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10 posts!
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koi-r · 1 year
Stuff I'd written about her in the past are as follows;
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Also, note that her original name was Fragment Lilea, but I kinda found out that her nickname, Frag... is kinda hard to say;
They're gone.
Everything she has ever known is being whittled, engulfed by the raging fires set up by the known invaders.
They were prepared for the attack.
But I guess you can't escape from a prophecy.
Now it is set on her shoulders, the responsibility to save everything that they believe in.
"Run..." the elder said, entrusting her, her destiny.
"Follow the stars and seek for the hero."
She had long accepted her quest to find the Rasa, but looking down on what seemed to be remnants of her home, does she really possess the power to do so?
Fragment Lilea, Priestess of Bounty, Guide to the Stars and One of the Grand Disciples of the god, Par'rend
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Red, orange and white
filled the sky entirely
as rivers run my cheek
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koi-r · 1 year
The current first chapter goes ...
Sumiya is running away from home, quick before the armoured people catch up to her, quick before she's thrown back into the flames that swallowed her village.
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It is unknown to her if anyone else survived, but her elder told her to run, never to look back (like a supposed tangent), to look for the keys to open the gates of heaven. She was supposedly blessed by the great Par'rend ever since she was young, but such blessings are unimportant, such blessings are worthless to her as she runs for her life.
She ran until she reached a forest, plunging deeper into its cover to put distance between her and the pursuers. As she ran, her mind raced with questions, but for now, all she could do was keep moving and hope to find safety before it was too late.
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koi-r · 1 year
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5 posts!
Wow... Here's to a great future?
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koi-r · 1 year
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Lileano Sumiya esi Nagori / 25 / Female
Kumiyava Church, Gannhe, Agane / Herbalist and Healer
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This character is previously named Fragment Lilea, so any character sheet before 2022 is labeled Fragment rather than Ah-mi or Sumiya.
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koi-r · 2 years
The supposed prologue...
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Many suns have risen and many times when the moon had waned, it may seem like this had been so forever, but yet, it is not so. In the beginning, instead of a universe with a vast expanse of everything, there was only a rigend devoid of anything at all. Every part of the archaic world was once filled with Ar'he-the bleak and indelible sea of nothingness.
However, something did exist in this sad world, although they seem to be made of nothingness themselves. Two beings of complete nothingness, the sound of silence and eternal repose. Both of this entities filled the entire void and each of them developed thoughts over the course of a brief forever.
And then suddenly, from the silence came a note. A note born of the mutual calm between the silence and the void. Following this event, cradled in the sea of nothingness bobbed a form, a something, at first, it was only but a speck, no larger than a grain of sand, but it continued to grow, and grow, until its' for resembled that of what we now call a woman. A perfect form for creation.
The newly formed goddess gazed into... the space, then she sighed... air. All thing seemed unknown to the two previous beings of the void. But the goddess continued to create, upon her feet gathered dirt, earth and rock. She illuminated the vast nothingness and as she saw that she was the only being that seems to be in this earth, she felt sadness.
The great silence and slumber, followed upon her example and they themselves tried to create. They forged another being to accompany their daughter so that she may not feel lonesome in the vast void. Together, they made everything they could ever think of, the former continuing on making her things like trees and grass then the latter would take them into himself to breathe life into them. They even made bodies for their creators.
In the following time, they bore themselves a daughter, whom embodied the work that her parents do. She was a being filled with eagerness, and she made sure that she blessed those around her this active spirit, she made sure that she gave some to all the creatures of his parents, even the air, the rocks and the trees, but especially the animals. She gave the world the proper life it needed and everything seems to be so perfect.
She created the ancient dar'vatha, so that she can communicate with everyone. She also gave names to the plants and animals, even her forebears. The great Song was named Dewiluvar' who is charged over the sound made us all, she taught the birds to sing and the wind its silent breeze, the ocean its lapping and many other things. Her husband, repose got the name Par'giarond, he embodies the calm nights and the eternal slumber we all must fall down upon someday. His house is where all that ceased to live go to.
Rackthahia was the named given to the first being, she blesses all those that create and guards all of the creations upon this rigend. He is seen as a patron for weapon smiths, blacksmiths, tinkerers and the likes. Next, for his father, he gave the name Vathiso, of whom all living things owe their first breathe, whom she herself owe her first breathe. And lastly, the last of her forebears, was Hiketho, upon which the role of leading the deceased to their father's house was given.
Then when she was done naming all things created, she named herself Yinega, whom all things that move pay homage to. She is the patron of all that travels, moves and uses the roads. She later married her uncle Hiketho, whose domain is a total opposite of hers, but through this distinguished differences, they learned a lot from each other and upon this mutual understanding, their daughter, Vesinya was born.
Vesinya lead another revolution in the created world, she embodied the eagerness to discover the various things on this newly formed world. She made sound laws that governed the archaic world, the hidden laws of nature, the laws of men and many other things. She created the first Genthe, or language to write down the Dar'vatha that her mother created. This genthe became the guide to form the Tharham language from which modern language of the central continent came from.
Upon this time is when the gods started to favour our species, because not only did we resemble their form, they also thought of us as inventive, that is why Vesinya, bestowed upon us curiosity and then lead us into an era of full of inventions wherein most are still of use to date. She is looked up to by inventors, seekers and literates for she guards over the wisdom of the entire universe, accumulated from her time on this earth and her conversations with every creature that spoke their mother's tongue.
Rackthahia became fascinated by Vesinya's work and became smitten by her, their domain both lies in creation that is why not sooner than after, they developed romance. From this marriage, three earthly gods was birthed.
First of the pack is Hawir'kand, he was given the earth to ruled over. From the very soil where we plant our crops and feet, to the very core of our floating earth. His power shocks the earth, and rejuvenates it. Next came Gar'hend, whose domain was the sky, one of the very first things that her mother created. Her domain is limitless, only hindered by our mortal eyes. She made the palace for the gods and there they all reside. Lastly, was Wir'venar', of whom all things fluid answers to. His tears was the source of the ocean for he was very easy to hurt. He takes charge of the rivers and lakes, and oceans and springs. He also commandeers the waves and the wind.
Hawir'kand took a fancy in his sister and courted her until she finally agreed upon the relationship. Although their relationship was rather short-lived, they have more fights than lovemaking and their brawls created the many mountains, hills and plateaus of the earth, they also made craters and other terrestrial blemish here on land.
They broke up soon after, but their relationship did produce remarkable children. First of their brood was Vir'wyisha, whom lit up the sky. For although their presences lit upon the world, there is no permanent light that grazes the earth. She created starlight and moonlights and clouds from her sighs, and to signify the morning she created a big ball of fire to warm all creatures to make them grow. She made them go around this floating mass so that we can marvel at them all. Next was Thuwyisha, the goddess of the home, she was greatly impacted by the separation of her parents, so she vowed to guide couples to a content relationship. She embodied the connection between various species and the idea of home, she looked over vows, promises and marriages .
Following their separation, Gar'hend became contented with caring for her daughters and her domain. However, Hawir'kand, took into the company of his brother, Wir'venar' and this relation bore them the three last gods of this pantheon.
First was Par'rend, this child took fancy of the greeneries that his great great grandfather had created. He learned their language and their secrets. His studies made him the first healer. Although his knowledge about poison is on par with his knowledge on medicine. Next is Thyaveth, whose studies came directly from his fathers. He became fascinated with the idea of strength, for it does not require the supposed hardness of the body, but more on the fluidity and rigidity of the self. That is why he was charged of war, challenges and the self, or the emotions. Lastly, was their sister, Hanawe, goddess of plenty. She took delight in seeing the world and decided that everyone must receive a gift. She ruled over the venahi, or mortals, and gave us blessings when she felt that we had done something supposedly beyond our selves.
Thus these are the known history of the first pantheon of the gods, for after the following years, they stepped back, granting only wishes indirectly. They also passed some of the burdens to second generation and even a third generation of gods. They left us with a legacy, this very ground we step upon, the air we breathe and even the sense that you use to interface with the world that surrounds you. And thus we are all thankful.
But, even though the gods have taken a break on creating and kept to themselves, they left behind a way to commune with their selves, the place where Rackthahia first took her step, Thurasa wund Guthind, or the birthplace of the gods.
Many have tried to seek it out, for the tales told of the gods giving favours for those who found it. It was said that, as long as you do not wish to bring up the dead or awaken an emotion that is non existent, they will grant you wishes, whether it be endless wealth or extreme luck or charm, they will grant it. All of those who quested for it has either gone insane or had never come back. So the quest is still open to be vouched. But who can dare complete this Thar'no Palish? This impossible quest?
from Chapter 2 of Genera Genesis (2914 c.a.)
by Leverine Paul Ahane, Curator of Folklores
a light version of the photo above:
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