bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Hey there!! New follower here i just wanna say im so inlove with the way you write and i cant get enough of it !! Can you do some HCs with Mezo Shoji and Snipe from BNHA? (separately and Snipe gets less love and i want him to shine-) And if you can add, the s/o is a singer :D Thank you !!!
i’m actually bummed Snipe doesnt have an actual name yet lmaoo unless im dumbdumb. also i love shouji ;-;
- His southern drawl is endearing to the ladies, and he knows it well. Yet, he still manages to mess up any interaction he has with a woman he finds the slightest bit attractive.
- He first met you in plainclothes at a local coffee shop near his apartment. He knew it was love at furst sight when you took a black coffee, dumped a cup of sugar in it, and drank it like a shot.
- “Well, you dont see that everyday.” He drawled, drawing you attention. He gulped when your stare turned icy and you set your hands on your hips.
- “Making fun of a stranger?” You said coldly. Snipe proceeded to apologise profusely, asking how he can make it up to you. He trued to stand up, but ended up knocking the chair backwards in his haste. Your glare broke and you let out an lovely laugh.
- “Buy me another coffee, how about that?”
- He is an absolute gentleman, and at least once a week you’ll find flowers delivered to your work, embarrasing in front of your coworkers.
- Despite being a top hero (and extremely busy), he always makes time for anniversary’s, birthday party’s, family reunions. Even if he has to take the time off months in advance, or if he has to work overtime.
- He is a master at darts. It’s actually how he got you to go on a second date. You hit him when he told you his quirk allowed him to manipulate objects in the air.
- On his off days, he will sleep in until the late afternoon.
- He loves to cook, and loves to make food for you and experiment with food. Baking cookies is his specialty.
- He loves your singing voice, and it can lull him to sleep like a baby.
- When he furst heard you sing, he sat in silence and listened. He ended up scaring the living daylights out of you when you ended up turning around and finding him sitting there in awe.
- He always tries to sing duets with you at karaoke, and you always try to say no. But with his country drawl you cant deny how fun a country duet is.
Mezo Shouji
- He was prepared to take his feelings for you to the grave if he had to. Relationships and him just never worked out. He would rather be your friend for as long as possible even if it meant never getting to be with you the way he truly wanted.
- He remembered when you volunteered to be a singer to the Class 1-A band, and getting to hear you sing so passionatley. Your voice was absolutley beautiful.
- He remember you had to stay after class one day, and he forgot his bag. He passed Aizaw in the hallway.
- “(Y/n) should still be in there, if not, you’re out of luck.” Aizawa said with a shrug. Mezo picked up the paced, slowing when he heard a soft humming coming from the room. He stepped into the doorway to hear your tune better.
- You swayed back and forth, humming something beautiful. He could sit and listen forever.
- “Shoji?”
- He was so embarrased. And you were equally as embarrased considering how red your cheeks were.
- “I’m sorry to intrude.” He send, bowing slightly. You rushed to pick up your stuff quicker, obviously not wanting to be there any longer.
- “The song. It was beautiful.” He murmured. You stuttered out a thank you.
- “To make up for it, I can uh, walk you home. Or at least to the nearest mart to get you a pork bun.”
-You smiled, obciously more relaxed, nodding with a smile.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
choose a category and a number, then send it on in. bnha and haikyuu characters accepted!
Prompt List #2
A/N: While a majority of these are mine there are a few I have found online/was inspired by
Prompt List #1
“I’ve learnt to love you.”
“They’re good for each-other.” 
“(She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.”
“Shut up and hold me.”
“I’m not leaving. Ever.”
“I promised to love you forever.”
“You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
“I’ll take care of you.”
“Can you sing that song for me again?”
“I don’t know if you know this but, I love you.”
“I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to…” 
“It looks good on you.” 
“You’re the reason I’m still here.”
“I love you and all but…” 
“You saved me.”
“Would you like to stay?” 
“I’ll take the couch.” 
“I’m quite comfortable here.”
“How did I manage to get you.” 
“Maybe I’m just lucky.”
“It’s us agaisnt the world.”
“Are you hurt? What happened?”
“You fainted, are you alright?”
“What do you remember?”
“I think (she/he/they/I) rubbed off on you.”
“Don’t let go.”
“I promise.”
“Am I dreaming?”
“I don’t want to wake up.”
“Find me again.”
“Don’t forget me.”
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t plan on doing that.”
“Please don’t say goodbye.”
“I wish we didn’t we have to say goodbye.”
“You didn’t think you’d be able to get rid of me just yet did you?”
“Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?” 
“I could never get tired of you.”
“Are you alright?” “I will be.”
“No you don’t understand, I have to get back!”
“I’m not your princess.” 
“You say you hate it but your red face is telling me otherwise.” 
“For (her/him/them), (I’ll do) anything.”
“(She’s/he’s/they’re) worth the wait.”
“I can be your reason why.” 
“This is not what I meant when I told you to fall for me.” 
“I don’t know if I want to yell at you or kiss you.”
“Is it that hard to believe that I love you?”
“Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
“Is somebody jealous?”
“Can you quit being sappy for five seconds?”
“Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” 
“It’s always a losing game with you.”
“If it means anything, I love you.”
“I must’ve loved (her/him/them) a lot.”
“You’re in-love with somebody else.”
“(She/he/they/I) lost (her/his/their/my) soulmate.”
“It wasn’t supposed to end this way.” 
“I’ve moved on.”
“This isn’t the person I fell in-love with.”
“It doesn’t matter unless I’m their last right?”
“Why are you still fighting?”
“You were the one who walked out, not me.”
“Please don’t make me choose.”
“You’re choosing (her/him/them) over me?”
“You don’t get to call me that.”
“You lost the right when you walked out of my life.”
“What happened to forever?”
“Don’t you remember me?”
“Would you have said yes?”
“Please don’t make me choose.”
“You can’t just act like nothings wrong when it isn’t!”
“You’re with me for a reason, right?”
“Why would (I/she/he) fall for someone else?”
“I haven’t seen you in months.”
“You’ll always be a friend.”
“Did you love me (me/her/him/them)?”
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “Everything.”
“I’ll see you soon, I promise.”
“You have to let me go.”
“It’s all in my head. This isn’t actually happening, you’re not real!”
“Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.”
“Why are you letting (her/him/them/me) do this to you?” “Because I love (her/him/them/you).”
“Would you do the same for me?”
“What happened to all of our promises?”
“This was our forever.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!”
“It’s been years, can’t you just give me a chance.”
“I’m not ready to get hurt again.” 
“Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again.”
“I’m not ready to lose you.”
“No, not again. Please!”
“You just had to go and ruin everything.”
“Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.” 
“You know this means nothing right?”
“It’s not my fault you believe(d) everything I (say/said).”
“You promised forever.”
“Why is it so hard for you to believe me?”
“Wake up! Please don’t do this to me.” 
“Why did you have to go and fall in love with me?” 
“I shouldn’t still be in love with you.” 
“I still find myself falling asleep with you on my mind.”
“Do you not remember me?”
“I thought you said wouldn’t fall in-love.” 
“(She’s/he’s/they’re) just a friend.” “We used to be friends to be ‘just friends’ too.”
“I’d never fall in-love.”
“I’ll wait for you.” 
“Just take my hand.”
“You’re weak.”
“Was that part of the bet?”
“At least I kept my promises.”
“Take me back.”
“I need (her/him/them).” 
“Do you miss me?”
“What happened to us?”
“People say I’m heartless.”
“Another nightmare?”
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Is that a threat?”
“Hold onto me.”
“I have nothing.”
“It’s killing you.”
“Maybe you should give up.” 
“I’m tired of running.”
“(She/he/they) changed (her/his/their) world.”
“Just like we promised.”
“I can’t leave.”
“You’re a bad liar did you know?” 
“I could’ve helped.”
“I never wanted any of this.”
“Only you.” 
“Come home.”
“I’ll see you when I get back.”
“Just say the word.”
“Well, I can scratch that off my bucket list.”
“We really shouldn’t be doing this…”
“Do you trust me?” “No.”
“It was your idea!”
“What happened to your face?”
“All you had to do was ask.” 
“I don’t like you.” 
“I haven’t seen you in months.”
“Why is it always you?”
“Don’t let go.”
“Who said I ever stopped?”
“Get out of my head.”
“You flinched.”
“Is it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
“I did it again, didn’t I?”
“I’m not going to fight you.”
“Every time I think I’m close to finally figuring you out you end up surprising me.”
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
here you are! this one seemed really fun! shoot one in if you want!
Send a number
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
3. What song really gets you going?
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
6. Most embarrassing habit?
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
8. Soft or hard tacos?
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
11. What color/design are your bedsheets?
12. Any hidden talents?
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
14. Socks or bare feet around the house?
15. Favorite board game?
16. Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
17. Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
18. Do you sing in the shower?
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
20. Last thing you cried about?
21. At what age did you first have alcohol?
22. Relationship status?
23. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
24. What do you typically wear to formal events?
25. Favorite memory?
26. Gum or breath mints?
27. Favorite shoes?
28. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
29. What is the natural state of your hair?
30. Have you ever had braces?
31. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
32. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
33. Last time you had an orgasm?
34. Celebrity crush(es)?
35. Windows or Mac?
36. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
37. Makeup or natural?
38. What color do you wear the most?
39. Favorite season?
40. Umbrella or rain coat?
41. Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
42. First car you ever owned?
43. What time do you usually go to bed?
44. Are you a competitive person?
45. Least favorite color?
46. First pet you’ve ever owned?
47. Sweet or salty?
48. Favorite pasta dish?
49. Favorite kind of chips?
50. Talk about something you’re passionate about.
51. What are some of your hobbies?
52. Caffeine? If so, what kind?
53. Favorite kind of pizza?
54. Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
55. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
56. Something that ruins your appetite?
57. Favorite labels about you?
58. Are you a religious person?
59. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
60. What size shoe do you wear?
61. Favorite thing about yourself?
62. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
63. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
64. Heroes or villains?
65. Favorite fruit?
66. Least favorite fruit?
67. Favorite vegetable?
68. Least favorite vegetable?
69. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
70. Favorite dessert?
71. Do you play any sports?
72. Age you learned how to swim?
73. Tell a funny story.
74. What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
75. What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
76. What job would you be terrible at?
77. Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
78. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
79. What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
80. Has your opinion changed on something recently?
81. Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
82. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
83. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
84. Favorite physical feature about yourself?
85. Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
86. What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
87. If you could change your height, would you?
88. What’s something you would rate 10/10?
89. Heels or flats?
90. What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
91. Would you want to be famous?
92. What’s something you would get arrested for?
93. What’s your spirit animal?
94. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
95. Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
96. Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
97. Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
98. Thoughts on the oxford comma?
99. What do you hope never changes?
100. How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
thank you guys so much for 500+ followers. i started this blog to help with my characterization but seeing all of ya’ll like/reblog and enjoy my writing is actually really cool. and i cant appreciate it enough. i have a couple fun prompt things to get to know me, and to have fun writing with as like a little celebration! also im gonna start posting a lot more haikyuu stuff i’ve always written for that show but never really posted on anything but wattpad, so send in some of those too!
thank you guys so much. again. <3
0 notes
bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love Is Hard (7): Ukai Keishin x Reader
His mother's hand was soft on his forehead when she approached.
"Keishin, we need to go home."
Her voice seemed to bring her back to reality, and he realized how cold it was. How long had he sat on the porch of your house?
"She isn't back yet." He murmured.
"I called her mom earlier. She's going to stay overnight just to be careful. But she should be fine."
His arms wrapped around his legs, and he couldn't make eye contact. He felt ashamed. He had hurt you, and you had to be put in the hospital for it. It made him sick. His mother sighed softly, finsing herself sitting next to him on the porch.
"It was an accident, my sweet boy. You know she won't hold this against you."
Subconsciously he hugged his legs harder.
"I hurt her, Ma. I was so scared." He whispered, barely audible. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Which means you need to be there for her, honey. Apologize when she's well enough to hear it. She's a good friend, and she will forgive you."
The bitter wind swept through him with a shiver, and he slowly stood, helping his mother up.
"You drive home, boy, I'm tired ."
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love is Hard (6): Ukai Keishin x Reader
shitty attmept at angst
He froze, looking at you rigidly. You stood there, hands wringing each other. You gulped. You were the last person he expected to enter the shop.
"You are...." your voice came out shaky, and you cursed yourself for being such an idiot. This was a bad idea. Maybe leaving now would save you the humiliation.
Yet, you looked up into Keishin’s eyes. And despite them being steeled, you could feel the warmth pouring from them.
"You have always been one of my best friend in the entire world. And I don't expect forgiveness, but I want you to know that I realized what I said was wrong, and degrading, and abhorrent. I had no right to judge you upon your choices. Ultimately, it's your life. And I'm so sorry that I judged you, rather than being a good friend and supporting you.
You stepped towards the counter, placing a small envelope on it.
"I head off this evening. You can choose if you want to open this or not."
He didn't move, just stared. You opened your mouth.
You gulped down words, words that you didn't think you deserved to say.
"I'm sorry."
And then you left, and quickly as you came. A cold chill enveloped his body for a moment before the door shut.
Ukai took the note in his hand, sat down, and just stared at it. It still hurt to think about that night. About the words you said to him. He remembered what he said back, and every day since those words left his mouth he wished he could take them back.
His hands seemed to move on their own, gently taking out the letter written in your soft, looping handwriting.
This last month has been agony. I was so used to your presence, and your company, that it didn't feel the same. Graduation was terrible. I had to walk down the aisle with Ohuma Chio. It should've been with you. My graduation gift I didn't get to give you. That graduation party we didn’t have together like we always talked about didn’t happen. So many things that we should've done to strengthen our friendship before we separated was taken away because I acted out. I shouldn't have said those things. I was angry at myself, and took it out on you.
I understand that you might not want to talk ever again. I understand. But I hope, in some way, that this helps us. And maybe someday, we can talk this through.
With Love,
He felt himself tear up. Was he really going to let this friendship go over what? Spite? The fight was ages ago. Months.
He crumpled up the paper slightly.
"Ma! I'm going to the station!
You sniffled to yourself. The train you needed to take was the last one, so nobody else was at the station as you waited.
In the distance, you heard running feet, and paid no mind, until they got considerably closer.
He stood there, your letter in hand, panting up a storm. He held up a finger as he struggled to catch his breathe. Finally, he inhaled deeply, letting out a long breath.
"I-I wanted to see you. Before you left.”
That's all he had to say. And you started to tear up. He held your note out to you.
"I said shitty things as well, and this argument was half of me. You don't get to take all the blame."
When you took the note gently in your hand, his arms fell to his side.
You began to weep, he put his head down.
"I'm sorry. So sorry. Our fight, I just can't believe we let it split us apart. Please...."
He trailed off, and you looked up.
"Let's not have it happen again."
You let out a half sob, standing up carefully, suitcase falling to the ground with a clatter. Meeting in the middle, his arms engulfed you.
"I missed you."
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love Is Hard (5): Ukai Keishin x Reader
bdkshdjsdjjwjdksjs enjoy
You were simply running an errand. You we're giving the new gym schedules to Coach Ukai Senior.
"Thank you (L/n)-San." He said, and despite how just moments before yelling at the team to get their asses into shape, his voice was inviting and softer with you.
"Of course. Oh, Miss Aya says hello."
You don't remember much after that. You were hit hard in the back of your head by a rogue ball, and suddenly you were blearily blinking again the ceiling.
The gym was emptied quickly, and a scared Ukai hovered over you.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." He said softly, pulling slowly when your hands grabbed his arms. Your head was buzzing and your ears rang slightly.
"What the hell were you aiming for? Owowowow." Your vision was swimming as you got up tenderly. Ukai’s hand had a deathgrip on your forearm. Everything was pounding and the lights hurt to look at.
"I got distracted, I'm so sorry." He said with a shaky voice. He gulped.
"Just get me to the nurse's, you big oaf." You murmured. Your footing wavered, and had to lean heavily into Ukai's arm to walk straight.
"Make sure the nurse give's her a concussion test, Keishin." Ukai Senior said with a grimace.
The buzzcut teen nodded, and he slowly began to guide her.
"Man, Kei, you really did a number on me." You muttered.
"I was just trying to serve. But then Naoi tried to block it and it ricocheted hard."
"You two are trouble." You said with a pained chuckle.
Suddenly, the ground seemed to be moving. Your body felt upset.
And then you barfed, collapsing forward onto the ground.
He froze, oh god what had he done.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love Is Hard (4): Ukai Keishin x Reader
hdkshxa i literally cant believe im posting these ive had this is my wips for like a year and a half lmaoooo
"You both should make up. Before you're off to college and he's working full time at the shop."
It was out of the blue, and made you cringe back from the work in front of you.
"Kurosawa, you know that can't happen. He made me cry, and I-," you sighed to yourself, "I said some awful things to him as well."
Kurosawa just sighed from her place on her bed.
"I know from experience that leaving loose ends before high school ends isn't a good idea. This will plague you, whether you think it will or not."
Kurosawa Ukai has always been a constant in your life. Though three years your elder, you and her had become good friends through your constant visitation to the Ukai household. You considered her your confidant, ride or die, no matter what. It was a different type of friendship than Keishin, while all still the intimate.
You had gotten in a bad fight with him, one sprouted from repressed feelings on both sides. You cried, he teared up, and horrible, horrible things were said. Anger was revealed and resentment released into words.
You sighed.
"What time does he get back from work at the fields?" You asked. She looked at the clock.
"'Bout a half hour, give or take."
You began to pack your stuff up, and when you said your goodbyes, Kurosawa arose from the bed and engulfed you in a hug.
"You're hurting, and he is too. But you're both too stubborn to make the first move to apologize. Please do."
And she left it at that, the bitter feeling in your chest tightening up.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love Is Hard (3): Ukai Keishin x Reader
okay this chapter is ass but you get the idea i might edit later once i post all the parts
Naoi looked back to you and Ukai, lips parting and skin sheet white. Miya Kyou stood timidly in front of him, a soft smile on her face. It was known he had the biggest crush on her, and apparently it was reciprocated.
“Oh, damn!” You announced, theatrically kicking at the ground, “I forgot my homework in my locker, I’ll see you later Naoi!”
You turned heel away from the two lovebirds, tugging on Ukai’s wrist to follow. Once out of earshot, you both began to laugh.
"I cannot believe him. He looked like he was going to die!" You said with a cackle.
Ukai doubled over as you continued.
"I can't get that look out of my head. He was white as snow. Why was he so nervous anyway?! The whole class knew she liked him just as much as he liked her.”
"Maybe he was scared he'd have to reject someone again." He snickered. You thought back to earlier in the day, when two girls at the same time arrived at his locker with chocolates, wanting to profess their undying love, they started bickering right in front of him. He rejected them both right there once they started to push each other around. He had a bag of chocolates chucked at his head.
You snickered.
"Man, I'm hungry! Got any snacks?" You asked, starting to open up his backpack, he promptly tried to shove you away.
"You had a whole lunch you witch! Get out of my bag!" He snarled.
Suddenly, you caught a glimpse of a small bag of chocolates, his handwriting unmistakable. You backed away immediately, gulping.
"S-Sorry, Kei."
He suddenly turned a beet red, closing his bag quickly.
"Uh, I think I dropped something back by Naoi. Wait here. I'll be back in a sec."
His awkwardness was evident as he walked away, then erupted into a jog. If only he saw the look on your face.
"Why wouldn't he tell me he has a crush on someone." You groaned. You considered him one of your best friends, did he consider you the same? What if...
"I'm back. Let's go eat! Huh? Why the face?"
Whatever feeling plagued you was shaken away and replaced with a soft smile.
"Oh, just lost in thought. Let's head out, I'm starving!"
If only you had seen the small note he had written for you, and the chocolates his elder sister helped him mold. They were both in the trash now, lost with whatever courage he managed to garner in the first place.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love is Hard (2): Ukai Keishin x Reader
I kinda headcanon that Ukai has like a 3 year older sister. I think it just fits.
"Sorry, Kei-ahem-Ukai isn't available at the moment. He'll be back in about ten minutes. That being said, is their anything I can help you with at the moment?"
The two teenagers seemed confused.
"I thought Ukai-San was the only one who worked here?" The orange-haired teen said bluntly, scratching at his chin as he seemed to fall into a deep thought. His friend, a taller black haired male elbowed the boy.
"You don't just ask things like that, idiot!"
"I just made an observation!"
"Well quit making them and act normal!"
"You're the one not acting normal!"
You watched with a growing smile at their oblivious bickering. A moment later, they turned back to you.
"Is it alright is we wait here until he comes back? And could we get a pork bun?"
You smiled happily, and obliged, pulling out two chairs for them so they weren't stuck in the blistering summer heat.
"So what do you two boys need with Ukai? You apart of the Volleyball Club or something?"
"You know about the volleyball club?!" They asked excitedly and in near unison. You just smiled as you kept busy behind the counter.
"Ke-Ukai talks about it all the time. Of course I know about it."
"How do you know coach?" The orange haired boy asked.
"I help here around the shop sometimes. I've known Keishin since high-school almost."
After some idle chat, Ukai suddenly entered through the shop doors, a baby carrier on his hip. The baby in question was bawling, most likely from the lack of ability in Ukai's part.
"Ma! He's here!" He called up. You dropped your broom with excitement.
"Look at him!" You exclaimed excitedly, unbuckling the small baby and taking him into your arms, immediately the crying began to stifle.
Meanwhile, Hinata and Kageyama were watching the scene unfold, supposed puzzle pieces clicking into place.
"Keishin, you have no idea how to handle a child! He's all fussy now, no thanks to you!" You announced. He rolled his eyes.
"Haito is fine. You baby him too much."
"Oh leave me be. At least I'm not a hard ass."
Suddenly, Ukai noticed the two boys.
"What are you two doing here?" He questioned, sparing a glance to you.
"They wanted to talk to you about something."
Ukai approached, and they stood quickly, red creeping onto their faces.
"What is it, boys?”
Immediately, Kageyama dipped into a bow, but Hinata stood in awe.
"We apologize for interrupting you and your family!"
"Baby Ukai! BUKAI?!"
Keishin groaned, running his hand down his face.
"That is not my child. That is my nephew!" He exclaimed. You snickered.
"I'm the godmother!" You piped in. "Ukai picked him up from his sister's house."
"My mother is taking care of him for the weekend."
The boy's stood silently, awkwardly, and bowed deeply, professing their apologies loudly. Suddenly, the baby began to sniffle and get worked up.
"Apology accepted! Now shoo! You too, Keishin- Ukai! You’re making too much noise Haito doesn’t like it!” You hissed.
"This is my shop!" The blonde man said with a slight scowl. You met him with an eye roll.
"They need to talk to you! Not me, dumbass.”
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Love Is Hard (1): Ukai Keishin x Reader
"Ukai! Naoi!"
The two young boys turned to see their nimble neighbor sprinting to catch up with them. She ran with sprightly ease, skidding to a halt with disappointed hands placed upon her hips.
"You said you were going to wait for me!" She announced. "It's our first days of high school and you were going to make me walk alone on my first day!"
"You were ten minutes late! If we waited we would've been late!" Naoi stated with crossed arms. Ukai just chuckled.
"Well, I guess I won't give you my gift, then, it was why I was so late!"
The two boys perked you, instantly leaning closer.
"Oh, look at you two now!"
Despite her abhorrent attitude, she managed to break into a smile and pull out two shaped erasers. They were both volleyballs.
Naoi gasped, looking at his with awe. Ukai barely managed to take it out of her hand without fumbling it too much.
"So cool!"
"I made them with my moldable eraser set. Now you guys are sure to make it in club!"
Ukai studied it with discreet wonder. Someone made it for him. You made it for him.
His face heated up slightly as Karasuno came into view. You and Naoi were debating over something pointless, but trailed off while taking in the sights of the school.
"Are you guys ready?" You said in wonder. "We're so close to the end of our childhood.
"Don't make it sound so depressing." Ukai mumbled. He relished at your bright smile, paired with raucous laughter. Naoi laughed loudly as well. It was in that moment, all three made their way past the open gates of Karasuno.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
hey guys i apologize for what i’m about to do this next week but i just logged onto my old wattpad and theres a fuckton of wips that ranging from guzma x reader to fucking ford x reader (BWHSHDJQHDJSZ) so i’m probably going to post those all and drop off the face of the earth again
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
hey anybody have a Tangy that’s moving out. I’d write a comission i’m so desperate to have her on my island!!!!!!!!
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
Check out these amazing writers! I’m excited to do another one!
MHA x Reader Discord Prompt Masterlist!
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A/N: The MHA x Reader discord server is happy to showcase some wonderful writers, who may not always get the recognition they deserve! New writers are often pushed down by the algorithm, and this is just to help get their names and works out there and enjoyed by everyone!
While not every single writer here is a new blog, I’d still would love for everyone to get some more appreciation for all the work they do here! Everyone has worked super hard not only on this prompt, but on everything else they do! Our server is here to help give these lovely people what they deserve, some love! Make sure to show some kindness to these guys, and to have fun readers! 
One last thing, a BIG thank you to @onyxiana-is-obsessed​ for creating the banner and the dividers! She rocks!
Disclaimer: Some of these works are NSFW, so if you aren’t interested please scroll past! I’ll put *NSFW*  that way it’s clear to everyone! 
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Title: Day by Day, Month by Month
Read Here!
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Title: Persevere through Forsaken 
Read Here!
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Title: Aizawa x Reader Soulmate AU
Read Here!
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Title: Soulmate Sensations
Read Here!
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Title: Kaleidoscope
Read Here!
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Title: Love Sparks
Read Here!
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Title: A life without you…
Read Here!
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Title: You Brat
Read Here!
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Title: Just Say It
Read Here!
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Title: Doubt
Read Here!
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Title: Good Mornings
Read Here!
Thanks again to everyone who participated! I appreciate every single one of you, and I hope you guys get the love you deserve! 
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
I tried something new and a little out of my comfort zone! I’m on a MHA X Readers Discord and participated in a server wide prompt with wonderful writers like @liliesoftherain !!! It’s not my best piece, and I’ll probably further change it down the road!
This is an Aizawa x Reader Soumate AU where they share pain. Warnings: descriptions of pain!
"We should probably get up." You said quietly. Aizawa gave you no response as he furrowed into the blankets.
Your hand slowly ran through his hair. He must've enjoyed the methodical detangling, because he seemed to relax further into your side. You found yourself dozing off again mere minutes later, draw in by the lure of sleep.
When the alarm went off, it was so loud. As if it was right next to your ear rather than across the room. You tried to sit up, but his arms stayed firm around your waist.
"Sho, let's get going." You mumbled, trying to wiggle from his grasp.
"I don't have to go in until eleven, I can make you breakfast and coffee to go." You said softly, leaning to place a kiss on his forehead. His response was almost immediate as he let you. You chuckled softly to yourself, sitting up and placing your feet softly on the ground. It was cold.
When you finally stood, you made your way to the bedroom door. Halfway through, you started to yawn, stretching backwards and stumbling slightly.
You were now completely awake, thanks to the pain of stubbing your toe which shot up your leg. You hopped one foot as tears sprung to your eyes.
"Watch where you're going." A grumble came from behind you. Shouta's languid body was emerging from the covers. You smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, Sho."
When your soulmate bond emerged, it was the second year of high school. You were at the mall with your mother. You had collapsed, screaming as a fiery pain ripped through your abdomen. You mother nearly had a conniption when she had taken you to the ER only for them to say it was 'only her soulmate, ma'am.' You had learned he had gotten stabbed while working as a sidekick for a hero during that time. You had gotten feint scarring from it, just like the time you had split you head open on the sink. There was a feint scar barely visible on his hairline.
"This is the first time we've had breakfast together in a while, hasn't it?" You asked, setting the two plates of eggs and toast down on the table. He entered the room in complete hero gear, a stack of graded tests under his arm. He looked tired, but he had definitely been in worse states before.
"This smells good." He said, sitting down in the chair across from you. You watched with a smile as he leaned close to the meal subconsciously. His eyes were hooded as the steam from the eggs wafted to his face.
"Here's the coffee." You said with a smile, setting it carefully front of you. He murmured a 'thank you' as he began to eat.
The two of you relished in each other's company for a moment. You stifled a yawn between bites, and he broke the silence.
"I'll be home late today. I'm behind on paperwork and need to stay a little bit longer than normal. You shrugged.
“I’ll stay a little later too then. Then we can have dinner together. “
He smirked softly, nodding as he ate. He took a drink of his coffee, and you flinched as your tongue burned. You scoffed.
“Why do you drink it when it’s still so hot?!” You exclaimed with a laugh. He just laughed, gathering his things as he got ready to leave. You cleaned his plate off for him.
“I love you, Sho!” You called as he headed out the door. He waved.
“I know.”
You arrived to the office, coffee in hand. Your supervisor immediately greeted you with a smile.
"I have two possible commissions in line for you. I was emailed this morning. Before you start on anything else, could you check on those and give them a reply?"
It started right then. Though strain on the body was a different type of pain, it was pain nonetheless. You could usually tell when Aizawa was fighting, or putting himself through a form of exercise.
You furrowed your brows. Why was he fighting? He's at school. He didn't say anything about sparring with the students today.
"Can you do that for me, (Y/n)?"
You turned to your supervisor and smiled.
"Ah, sorry, of course I can." You said happily. She smiled.
"I appreciate that, it helps me out a lot." She said, and you headed to your desk.
The persistent feeling that he was fighting didn't leave. And it only seemed to go on. After about ten minutes of the continuous strain, you were beginning to get worried.
Shouldn't he be done, if it's only a sparring match? Surely a student couldn't match with him for this long....
You pulled out your phone, dialing Hizashi's number. Worry was getting to you.
"Well look who it is! What can I do for ya, listener?!" He exclaimed. You chuckled at his enthusiasm, always expecting it from him.
Before you could speak, your elbow alit with a searing pain. It happened suddenly, causing you to audibly react. Your desk mates raised their brows at you as you phone clattered on the desk.
The pain radiated from your elbow, and started creeping upwards. Your hand clenched into a fist as you struggled to stay quiet. Despite the pain, you were worried. You arm was hanging limp to your side now. Your elbow was unusable. This meant Aizawa was going through the same. Something was happening. Something bad.
You grappled for your phone.
"H-Hizashi." You murmured weakly. "Is everything alright? Is Shouta alright?"
"What do you mean, doll? He's alright. I talked to him this morning! I should be asking you if you're okay."
He seemed confused, and you were vaguely aware of your desk mates attempts to comfort you. One placed a hand on your shoulder as another called for your supervisor.
"He's in pain. I can feel it. Hizashi it hurts." You pressed.
There was a moment of silence.
"I'll go check. Would that be okay." He said seriously.
Suddenly, your legs gave out as a piercing pain ripped through your skull. You screamed, truly starting to cry. Not only for your pain, but Shouta's. Someone was causing him this pain.
The pain was indescribable. You've gotten a concussion from a car accident before. That was nothing compared to this. It was as if you were being slammed into a wall.
"Someone call an ambulance!" You supervisor called. She hovered nervously over you.
"Can you breathe? You need to tell me what's going on!" She said anxiously. You couldn't focus, not as you felt the tendons in your arms alight. You screeched, attempting to stand as someone held you back.
"If you're hurt miss, you need to stay sitting."
At this point, you were delirious, struggling to stand. Your fight or flight was activated when there was nothing you needed to run from.
Finally, you passed out as the paramedics arrived, the last thing you remember was the pressure in your head becoming too hard to handle.
Hizashi met you at the gates of UA as the sun began to set. You has spent nearly seven hours in the hospital, four of those hours unconscious.
The golden hue would've been beautiful, hadn't it been for circumstances. Hizashi greeted you with a nimble hug. He noticed the slight bruising around your eyes, and how dark purple shades were ebbing from under the collar of your shirt. He noticed how red your eyes were, and how hoarse your voice was.
"How's he doing?" You asked softly. He held his arm out, and you linked yours in it so he could lead the way.
"This is the worst shape I've seen him in. I'm thankful we have one of the best healers in the country at this school." Was all he said.
The halls of the school were empty, and it was harrowing to walk through them.
"He'll probably stay here overnight. That's what Recovery Girl wants."
You managed a dry laugh.
"That's definitely what Sho doesn't want." You said with a chuckle. Finally, the walk ended in front of a door with the nurse's plaque glued to it. You gulped.
"Will he be alright?" You asked wistfully. "He-he was in so much pain. I've never felt anything like it."
Hizashi just sighed.
"He fractured his skull, tore and broke nearly everything in one arm. The tendons of his elbow on the other arm were almost completely disintegrated. There may be permanent nerve damage."
He looked to you with a somber smile.
"But he's alive, and that's what matters."
You nodded, and he motioned to the door.
"I've been in there enough today. I'm just outside if you need me."
He walked down the hall a little ways, leaving you to stand in front of the door alone. You opened it quietly.
Aizawa was sitting up. That would've been the first good sign he he not had his entire face wrapped in bandages, and both arms in casts.
"Why hello there dearie!"
A small woman approached you with a cheery smile.
"You must be the little soulmate. Come, come, sit down. You've been through a lot today as well."
She ushered you into the seat next to Shouta's bed.
"I'll go get you some tea, my dear. I'll be right back."
When the door snapped close, there was a suffering silence.
"You look like shit." Was all you managed to say to him. You cursed your voice for cracking. He had warned you about this. He was a hero. He would get hurt.
"It's alright. It's okay to cry." He said softly. That triggered the water works. You wished you could hold him, or grab his hand, but it was impossible. You resorted to placing your face in your palms and breaking down.
"Sho, I could feel it. I could feel it all. You were in so much pain. And it just kept getting worse. I thought, I thought I was going to feel it." You sobbed.
'It' hung like an omen. It was unspoken, but he knew what you were referring to.
He sighed.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this." He said quietly. You frowned, reaching a hand to gently cup his cheek.
"You're a hero. It's your job. We've talked about this. What matters right now is that you're alive. I'm alright. Those kids are alright." You said. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired. But, I'm glad you're okay." He said softly. His face was wrapped in bandages, but you knew he was okay.
You leaned over, placed a kiss on his bandaged cheek, he was okay. He would be okay.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 5 years
Hundreds of thank you for the Present Mic content you provide us with, God bless you🙏🙏🙏🙏 I was wondering, if you have any ideas for our goddess Nemuri? Either with a caring and a nice man or woman, doesn't matter, I am just interested in what you have in mind for her! And thanks again, you rock 💚❤️🧡💜❤️💚💜❤️
bro she’s hands down one of the faves for sure. I love her sm!
- Okay so I personally (headcanon, is that the right word?) think that it’s really easy for her to connect physically with people, but not emotionally. She can totally go down on someone but have a heart to heart? really difficult for her.
- but suddenly, there’s a person that walks into her life, and she really wants to open up more. she doesn’t find it as hard. and if you’re patient, calm, you’ll slowly unravel Nemuri and just her in all her glory
- she needs to be with someone willing to try new things, she’s so rambunctious and out there and down for anything. she wants life to be an adventure, in her own little way
- she’s a hero, and she loves her job, but she knows her s/o has to make sacrifices sometimes. she does as well. but she always tries her absolute best to make it up to them
- she is the absolute queen at going to the store with a list of things, and coming back with nothing, and also twenty gifts for her s/o. don’t send her to the store alone
- best cuddler, hands down, she has everyone beat ‘cept maybe Hawks.
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 5 years
Oooooh, you are incredible! Thank you for fulfilling my request for Hizashi💗💗💗💗 may I request once again?😅 Imagine they have a daughter, maybe of 4 or 5 years old already and she is asking her parents to by her a pet. And when they ask which one, the girl says that she wants a cockatoo cause it looks like daddy. (Poor Hizashi's wife, having now to deal with two loud creatures in their house, a parrot and her husband😆😆). I hope it won't be a bother for you to write it and thank you 💕💕💕
my heart 😫😫 also I just chose a rando name sry if you don’t like
You all three went in with a plan. Kanna was to be getting a goldfish for her fifth birthday. She’s wanted one ever since she saw one in a picture book at school. It was a plan. Meaning it was made with the intention to be followed.
“Papa! Look at that one. We can name it Bubbles!” She said happily, pointing at one of the fish in tank. Your heart clenched as she attempted to scramble closer while in her fathers’ arms. He kept her a respectable distance away. You had given her a ‘don’t touch the glass’ talking to, but her father was also the excitable Hizashi Yamada, so sometimes little rules like that were merely thrown out the window.
He laughed. The fish in question had giant bubbles on its cheeks; Kanna’s name was quite fitting.
“Alright, how about you go and look at the other animals in the store with momma, and we’ll get this little guppy right here.” He said in a playful voice, tapping her on the nose. She giggled playfully, helping herself down, running towards your outstretched arm.
She lead the way through the shop, looking at the different animals. She loved animals.
She had been observing a mother cat and her kittens when she gasped.
“Mama, mama look.” She said, tugging on your wrist. She pulled you to the glass of the bird terrarium, watching them flit in awe. She gasped softly, gently placing her hand on the glass.
“It’s papa!” She exclaimed, mouth agape and staring in awe. You peered into the glass and looked, immediately finding the one she was talking about. A yellow, flamboyant cockatoo, squawking loudly at the others.
“Mama can we get it. It can be Papa’s twin. They’re so the same!”
She jutted her lip out, and you knew as soon as you did, you wouldn’t be able to resist. It was like it was her quirk, even though it really wasn’t.
This car ride was immedietly making you regret your decision on the bird.
“Squawk! Squawk!”
Kanna giggled happily, pretending to squawk back to the creature. In return, the bird did it back.
“Bubbles, can you make a bird noise?” She asked the fish. It didn’t make a sound, of course, and she called Bubbles a party pooper.
“Don’t worry, baby, Papa’s not a party pooper. Watch this!”
Hizashi, who was driving, took a sharp intake of breath, and you knew immedietly that maybe this decision was not the best.
The car windows shook, and Kanna fell into a fit of giggles in her seat. Despite the absolute abhorrent noise that left Hizashi’s mouth, moments like these reminded you how good of a father he was. You sighed happily, heart warming.
“Mama’s staring, Papa!”
Hizashi gasped, sparing you a mischievous glance, and then turning to look at the road again.
“It’s not nice to stare at people!” He announced.
“What should her punishment be, my sweet baby?” He asked, looking into the rear view mirror. She took to asking her animals, deliberating for a moment.
“Mama owes you a kiss!”
You let out a giggle, and she giggled as well.
“Now that’s not a punishment, per se.”
“You heard the girl, my wonderful wife. You owe me a kiss!”
You rolled your eyes, smirk on your lips.
“C’mere you big oaf.”
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