blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Prompto was passing the two mile mark when he started to really feel tired. He pressed his green sweat band to his face to keep it out of his eyes when he accidentally ran someone over. 
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“Oh sorry geez sorry my bad.” Prompto exclaimed removing the headphones to around his neck and offered a hand to the girl he knocked onti the sidewalk.
“I should have been looking where I was going.” He continued staring to do his apologetic ramble. He was surprised to even see anyone out here right know usually there were not that many people out. 
Blake looks up and frowns. “Yeah. You should have” she states rather rudely as she struggles to get up. She then slowly gets up and dusts herself off. “But to be fair I wasn’t really looking too” she states before sighing. 
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Blake observes the male and notices that he looked like he was running to with the amount of sweat he had and the fact that he was wearing a sweatband. “Were you jogging out here as well. I usually do this every morning and this is the first time I’ve seen anyone else out this early?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
                                  ~~♥ Fluffy, Love, & Angst Starters ♥~~
“May I take your hand in mind?”
“Did you know that not even 1,000 miles could separate us?”
“Tomorrow, we’re driving to the nearest chapel or courthouse and getting hitched!”
“All these years and my feelings haven’t changed.”
“Oh, look. Doesn’t that old couple look adorable?”
“Four words that I’m ready to say. I’m in love with you.”
“Please, stay. I’ve lost enough people already that I can’t lose you too!”
“I know it might be crazy to hear, but I do love you. I really do.”
“Just don’t forget to actually slam the door on your way out this time.”
“Did it really take you all this time to say it back? I’m married now and they make me happy!”
“Really, are you happy now? Congrats on keeping your pride over me in a stupid fight!”
“How about I count to 10 and when I get to 10, you’re gone?”
“Right place, right time, eh? More like wrong time, wrong place.”
“Damn you, and, uh… just damn you!”
“You know, it’s been a month. I don’t regret my decision to get engaged, okay?”
“I just can’t stand it anymore. This! Everything! It’s tearing me apart!”
“Even you, standing there with a bouquet of flowers, doesn’t make me want to forgive you.”
“How many idiots does it take to screw up a relationship? Two? Three? Nope, just very lousy one.”
“You know, this is kind of silly. But I still have the gift you gave me on our first date.”
“Okay, it’s cheesy. But let’s go win ourselves that damn stuffed bear, baby!”
“You’re the sun that bursts through the clouds after a stormy, gloomy day.”
“Netflix and chill? I heard they just added a bunch of new stuff recently.”
“Forgiveness is easy. But babe, I can’t just forget what happened either.”
“Babe, oh my god. It’s our song, we have to dance!”
“Of course you look amazing in that outfit. You look amazing in everything you wear, babe.”
“Did you know that was the first time you ever told me you loved me?”
“After all this time, I still hate the smell of your stinky feet.”
“How about this? I did the laundry, dishes, and vacuumed. How about a shoulder and back massage?”
“Time is silly. I live in the now and what I’m feeling now is love. I love you, babe.”
“You know what, I think I’ll do this to show how much I care.” *rips a picture of them of them in half* 
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Feeling the gentle kiss on his cheek, his eyes closed briefly, a blush covering the freckles on his cheeks, letting out a brief chuckle. “I try my best. Besides, it’s also a bonus at getting some affection in. Only the best for you.”
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“I-If that’s okay for me to say!“
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“Aww, that’s so sweet, Izuku. No one has ever said something like that to me before. It’s one of the reason why I like you so much” she admits before realizing what she was saying and blushing red profusely. Despite it saying it earlier, she was still embarrassed to admit how much she does.
‘you talk too much’
You talk too much meme: No longer acceptingSend me ‘you talk too much’ for your muse to shut mine up with a kiss mid-sentence.
   Blake loved that she was able to talk to Izuku about everything and anything. He always listened intently and gave her his opinions. It was a nice feeling and reminded her about her friends back at Remnant. She was rambling about something interesting listening at one of her classes when suddenly she was interrupted and kissed. She blushes profusely as she looks over at Izuku. “Well that was a sweet way to tell me to be quiet. But I thought you enjoyed me talking about my day” she teases playfully with a cute pout.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Coughing quietly as she released his hand, he nervously poked both his index fingers together as they began to make their way out of the building, his eyebrow quirking up as she asked about his power. A small nod came from the male, “Shoot style is the very embodiment of who I am. It’s a very important part of my fighting style as well.”
Although he was cautious about telling his secret to anyone, he didn’t see a reason to hide the details. He felt as if he could trust Blake, even though he had just taken her down for some ice cream. It almost seemed playful.
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“Oh! Well, a quirk is something from my universe. That’s what we call the special power we’re born with, but not all of us get it right off the bat from birth. Some of us grow up, finding what our power is later on. And my quirk, it enhances my speed, strength…well, everything really.”
 Blake listened intently as Izuku told her about quirks. She was rather impressed by the idea of it and how it seemed rather familiar. “That’s kinda like what a semblance is in my world. Mine is... well as you saw... making shadow clones of myself. It’s not as cool as your quirk” she says with a chuckle.
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 They were nearing the ice cream parlor and Blake had to say she was already enjoying her time with Izuku. It was nice to meet someone who had powers and knew how to use it. She smiles. “You know. I’m quite impressed by you got me. I thought I for sure was going to win” she teases playfully as she opens the door of the parlor and holds it open for Izuku before walking in.  There were a few people ahead of them. Blake looks over at the menu. “You said you wanted Strawberry right? Any toppings?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Ah that’s right, he was indeed her first kiss, funny enough- she was his first kiss as well. It’s as if it worked out perfectly for the two. Seeing the blush appear on her cheeks, he kept himself from pointing it out immediately, placing the bowl down before resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.
Instead of mentioning it, he listened to her and found himself smiling at the thought of kissing her in the rain, it was most likely like before. But with more love. Or so he thought at least. He wasn’t too familiar with romance but it was a nice feeling to say the least.
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“I-I think it would be! I’ve only seen something like that happen in movies.” He said nervously, blushing at the thought.
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Blake hums. “Yeah. I think it would be nice though” she says before looking at her food and pushing her plate away from herself. “Alright. I guess I really wasn’t that hungry. Want to go?” she asks him with a cute tilt of her head as she looked towards him.
She kinda wanted to be in the rain and just walk hand in hand with him under an umbrella. Maybe they could make this random conversation soon become a reality. “I kinda want to get out here before the rain stops” she says with a giggle.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
His thumb gently brushed against the top of her hand, reassuring her that it was okay. It will all be okay and they can learn together.
All his life, he never thought he would find someone that would find him worth their time, even back home, he knew he didn’t have a chance with Uraraka. Even if she did have a crush on him, he couldn’t find the guts to confess. But this time, it was different. It’s as if Wonderland changed him in a way.
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“I’m glad I met you too, I didn’t think it was possible to be so comfortable with someone.”
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Blake felt her cheeks redden once again. This was really a nice feeling. To have someone make her feel this happy and feel like she was important was just an overall great feeling. “You are really amazing, Izuku. Thank you for just being so nice to me and making me feel like its okay to be myself.”
*dips and kisses you*
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Without any indication, Blake suddenly felt herself fall before being also caught. Her eyes widen before soon she felt lips press against her own. When she realized just who it was she didn’t resist and let it happen. However when they pulled away she couldn’t help but feel rather flustered. Her cheeks suddenly reddening in utter embarrassment but also warmth. “W-what was that for, Izuku?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
  some  one  word  prompts .    (    send   one   of   the   words   for   our   muses   to   interact   based   off   that   word   )
goodbye :  my  muse  kissing  and/or  hugging  your  muse  goodbye.
secrets :   my  muse  sharing/confiding  their  deepest,  darkest  secret  with  your  muse.
nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muses  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare.
push :   my  muse  pushing  your  muse  out  of  the  way  of  danger.
embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.
bloody :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muse  with  blood  stains  on  their  clothes  and  hands,  shaking.
drunk :   my  muse  takes  care  of  your  muse  while  they  are  in  a  drunken  state.
bed :   my  muse  wakes  up  in  the  same  bed  as  your  muse  with  little  recollection  of  the  night  before.
slap :   my  muse  slaps  your  muse  across  the  face  out  of  anger.
gone :   my  muse  stays  by  your  muses  side  while  they  take  their  last  breath.
scream :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  quickly  runs  to  their  side.
sleep :   my  muse  falls  asleep  on  your  muse,  making  it  hard  for  my  muse  to  leave.
stalk :   my  muse  gets  caught  by  your  muse  trailing  behind  them,  watching  them.
sacrifice :   my  muse  jumps  in  front  of  your  muse,  sacrificing  their  life  for  your  muses  life.
trail :   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scares,  asking  them  about  it.
love :   my  muse  confronts  your  muse  about  why  they  never  say  ’ i  love  you ’  back.
piggyback :   my  muse  jumps  on  your  muses  back,  my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride.
jump :   my  muse  runs  to  your  muse  and  jumps  up,  my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs.
dance :   my  muse  holds  their  hand  out,  waiting  for  your  muse  to  come  out  and  slow  dance  with  them.
carry :   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house,  either  drunk,  or  a  weakened  state,  can  specify. 
lighter :   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette.
shot :   my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses  house  for  aid.
wound :   my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten.
fight :   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else.
arrest :   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  with  swarming  police  everywhere.
hospital :   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened.
gun :  my  muse  pulls  out  a  gun  on  your  muse,  your  muse  tries  to  talk  them  into  putting  the  gun  down. 
betrayal :  my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them  in  same  way  and  confronts  them  about  it.
nude :  my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked.
karaoke :  my  muse  pulls  your  muse  up  on  stage  with  them  to  sing  some  karaoke  songs. 
laughter :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  laughing  uncontrollably  and  approaches  to  see  if  they  are  okay.
murder :   my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  committing  a  gruesome  murder.
wet :   my  muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for  your  muse  to  join  them.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
slightly angstier ship meme
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
who worries more about the other
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
who picks fights more often
who usually apologizes first
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
who is more likely to lash out at the other
who gets more jealous
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”:
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Boyfriend’s Birthday!|| Blake & Izuku
Blake was rather excited. Today was her boyfriend’s birthday and she couldn’t wait to surprise him and give him his gift. It was something small but she hoped he would like it. She decides grab her phone from her pocket and text him.
The text read as: “Hey Sweetie. Are you free? If so want to meet me outside of the SSA building at 11am today?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
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Blake felt herself blushing even more. How is that Izuku could be so unexpectedly romantic and cute? It wasn’t that she was complaining but he always seems to surprise her in the best ways. “Well. It was rather sweet. Thank you” she says before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
‘you talk too much’
You talk too much meme: No longer acceptingSend me ‘you talk too much’ for your muse to shut mine up with a kiss mid-sentence.
   Blake loved that she was able to talk to Izuku about everything and anything. He always listened intently and gave her his opinions. It was a nice feeling and reminded her about her friends back at Remnant. She was rambling about something interesting listening at one of her classes when suddenly she was interrupted and kissed. She blushes profusely as she looks over at Izuku. “Well that was a sweet way to tell me to be quiet. But I thought you enjoyed me talking about my day” she teases playfully with a cute pout.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Breathing heavily to catch his breath, he felt proud of himself that he had achieved victory. His green eyes looked up towards Blake, panting as he glanced up at her curiously.
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A smile formed onto his features before holding his hand out and took hers, “Make it strawberry.” He said as he stood up, not letting go of her hand as he chuckled quietly.
   Blake was a bit surprised when Izuku didn’t let get of his hand the moment he stood up. She blushes before pulling her hand away swiftly and letting it go to her hair as she tries to tame it a bit. “Sure. Strawberry for you and Vanilla for me” she says with a smile before she dusts herself off. “I’ve got to say you’ve got quite a power there. Don’t know what it was but you somehow got faster. What was it called? Shoot-style or something?” she asks as she starts to lead the way out of the S.S.A training facility.
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  “And what did you say before about having a  quirk? What’s a quirk? Sorry I should probably ask this when we’re at the ice cream parlor but I’m just so curious” she giggles nervously. “I mean. It’s cool that you have a.. quirk or power too. I haven’t met anyone new here who does. So yeah” she rambles a bit.
  She really was impressed by the fact that she was caught. She didn’t think he was going to win but a bet is a bet and she obviously lost. She was just wondering how. Hopefully she’ll get to know him better when they get their reward for training so hard.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Izuku examined himself in the mirror, tilting his head in confusion as he ran around back and forth. He was more than worried that he would look ridiculous, but eventually he came to terms with his decision; blue jeans, buttoned up white t-shirt, accompanied with that familiar red tie, and his U.A. jacket. Staring down at his red shoes, he took a deep breath as he made his way out to head out in front of the S.S.A. Building.
All his nerves were altering, this was the first date he was going on, he was afraid he would mess it all up but there was no way that would happen. As he made his way out, his gaze went up to spot Blake, walking over to her as his eyes began to sparkle.
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“Wow, you look amazing.” He said with a bright smile before waving his hands in front of him, “I-I mean, not like you didn’t before! Um, y-yeah! I’m ready.”
   Blake couldn’t help but giggle, finding Izuku being nervous rather adorable. “Thanks. You look amazing too. And come on then. Let’s go” she says before grabbing his hand and starting to walk downtown towards the train station.
 She was rather nervous too,to say the least. This was practically her first date ever with anyone. She was excited but nervous. She wanted everything today to just go well and nothing to go wrong. She really liked this boy. He made her feel again. He made her feel like she can  be who she is without the weird glares she got from other people who’ve met her. Izuku was different and she liked that he is. 
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  Blake smiles at him as she squeezes his hand gently. Despite being the taller of the pair, she didn’t mind. He is cute and sweet and nothing made her happier than to be able to be herself around him. “When we get there we better make a bunch of memories  okay?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Crossing Paths Again|| Blake & Jaune
  Blake had a habit of taking walks sometimes with Izuku,other times alone. She enjoyed observing the town and just taking everything in. It was her way of getting to know her way around the city and explore new areas she had never been before. 
She had strayed off path today and wondered towards Hatterick School this rather sunny early morning. Their were children walking towards the school and she couldn’t help but smile softly to herself. It reminded her of the time she first walked onto the Beacon Academy campus. 
She wanted a better look at the school and was about to cross the street when she spots a familiar face in a bright colored vest across the street from her. She couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she walks towards the person who was now in the middle of the street guiding children across the street.
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“This seems rather familiar, don’t you think, Jaune?” she says with a chuckle once she approaches said male.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Rainy Day Romance|| Blake & Izuku
continued from  x
  Blake has been playing with her plate of food as as she gazed outside at the pouring rain from window. She was engrossed with the rain she didn’t realize she was speaking out loud until she heard Izuku speak towards her. Her eyes widen in shock a bit, surprised at the comment before she starts to blush.
   “Well no. Didn’t I tell you, you were my official kiss?” she asks quizzically. She blushes at the mention of him being her first because she might have not told him that.  Before he could even retort she speaks up again.“W-well you were so no... I haven’t kissed in the rain...but I think it could be rather romantic”.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
‘you talk too much’
You talk too much meme: No longer accepting Send me ‘you talk too much’ for your muse to shut mine up with a kiss mid-sentence.
   Blake loved that she was able to talk to Izuku about everything and anything. He always listened intently and gave her his opinions. It was a nice feeling and reminded her about her friends back at Remnant. She was rambling about something interesting listening at one of her classes when suddenly she was interrupted and kissed. She blushes profusely as she looks over at Izuku. “Well that was a sweet way to tell me to be quiet. But I thought you enjoyed me talking about my day” she teases playfully with a cute pout.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
‘you talk too much’
You Talk Too Much Meme: No longer accepting Send me ‘you talk too much’ for your muse to shut mine up with a kiss mid-sentence.
 Blake was rambling life about on Remnant to Mio when suddenly she was interrupted and she felt lips press against hers. Blake eyes widen in shock before literally scooting away and covering her lips in embarrassment. “What the hell, Mio? What was that for!?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
“Don’t get up just yet, I’ll miss having you next to me.”
Physical contact starters meme: no longer accepting.
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Blake giggles. “Alright, Yang but we’re going to have to get up and grab dinner eventually”.
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