bugpill · 2 hours
This is amazing! Thanks so much
Ok so I am part of the aroace community and my friend is aromantic but heterosexual and a cis guy. Im trying to tell him that he fits into the queer community just as much as anyone else, but it’s hard to reassure him because he feels really lost. He feels like he doesn’t really belong in any community.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can help my friend?
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bugpill · 2 hours
Thanks so much for this!
My friend thanked me sincerely when I showed him the flag and then said “Oh shit reminds me of OIRELAND!!!!!! 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🍺🍺🍺”
But seriously, thank you and everyone else who has responded to this it means a lot
Happy pride guys ✌️
Ok so I am part of the aroace community and my friend is aromantic but heterosexual and a cis guy. Im trying to tell him that he fits into the queer community just as much as anyone else, but it’s hard to reassure him because he feels really lost. He feels like he doesn’t really belong in any community.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can help my friend?
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bugpill · 22 hours
Ok so I am part of the aroace community and my friend is aromantic but heterosexual and a cis guy. Im trying to tell him that he fits into the queer community just as much as anyone else, but it’s hard to reassure him because he feels really lost. He feels like he doesn’t really belong in any community.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can help my friend?
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bugpill · 2 days
“We should celebrate the sexual aspects of queer pride” and “Queer happiness can exist without sex” are statements than can and should coexist btw
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bugpill · 3 days
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Is declining to perform at the White House due to the administration's failure to actually protect LGBT and women's rights and for the president's role in an ongoing genocide reactionary conservatism? Is framing an artist you find tacky as unintelligent MAGA trailer trash for growing up poor progressive?
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bugpill · 4 days
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bugpill · 5 days
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A bomb dropped by a queer or trans soldier still kills (art by JB Brager)
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bugpill · 5 days
hey black stripe for romantic individuals who go against the traditional culture of romance is pretty based actually. i wish we still talked about that
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bugpill · 5 days
Hey my dudes can you all reblog this with your favorite pride related memes? 👀👀 I’m starving out here lmao
I’ll start with some I have
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bugpill · 9 days
Happy pride please be normal about queer people in “hetero looking” relationships and queer people that “don’t look queer”
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bugpill · 10 days
Hi there 👋
you can call me Frances (they/he)
This is a sideblog shared by myself and a few others share our opinions, experiences, and thoughts on several topics that mainly revolve around queerness, identity, and neurodivergence!
We tag our original posts with #ourvoice and whoever wrote the post (ex. #Frances)
None of us would like to share our main blogs, as we want this to be a separate space for us to share our personal business in a way that doesn’t tie us to our online identities! Please be respectful of that~
If you’d like to know more about us individually, we will be working on our own personal intro posts that will eventually be linked here under the cut!
Frances - they/he
June - they/she
Penny - she/it
Emma - she/her
Kendall - he/she/it
Clover - she/they
Matt - he/him
Sage - they/them
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bugpill · 1 month
The more I learn about aromanticism the more I realize I’m probably on the aro spectrum
I have a very difficult time distinguishing romantic love from platonic love and for the most part, the feelings I associate with squishes are mostly identical to crushes, with the only different factor being sexual attraction, which, is also sometimes hard for me to distinguish right away
If I develop any non-platonic feelings for someone, it usually* happens after being friends for awhile first, and I typically “unlock” sexual attraction before any romantic feelings develop.
*there have been times where I’ll experience sexual attraction much faster, like a few hours or days, in comparison to romantic attraction which typically takes at minimum a month to develop depending on how close we are in that time frame
So yeah, I’m not totally sure what labels suit me the best or if I’ll ever open up about this irl, but if anyone has advice I’d love to hear it
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bugpill · 5 months
talks with my friends who are going to kink parties and having t4t orgies and doing petplay and then goes to sleep in my childhood bedroom and dreams of the snow, and rain
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