blvsivn · 4 years
That was the million dollar question and he had no answer for her. "Maybe we need time to think about all this, because I don't think I'm ever going to be cool with it." No matter the evidence, or what people said he knew Mike tried to kill him. It hurt him, but maybe this is what growing apart felt like. He wasn't going to make Vana chose him over her dreams.
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Blame It On Me EP 2
Benny was disappointed in himself, and that he let something small bring him out his character. It was his first time being around everybody since the accident, and mixed with alcohol things got out of hand. It sucked that it happened on TV, and that he would one day have to see it played back, but he was a man at the end of the day, and running from his problems wasn’t what he was taught. 
“Vana you here?” He finally decided to come home after letting her cool down for a week. 
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blvsivn · 4 years
"It was weird not being here." Ben's vision was still focused on the ground. He was ashamed and embarrassed. Things had changed him more than he thought they did and now it was affecting his home. "I just wanna apologize for my part in the destruction of your day. I know I ruined a special night for you and I want you to know that's something I'm going to be always making up for. " When he began talking his eyes were locked on her the entire time.
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Blame It On Me EP 2
Benny was disappointed in himself, and that he let something small bring him out his character. It was his first time being around everybody since the accident, and mixed with alcohol things got out of hand. It sucked that it happened on TV, and that he would one day have to see it played back, but he was a man at the end of the day, and running from his problems wasn’t what he was taught. 
“Vana you here?” He finally decided to come home after letting her cool down for a week. 
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blvsivn · 4 years
It actually shocked him to hear her voice. A part of hi wanted her to not be home yet, so he could calm his nerves a little bit. He wasn’t worried about her reaction, but ashamed that he was the cause for HER night being destroyed. It was a big pill to swallow, and as he walked up the steps he started to prepare himself for it. “Can we talk?” 
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Blame It On Me EP 2
Benny was disappointed in himself, and that he let something small bring him out his character. It was his first time being around everybody since the accident, and mixed with alcohol things got out of hand. It sucked that it happened on TV, and that he would one day have to see it played back, but he was a man at the end of the day, and running from his problems wasn’t what he was taught. 
“Vana you here?” He finally decided to come home after letting her cool down for a week. 
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blvsivn · 4 years
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Blame It On Me EP 2
Benny was disappointed in himself, and that he let something small bring him out his character. It was his first time being around everybody since the accident, and mixed with alcohol things got out of hand. It sucked that it happened on TV, and that he would one day have to see it played back, but he was a man at the end of the day, and running from his problems wasn’t what he was taught. 
“Vana you here?” He finally decided to come home after letting her cool down for a week. 
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blvsivn · 4 years
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Ice Bday Bash
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blvsivn · 4 years
Benny chuckled and smiled. "The doc cleared me and the physical therapist didn't suggest it was a bad idea. Im going to be good out there." He held her waist and kissed her lips as a reassurance. "That crash changed me, and I feel like this would help the change be better than bad."
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I Want You Back EP 1
“I can get used to this babe.” Ice laughed as they started to mic her up. Versace gave Ice the whole spill on how to maintain and just be herself. She listened to her advice and made sure to take all the mental notes she needed to. One Sace was off the phone and saw Benny getting himself mic’ed for the scene.
Once the cameras were rolling, the two are seen walking and getting in some exercise. “I leave early tomorrow.” She looked over at him. “You haven’t really told me how you felt about it...” @stakszn
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blvsivn · 4 years
Benny smiled at her and her freaky essence. He pulled his woman to him and pecked her lips. Since she was talking about work this was a good time to bring up his fight. "So I have a surprise." He buttered her up with a warm smile that showed off his pearly whites. "I'm going to start boxing professionally and I have a fight coming up.
Boxing became a sport of his while he was getting back to health. With it being a good place to channel his anger and aggression, Vana still wasn't a complete supporter so he knew she was about to be pissed.
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I Want You Back EP 1
“I can get used to this babe.” Ice laughed as they started to mic her up. Versace gave Ice the whole spill on how to maintain and just be herself. She listened to her advice and made sure to take all the mental notes she needed to. One Sace was off the phone and saw Benny getting himself mic’ed for the scene.
Once the cameras were rolling, the two are seen walking and getting in some exercise. “I leave early tomorrow.” She looked over at him. “You haven’t really told me how you felt about it...” @stakszn
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blvsivn · 4 years
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This shit for a lifetime @stakszn
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blvsivn · 4 years
Benny didn't want Ice anywhere around Mike, but he understood how tied her hands were. In all the cameras weren't a problem for him, because he had nothing to hide. "I mean I know the girl I'm with, and it's not like this is some new job. When I met you entertaining was your thing. I wish it wasn't with your ex, but shit happens."
Although he didn't care about the cameras, Benny wasn't going to say anything that would cross the line. "How you feel about everything that's on your plate? You have music just popping off, and now this. Your attention is going to be pulled everywhere.
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I Want You Back EP 1
“I can get used to this babe.” Ice laughed as they started to mic her up. Versace gave Ice the whole spill on how to maintain and just be herself. She listened to her advice and made sure to take all the mental notes she needed to. One Sace was off the phone and saw Benny getting himself mic’ed for the scene.
Once the cameras were rolling, the two are seen walking and getting in some exercise. “I leave early tomorrow.” She looked over at him. “You haven’t really told me how you felt about it...” @stakszn
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blvsivn · 4 years
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Dragged Into Pain
Benny comes from a good home and he wasn't the kid to fall into the street life. His life had always been moderately stable, and then he met @iiccee . The love of his life, and the cause of so much pain. He understands people are saying @triplemmm didn't set the accident up, but he fits the crime too well. His mind is filled with revenge, and he won't stop until he gets it.
Fully recovered
Plotting to kill @triplemmm
Thinking about making boxing a career
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blvsivn · 4 years
"Gimme 30 Chris." Benny was breathing heavily as the sweat was dripping off his body. He knew everybody wanted him to slow down, but he was an athlete at heart. Before he was a coach, he was a player and letting physical pain hinder him wasn't an option. The male took the towel and water, but pecked Vana's lips before untwisting the cap. "What you got going on?"
Troubled Mind
The car accident changed Benny. It seemed like too much of a coincidence that after they announce their relationship he gets hit. He'd never had a relationship with Mike, but he at least thought he didn't see him as a threat. Once he was released and started rehab his great aunt came to help out. Ice and Aunt Dorothy got along better than he thought they would.
Once the doctor gave him the OK he started a light boxing training to help with his strength. The women of the house thought he was moving too fast.
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blvsivn · 4 years
Troubled Mind
The car accident changed Benny. It seemed like too much of a coincidence that after they announce their relationship he gets hit. He'd never had a relationship with Mike, but he at least thought he didn't see him as a threat. Once he was released and started rehab his great aunt came to help out. Ice and Aunt Dorothy got along better than he thought they would.
Once the doctor gave him the OK he started a light boxing training to help with his strength. The women of the house thought he was moving too fast.
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blvsivn · 4 years
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Life Update
Known Facts
Finally stable and is out of ICU
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blvsivn · 4 years
Benny chuckled some and shook his head. "That ain't nothing to play with, but back home who you think fed my siblings. Pancakes, bacon, and grits coming up." He said as he walked to the kitchen. All he wanted to do was love on her and show her that she is appreciated.
The make got in the kitchen and started whipping in pots.
A Wounded Angel
It was hard for Benny to hold Vana all night, but that's all he could do. He had no idea what was going on while he was there, but when he heard what Mike did he wanted to kill him. But the lover stepped in first, and held her all night. As the sun rose, Ben was still up.
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blvsivn · 4 years
"Slow down, we gotta play this smart. Shit is crazy now between yall, so first lets just get to Hawaii first. We'll deal with the other part of the plan once we finish that." Benny knew that she wanted out, and now more than ever. He knew that she had eyes on her now because of the fuck up, so they would start off with just a weekend vacay. "You want something to eat?" He pecked her forehead.
A Wounded Angel
It was hard for Benny to hold Vana all night, but that's all he could do. He had no idea what was going on while he was there, but when he heard what Mike did he wanted to kill him. But the lover stepped in first, and held her all night. As the sun rose, Ben was still up.
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blvsivn · 4 years
Benny didn't know the ins and outs of Mike's relationship with all the girls, but he knew Vana was scared of what he was capable of. To actually see how scared and upset she was broke a peice of him. "All night." He chuckled, pecking her forehead and rubbed her back. He was taught to protect his Queen, and knew that if any man could harm any women with ease he wasn't a man. "You wanna fly to Hawaii this weekend."
The two of them hadn't traveled anywhere before, but he knew Vana needed to get away.
A Wounded Angel
It was hard for Benny to hold Vana all night, but that's all he could do. He had no idea what was going on while he was there, but when he heard what Mike did he wanted to kill him. But the lover stepped in first, and held her all night. As the sun rose, Ben was still up.
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blvsivn · 4 years
A Wounded Angel
It was hard for Benny to hold Vana all night, but that's all he could do. He had no idea what was going on while he was there, but when he heard what Mike did he wanted to kill him. But the lover stepped in first, and held her all night. As the sun rose, Ben was still up.
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