boatem-probler · 16 hours
=> Pearl & Co: Be Matryn
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You are now Martyn, at the same time, in a different place.
You are in the middle of an unfamiliar river, inventory loaded with delicious loot but lacking any provisions, with a panicking Jimmy at your side.
Now, you may be asking, how did you get into this situation?
Well, there's one way to find out.
=> Martyn: Have a flashback
The suggestion period is over! Big thanks to everyone who submitted! :D I can even say that next course of action for Pearl & Co has already been chosen~ The next few updates, however, will be from Martyn's perspective, so i ask for everyone's patience as i try this split POV format out
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boatem-probler · 23 hours
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boatem-probler · 23 hours
The Problem
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boatem-probler · 2 days
hope u guys know that whn i title my tokyo soul summaries i am specifically referencing the way secret sleepover society titles all their videos
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boatem-probler · 2 days
Lizzie LDShadowlady Has the Weirdest Day of Her Life So Far in... Tokyo Soul!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / You Are Here!
I was pretty excited for this one, since I, like many other people, am Very Intrigued by the idea of one of the people in the Life Series having known C!Grian during this part of his life.
It might seem a little underwhelming, since no really big plot things happen in these episodes (inasmuch as Tokyo Soul has a plot), but think about it from Lizzie's perspective.
To the trio we've been following, and to someone like me who has been watching this whole trainwreck for 21 episodes, this is a normal day at school. To Lizzie, she just went to visit a friend who moved away and all of a sudden she's meeting The Actual Chupacabra.
She gets just a thin slice of the fever dream that is Grian's life, and no context for any of it, and I think that's fun to think about.
Anyway, let's actually get to it.
This report contains mentions of: blood, knives, stalking, harassment
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
“This is the most I’ve learned since we’ve been at this school, to be honest.” – Taurtis
This Time...
Episode 22 – QUEEN OF ENGLAND!
Grian and Taurtis barge into Sam’s room, waking him up. They need to pick up Lizzie, Grian’s friend from back in England!! Sam is insistent that they are about to meet the Actual Queen Of England.
Taurtis just has a giant anime sword in his hotbar for some reason. Not either of the giant anime swords Jason had, and also I think not the demon sword Igbar found in the dump, a completely new giant anime sword.
They meet Lizzie at the train station and Sam bows and hands her a cup of tea. Lizzie immediately picks up on what he’s doing and agrees that she is, in fact, the Queen. Grian is annoyed.
Taurtis gives her all the Taurtis clone blood he still has in his pockets for whatever reason. Lizzie is thrown a bit off guard by this.
Grian: “If I’ve learnt anything hanging out with them, it’s that you need to go with what they’re doing, otherwise they slightly lose it.” Lizzie: “Okay, I’m going with it. Who wants to rub blood on themselves?”
Lizzie claims she’s never had detention in her life.
Sam introduces Lizzie as the Queen of England to everyone at the park and wonders if they should have a welcoming ceremony, and Lizzie tells him people usually have a red carpet prepared for her, but she understands that this trip was on short notice. Grian is protesting this in the background.
Geode’s face is melting again. He is once again confused by Grian and Lizzie having similar accents.
They take Lizzie to Señor Loro’s office so she can wrestle for her class schedule. She seems to take this in stride. Also, no one has updated the class schedules since Tori died.
Someone wrote “Unloved Child” on Grian’s locker.
Mr. Chupa is going to teach his class the practical life skill of How To Hide A Body! He wants Grian to volunteer to act as the “body”. He then tries to demonstrate how to find a convenient place to stash the body, such as a closet, but Igbar is already in the closet.
He then announces that sometimes in life, people will just want to kill you, and proceeds to barricade the door, pull out a knife, and tell everyone to run. He chases the class around an obstacle course he built on school grounds. When they reach the end, he tells them they all get As.
Episode 23 – THE CREEPY MAN!
They go into Dr. Nurse’s classroom. Taurtis stole Sam’s teddy bear out of his locker again. Sam tells Lizzie to smack Taurtis upside the head for him. She smacks Taurtis upside the head. Taurtis tells Dr. Nurse that Lizzie hit him. Sam corroborates. Dr. Nurse gives Lizzie detention.
Dr. Nurse takes them all up to the rooftop to learn how not to get hurt. This involves jumping onto an inflatable bag on the ground below that is surrounded by fire. Grian jumps immediately and somehow lands it perfectly.
Igbar falls into the fire and has to run over to the pond. Sam pushes someone off. Taurtis throws Sam’s teddy bear into the flames and Sam jumps in after it. Once everyone is on the ground, Dr. Nurse tells them to “battle and push each other into the flames”. Even Sam is forced to admit they aren’t really learning much.
On the way to lunch, Grian and Lizzie discuss Cheeky Nandos, and how you have to live it to understand it.
Señor Loro shows up to collect Lizzie for her detention. He’s mad at her for dishonorably crying for mercy and then punching him out of the ring when she was wrestling for her schedule. He pulls out a FOURTH, DISTINCT GIANT ANIME SWORD.
Sam tries to blackmail Señor Loro by threatening to tell the principal that he was playing Minecraft on his office computer instead of working. This fails, because the principal is Señor Loro’s brother-in-law. Grian tries to get Señor Loro to give Sam detention. Instead, Señor Loro sends them all to the corner. Taurtis objects, on the basis that he hasn’t done anything, he’s a good student, he almost does his homework somet–
There is a very abrupt cut, after which Dr. Nurse, Mr. Chupa, AND Geode are all in the room, implying that Taurtis has been arguing for a WHILE. Just kidding this show isn’t that sophisticated. But I’m imagining it and it’s funny.
Señor Loro tells Sam and Lizzie to get in the ring and wrestle each other, because he’s bored. Meanwhile, Taurtis tries to get Grian to give him his ramen noodles, and Grian says he only has one noodle left but they could Lady-and-the-Tramp it.
Lizzie wins the wrestling match immediately.
In gym class, they play dodgeball, which means Jerry makes Sam, Taurtis, Grian, and Lizzie stand on a red line while everyone else throws toilet paper at them, because the school didn’t have enough budget to get basketballs. This quickly devolves into utter chaos.
In the confusion, Old Kurokuma sneaks into the girls’ locker room and emerges wearing Lizzie’s clothes.
Episode 24 – RUN LIZZIE!
Kurokuma has fucking vanished, so the boys offer to get Lizzie some new clothes. First, though, they have to go to Geode’s class. The boys leave their gym uniforms on in solidarity.
There is a huge pile of dirt and trash in the middle of Geode’s classroom.
Geode makes Lizzie stand in front of the class and answer questions about how many organs she has. She claims she has two hearts because she’s a Time Lord. Geode pulls out a knife. Lizzie runs back to her seat. Geode is Very Confused.
Geode wants the class to build beacons around the school so he can contact his superiors. Er, he means his Aunt.
He accidentally hands Sam a book with a “List of Chosen Ones” in it. His list of criteria must be seen to be believed.
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Sam spots Old Kurokuma scuttling around the school hallways, and they all chase after him to get Lizzie’s clothes back. They follow him back to his house. Naturally, they break in.
He has an LDShadowlady shrine in his house. They read his diary. It says he wants to think of a way to lure Lizzie to his house and trap her there, which Lizzie finds a somewhat alarming thing to read while she’s actually in his house.
They spot Kurokuma outside, so they all hide in a room with chains in the basement, as you do. Then they bolt while Kurokuma is upstairs looking for his diary.
There sure are a lot of beacon beams around the school now, and they sure are visible from a good distance away!
The episode ends rather anticlimactically, with the gang just sitting down to pretend to watch some cartoons in their house before Lizzie has to catch her train back to England.
Grian Trauma Count!
Traumatic Events:
Physical well-being is put in danger in half his school classes today.
His friend being creeped on by the same creepy old man who's been stalking him and his other friends since they got to this town.
Also some random person he doesn't even have any beef or history with just decided to write "unloved child" on his locker.
And Special for This Report, Lizzie's Weird Fucking Visit to Tokyo Count!
Within minutes of arriving, she is handed a whole bunch of blood by someone she only knows as Grian's Friend.
Grian lightly implies that his friends are some ambiguous idea of "crazy".
On the way to school, Lizzie is introduced to: "Jerry", who looks weirdly like Grian's friend Taurtis but with a grotesquely swollen head, which she is informed is because Jerry is a clone of Taurtis who almost exploded but didn't. A creepy old man who Grian's friend Sam says is their friend who works at the panty shop, but who they all still seem really uncomfortable around anyway. And Professor Geode, whose face is melting off and who doesn't know what an English accent is, which is apparently normal.
At school, she has to wrestle the guidance counselor to get a class schedule.
The first class is taught by The Chupacabra, who chases them around the school with a knife. The teacher of the second class gives Lizzie detention and makes them all jump off the school roof into a fire pit.
For her detention, Lizzie is threatened with a giant sword by the guidance counselor and then made to wrestle Grian's friend Sam.
Gym class is taught by "Jerry" and consists of everyone throwing toilet paper rolls at each other.
The creepy old man from earlier steals Lizzie's clothes out of her gym locker.
The next class is taught by the melting face man, who asks her about her organs and pulls a knife on her, then gives the class a completely nonsensical task that he's really evasive about and that Grian seems really apprehensive of.
Instead of doing the class activity they go chasing after the creepy old man, break into his house, find out he has a shrine of Lizzie in his room, hide in a Chain Basement, and get out by the skin of their teeth.
Grian takes Lizzie to the train station.
That's kind of a lot to take in, ya know?? And that's not even getting into the many ways you could headcanon that she got from Relatively Normal England to the Minecraft Multiverse (especially if you know what happens at the end of Tokyo Soul. There's a lot of room for fic ideas here). Personally, I'm having a lot of fun imagining her as some kind of Isekai Protagonist.
Next Time... Everyone In the Comments of This Video Is Saying It Aged Poorly Specifically Because of the Guest, So That's Just Real Nice
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boatem-probler · 2 days
realized that all the tomb of horrors measurements were gonna be off anyway because gary gygax didn't have to think about how thick the walls were, whereas in minecraft all the walls are exactly 1 meter thick and it throws everything off
BUT! i got the entire blueprint of the tomb done!!
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boatem-probler · 2 days
Guess the Build Quotes Part Three
“Ohhh! That’s sweaty! Ok! You are sweaty!” Gem
“This is a fairly simple build isn’t it?” Grian
“We gotta fill this man in!” Jim
“I didn’t realize that’s the way you were going!” Jim
“I fat fingered it!” Martyn
“If we add this it’s just-we can’t add this!!” Gem
“What the crap is this?!?!” Skizz
“Right, do you know what? We did something didn’t we? We did something Skizz!” Jim
“Well done everyone! Except for Skizz and Jimmy what the heck was that?” Joel
“Get it together Skizz!” Gem
“Oh he’s getting swole!!” Joel
“Hehehehe you love it!” Skizz
“Just do what Gem does, and be great!” Skizz
“SKIZZ! What have we done Skizz!?!? Skizz! You’ve broken me!” Gem
“What in living- WHAT IS THIS?!? EXCUSE ME!?!” Joel
“The memory loss can’t be affecting you yet you’re still young! And hip!!” Gem
“These colors…evoke nothing.” Grian
“Hope you’re ready ‘cause I’m not. Ok, come over here against this wall.” Joel
“You see Skizz this is a new trick for you. See how we give people arms?” Gem
“Boys!” Gem
“OH MY GOD YOU DID IT! That is SO GOOD Skizz” Gem
“She acts like I’m splitting the atom!” Skizz
“And I have NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS!!” Skizz
“You fools don’t know your baseball!!” Jim
“I can’t tell him that he’s naked!!!” Jim
“It’s Clippy’s evil twin!” Grian
“Duh nuh nenenene dur nuh nenenene!” Grian
“Would you steal a car?” Jim
“Skizz we kept this so American for you! We’ve got baseball, basketball, a mutant in the bed!!” Grian
“Another successful chunk of madness and the friendships stay intact!” Skizz
“I hate you guys. Genuinely.” Jim
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boatem-probler · 2 days
Guess the Build Doubles Quotes Part Two
“Skizz I don’t know” Joel
“Martyn WHAT have I built?” Gem
“Yeah cool uhh fine!” Grian
“D-WHAT IS THIS?!?!” Gem
“NO WE HAVEN’T!!!!” Gem
“Martyn. WHAT. THE. HECK! IS THIS???” Gem
“Let’s cover this over, we don’t want to spoil everybody!” Martyn
“Horrified.” Gem
“Say it three times and it might appear!” Martyn
“Still friends at the end right?” Grian
“Not sure” Martyn
“Sorry what a heathen I am” Martyn
“A chair! The plot thickens!!” Grian
“With your brains and my building we’ve come together” Joel
“‘Course you had to nerd it up Martyn! For goodness sake!!” Joel
“I feel ill!!” Grian
“ME TOO!!!” Gem
“That’s a certified Gem build!” Martyn
“And I was like ‘nah’” Grian
“It caught the sun!” Martyn
“That is sunburn!!” Jim
“Summer’s coming get ready!” Martyn
“You need some aftersun on that!” Jim
“‘Ello Gem it’s me gov’na!” Joel
“You’re happy! You love this!!” Skizz
“It’s just gotta be a big white guy!” Gem
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boatem-probler · 2 days
Guess the Build Doubles Quotes Part One
“We love a good twist ‘round here” Joel
“I am notoriously good at this” Skizz
“It’s a real flood of vom” Martyn
“[the lizards] he loves-they’re like children to him” Joel
“He’s WIIIIIDE!” Joel
“Otherwise it looks like he’s a bit of a contortionist” Joel
“It’s not gone…well” Grian
“There’s a lotta noise in this melon buddy” Skizz
“A pizza…ITS A PIZZA!!” Jim
“What the great googly moogly is this?” Grian
“Right, this is as far as we can get without things getting weird.” Grian
“Long…philangies coming out the top” Grian
“You’ve forgot eleventeen!” Martyn
“We’re best buds! We will not sabotage!” Joel
“When someone says: ‘there’s no such thing as perfect’ you just say: ‘the other side of the pillow’” Grian
“Su-phea what’s a su-phea?” Joel
“They’re stupid” Joel
“Yeah, yeah, um. Listen. Do your best. Lateral thinking here Jim!” Grian
“I just saw it-it jus-IT HAPPENED OK?!?” Skizz
“He looks absolutely baffled. He’s never seen that block in his life.” Jim
“He’s like ‘what is this dude? What is this man? I’ve never seen this block man before man! Grian what are you giving me man?’” Joel
“I am all busted up here.” Skizz
“Skizz doesn’t process information as fast as the rest of us” Grian
“Right so this is a bit of a puzzle” Grian
“You-you made us do equations!” Jim
“Let’s agree. That was a disaster.” Jim
“No but genuinely what the heck is this thing?” Joel
“Oh! What are you doing back here???” Joel
“It’s far better than wizard pig” Grian
“Oh my god” Grian
“Gravity is a bit stronger and that Jim” Grian
“It’s not really important I’m just teaching you a lesson” Grian
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boatem-probler · 4 days
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Meeting time!
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boatem-probler · 5 days
Some of the cast members of guess the build, as portrayed and built by the cast members of guess the build
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boatem-probler · 5 days
just Bathroom Peanuts'd myself in the group chat 😔
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boatem-probler · 5 days
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glad to see etho's back again
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boatem-probler · 6 days
It's Triple Feature Night in... Tokyo Soul!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / You Are Here! / 6
There are THREE days in this report, because I was speeding through them so I could get to the Lizzie Episodes. Also Grian isn't in most of these ones, he's too busy being locked in the basement dungeon.
This report contains mentions of: slavery "jokes", death, violence, blood, stalking, sexual harassment.
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
This Time...
Episode 16 – BUY A TAURTIS!
I’m just gonna cut right to the chase – Sam is doing a full-on master-slave roleplay thing with the Taurtis clones, and it is not played as fetishy at all, even jokingly, it is really just. Slavery. It’s a whole thing. It’s not funny. The whole episode is sort of about it. Sorry.
Anyway, there are now four Taurtises, the new one is Taurissa. And there’s a Taurtis626 in the chat now? Coming back to this later because I think I figured it out. Taurtis00 found a sailor fuku in a barn and changed her name to Taurissa00. Trans rights. Taurtis69 is still Taurtis69, not the one who exploded, a different one. And Taurtis626 just showed up overnight. Everything clear now? Great!
Anyway Taurtis seems to be attracted to Taurissa.
Sam claims to not know where Grian is.
On the way to school, they find Jerry in the park. He’s another Taurtis clone, but sort of wall-eyed. Also he types in a manner that makes it clear he is meant to be stupid in an ableist caricature way.
Sam tries to auction off some of the Taurtis clones at school. Jamberite asks which ones are good for experimenting. I have no idea what is meant to be up with her.
Oh Geode’s smile is even wider now. But at least his eye is back.
Anyway he and Dr. Nurse MD each buy a Taurtis, before Señor Loro comes in to bust things up. Everybody scatters.
Except Nurse MD. Who apparently has DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE?? Señor Loro is talking to him like he’s an alcoholic. Eventually Nurse MD relents.
Anyway. The chupacabra fucking Got Tori. Sam chases him out of the school. Everyone goes back to the classroom to poke Tori’s head with sticks. Señor Loro walks in on this. He tells the class not to tell anyone this happened, because they “don’t have insurance”. He goes off to find a substitute teacher.
Sam and Taurtis decide that Jerry should be the substitute.
Jerry teaches the class about JerryKats. They are made out of Jerry and Cats, apparently.
“This is the most I’ve learned since we’ve been at this school, to be honest.” – Taurtis
Dr. Nurse makes Taurtis put on a sexy nurse outfit. He says he wanted to make Grian wear it. He also says it’s his fetish. Oh god and now Kurokuma’s here WHY. There is a limit to how much of this one guy on the internet can take, you know.
Anyway, basically, the “lesson” is Dr. Nurse MD letting this creepy old man harass Taurtis in front of the class.
After class, they run into Jorje the goat, and attempt to warn him about the chupacabra, but he’s more interested in flirting with Jerry. Señor Loro shows up and “confiscates” Jerry.
Today is swimming day in gym class! Time to see if all those Taurtis clones are still in the pool! They are not!
Episode 18 – TAURTIS IS DEAD!
They all go into the locker room to change. In Taurtis’s locker there is a note. Written by Taurtis. That he doesn’t remember writing. It says:
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Taurtis is freaking the fuck out.
Taurissa claims she can’t get in the pool because she is having a baby.
Igbar is just having a great fucking time swimming.
In Professor Geode’s class, Sam and Taurtis attempt to glean clues from Geode’s behavior to help them figure out if Taurtis is really a clone. Unfortunately, Geode’s behavior is rather erratic, because today is Teacher Inspection Day!
Geode has prepared an entire decoy classroom that he hurries all the students into before Señor Loro shows up. Geode is suddenly wearing a chef’s outfit and pretending to be a teacher called Mr. Dayman. Señor Loro is completely fooled, much to Taurtis’s chagrin.
Then they all go back to Geode’s actual classroom, where Geode confirms that Taurtis is, in fact, a clone. But he’s also constantly backpedaling and trying to deny the existence of clones outright, and Taurtis is clinging onto this.
Geode takes a blood sample from Taurtis by hitting him with a knife.
They run into Jerry after school, who says that “the goat” is dangerous and scary.
Episode 19 – TEACHER CHUPA!
It’s a new day! Taurissa made salmon for everyone. Taurtis tries to eat a cactus. Taurissa explodes. Jerry takes this as a sign that their time has almost come and they’re all doomed. He says their “expiration date” is near, and they need an “antidote” that Professor Geode made. They figure they can ask Geode about it at school.
Outside, Jorje is trying to find Jerry. He’s also wearing a school uniform now. Sam and Taurtis tell him that Jerry expired while Jerry sneaks out the back door.
Jorje is already in the school lobby (lobby? Do schools have lobbies?) when they get there. He’s talking to the chupacabra, who is wearing a suit. He’s the new teacher. Unclear if Jorje recognizes him as the chupacabra, but Señor Loro definitely doesn’t.
The boys go to Geode’s classroom. Geode’s smile, somehow, is Even Wider now. He also disappears mysteriously.
The bell rings, and it’s time for Mr. Chupa’s class! It’s a History class, apparently. Also, the classroom is full of candles and cushions arranged in a wonky circle with a dead-looking bonsai in the middle of it, so I’m sure nothing weird at all will happen in this class.
Mr. Chupa leads the class in a meditation exercise. The meditation is mostly about Goats. Also Sam and Taurtis accidentally tell Jorje where Jerry is hiding.
Episode 20 – DR NURSE MD!
Nurse MD has decided to dedicate this class to teaching his students why they will all be terrible parents. They’re doing the thing where everyone has to take care of an egg, but in pairs, and also they’re encouraged to try to break other people’s eggs.
The eggs are actual Minecraft eggs. You can imagine how this goes.
Taurtis626 explodes at the back of the class and Sam literally Does Not Notice.
Jerry is pretending to be a potted plant.
Dr. Nurse MD literally has to come out into the hallway and GET THEM because none of them noticed Taurtis626 exploding. He just walks up and asks them to explain why his classroom is covered in blood. It's the funniest fucking thing.
They rush to Geode’s class again, where he very slowly tells them about the antidote. Taurtis69 explodes (again). The bell rings and Geode refuses to tell them anything else, because they need to go to gym class.
The gym teacher isn’t there. It turns out that Señor Loro hired Jerry as the replacement gym teacher.
Episode 21 – GEODE’S DUNGEON!
Jerry is having some difficulties controlling the class and fending off Jorje at the same time, so nothing has really been done by the time the bell rings.
Taurtis hurries them along to Geode’s class, because he can “feel his innards bubbling”.
Geode announces that the class is going on a field trip, and will be playing a game on the way there called “don’t get caught by Señor Loro”. They get caught by Señor Loro as soon as they step outside the school. Geode quickly puts on a ginger fake mustache.
Geode takes them to the dump, and tells them whoever digs the most will get a prize! Taurtis is convinced Geode took them to the dump because that’s where the antidote is.
Sam: “I mean, I really doubt he cares, at all.” Taurtis: “We’re his creations, Sam, of course he cares about us!”
Sorry Taurtis but I think I’m with Sam on this one, actually. Sentences I never thought I would say.
Taurtis immediately falls down a hole. At the bottom of the hole are, apparently, “a bunch of heads”. Sam jumps down to see. The heads don’t appear to be from anyone we’ve seen, but they sure are a bunch of heads.
Meanwhile, Igbar finds a “demon sword”.
Dom gets angry about everyone destroying his home, because apparently he lives at the dump now.
Taurtis continues to ask Geode about the antidote. Geode tells him that the antidote is “safe at home” in his vault.
Sam tunnels into Dom’s house, which is inside a hollowed-out trash heap.
Sam and Taurtis sneak out of class to break into Geode’s house. They bring Dom with them, because Dom is good at parkour and would therefore, they reason, also be good at breaking and entering. They also pick up Jerry on the way.
Geode’s house is very mad scientist-core, it’s got the beakers, the metal floors, the big test tubes, the whole shebang. The test tubes are each labeled “Test Subject [number] – Failure”. There’s also another container labeled “Samples of Taurtis’s Garbage”.
Taurtis opens up a manhole cover on the floor leading to a basement with At Least One Skull in it. Sam and Dom go down the ladder on the other side of the room. Taurtis is stuck in a cage. They all work to break down the cage door while Sam and Taurtis argue over whose fault this is.
Taurtis: “You know I love jumping down mysterious holes.”
They unlock a door in Geode’s office with a lever from their house that Taurtis had in his pocket. Inside is a block of coal labeled “The Perfect Taurtis”.
They go down a different ladder into a larger basement. There’s a big door with a bunch of levers next to it and a sign reading “Secret Taurtis Gloop Vault – password: 1”. There are also more Taurtis clones, and one Dom clone for some reason? They’re theorizing it was the milk. None of the Taurtis clones are moving, but the Dom clone is. He’s Dom3 according to the chat. They break him out. He and Dom immediately start flirting with each other.
Sam inputs the password into the vault and the door opens, revealing chests full of “Icky, Sticky, Taurtis Gloop”. Taurtis drinks a bottle. Jerry isn’t looking too hot. Geode has arrived to “take care of his children”. They all hide behind various Taurtis clones.
One of the clones apparently wants to take Geode on a date. Geode responds, “Why, of course, Chosen One”. So, that’s a thing that’s happening I guess.
Geode notices the gloop vault has been opened. Everyone bolts. Geode’s house is connected to a train station, so they’re able to hide there while Geode runs past them. Geode yells that he is going to inform his superiors.
Jerry doesn’t feel so good. Taurtis gives him a bottle of goop. Jerry’s head swells up, but nothing else happens. Apparently he was able to hold the explosion in, like a sneeze.
Back at home, Taurtis wonders if he has a number, and figures out by typing in the chat that he is Taurtis2.
Since Pug already covered these episodes in this post, I don't focus too much on what's actually happening moment-to-moment, but more so the little details and the things related to the ongoing Tokyo Soul, uh, "plot". So my "summary" probably won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't either read Pug's summary or watched the episodes yourself.
You know, I had assumed the Star Wars Day Special would have been posted on May the 4th, but no, it was posted on January 19th. Is this like one of those “Christmas in July” things?
Taurtis claims that “Grian used to always make us breakfast”. Not sure when this is meant to have happened, since they rarely eat on screen in either series, from what I’ve seen, and also they’ve been in Tokyo for Exactly One Week by my count, but maybe this is just one of those things where one of these kids will just fully make something up about another one of them.
Grian: “Do you know what he did???” Taurtis: “He’s done a lot of things…”
This is the funniest possible description of Sam to me. He’s done a lot of things.
Grian doesn’t know who Jerry is. He says he heard a bunch of Taurtises talking and then he “kinda went to sleep for a while”. He was there when they rescued a bunch of clones from the pool, so he knows about the clones, but the last time there were more than two Taurtis clones in the house was Yesterday Morning, which sort of implies that Grian has been Depression Napping for at least an entire day. Just thought you guys might want to know that.
Grian also asks if Sam named Jerry that because of “what happened to me”. This Kills The Man.
Grian has a very blasé reaction to being told that Taurtis is dead and the one walking around with them is a clone, but I guess there’s a lot going on in his life.
He also doesn’t really react to hearing that Tori was killed. I guess even if she was a pretty reasonable person they still didn’t do a whole lot in her class.
Taurtis wants to join the Stormtroopers because they’re all clones.
Just wanna point out that they’re learning to use the Force from the chupacabra. How the hell did the chupacabra learn how to use the Force?
Sam lost the egg he was supposed to be taking care of for Dr. Nurse’s class and goes looking around for one to “borrow”, which means we get to see inside Igbar von Squid’s locker! He has emergency breathing helmets, a gun named “Humie Hunter”, some raw fish, and some kind of crystalline thing named “Hyooman Souls”, so that’s interesting.
Okay why does Dr. Nurse suddenly want Geode dead I wasn’t under the impression he was part of this plotline. We’ll see if that actually sticks around past this special I guess.
Dr. Nurse: “Boys, I am trusting you, with all of my idiotic heart.” Taurtis: “There’s your first mistake.”
It’s occurring to me that aside from a couple remarks about not wanting to be in a cramped closet with him, Grian’s venom towards Dr. Nurse is still mostly about his intelligence/teaching skills. Which, like, makes sense since Grian wasn’t there for the whole… nurse outfit thing. But it’s still a little disconcerting to me.
Not sure why Geode is Jabba the Hutt suddenly, but okay. I mean. Star Wars Special is why, but. You know what I mean (I don’t even know what I mean).
Mr. Chupa fully eats a student. Will it last? Vote now on your phones.
Theory: everyone is being pushed by some cosmic force into playing the role of whatever Star Wars character they’re dressed as. Wouldn’t be the strangest thing that’s happened in this town. Definitely wouldn’t be the strangest thing that will ever happen in this town, we haven’t even gotten to Cthulu yet.
Also all the stormtroopers are Taurtis clones. Sam and Grian kill a bunch of them in the process of climbing an AT-AT.
We’ll also have to see if the principal stays dead after the special because they kill him too, because he’s Darth Vader or something.
They shove all the Taurtis clone Stormtroopers into the basement dungeon. They find Taurtis69’s diary in the process, which reveals that he dug the room out himself, and then later on Jerry decorated it. Sam goes inside to see for himself and Grian locks him in. Happy ending!
No Trauma Count This Time Because Pug Already Took Care of That
Something I'm thinking about. Taurtis is unavailable: Grian and Sam fuck around in a superstore for a couple episodes. Grian is unavailable: huge personal revelations. Out-of-story, it feels weirdly like Grian is still being considered as a "guest" character even though he's been on the show for a while now.
In-story though. Taurtis is Important, it's Important that Taurtis is There. But it's not quite as Important that it be the same Taurtis the whole time. In Sam's mind in Yandere High School, and now in the narrative itself in Tokyo Soul, there just has to be someone present who can fit in a Taurtis-shaped outline.
Idk. I'm Chewing On It.
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boatem-probler · 6 days
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doc's mailbox discussion from tango's stream today
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boatem-probler · 7 days
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Joe: Welcome, welcome! It's not much for now but it beats being out there
Skizz: It's cosy! Are we your first visitors?
Joe: Almost. Tango joined me here first.
Joe: He's working some redstone magic up ahead. Calls it the Loveificator or somesuch.
Mumbo: Yeah that doesn't sound suspicious or anything.
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Skizz: Oooh! Mumbo! Now that we're married, you know what that means?
Mumbo: ....no?..
Skizz: I need to make up a nickname for you!
Mumbo: Oh!
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Skizz: How abouuuut... Mambo Jambo!
Mumbo: err
Skizz: Mumble Jumble?
Mumbo: maybe-
Skizz: Jumbo Jet!
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Skizz: M J Jamerson!
Mumbo: How did we even get here?
Joe: Mumgle of the Jungle
Mumbo: Oh not you too
=> Pearl & Co: Ponder the portal
Time to choose the next POV to follow! Yes, you read it right, the next update will bring us back to Pearl, Gem, Grian and Scar. However, at the same time we will start observing a new player, with both perspectives playing out simultaneously. It should be an eventful night.
With that said:
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boatem-probler · 7 days
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Skizz: We're gonna crush it! You'll see! We just need to get back in that cave, get into the Nether portal-
Mumbo: -the what-
Skizz: -and we'll be set for the whole game! Just you trust me on this!
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Mumbo: Err, I don't think it's safe to do that right now, actually.
Skizz: Why not?
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Joe: Yoo hoo! Over here, lovebirds!
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Joe: Looking for a place to safely spend the night after losing everything but each other?
Joe: Well look no further than the patented Hunker Down Bunker!
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Joe: By the way, the matching suits are a great touch. You two look like you came here straight from your wedding!
Skizz: Oh haha you're so right dude, we do!
Mumbo: a-
Mumbo: it's-
Mumbo: Could you not?? say it like that??
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Skizz: So, puppet guy, are there any king size beds for our wedding night down in that bunker?
Joe: No, the sheep seem to have gone extinct, but we have some mighty comfortable stone!
Mumbo: I wish the zombies would hurry up and end this already.
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