blushing-in-space · 3 months
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-> anakin skywalker
Summary: [Based on Clone Wars; S4 Ep15] As a Jedi Knight, it’s part of your duty to follow the orders of the Jedi Council, no matter how taxing or dangerous the task. You are given a highly classified mission that not only may end in your death but requires complete secrecy from everyone- Even your lover Anakin Skywalker.
Warnings: ANGST, Death, murder, blood, slight gore, loss of loved ones, grieving process. Probably inaccurate use of the force and force healing
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-> I looked at the message before me, brows furrowed. No, this couldn’t be right… Would the Jedi Council ask this of me? Something so classified sounds like it should be a mission of a Jedi Master, not a knight like me.
Mace Windu’s face was all the answer I needed. His eyes were slits as he looked down at me, face set seriously. His fellow council members had a similar expression.
“It is of the utmost importance no word spoken here leaves this room. Is that understood, [name]?” Windu repeats to me.
I have no choice but to nod my head. I serve the Galactic Republic, I cannot let my relationships meddle in my duties as a Jedi Knight.
I bowed my head, “Yes, masters. It will be done.”
“What’s the big rush?” Anakin smirks as I carry myself hastily down the dimly lit alleyway we always take when returning to the Jedi Temple from the port.
Ahsoka trails behind us both, thankfully oblivious to Anakin’s wandering hands. I did not agree to her being here and had suggested she take the shuttle home, knowing it would be safer for the young padawan. But like her master, Ahsoka was stubborn and determined to join us for the meeting I had lied about. I feared for her safety- I hope she will not be there when the time comes.
I glance over at Anakin, forcing a playful smile to adorn my lips as I would have in normal circumstances. “I’m not rushing. I’m just trying to get to the council meeting on time.”
I ignore Anakin as he rolls his eyes. “I can see it now- another boring debate I’ll sleep through,” he sighs, though his eyes linger on me and I can’t help but notice it.
We fell for each other when we were just padawans, and have remained loving by one another’s side for almost four years. While I was fairly good at hiding stolen looks and the brush of our hands, Anakin on the other hand doesn’t seem to understand the strategy of hiding our relationship.
He struggles more than I do with our relationship. It frustrates him so easily when he cannot pull me into a kiss after not seeing me for weeks, or to just wrap his arm around me as we walk as I can tell he wants to do now. I’ve known from the start about Anakin’s unusually strong emotional side for a Jedi. That is what makes me especially nervous for tonight.
“Luckily I’ll have you to keep my company,” Anakin mutters to me in a quiet and husky tone, his hand reaching to touch the crease of my waist.
I shoot him a look of warning, glancing over at Ahsoka who was just a few steps behind him. He’s lucky she happened to be looking away and had not looked too deeply into his words.
“If it's so boring for you, would you rather them call you in to train younglings?” I look smugly over my shoulder to Anakin, who grimaces at my comment while Ahsoka huffs a light laugh.
“I think you would enjoy that, master,” Ahsoka quips sarcastically as she steps to Anakin’s side, and he scuffs and looks away from his apprentice.
“As I thought.”
I try to keep up a high-spirited mood while with Anakin before my time comes to act. I see Anakin smiling, his lips parted to make another smart-assed comment. I give him a cheeky smile. After tonight I won’t see him again for yet another long week. And I know that week will be devastating for him.
He doesn’t hide anything from me. He’s told me how he held his mother in his arms and watched the life drain from her eyes. I’m aware he fears the same fate will reach another of his loved ones. Every time I leave for a battle I promise to him I’ll be safe and will return safely to his arms. Now I have been gagged by the Jedi Council from telling him the truth of what I must do. The guilt is almost unbearable having to keep such a secret from my own lover.
Anakin’s blue eyes search mine, I feel him wield the force to poke into my mind. I raise a brow at his perceptiveness. Does he know? I shake him, cutting off his access to my mind through the force. I don’t like it when he does that and he knows it. His brows furrow as he feels the loss of our connection, but he does not pry at my barrier. I nod to him in a silent already broken promise that we will talk later.
Our unspoken words distracted me so much that I almost wouldn’t have sensed the blaster shot coming toward me if Ahsoka had not warned me.
I roll to the side, taking cover behind the nearby crates. I whip my head around to see Anakin and Ahsoka have done the same, both of their backs pinned to the crates opposite of me. My blood pumps furiously through my veins. I should have let the shot take me down. The first and undeniable worst part of my mission would already be over.
“Where’d that shot come from?” Ahsoka yells, voice riddled with panic as she looks from me to the roof of an apartment building in the distance.
I show no concern as I peek my head over the crates, catching a glimpse of the bright blinding light of the sniper who had tried to kill me just then. Who I should have let kill me. My heart would be pounding in my chest if it weren’t for the drug I had taken before leaving that would suppress my heartbeat.
I shake off any fear. I won’t die today- I’m following my orders. My duty as a Jedi comes before anything else. Anakin will understand that when I return. I glance over at him and Ahsoka behind the crates opposite of me, and single them to follow my lead. Neither of them questioned my plan for us to split up over on the rooftop.
I feel Anakin trying to push into my mind as I roll behind the next set of crates, another blaster shot barely missing me. I feel his anxiousness about the situation, either for me being in danger or his padawan, I’m not sure. I just feel guilty for what I’m about to put him through.
I climb to the rooftop, keeping my cover as I deflect a shot back at the assassin to not rouse suspicion. I see Anakin has done as I asked him, for once in his life, and spot him heading to flank the shooter. Ahsoka jumps from rooftop to rooftop, taking the back approach to the shooter. I realize my time is running out to start this mission.
Anakin races on the rooftop across from me, taking cover at the same time as I do. He catches my eyes, blue eyes blazing across the darkness of the Coruscant alleyway. He’s going to dart around to get the shooter. I know he is.
“He’s behind the building!” Ahsoka coms to both me and Anakin, and I know this is where I must end this chase.
Anakin’s head whips around to the building across from us, eyes narrowed and his hand goes to grip his saber. I suck in a breath, closing my eyes as I prepare for the pain. I pray to the Maker the blaster-proof vest will be enough to save me from the real threat of death.
I block Anakin completely from my mind before stepping into the wide-open space as a red light hits my chest.
“[name]!” I hear Anakin scream as the assassin's blaster finally hits me, unexpectedly knocking me so far back I fall from the edge of the building and into sudden darkness.
Ahsoka’s heart sinks seeing Master [name] fall from the edge as she rounds the corner. She looks up to see her Master immediately trying to follow [name], attempting to run from his cover but having to soon duck as a blaster shot flies past his face.
“I got her! Go!” Ahsoka called out to Anakin, hiding the fear in her voice as she looked up at him.
Anakin’s eyes widen as he looks down at her, and his face seems to drain of color for a moment. He’s afraid. Ahsoka so rarely sees real fear on her master's face. No matter the battle or injury. His demeanor never falters. His expression is always lax and words smooth, even as he’s faced with danger, but in this moment Ahsoka does not see that familiar bravery in her master now. That is what scares her the most.
She doesn’t watch long enough to notice how Anakin hesitates for far too long before he chases whoever shot [name], she has no time to do anything but rush to the Jedi Knight's side. [name]’s body is completely limp in a pile of boxes and trash, left arm twisted unnaturally. There’s no blood, but a black mark is burned into the knight’s white-robed chest.
Ahsoka pulls [name]’s body from the rumble, panicking when she does not awake. She lifts the knight's head into her lap but freezes her finger above [name’s] neck to check for a pulse. She fears she knows the answer. Ahsoka has watched people die. Despite her age, she’s a commander- she sees death every day. But never someone so close to her. Someone she regarded as a friend. As a sister.
“Master?” Ahsoka whispers as she finally puts her fingers to the soft spot on [name]’s neck. She gulps as she feels nothing, then tries the curve of her wrist. Then feels nothing again. She sucks in a breath as her eyes become glassy at the sight.
Ahsoka hears Anakin drop from the roof and run down to her. “How is she?” He pants, wild blue eyes looking down at them.
Ahsoka can barely move her head to look up at him, and when she does, she nearly lets tears fall. She doesn’t know if she has the words to say it. She knows Anakin and [name] were padawans together. She knows how close the pair are. She only pretends to be blind to her master’s deep attachment to the other Jedi knight for his sake. That’s why she can hardly hold it together when he crouches down to see [name] completely unresponsive.
“[name]?” Anakin says, voice rattling.
Ahsoka doesn’t fight him as he takes [name] from her arms and holds her in his. He brushes her hair away from her face to reveal her eyes closed with death. Ahsoka watches her master's eyes fill with grief as he clutches her body to him.
“[name]!” He yells louder this time, desperately shaking her shoulders. He puts his hands over the black mark on her chest and continuously presses down on it in a failed attempt to start back [names] still heart. Ahsoka can’t look anymore. She can’t watch her master hopelessly revive a dead woman.
Ahsoka stands and runs away when Anakin calls out her name again, tears now falling from his eyes as he stares at his lover's dead body.
He had to hand her body off to the authorities when they arrived. He had to explain what happened all while pretending he didn’t just lose his wife.
The hardest challenge of his life wasn’t fighting Count Dooku or leading the largest battalion in the Republic Military- it was returning to the Jedi Temple with nothing to show for his lover's existence but her blood on his robes and her lightsaber.
[name] was supposed to come to his quarters tonight after the meeting. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, each being assigned to different planets, but each immediately returned to the other, as always. His fears of her usually vanish once he is reunited with her after their respective missions. He always assumes she’s safe when she comes home. He’d never thought of the possibility of her dying on his watch.
He wished he could have been with her body longer, but as soon as he saw the flash of red and blue lights he had to wipe his tears and place her body on the stretcher and watch as the medics pulled the sheet over her. Once the door to his quarters hissed shut he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
He sat at the edge of the bed, and unclipped [names] lightsaber from his belt. He ran his flesh hand along the customized hilt and ignited the saber of his lover. He could almost picture her beautiful face behind the [color] glow, a smirk on her lips before she jumped into battle. His eyes filled with tears as he un-ignited it and the color vanished.
It felt like when his mother died all over again. Again, he failed to protect someone. Again, someone he loved died in his arms. The only difference was there was no one he could get revenge on for the needless death. The assassin had retreated like a coward after firing the blaster. Anakin’s not even sure if the assassin killed her instantly. Perhaps it had been the fall that took her life.
Anakin’s heart ached when sleeping alone that night. He had been looking forward to feeling the warmth of [name] beside him since he had first been sent to Krios. Now he’ll never feel [name] again. If he had just got to the assassin in time she’d still be here!
Anakin’s eyes burned with tears of fury. He had no idea who the shooter was but he would hunt the bastard down after [name]’s funeral. To hell with the Jedi Code- revenge was the only way Anakin could bring himself and Eria peace!
Anakin felt himself slipping, but he had no motivation to crawl back toward the light when [name] wasn’t there waiting for him.
Eria thought she had severed her connection to Anakin, but when she finally woke up she felt the overwhelming grief and anger of her husband. It was so strong for a moment she confused it as her own. Those emotions were quickly replaced by the ache in her chest and the pain of her defiantly broken arm.
Her tears were gulped down as the medical droid healed her wounds. The droid asked if she was experiencing emotional pain, and she had to lie and say it was just her arm. All she could think about was when she fell. She heard Anakin’s scream and felt his tears on her as she played dead in his arms. It took every part of her being to not open her eyes and apologize for what she had done.
The door to my medical room hissed open, and I glanced over to see Master Windu and Master Yoda in the white light.
“I hope my funeral went well,” I mutter as the door slides shut behind them.
I see Master Windu’s eyes narrow at me as I quickly cover my emotions and dry my tears. I had been specially chosen for this classified mission out of everyone else in the Jedi Order, and I wanted to act professionally with the Council member who picked me. Especially because Master Windu was known for his intense belief in the Code.
“A great performance, your corpse played,” Master Yoda says.
I well as funeral can go, I want to add, but am silence by the medical droid sticking a numbing substance into my arm. I looked at the deep bruise on my twisted arm and for a moment wondered if this would even work. I was sacrificing so much just to learn information that may not even be true. Will Anakin even forgive me once this is all over?
“Will go well, the plan will,” Yoda says, sensing my doubt.
“I fell from the top of a building- It better go well,” I huff in pain and remove the blasterproof vest that saved my life.
“Survived worse, you have,” Yoda comforts, and though I know the Jedi Elder is right, it doesn’t help much when my back has turned into one massive bruise.
“Young Skywalker knows this,” Windu says in a firm voice, arms crossed and eyes looking down at me. As if testing to see my reaction.
I breathed deeply and held strong. I wanted to beg for them to let him assist me in the mission or ask how he handled the funeral, but most of all, I wanted to beg to just see him. But it was vital to the integrity of the mission that no one knows- Especially Anakin, who would flare up in anger if he knew I would be walking into the role of a bounty hunter and disguising myself among them, armed with nothing but a blaster.
I know that Master Windu is testing me with his words. Though he picked me for this, I was quickly made aware of his doubts in me when he had to clarify Anakin to me in private not even Anakin may know.
“I took the vital suppressors, you instructed of me, Master. When Anakin moved my body… I was dead to him. It’s impossible that he knows I’m alive,” I assure both of them, though it was clear in my tone it weighed heavily on me to do so.
Yoda hummed in agreement, “Yes- but sense he will, that something is not right.”
I wanted to add that Anakin will have no contact with me as I understand how important it is he is left out of this, but a Jedi Healer enters the room and bows his head, interrupting the conversation. The healer comes to my side to mend my broken arm, and I nod to the Jedi Masters.
“Anakin’s reaction sold the sniper of my death. What has been done is done, and I will carry out the mission as has been asked of me,” I say to Windu with no hesitation and my head held high. He seems surprised for a moment but turns to leave.
“What’s done is done,” he repeats as the healer snaps my arm back into place.
The healer seems to also understand this meeting should remain in confidence. He bows, then leaves soon after I am healed. Finally alone, I begrudgingly accepted it was time to put on the masked disguise of the assassin I will be taking the place of.
I reach down to remove my lightsaber from my belt but feel nothing of the familiar grip I built myself. I look down to see its holster empty but find for the first time since my fall, I feel an absence of worry. I let a sad smile curve my lips as I realize who took it.
I know it’s safe with Anakin.
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Notes: Part 2 coming soon! I'm sorry this is a little confusing if you've never watched the episode this is based on 😭
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blushing-in-space · 7 months
without you
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-> anakin skywalker
Summary: You wake up to find anakin suffering from another nightmare.
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-> I felt that unfamiliar darkness in his presence beside me. That darkness that was so unlike him and more akin to those he would call his enemies. It forced itself into my soul, warning me of the nightmare that was again corrupting the should-be-restful mind of Anakin Skywalker.
I felt squirming in the bed beside me, causing the sheets to turn hot. His breathing gradually grew from heavy to ragged, worrying me more than the nightmare itself. It wasn’t the first time I had experienced these episodes he had, though it had certaintly been a long time. I turned to face his back to find his skin pale, his body covered in the thin shine of sweat.
I sat up feeling fear and grief radiating off him in strong waves, so strong it was if they were my own emotions. My hand went to his shoulder, rolling him over slightly in hopes that it would awaken him from whatever nightmare he was experiencing, but it had no effect on him. His brows furrowed, mouth curled in a deep frown. His lips parted slightly. Rough, deep breaths were huffed from his chest.
“Ani?” I spoke softly, with a hand on his shoulder in hopes of coaxing him awake.
When he did not respond, I rested my hand on his other shoulder and patted it softly. “Anakin?” I repeated, this time loud enough I feared someone outside of his room would hear.
To my relief, he awoke, but not as peacefully as I had hoped. He grabbed my wrist that still rested on his shoulder and shot up from his place in bed, blue eyes wide they burned into me. His hand squeezed tightly on my wrist, and I pulled it away. At the loss of my touch, his eyes softened, but his breathing did not slow.
“Nightmare?” I asked him, though I needed no reply as he looked away from me.
He stood up without a word, grabbing his robe from the edge of the bed and throwing it over his shoulders. “Yes,” he groaned, striding across the room and yanking the curtains back, the sparkling night skyline of Couresant filling the room.
I stood up with him, approaching him hesitantly, just coming close enough to see his gaze focused on the city, eyes darting around the edges of the window anxiously.
“What are you doing?” I questioned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as if it would clear the confusion.
Anakin gazed out for a moment longer before shaking his head and running a hand through his wet locks. His jaw was tense, face set in a serious expression he rarely shows outside of the battlefield. “I don’t know,” he looked at me, lip quivering, “you- you died.”
I gulped. He didn’t have to say anymore for me to understand what he meant. “But I didn’t,” I whispered as I hugged him, bringing his head to rest in the crook of my neck, “I’m right here.”
He held me so tightly that I thought I might snap into pieces. I rubbed his back soothingly and kissed the side of his head, feeling his need for comfort in this dark moment. He pulled away and looked into my eyes again, his eyes cleared of the tears that had threatened to spill moments ago. His hands came to cup my cheeks softly, his battle hardened fingertips tracing over my skin.
“It was so real,” he whispered, “it was like the dreams I had just before my mother died.”
I inhaled sharply and looked down, closing my eyes as I reached out to him through the force. I saw in him that he believed the nightmare he had to be another premonition. A promise that my death would really and truly happen.
The council had always ignored the gift the force had granted him, believing it to be a symptom of his paranoia and stress. But I know the dreams are not passed on Anakin emotions and fears. I know it. They is always truth behind his visions.
Though now I wanted to be able to denounce his dream and promise him that his dream was just what it was. A dream. But I would be foolish to do so after his mothers death.
“What happened?” I asked almost fearfully.
He was quiet for a moment, worrying me that he would shut me out. But instead he guided us both back to his bed, holding my hands and tracing patterns into my palms with his thumbs. “It… It was blurry. The more I think about the more unclear it gets. But you were clear. You were crying, and in pain, and calling out to me- begging me to listen to you.”
His voice cracked at the end, and he shut his eyes to hold back the tears. I held him again, and just like before, he wrapped his arms around me and clutched me as if I would disappear at a moments notice.
“I can’t lose you. I can’t lose anyone else,” he whispered, his voice muffled as he pressed desperate kisses to the side of my face.
I shhed him softly, running my fingers through his hair. “You won’t. I won’t leave you. I’ll do everything I can to stay with you. I swear it, Anakin.”
He nodded agasint me, fingers digging into my skin. “I won’t let you either. I’ll do anything- anything- to keep you safe.”
His tone had become dark, threatening even. But he was so upset, and I was as well. So I said nothing of it as we laid back down and the urge to sleep became more powerful than Anakin’s words of hatred.
“I won’t be without you,” I thought I heard him say, but it must have been a dream.
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